You guys don't ACTUALLY like this franchise, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


That’s exactly why we like it dude, Dante is cool

shut the frick up retarded incel

Hell yeah

That's the appeal dumbfuck

It's called having fun. Go wank your dick off to your psuedo-philosophical melodramatic Kojima shit somewhere else


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This but unironically.

bang bang yahooo



>busty femDante kicks down your door and brings in a shitload of pizza
Wat do?

drop pant
acquire intercourse
eat pizza

not necessarily in that order

wahoo now im motivated to pulling my devil may cry's a rockin baby yeah!!! JACKPOT

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This. Reddit series

ask for real Dante

This but unironically

Actually, yes. That’s part of the appeal for me.

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>muh Reddit
If you like it so much then stay there, dude.

tbf DMC1 wasn't like that. The most you got was YEEHAW YEAH! after you escape the island.

That's part of why I like it : it's fun, cheesy, doesn't take itself seriously and unironically cool as fuck. Also, the games are fucking great each for different reasons, except 2, which is an interesting case study in wasted potential.

Go back

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You're right I don't like it.


I love it.


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>ywn have Dante as your auntie

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Sasuke is infinitely cooler than Dante.

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Dante doesn't know what sex is. He (or she in the case of femDante) would have no interest in fucking you. Pizza and air guitar is what is on the menu.

This but with a dash irony and a sprinkle of sarcasm (I enjoy British food)

And that's a good thing

Imagine being so jaded, so unbelievably unhappy in your own life, so incredibly allergic to having fun, that you actually DISLIKE Dante and his fun loving attitude.
I can't imagine being that much of a stick in the mud.

As opposed to slowly walking during unskippable cutscenes disguised as gameplay?

Yes, but only Kamiya's Dante was a bit too much for me at times desu
"Devil may cry's a rockin' baby yeah" is a line that hasn't aged well for me

V wouldn't have big tits

Teenagers think it's cool to hate everything.
This meme is lame. He definitely fucks.

dmc1 fags are those people though

only one who knows about reddit like a resident is you, faggot.

Can this meme end? Dante flirts with almost every woman his age (or older) that he meets and has been shown checking out chicks at least 3 times before

It's not that he doesn't know what sex is, it's that he exclusively is attracted to people like Lady who don't wanna fuck him

>This meme is lame. He definitely fucks.
He has literally never shown any interest in anyone sexually. Not even when the hottest demon babes were hitting on him. He is constantly around Lady and Trish, and despite Lady clearly wanting his dick he hasn't fucked her. He has mommy issues and yet doesn't fuck Trish. The guy doesn't know what sex is.

what is nevan, lady and those naked frog girls from 4

>it's that he exclusively is attracted to people like Lady who don't wanna fuck him
But Lady does want to fuck him. She doesn't get with him because he is incredibly irresponsible and a slob.


Everything you know about DMC is from Yea Forums memes, isn't it?


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You mean the demon chick he bantered with and then turned into a guitar so he could pretend to be a rockstar instead of fucking, the girl who he never once flirted with, and the naked frog girls who TRIED to tempt him and he didn't take the bait?

I wanna Smokin' Sexy Style fem-vergil!

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I just realized I can view this again in the US.

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dmc3 dante was CUHRAZZY because he was a young punk, and then he sobered up with age
but now theyve decided, naw, thats just how he is forever


The novel had him fuck whores iirc. He tried to kiss Lady, and he bantered with the succubus but knew it was a ploy.

no cowgirl boots on Dante.

>pretend to be a rockstar instead of fucking,
he was strumming her pussy that's good enough

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>and then he sobered up with age
He "sobered up" because he was depressed that the only family he had left was trapped in hell as a puppet of Mundus. He was alone. The arrival of Trish, and later Nero, and then even later the return of his brother, brought him out of that depression because he wasn't alone anymore.

I wonder who would be a better mom femdante or femvirgil?

>wojak # 2/1000000

anime sequel when

early concept Vdust was a female with a wide open biker suit, she had decent titties

>T-this non-canon fanfiction has him fuck!

Attached: 1555071325725.jpg (1272x738, 657K)

I unironically think Dante is the coolest videogame character in all ways: personality, character design and gameplay.

>non-canon fanfiction
But it is canon.

References usually don't age well, but he only does the Austin Powers thing after beating the game on DMD. Most people probably never heard it in-game but from watching the clip on YouTube.

its canon nigger

Attached: DMC1 Novel-Dante.jpg (2250x3174, 3.78M)

>You guys don't ACTUALLY like this franchise, right?

