No tracer is not character 4, lol

But yes is a female character that is absolutely not expected in anyway. There will be fuck ton of wtf reactions, and it is tied to an upcoming switch port. And I'll say that bird and starling hints actually do mean something. I'll I'm saying for now.

Attached: fighters-pass-1038x576.jpg (1038x576, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:

One more very small hint

They're in.

Attached: 987675.png (1920x1080, 3.39M)

Reimu? Morrigan? I really don't care as long as Overwatch stays far away from Smash Bros.

Attached: 7d266abc71f0a379e00fad4989e127ef.jpg (500x375, 24K)

fuck off faker

I don't get it.

Etna from Disgaea?

Death Cab for Cutie confirmed.

Attached: nakosnkallstars.jpg (690x913, 56K)

Lara Croft

hey guess what
>Image of a bird
>Starlings are black
>Black Eagles


Attached: Slider_Shin_Sakura_Taisen.jpg (670x385, 58K)

Attached: lip_by_fangstrizerss-db4eava.jpg (828x966, 110K)

if they really wanted to reference black eagles they would have posted an actual black eagle you idiot

Attached: Black_eagle.jpg (371x500, 63K)


I'd be so happy

I'd take it.

>says fuck
You don't work at Nintendo

>switch port
It's a hat in time isnt it. FUCK


>muh female rep
Stop and listen to the truth

Attached: 1566854989523.png (1730x355, 161K)

here are your dlc bro

Attached: 3543654356.png (1712x954, 2.34M)

She's in.
Deal with it, virgins.

>nintendo exclusive barring a mobile game
>easily recognizable
>represents a genre not represented in smash yet
>female and cute
>easily fits as a wtf pick

She's in and i'm fucking hype

Attached: 71-EuGwUqtL._SY355_.png.jpg (355x355, 32K)

>announcing shit for next year
you failed

>Nintendo direct this late not focused on Christmas, but rather 2020 titles
lol get out of here.

Cucked from posting pictures. Thanks bots.
Character is Tron Bonne from Megaman Legends. Screenshot this. Legends 3 is back in development and timed exclusive to Switch.

Nice leak user

Attached: thanos howard.jpg (1000x934, 235K)

Attached: I-understood-that-reference.gif (500x269, 884K)

Is it Nakoruru?

Unironically hype, especially to see everyone seethe

Wait, scratch that. Edelgard?

I place my bet on Amaterasu with a switch port for Okami

It's way too late for Odyssey to be getting DLC at this point, if it gets any kind of follow up it's going to be a full sequel.

>a switch port for Okami
Welcome to literally a year ago

Attached: 1562101753248.jpg (2730x3640, 1.7M)

literally who

>No Brigandine
>the truth

>screencapping your own fake leak

Attached: i'm a computer and you're a faggot.png (1266x710, 1.02M)

What if instead of Travis it was Juliet Starling? People constantly pester Suda about a port for whatever reason and it hasn't left the PS360 era yet. WB and Nintendo have gotten a lot closer the past few years over Scribblenauts and MK more recently

I hate this picture

This. Just watch them transfer over Sham Shos instant kill mechanic. She will have a bar that she can fill with consecutive attacks and a secret input will allow her to instant kill when it's full. She will be the first character to be banned.

Also not having an ad for MMZ/ZX collection.

Rage bar on SamSho only fills when you receive damage or suicide

He's in

Attached: 73763C88-A1AF-4A07-9756-F37BA3A65BDD.png (253x400, 132K)

>Zoomer meme

This is the best case scenario


>>Zoomer meme
>uses zoomer meme
but wait, it was le epic irony amirite my fellow redditors XD? super trolled him right there didnt you
now off to post 1 buzzword and call it le btfo!!!

i dont know why is she is ignored so much.

makes sense in the context of the leak, i also love her potential for a moveset, even if princess athena is the default snk girl to choose since her moveset would just be a variation of hero.

Attached: kasumi-dead-or-alive-23262523-1579-2032.jpg (1579x2032, 447K)

Attached: 1472628319150.gif (600x600, 146K)

holy zoomer batman, stay mad kiddo.

She's in

Attached: images (38).jpg (499x614, 42K)

Ciri confirmed, idk why this is surprising to anyone.

The only realistic and expected picks are Doom Slayer and someone else, like Leon or Ryu Hayabusa.

Attached: 1541083746523.jpg (3000x3000, 523K)

Ding ding ding

>realistic and expected pick
Not in a million years.

Attached: 1561902757325.jpg (1175x642, 216K)

No gays allowed.

Doom's not happening, it struggles to pass the 10k sales mark in Japan.

Even fucking Shantae is bigger in Japan than Doom is.

Realistically, we've gotten:
>Joker, from a popular franchise with little history with Nintendo.
>Hero, from popular franchise as old as dirt with huge history with Nintendo
>BK, from popular franchise, stuck in the 90's-2000's, strongly associated with Nintendo
Under these parameters, which female 3rd party character would fit the bill?

Even if that's true that just boosts his chances more. Nintendo could pull a DQ scenario and try to market Doom Eternal to Japanese Smash fans.

>The only realistic and expected picks are Doom Slayer
stupid bandwagoners.

Jill, Morrigan, potentially Kasumi.

Do you have any better ideas.

They're not going to jeopardize their DLC sales to try to push an unpopular Western character.

Brainlet post

Smashtrannies need take their shit to /vg/ or /trash/ already

>They're not going to jeopardize their DLC sales to try to push an unpopular Eastern character.

See? I can do it. too. Just because a character isn't popular outside their home country doesn't mean shit. Now quit it with your made up "it doesn't appeal to japan so it can't get in" nonsense.

Attached: 108.jpg (680x382, 77K)

sure i do, but i dont expect optimus prime to actually get in.

Who are you and why should we listen?

i am (You) but stronger.

>That 5th slot
>Instead of some shit character from a shit multiplayer-only game it's another shit character from another shit multiplayer-only game

Attached: ctr_gun.jpg (422x429, 27K)

>Japanese company puts a Japanese character that's highly requested by the Japanese in their Japanese video game

You know damn well I was talking about Dragon Quest's popularity outside Japan. Don't play stupid.

this is the most based thing i've ever seen

She's in.

Attached: ammyface.gif (500x207, 468K)

>the days viewtiful joe was a common pick
maybe in 2008 lady.

The difference is JRPGs have an audience in America that does buy and typically the big franchise are respected by nonfans to a degree. Meanwhile FPS is one of the least marketable genres possible in Japan and they have almost no interest or respect for it. They outright despise it.

I really do think an indie character of some sort has a strong chances. Even if it's not Reimu, someone from that scene just feels right.

>Dark Samus and Ridley got in Smash despite being from a series (and genre [DS is from MP3:C and that was a fps game for fuck sake]) that doesn't appeal to Japanese audiences at all.
>Banjo got in Smash despite being a 100% Western rep.
>Joker uses a realistic fucking GUN.
>Yea Forums still honest to god thinks Doomguy can't get in Smash after all that.

These retards are running out of straws to grasp.

Attached: 1439081479747.jpg (407x430, 24K)

See you in September Doomies. Your tears will be so delicious.

Attached: smug tracer.png (477x524, 423K)

>nintendo exclusive barring a mobile game
her upcoming game is supposedly also for ps4

Attached: bubbig.gif (600x269, 10K)

Ph...Phoenix bros..?

Attached: Bg_01.png (400x600, 272K)

Gravity Rush 1 and 2 port for Switch along with Kat in Smash? That would honestly be great.

Impressive how you got those words to go from your ass to the screen.

I'm pretty sure neptune fits this description. If she got in it would be a dream come true for me but im not gonna hold my breath.

Attached: Neptune_(Hyperdimension_Neptunia).png (341x479, 137K)

Fellas, I think we’re forgetting the most obvious pick if we’re talking both female fighter AND lgbt representation...

Attached: 4BE43039-DD4D-4D5A-B5DD-5AA21755E613.png (200x291, 59K)

See you after all 5 DLC characters are revealed and not a single fucking one is Doomguy.

>popular franchise as old as dirt with history with nintendo

Attached: Arle.png (220x343, 75K)

>blocks your path
nothing personal, shitfuck

Attached: what a shitload of fuck.jpg (453x302, 24K)

Another hero stolen from All-Star Battle Royale's rosterpool! Huzzah!

>"Doomguy can't get in Smash because of my made up rules!"
You keep talking but that's all I'm hearing.

>Crash Bandicoot and Leon Kennedy
>Frisk and Doomguy
>Travis Touchdown and Heavy
>Cooking Mama and Ryu Hayabusa
>Reimu and Sylux

You can only choose one to be the final two characters. Choose wisely.

Attached: 24BDF96B-ED0F-406F-9394-4353CF0FE0D0.jpg (901x599, 40K)

Doomies never learn do they? Yikes.

Attached: tracer lol.jpg (1024x576, 82K)


>>nintendo exclusive barring a mobile game
I too remember Persona 5 and Banjo&Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, being Nintendo exclusives.

Steve we know it's you under there.

I'd actually be hyped

Attached: Chara02 (1).png (444x853, 117K)

anything for crash
although, i also like the travis/heavy timeline

Name a bigger waste of time than Smash DLC threads. What's even the point?

Persona Q2 is Nintendo exclusive, and I like how you had to be very selective about B&K

Persona is only part of the SMT series by technicality.
No one cares actually takes this technicality seriously since Persona is shit by comparison.


Attached: gouki.png (1024x1024, 446K)

This is what Steve was trying to warn us about.

I would absolutely be okay with this.

Love Ryu but I gotta go Crash and Leon

discuss characters and franchises you like while laughing at others for arbitrary reasons.
Its comfy, been doing it for about 10 years.

>Persona is only part of the SMT series by technicality.
I mean like, if by "technicality" you mean that Persona 1 directly follows from SMT: If...

Into the trash your irrelevant, forced, gambling sim "games" go.

Attached: trash.png (680x697, 373K)

Crash is a no brainer and Leon would be and he is iconic. Frisk and Doomguy would be insane too see though. I want my son Travis to be in but I’m not all too into Heavy.

>obscure female character

Are you guys fucking kidding how blind are you it is shantae. Way Wayforward has been jerking themselves off way too much for it not to be her

Frisk and Doomguy. If one of the teams had Sora I'd have chosen that.

user I...

Attached: F28A7E5B-D4A6-46DC-BFE3-99FF87A90868.jpg (1200x675, 152K)

Shakes things up!

I think it will be a random NPC from Zelda BOTW. Maybe that old lady who lives in Kakariko Village and is the mother of the hot girl who has a tattoo on her pussy.

>only realistic and expected picks are Doom Slayer

Tales of Symphonia PLEASE

Attached: EC6JttZWkAA4sL0.jpg (1384x2048, 246K)

>Her recovery is changing her gravity direction to literally walk up the wall/fall up toward the sky

Busted as fuck.


I wish. God damn do I wish. I wish it so much that it would actually convince me to finally buy a Switch.

Monster Hunter female is obscure.

I wouldn't mind Frisk. S/he's a cute kid and would bring something new to the table. Plus it makes more sense than that lazy fuck of a meme skeleton.

Attached: “_お気に入りフリスク 過去絵 #undertale #アンダーテール”.png (540x521, 337K)

What are these bird and starling hints OP speaks of?