I don't see a single thing wrong with anything you posted above that line.


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>Not even when the hottest demon babes were hitting on him
Because they do it specifically to distract and kill him? I find it really cool that he is able to see through that, but he still plays along just to bant and test them.

The fact that this bothers you so much just proves that you are projecting your virginity into a fictional red coat man.

Take a picture of the page where Dante fucks, niggers. Pro-tip: You can't.

Danta obviously fucked Patty.

I maintain that femV would have tiny tits and no body hair

Now that's dedication

>but he still plays along just to bant and test them.
So you're saying Dante doesn't fuck

Unfathomably based
dmctrannies not welcome, this is now a DmCHAD thread

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Dante doesn't fuck niggers?

Dante would fuck if given the chance he's just awful at actually wooing women who don't want to kill him

>replying to yourself

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>Unironically liking a game by Ninja Theory.
Why even keep living?

Why can't you just start a thread like a normal person?


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It's an old maymay but it checks out.


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Not putting pussy on a pedestal is a clear sign that you fuck.

I hate when artists give femvergil a fucking mullet, see there they gave her the perfect hairstyle.

>Pretending this isn't how 90% of threads on Yea Forums start
You are in the wrong place if you want a real conversation. I'm just surprised this place hasn't devolved into a bunch of /pol/tards talking about their theory of how DMC is actually leftist propaganda or some shit like that.

dauntie is a CUTE AUNT



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Prove Dante has been with a woman.

Um, user that's not me

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Of course we do, you piss-for-brains cockjuggler.

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>shopping this badly
Bruh, stop embarrassing yourself.

>cope says the DmCfag

Dauntie would DEFINITELY give you and your friends alcohol when you're underage!
She's that fucking cool!

How is that sequel turning out for y- oh wait.
Well I'm sure Ninja Theory is still making good games, right? They have...Hellblade. You like 20 minute long cinematic walking simulators, right user?


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I vaguely remember years ago reading in some gaming publication with a couple of the dev team that Dante was based on Andy Taylor from Duran Duran. Maybe during when DmC3 was released.


No seriously, that wasn't me. I posted that pic just for lulz. Also apparently you can un-(You) yourself with Yea Forums X, but I'm a filthy newfag and I have no idea how to do that

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More fan fiction

>You are in the wrong place if you want a real conversation
This mindset is what killed Yea Forums. A normal thread for normal conversation can be started as long as the posters ignore the shitposters or at worst a bait thread is started at the same time.

>Just realizing you'll never have a cool aunt Dante picking you up at school in her motorcycle in front of your friends

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Is the filename like that because it's the 1563278768718th wojack picture you have in your le reaction images folder? Just suck his dick if you love him that much, holy shit.

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The DmC fags post "fuck you" because its the only thing they have. Its the only thing that game will ever be remember for. A cringey fuck you yelled by the most angsty teenager in the history of video games. Its the perfect representation of the DmC fan's psyche.

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do you have the gif with his fuck you finger replacing his head?

newfag here, was it ever actually that good as a place to hang out and share opinions to begin with? I've mostly just been shitposting and stealing memes here so far

not him, but here you go

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In display 1, you can see Dante with not just one woman, but two!

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Pre-2014 it was pretty decent. Never good, but decent.

Fem Vergil is cute too

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The Tony novel is canon

Yea Forums has been the new Yea Forums for quite a while now. The decline has been going on for many years, but 2016 was when the whole site really went to shit

op is a cock connessiurerwewew SDSDFS

Well damn that's just a bit disappointing to hear

do we really need two threads for this?

Nah, GG is what really fucked this place and that started in 2014. 2016 was a natural escalation of that same trend of shit.

How can you not like this man?


She would ABSOLUTELY tell you how to pick up chicks!

I needed a new board once Yea Forums became just another porn board.

>No FemDante in DT form

Attached: JC.jpg (400x400, 14K)

>uploading someone else's work and then not allowing embedding
these people are shitty

dante in 3 was designed to look like a boy band member though, i didn't really like that

>Mom Vergil often scolds you for not living to your goals and not finding motivation
>Cool aunt Dante often takes you to motorcycle races and pizza night to cheer you up, although she's quite clingy and embarrassing in public

Cuh-rayze right?

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absolute lunacy


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This is exactly why I like it

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>Yo lil' dude, wanna play videogames and eat pizza?