Sans doesn't make any sense to me because they've never included a not-main character over the MC before. Plus, technically Sans being able to fight is a spoiler even though most likely know that

>*steals tracer's invitation*

Attached: 250.png (250x404, 106K)

She's in

Attached: bioshock-infinite-elizabeth.jpg (660x371, 72K)

>is female
>is unexpected
>has the mech
would be absolutely based

Attached: 1454114753298.gif (560x582, 45K)

Ryufags are the new Stevefags, it's honestly autistic as fuck now. People label anyone that wants Kasumi as the same boogeyman & create non existant rules as to why she won't be in. I've never seen a character that makes Yea Forums seethe as much as Kasumi

Its Saber. All of her alt skins are different Saberfaces. Her final smash is Excalibur. The Emiya residence, Ryuudo Temple, and UBW are stages. Gilgamesh and Archer appear as assist trophies.

You KNOW it's going to happen.

>Wayforward has been jerking themselves off way too much for it not to be her

They been doing that since the Gamecube era because Matt is a shill faggot that want to remind all Nintendofags that his trash mascot exists despite being from a mediocre series with only one good game

Attached: 1446436559769.png (500x445, 198K)

Tracerfags are the new Stevefags


Don't come crying to me when you don't get your fucking way.

Attached: 1566935272690.jpg (3500x2000, 2.41M)

Based. Syrup would be my number one never-ever pick if it wasn’t for Mach Rider.

But I definitely would have the queen of the pirates be the second Wario rep if I had the power to do so.

Attached: 24468A2B-4CD1-47FA-B997-8A62365EBDC8.jpg (600x764, 101K)


Reimu and Sylux.

Just like in PSASBR!



relevancy and sales dont matter faggot



>abducts and anal probes tracer to death
nothing personal overwankers

Attached: space-invaders-black-400x400.png (400x400, 6K)

Besides the Switch case, is there anything else to suggest that she might be in? I would definitely rather have Steve over her.

Attached: The true nightmare.gif (512x444, 919K)

Zoomers don't know Samsho, they hardly even know Dragon Quest. Hopefully it'll get the Smashtards to play good games, online could use some more players.

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 21K)

>nintendo exclusive barring a mobile game
The new one is on PS4 though

Considering that Doom Eternal is a highly anticipated 2019 game and is getting pushed hard this year by Nintendo and Bethesda, I could see it happening. Listen if Doom is being treated like a big deal just like Dragon Quest has been then it's a possibility.

Listen. I'm sorry but out of almost everyone (except Leon, Crash, and Ryu Hayabusa), he's one of the third party contenders that make the most sense to me.

Attached: 1454995716086.png (206x182, 30K)

It's Laura croft

holy kek

Attached: erection in progress.jpg (680x581, 83K)

Came here just to say LETS FUCKING GO!

Attached: 15XOTWe.jpg (3891x2000, 1.02M)

now that's the kind of OC we need

Attached: 1477728328775.jpg (1087x1080, 112K)

The real 4th one

Attached: Brave_Blanc.png (654x1000, 718K)

>pushed hard this year by Nintendo
Citation needed.

Not to mention her newest game is releasing on the Switch in winter. Just in time for a direct showcasing it along with an announcement.



How do you explain Corrin and Bayonetta then

Watch it be Hatsune Miku in a mecha

shes in

Attached: reisz.jpg (794x496, 72K)

But Edelgard is expected and she's not tied to an upcoming Switch port.

Reimu and Sylux

Okay fine, you win. I'm going to tell you what the bird has been alluding to. The 4th character pick is only relevant to total weebs, and even then she is niche. But she is a gaming icon that represents a gaming genre. Sorry bros.

Attached: CGMZ10-e.png (360x430, 154K)

It'll be Reimu and Miku. Just accept it already.

Even more tumblr and gay than Tracer. Fuck off

>upcoming switch port
She's in.

Attached: ZX_Aile.png (620x1283, 387K)

Also if you want a heads up on how she will play out, look up an old game called Eternal Fighter Zero.

>Stubbs port on switch
Jesus I didnt know how bad I needed this until now

also box theory with vent alt.

Attached: EC_iaLoU8AApFZV.jpg_large.jpg (1104x1768, 208K)

I don't know who any of these characters are but I gotta say I fucking love this one already.

>pushed hard by nintendo
nintendo only put out two tweets for eternal
even TWEWY had unironically a bigger push on their end

Attached: perfect roster.png (720x715, 1.02M)

>Considering that Doom Eternal is a highly anticipated 2019 game and is getting pushed hard this year by Nintendo and Bethesda
A. It isn’t. Its pushed as hard as any other standard AAA game
B. There is still no Persona 5 and a new/remaster B&K on the switch.

It's Leon and Crash.

Attached: 1566502472548.png (589x441, 459K)

Mym/Brunhilda from Dragalia. Nintendo character, female, nobody pushing for it, game about to have the 1 year anniversary...

Does anyone really believe this.

Notice how the only recent smash leak that had any effort put into it was that literally who bug dude screenshot?
Why can’t someone go full ruse mode and make another one?
Honestly those threads go way smoother and on topic due to people just trying to disprove it.

I can believe Crash but not Leon.

>upcoming switch port
They making an actual DL game tho?

It at least has something to back it up unlike 90% of smash """leaks""""

>Sol Badguy over Ragna?


Attached: 3t0ly8tcjg421.gif (554x554, 2.29M)

Seething doomcuck.

Attached: 1564669482004.png (575x363, 137K)

>Instead of some shit character from a shit multiplayer-only game it's a chad character from a chad multiplayer-only game
never gonna happening but would be kino

>Bethesda is pushing Doom Eternal hard

Gee it's almost like that's their only fucking big release this year

Fine, I'll bite.
>tied to the upcoming Switch port (Witcher 3)
>ties to the birds (Zireael=Swallow)

Attached: Ciri.jpg (1920x1080, 420K)

I just don't see how horror of all things can be represented in Smash without looking stupid. I'm sorry but Leon just doesn't feel like a realistic pick to me.
Why do you care so much about what some twitter randos think.

would buy

I can't think of a character I'd expect less, but want more.

What if they both get in?



Attached: starling.png (250x265, 149K)

>I just don't see how horror of all things can be represented in Smash without looking stupid

You would have said the same thing about Snake before he got in

>Crash and Leon
Call me a bandwagoner all you want, but I've wanted Crash in Smash long before Banjo was announced.

MGS is fun and goofy enough of the time to work. Resident Evil simply cannot work.

>steve's ghost
You leave that faggot out of this.

>MGS is fun and goofy enough of the time to work.

Resident Evil has characters punching boulders and suplexing spanish villagers. You can play as a fucking block of tofu in RE2.

MVC2 made Jill work pretty well. It can be done if Sakurai wanted it to be done.

I'd be unironically hyped. I've wanted an SNK rep since Ryu got in Sm4sh. I'd have probably picked a three-in-one Kyo/Beni/Daimon team or Terry first but Nakoruru would be a nice choice.


I can't wait for the next two fighters to be revealed so this circlejerk of arguments and shitposting will end.

People will just speculate about the possibility of bonus characters or DLC wave 2, then.

MGS is a stealth series. RE is a HORROR series. Smash and Horror cannot MIX. Jesus this is like asking if Silent Hill can be represented in Smash. The answer is no. It's impossible.

Fps games like Metroid Prime and Doom can be represented in Smash with ease. But Horror cannot.

Attached: jpg.jpg (690x388, 39K)

No, I'm not one of the retards who wants shit characters in the game ironically. Le funny joke character has no substance after the joke has worn off

Travis and Heavy, easy. You could put Travis with fucking anybody and I'd pick him over those other ones.

I take it you never played RE4.

Or any RE.

CM and Ryu

Zoomers won't get it. But if this means there's a switch port of Mischief makers then that's a good thing


>UPCOMING Switch port

Everything else checks out though.

Resident Evil has already been fighting games before. Even if I don't think it's happening if Sakurai wanted Jill or Leon in he'd make it happen.

Cringe but redpilled

If stealth can be represented in smash so can horror, by your logic. Captain falcon is in the game and he's from a futuristic racer

It's 2B.
Enjoy your Nier Automata port.

Switch version still isn't out yet

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-27 at 2.03.48 PM.png (532x300, 43K)

Not so fast, fellow ZXchads

Attached: 07123B81-090A-49CC-9BFD-B3A1E866BA04.jpg (1189x899, 81K)

Crash and Leon
Not even a hint of doubt in my choice

Ah, then she 100% checks out. My bad.

What? Why?

>nobody still can come up with a solid reason as to why it wouldn't get a rep

Attached: large.original.jpg.fff97038386b8c5c0463f7f82419852f.jpg (1280x720, 39K)

Its Crash and Lloyd Irving, now give these threads a break already.

Attached: 1533097834991.gif (268x185, 1.43M)

Holy shit 2b has a huge chance, I never even thought of that.

Boring ass pick though

We have 2 more weeks of this shit.

Attached: 1514792144081.jpg (496x600, 34K)

Some people think Sylux is happening to promote MP4. He's heavily implied to be the games primary antagonist, and he's the only major Metroid character not featured in the game. It also would make sense if the DLC was chosen by executives and higher ups as MP4 would be a game in need of heavy Smash promotion given Metroid's more niche nature.

Sylux is one of those characters people sometimes speculate about because he doesn't have a spirit in the game despite being a pretty prominent character in his series relative to other characters that got spirits. He's basically in the same camp as Porky, Poochy, and Adeleine.

Gotta go Travis and Heavy. Leon, Doomguy, Reimu are all great but they're dragged down by their pairings. Cooking Mama and Ryu are both great, but I think T/H would give a better variety of gameplay

How would any rep work? normal people with guns, all the special things about the series are in the villains and enemies.

Porky has a spirit, just not with his name directly attached to it. It's a reference to the games ending instead.

Idk dude I'd cry of joy

It's a great ass pick

See snake
Alternatively you can just have it be wesker or nemesis, both of which appear in marvel vs capcom and have a shit tonne of super powers in those games

It's a object used by Porky, but Porky is not in it
There's a small difference in the sprite's window if he's inside or not, and Smash uses the one for him being outside.

Uhh, who??

Literally everything you could try and refute it with could have been said about Snake and MGS years ago.

Attached: 1559492863623.png (640x480, 176K)

In MVC2 Jill can summon dogs, crows, zombies, Nemesis, set herself on fire and charge across the stage, and she has a rocket launcher. In MVC3 Chris can use elemental grenades, rocket launchers, a wide variety of guns, and melee combat. This shit has already been done before if someone wants to put those characters in a fighting game they have a lot of options.

>RE is the largest jp franchise still not in
>RE is larger than crash
>RE4, ine of the most popular games debuted as a gc exclusive
>mainline RE was exclusive to Nintendo at one point
>RE2 remake just came out to acclaim

I'm calling it now, feel free to screen cap this. It's either Estelle Bright or Hat Kid.

The most based post in this thread.

Attached: 1555708020404.png (907x881, 307K)

Okay but Smash isn't a fighting game. It's a Party game. Hell, Smash Ultimate is an E10+ game. When Smash gives third-party reps love it's a stage with music and even past antagonists being shown as background characters or spirits.

And that's just it. All the "cool" characters from the RE series are the terrifying ones that people care about and can't be toned down. It can't work.

Nemesis is too fucking terrifying for Smash. That's exactly what I was talking about.

>want Pyra/Mythra
>its going to be literally who from some PC98 jap only game nobody gives a fuck about

Why must hackurai troll me everytime he makes a game?