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Are you going to post this every hour now

I can't wait for Demitri to use midnight bliss on Dante.

I refuse to die before i see it happen.

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that is one cuhrayze aunt

I will now buy your game

Female Dante would be a permavirgin just like male Dante.

Would Dauntie get annoyed if you spend more time with your girlfriend rather than going to the local Domino's with her?

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but she is my girlfriend!

rolling for patty

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Reminder that FemDante would be promiscuous as fuck due to daddy issues

>he doesn't know what sex is
Dante literally describes the act of having sex in DMC4 when he recieves lucifer, so he must have at least been told about sex by someone

imagine being so much of a no-fun hyperfaggot that you don't like wacky/cheesy/campy shit in your video games

DMC3 FemDante would be the kinda girl that lies with big boastful brags about having done so many cool lewd things but has only really gone as far as flustered hand-holding.

>tfw Ultra Violet during V battles

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He doesn't fuck. He makes love.

>MalePatty would go on to have a cougar and femdom fetish over Dauntie

Are we arguing again about Dante's virginity?
Afaik in the novel he was with a girl but had to kill her because she turned into a demon and begged him to kill her or some stuff. He has ptsd since then.
Lady's a friend, Trish is a demon friend. Under Kamiya Trish was meant as his romantic interest tho but I think everyone knows that.

hobogirl fetish

>Under Kamiya Trish was meant as his romantic interest tho
That’s pretty fucking weird

Dauntie would be spending time with the two of you whether you liked it or not

But Patty just turned 18, and he is yet to see her after the birthday party

So he would be a typical forum user on Yea Forums?

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Dante has his own place though, if anything Vergil’s the hobo


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Same bro

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Would FemDante be a PAWG or a big tiddy auntie?

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Is this a Bill and Ted reference?

>When your game sells so bad you need to pawn off the assets

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shes the big tiddy aunt with a nice ass that helps you get girls
and then had 3 ways with you your new gf

Both, but most probably a sensible size instead of bazookas.

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>Implying she would help you with other girls
>When she could just keep you for herself

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Can you virgins quit self inserting as Dante?


have you actually played dmc3?

the game balances it pretty well to make dante look both like the cool dude in town but also kind of a loser
like half of the time he is about to do something cool and dramatic something just totally kills his momentum
the pizza eating was never a big part of his character, like he isn't obsessed with it like how the fans often depict him, he literally just can't take care of himself and his finances properly and just orders pizza all the time instead of cooking or going out

he is also open about loving being overthetop just for the sake of it. He is doing impressive and ridiculous shit because it is fun to push his limits and do crazy things, and after all, that's what the whole game is about. Overall, he comes off as a genuine and honest character despite all the extreme shit he does, which makes him a lovable and very fun character.

Attached: dante.jpg (500x625, 71K)


>wacky/cheesy/campy shit in your video games
It's not that people don't like it. It just gets kind of old when it's constantly over the top. Campiness that's a bit more subdued can be just as good or better sometimes too. And it seems like they struggle with the "serious" part of the story arc sometimes which doesn't give the necessary contrast to the cheese.

She obviously does this elaborate set up with helping you get a girl you fancy to later butt in on the two of you for a 3some so she can show just how much better she is in bed every time.

I mean you're talking about the same people that bent over and let Capcom fuck them in the ass with collections and HD ports while holding the new game hostage, and were fistpumping during that shitty concert performance during that one game awards or conference.

Also each game has added more and more total cutscene length, which can end up feeling like too much of a good thing.

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Rule 63 is still gay. That is all.

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based user explaining it perfectly

He's Japanese. It's in their blood.

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>let Capcom fuck them in the ass with collections and HD ports
Is that a bad thing? Making the series available for the widest audience possible sounds like a good thing to me.
>while holding the new game hostage
Everyone wants something new. DMC1, 2 3, 4 and 5 all have their differences, so I don't see what you're saying.

what a crafty aunt

If Dante won't smash Trish I will.


It’s literally not but okay

God why did they have to make Trish so fucking ugly in DMC5?

Yes unironically.

>Is that a bad thing?
It is when they come with a bunch of problems. DMC1 on the HD collection broke some of my favorite effects and Mundus even had an attack that was broken to the point of being nearly invisible.

She's a hag now so no reason to see her.

The only unique selling point of a R63 chick over a normal chick is that she's based on a man. That's pretty fucking gay my nigger.