Attached: 1566637210206.jpg (576x1024, 69K)

How many characters are in this game again? Like 70+? I don’t know how we got to the point where we are going to the bottom of the barrel with choices like Ryu Hayabusa, Kasumi, Doomguy, and now Reimu apparently. I don’t personally care who the last two dlc are at this point, just make them fun to play as. If I could choose it would be Reimu but that’s just personal bias speaking to me. All other choices are also so out of left field yet actually seem plausible at this point. Just reveal the last two already so we can finally sit down and look at how this genre has evolved over the years from being about Nintendo characters fighting each other to simply a celebration of video game history itself.

Attached: 57EE9695-8DBF-4EFB-8CF3-C2A4B2F511BD.jpg (677x900, 62K)

Not seeing how it'd be much worse than Dracula's Castle desu. At worse you'd just have to clean up whatever zombies might be in the background so they aren't explicitly bloody, and MVC2 did that too.

>Snoy character

I’d take frilly laser girl weebshit over straight up weebshit anyday

>Nemesis is too terrifying for Smash
Need I remind you that this is Bayonetta's Final Smash?

Attached: Gomorrah_-_Bayo2.png (1000x908, 994K)

Why is anyone believing any of this Tracer/female character bullshit?

How is Ryu Hayabusa left field? He's like Mega Man and Simon in that he's from NES era games that started long running series, plus Koei Tecmo content is already in the game through the Fatal Frame spirits and assist trophy.

How about you take the "how long can you hang from your neck" challenge?

Nemesis is a literal ABOMINATION. Look me in the eyes and tell me kids won't start crying if they saw this fucking thing in Smash. You are actually delusional if you think this thing can be represented in a kid's game.

Attached: VTs9KHwRyQ2eBeSfdotmxD.jpg (1920x1080, 1.22M)

>Look me in the eyes and tell me kids won't start crying if they saw this fucking thing in Smash. You are actually delusional if you think this thing can be represented in a kid's game.

It's mostly adults that buy nintendo's stuff so who cares?

>Jeopardise their dlc sales
They already added Hero, the most request character for Japan, they already got most of the money they would get, so why even in your delusional world where one iconic character can compromise the entire fighters pass, that's already more than half way done, does that matter to Nintendo?

I’m not too familiar with his series but he’s one of those characters I’ve never initially heard too much of until roster speculation. It just goes to show once again how smash can bring all these different franchises and genres together and show them to the world.

Attached: E85A4F13-3586-4D21-A3E1-CA5E51957427.jpg (600x570, 107K)

he was in MvC3 and that was rated T for teen, relax.

>what is ridley
Also, what would you think kids would like to play as? Some puny cop, or a fucking giant monster with a RPG?

Attached: NemT-Type.png (514x1003, 747K)

>some cringe fighter pass 'leaker' post
>400+ replies garunteed

like clock-work. Why are smash fags so baitable?

Smash Ult. is rated E10+, not rated M.
It. Cannot. Work.

He has stitches on his fucking FACE. ARE YOU KIDDING ME.

Attached: 1447574814248.jpg (300x287, 66K)

And Gomorrah is a literal demon who eats other characters and roars directly at the screen. That latter part should be particularly traumatizing for kids, especially considering how close he is to the screen.

Sony would never allow it

LOL the WarioWare mom is scarier than him, relax my man

Attached: hidden 3ds.png (800x450, 397K)

Yeah I remember not being able to look at a magazine that had nemesis on the cover as a kid

NeoGeo collection is coming this fall too.
She's in.

Wait does anyone even know if that “female unexpected unwanted” post was real? It was literally a random ass post on Yea Forums, are people really believing this shit as gospel?

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Honest question, why would she get in ?

>Smash and Horror cannot MIX
>Smash has a Luigi Mansion level AND a Fatal Frame assist trophy
Nigga, you dumb


Attached: 6170D8A8-FCCD-4595-8887-30E081D9E408.jpg (2100x1534, 2.87M)

>ZoomZoom doesn't know that RE was super fucking popular with 10 year olds when it came out
>ZooomZoom doesn't know that literally no one but them has ever been scared of Nemesis

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next hero is not tracer wth is wrong with you guys lol.. this new direct will NOT HAVE ANYTHING RELATED TO SMASH, only the amiibos, they will do the same they have done with the first 2, banjo's moveset will be revealed the same day of his release (mid october) and AT THE END it will show the next hero which is a female but no its not tracer and its not from a fighting game, which is going to be released at the end of december

the last one will be revealed at TGA just like joker and will be released in mid february..

the are rumors of another fighter pass going on but it will not be as incredible as this one but i think sakurai wanted to talk with someone from blizzard and i think diablo is going to be the first dlc in the second fighter pass tho is all just rumors.

oh almost forgot, theres supposed to be a new pokemon trainer in the works tho idk which generation is cus i only know the first 2 and i couldnt recognize any of the 3 pokemon so maybe might be from the new ones

>a female character that is absolutely not expected in anyway

Attached: CHILDREN.png (1280x1281, 821K)

>lucky guess on 2 characters
>one of which was in the game files from day 1
>the other one had been hinted at and requested since smash 4
ok lol

She's a gaming icon in Japan. she reps an important piece of gaming history, she reps an iconic unrepped company, she promotes two games launching on the Switch later this year.

Uhh why is there no female character, sweetie?

chink, gook and spic markets

Smash Ult is now T rated though

the mech hint supports mythra at the very least ahahaaaa~
yeah we arent getting jackshit

Not me. The icing on the cake for me would be when the week of the 12th rolls around and Nintendo doesn't announce a Direct in that time.

Shes in

Attached: DB61F3AE-CF92-4963-A338-56661BC2E344.jpg (1920x1234, 240K)

Cutie Booty is in

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>has a mech

Flops dont get in Smash

>Another fucking sword character


>Yea Forums thinks a literal humanoid abomination that makes Ridley look like Barney the Dinosaur can be represented in Smash as a spirit or a background character
I understand that some of you want RE to be represented in Smash but don't go full retard. The dude has a stitched right eye. That can't be toned down.

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wow never knew that song had a music video
thanks Yea Forums

I'm betting we will get a direct the week before

I know this would never happen, but i want it so bad.
Phantasy star is THE sega rpg saga with iv being one of the greatest rpgs ever, Pso was the first online rpg for consoles, Pso2 is finally comming to the west.

for Morrigan well she is an obvious iconic fighter choice

Attached: Untitled.png (2258x1571, 995K)

inb4 Ramona Flowers
Imagine the tears from everybody

SNK and Nintendo have gotten somewhat closer in recent times with Samurai Shodown and SNK Heroines coming to Switch (but there are also ports of various SNK games on other Nintendo platforms like the KOF Orochi collection on Wii), Nakoruru's one of their most popular characters, and assuming this talk about one of the upcoming Fighter Pass characters being a female who isn't requested all that much and also relates to birds in some way, Nakoruru would fit the bill better than most.


Prominent? He’s barely done anything yet outside of surviving the events of Hunters and having a couple secret ending cameos that vaguely hint that he’ll be important at some point. Besides, MP4 likely won’t release until 2021 at the absolute earliest and I sincerely doubt that Metroid is dear enough to Nintendo’s bigwigs that they’d want to shill it at least 2 years in advance

I TOLD YOU Yea Forums

Hatsune Miku

Screenshot this post

not only that but snk heroines was switch physical exclusive on us and 40th anniversary collection was a timed exclusive

>But yes is a female character that is absolutely not expected in anyway.

Attached: Lilac the Dragon.jpg (900x1379, 175K)

He's prominent/major in the sense that he'll be important in the future since games have been building him up slowly over time. I don't think he's getting in but he does make sense as a character higher ups chose to promote the franchise in Smash. Since all of the DLC is chosen essentially by higher ups.

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That'd be even better.
>Last updates for DxM, Link's Awakening, Luigi's Mansion 3
>Banjo update ("He's coming in October, k bye")
>Other misc. announcements (indie games, third-party ports, other stuff nobody really cares about)
>"That's all for this Nintendo Direct."
>It ends with no Challenger Pack 4 tease

Attached: 55c.gif (270x220, 24K)

I said prominent relative to other characters for a reason. Other MP Hunters characters and some minor enemies got spirits, but Sylux is at least marginally more important than them and didn't get anything. I don't think he's in the Fighter Pass, but I can't deny his absence is a little suspicious considering which other characters got Spirits (not on the same level as Porky though in my opinion).

Metroid prime 4 is going to be a Botw-like release, it probably shifted development for the next console but they will release an inferior version for the switch.

Nintendo has been pretty aggressive in bringing back mid tier stuff. SNK, Bomberman R, NMH, etc.

Leave Steve to me.

Attached: keja7jz.0.jpg (1200x800, 102K)

Cringe yet redpilled.
It checks all the (fake) boxes. KEY already has games announced for Switch. But Phoenix Wright should definitely be the VN rep.

Attached: blondes ocean birds kids children kamio misuzu anime air air anime 1920x1200 wallpaper_www.wallpaper (1920x1200, 801K)


Any of them. Clearly there is monpatterm or method to this madness. They're just picking characters at random.

>Alis Landale
>Morrigan Aensland
>Sakura Shinguji
>The dragon from Panzer Dragoon
>Ryo Hazuki
>Multiple robots from Cyber Troopers Virtual-On
>Ninja from shinobi

Now we've really gone full retard. I'm okay with this.

Attached: ssb_key.jpg (1036x552, 78K)

new pokemon trainer

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>Female character nobody has been asking for
>Long history on Nintendo platforms with a new game for Switch coming out soon
Yeah I'm thinking she's in

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Frisk and Doomguy ez
Doomguy is cool and Undertale music would be amazing in Smash


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travis touchdown and heavy, hands down. Idgaf about travis but heavy would be absolute kino.

>not posting the complete version

There is one?

pretty based, but it's missing chosen undead

reminder that poochy is STILL getting in to promote yoshis crafted world 2 releasing later next month

Attached: poo chy.png (341x230, 142K)

Underated post.
Thanks for the keks.

swords are not the problem. Characters that come from games like RPG's that have no actual moves to pull from (like FE) whose attacks can entirely be summed up to a menu selection for a single sword swing, are the problem.

Attached: fuck outta here.gif (640x360, 1.72M)

I don't know if tracerposters are legit retarded or really good at baiting cause when they post i just want to fucking punch them in the face

yes, but I don't have it.

>no isabelle
funny how you didnt add her but Keep incelroar, Lucina and Corrin

Attached: 5e4.png (642x475, 233K)

this is the best one I've seen yet

Shantae honestly, but shes already a spirit

this, the ONLY thing that substantiates it is the Overwatch bag thing happening around the same time, and that's only towards Tracer/Dva (and EVEN THEN that's assuming it confirms them for smahs and not just Overwatch for the Switch)
It doesn't work when applied to literally any other character

Attached: nudemariofull.jpg (1200x630, 593K)

Reposting from last thread, here are the reasons why the following "characters" aren't going to be in Smash:
>Monster Hunter
Already represented in game with Rathalos. Wouldn't be exciting or surprising if revealed. Capcom has better potential reps
More irrelevant than Banjo. Uninteresting literal who to every region. Capcom has better potential reps
>Phoenix Wright
No move set potential. Prove me wrong. He's not a blank slate like certain Smash characters. Don't pull shit out of your ass.
Literal who. Doesn't even have a official series logo. Generic anime girl. The new Steve
Design is too boring and generic. Would be neat, but started as a digital pet toy, barely even a video game
Wouldn't get in before Ryu Hayabusa. Boring design, uninteresting move set. Not worth dealing with CERO
>Llyod Irving
Boring anime character. Expecting three JRPG protags in the same Fighter's Pass? Fuck out of here.
>Sylux, Porky, Byleth
Not expecting anything 1st party in the current Fighter's Pass. Porky would be cool, I guess
>Undertale anything
Doesn't need an explanation. You're a retard if you expect Sans and brain dead if you expect Frisk/Chara
Spirit, also boring as sin
>Any RE rep
Has a chance but unlikely since boring move set potential. No, they wouldn't have Jill spawn zombies, you fucking retard
Not as popular as Minecraft. Boring character with a boring move set. Works better as a stage.
Was rooting for him initially but in hindsight, is pretty boring. Both VAs are dead. Let the character rot in PSASBR
More irrelevant than Banjo. Wouldn't get in before Crash
>Kos Mos
Fucking who? Seriously, who bitch this is?
>Morrigan, Mai, Nakoruru
Two are a CERO nightmare and the other is a literal who. You do the math
Shoot yourself in the skull

inb4 Wrightrannies and Kasumidgets start shitting up the thread

Attached: KyoWinXIII.png (728x652, 348K)

There's, like, 3 Resident Evil protags and they'd only be able to choose one, and that just wouldn't be right.

DQ was a million-selling franchise in the West, you fucking moron.


Attached: terry.png (256x296, 5K)

>Shoot yourself in the skull
You could have just said spirit.

ready to get btfo?

Attached: EC-fW_PVUAEg6RT.jpg (2048x1536, 552K)

"> Phoenix Wright
No move set potential. Prove me wrong."

If Crash gets in Fake Crash needs to be his alt

If I've learned anything from smash memes, it's that this image will age poorly.

im ok with this, but do we really need another sword character after hero?

>doood just trust me the post
>thinking Nintendo would ever put the lord of hell in there game
Okay retard

>not that highly requested
>spinning BIRD kick

She's in

Attached: Chun-Li_Spinning_Bird_Kick.png (640x444, 237K)

It’s isn’t it?

>Literal who

You mean one of the largest fandoms to ever exist? That had such a massive presence at Comiket that they got their own conventions?

yeah you're all wrong
here's your real new female character

Attached: tombraider-1401x788-f319fa0d-89cc-4816-b7bb-dc51fdc5bd6f.png (440x293, 147K)

Stop responding to pasta.

>Female character nobody expected because nobody considers who's controlling him
>He's a robot, aka a mecha

Attached: shes in.png (954x954, 578K)

She has a mech?

Croft is well requested. Denied

Would legit be fucking ecstatic if she was in Smash. I still don’t understand why a sequel hasn’t been made yet.

>Design is too boring and generic.
Even if I'm not on the Agumon train the fact that Agumon can transform and evolve into Greymon, MetalGreymon, and WarGreymon makes him one of the most interesting and variable fighters possible. And with Bamco transitioning Digimon more into a video game franchise as of late it'd really make sense for them to push him into the game.

We need this girl, 'cause:
>His nation is based on Nintendo
>She appeared recently on a Nintendo Console (Super Neptunia RPG)

Attached: da9nob6-48cd6585-b914-4694-ab51-bfd5888ab6cd.png (483x655, 108K)

She's in.

Attached: 1913217.png (733x660, 754K)

so why are we believing a text "leak" with no evidence?


Yep, I think she's in boyos.

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One can only dream

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Yea Forums is entertaining it for the fun of discussion and shitposting, shitty newsites are just baiting for clicks and attention.


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SNK's basically shilling her to mascot status.

>le spirits deconfirm
XD lamo

Ms Pac-Man in the giant mecha that Pac-Man had in Namco x Capcom?

So its And overwatch is coming to switch or something


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>a mech
They're in.

Attached: 1566942408519.jpg (2448x3264, 1.05M)

Came to say this. And not shitty ass nuLara, it's gotta be either classic or LAU Lara

Attached: Lara_Dive-Shoot.jpg (800x450, 184K)

Overwatch is coming to the Switch. It leaked through Amazon or something didn't it?

She's In (and )

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If Smash did use Lara she'd probably have multiple costumes to rep both her classic and new design.

Shantaefags are easily the most delusional set of fucks on this board.

Nemesis I can see as a stage boss for now. There's no way that the first Resident Evil rep for Smash is gonna be a villain. It'd be like if they added Sephiroth instead of Cloud. It just wouldn't feel right. Chris, Leon, and Jill are more likely to get in.

Attached: JillValentineHiResSFWtentn.jpg (4300x3659, 1.75M)

I'm okay with that as long as they keep that gay ass bow out of her move-set.

Mechanica from ARMS. She's not a spirit.


Id be ok with it

I'm so fucking sick of Nintendo's radio silence forcing us to talk about stupid fake leaks because there's absolutely nothing else for us to do. The pass shouldn't have been hidden.

>Disappoint people

Posting the wrong the character

Sakurai could stand to let up with the pathological obsession he has with default player characters and do something interesting for once.

>Luigis Mansion

Is there really hope?

Attached: MarCap2Tron.png (344x650, 283K)

Don't do that.

Don't give me hope.

Attached: 6d562dbf718c072eb6659e23c764a7d3.jpg (1200x1600, 284K)

You know, I've changed my mind, these are the picks you're going to get, fuck you Yea Forums.

t. 桜井 政博

Attached: fuck.png (591x436, 164K)


With that outfit? lmao

Randomly believing a LARPer who won't even actually provide a name is the height of foolishness.

good fuck that shitty meme dog that retard children fap to

>Mike Jones
At least whoever made that remembers.

Back to twitter with you doomfag

How long until someone makes a grotesque Tracer?

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>boring as sin

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OP here. Im also gay as fuck. all im saying for now.


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>Team NepDom
Very suspicious....

And Coco.


Attached: Parasoul_skullgirls.jpg (874x915, 155K)

Lolipop Chainsaw for Switch? I did not see that coming, though considering Suda51 working with Nintendo for NMH3 I suppose I should've. Go Juliet Starling & Jack the anthro-zombie bird!

Attached: Lollipop_-_Juliet.jpg (1000x1156, 100K)

What is Joker and Cloud?

Characters Sony doesn't own and thus have no say over whether or not they get into Smash. Gravity Rush is a first party Sony property. I'd love it if Kat got in somehow but if Sony says no, that's it.

Page 9?

>Smash Ult. is rated E10+, not rated M.
>It. Cannot. Work.
Bayonetta and Snake.
Don’t even try your mental gymnastics.

Nope, 1.

Page 9 of what?

I want Kasumi pls Nintendo do it


Attached: CERO.png (1664x1080, 2.08M) she coming back?

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People have been pestering him about more Lollipop Chainsaw for a while now. Going by interviews and conferences, it seems like they want it more than NMH. LC is actually GhM's best selling game, not counting f2p LiD downloads. He always says it's up to WB, but Nintendo has formed a good relation with them with Scribblenauts and have worked with the Mortal Kombat studio to port MK11 with special clocking.


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It would be the character they would give Nintendo for a Sony rep since we already have Microsoft. They'd think that their other series is too good for smash like Kratos or something

Make him playable in smash. (the one in the image of your post)

The issue is the West don't matter in the grand scheme of things. The game is made with Japanese audiences in mind which is confirmed by the fact it was pushed with tournaments for elementary schoolers broadcast on TV and the fact they needed a CERO A rating for that to happen.
DQ and Doom aren't comparable because what's literally who to the West is a legacy and legendary series in Japan, the game's home turf.
The more comparable example would be comparing the characters selected for PS's smash clone DLC.

>Prometheus and Pandora
Apart from fighting too differently from each other that being alts would be weird I'd be more than accepting of this.

Yep, it's gonna be Juliet Starling as Fighter Pass 4. Quote this. Save this. Rage this.

Though I do wonder how on' N will handle the upskirt shots. Normally it'd be no big deal, but the ratings bureau in Japan is retarded. Do they even change ratings for DLC?

is it our turn sablebros?

Attached: sable1.png (275x326, 110K)

That article where Sakurai says the first thing the ratings board asks for is to show the female characters upside down is pretty funny. I think there's some change. After Hero, I think Smash got bumped to T


Updated edition

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Can we just stop with the idea that kiddos don't like gorey games?
For fucks sake, Mortal Kombat's and DOOM's biggest audience back in the 90s were fucking CHILDREN.

If that's the case, I hope a future patch will gave those poor women in the game underwear already!

>using batman meme on 2019

Crush & leo

We spics don't know shit about Nakoruru.

>upcoming port
>female that is completely unexpected

>I'll I'm saying for now.
confirmed curry smell

a Persona and Final Fantasy Character.

You know it's happening...

Attached: 5848b81156937.jpg (1191x670, 166K)

Its no so much kiddies dont like them, is that it'd freak the kiddies parents out. Especially now that parents are bigger and lazier pussies than ever before.

Garbage leak pic aside, I agree that this female rep meme needs to stop. The only female character we're getting from the Fighter's pass is Kazooie.


Pick one zoomber

Attached: E3376FDF-43F2-40FB-B7D9-5BD3F5F1CA90.jpg (403x392, 40K)

is this your oc

She's in.

Attached: mei-sex-hair.jpg (1200x735, 84K)

>I never played MvC2

Attached: Jill Valentine's Final Smash.gif (460x346, 1.9M)

Not until Extra-Ultimate on the Switch2.

Shouldn't you be getting ready for the new school year Little Timmy? Stop playing all of these spooky horror games.

She's got a nice ass.

Attached: 1565107383922.gif (800x517, 770K)

You're obssessed

Look kid, I liked Team Fortress 2 myself. But no-one in Japan cares about the game (you know, where Smash is fucking made? Yeah, that place), and there's not one single character in the game that can be considered a "hero/villain" archetype, something Nintendo looks for when they add 3rd party characters.

Juliet Starling has FAR more chance getting in than any character from TF2.


2B and Nier Automata kinda fit a similar spot as Joker's. But that ass is too much for Smash's current rating.

god i wish

Attached: Lip_SSBU.png (1058x1654, 1.1M)

actually, i'd say the game is made with american audiences in mind

im bending your rules

Attached: Doomguy and Reimu.png (1332x860, 262K)

I would be the happiest man alive.

Attached: grush.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

my fucking dick!

Attached: JillandDrozer.png (334x300, 63K)

>Yet another Gamefreak rep

but user... people would actually like that.

Attached: Hat_Kid_SSBU.png (2912x3790, 3.95M)

more importantly give Samus her boobs back

She's in

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-27 at 11.35.12 PM.png (496x502, 479K)

Did Gears for breakfast hire the smashified guy for this render?

kazooie's right there

Been seeing a lot of mischief makers on this board lately

Wouldn't even be mad
>all that comfy art of her making food for Mario and Kirby

>female character that is absolutely not expected in anyway. There will be fuck ton of wtf reactions, and it is tied to an upcoming switch port. And I'll say that bird and starling hints actually do mean something. I'll I'm saying for now.

No joke, would be fucking neato.
But pretty much impossible because Sorny are assholes.

Boringass Nakoruru would be pretty bad. Double whammy for me since it'd mean no Terry.
But admittedly better than Tracer at least.

yes, Artsy Omni and the other guys made them

>comfy art of her and peach baking cakes together