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cope tranny

R63 are literally trannies. Dilate.

Kamiya seems to not want to outright say that Dante and Trish are lovers, Strange. Is there a reason for that? Like he could just say Dante only loves Trish and vice versa, but he never did. The answers he gives out are all vague.

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>biological womyn
>literally a tranny
I see a tranny raging over not being a biological female, join the 40% already.

Dauntie is for mating presses
FemVergil is for amazon position

>It is when they come with a bunch of problems
They're not that bad, and that's still better than not having the game available at all.

He made it very obvious in DMC1 and Viewtiful Joe. May as well dance around the topic to keep people guessing.

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I swear I thouggt you were describing Ninja Turtles

"Not that bad" shouldn't be an acceptable level of quality, especially when you're paying for something 15 years old, it shouldn't have MORE problems later.

>be Nero.
>wanna go on date with Kyrie.
>but Daunte wants you to hang and get pizza.
>tell Daunte you’d love to but you’re going out with Kyrie.
>”oh cool, we can all get pizza!”
>now you have Kyrie watching as Daunte tries to feed you pizza.

Kamiya has his own mommy complex.

He did confirm in a tweet he intended for Trish to be his love interest.
Since the game changed when Itsuno became director the old direction for those 2 characters was just dropped.
They complete their Kamiya course when they go on a date in Viewtiful Joe so there's that.
I like their cheesy interactions in the pachinko game, someone post that webm of Trish and Dante sitting on a bench.

I hate how people use this as proof that Dante and Trish or Bayo and Jeanne are a romantic or sexual couple when one of the fucking options is Ammy and Issun.

He had Trish call herself, Dante's "sidekick". That doesnt seem like something lovers would say to me. And the whole reason Dante wanted to protect Trish is because he can't see his mother die before him again. And isn't Bayo with Luka? Jeanne seemed more like Bayo's Vergil.

>Be Kyrie
>Get the courage to start an ongoing relationship with the boy that has been your childhood friend for years

>Get cucked by his recently discovered Aunt that has a 10/10 body

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>forgetting the other option

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Bayo only teases Luka. And Jeanne is Vergil? You mean the Kamiya Vergil that was Mundus's bitch and had no personality?

Rule63 is alternate universe with different genders. Bowsette is tranny.

Look at that dante

>Bayo only teases Luka
Seems like her own way of conveying love.
>And Jeanne is Vergil? You mean the Kamiya Vergil that was Mundus's bitch and had no personality?
No, more like Itsuno Vergil, a rival buddy to fight and shares a similar playstyle.

Reminder that they're a package deal.

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female dante would smell like cigarettes and jack daniels... ew

>Dante smoking

These games and franchise in general are shit, play better action games retards.

no she'll smell like pizza and overly strong perfume

Dante is too cool to smoke, user. That's literally one of his main characteristics.

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>ywn facefuck nico until she passes out

Attached: C2EC3738-A4E8-414F-BB74-6A9D90769E12.jpg (480x360, 21K)

That’s because you’d pass out first.

user I don't think that's how that works.

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Not bad. I'm gonna hold onto this

Why am I not surprised this exists?

But Ebiny and Irony don’t take any magazines.

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Everybody admits that DMC 2 sucks but man if this song is so good

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>The annoying older sister

You wish you could have this much fun in life.

And FemVorgin?

haha oops. wrong theme


This party's getting crazy!

>i'rr be backu

You think she's a shotacon?
I think she's a shotacon.

She purposely took care of Nero at a younger age to groom him into becoming the perfect boy toy for her

uh oh

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>Well, well...that was a long time ago

Why are mommy dantes boobs smaller?

God damn where did all the radical women go?

god i love DMC

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This is obviously based on how popular their games are, Joe and Silvia are clearly the best couple.

Go kill yourself Tameem.

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I feel like he meant to say something like duo or partners, the only “couple” here is Joe and Silvia

>this thread

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This thread is terrifying.

Don't even know what the fuck that was referencing OP, you high or something?

It’s referencing Devil May Cry, dumbass.

How am I supposed to know when OP is talking like a faggot? Is DMC a faggot game?


Yeah it weeds out the people who love action games and the people who love sucking dick, like you

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Yes. Play DmC instead. It’s much better.

Dante would seem like a better mother when you're a child because she lets you get away with anything, but you will likely hate her in life when you realize that she just doesn't give a shit. Vergil on the other hand would come across as strict and controlling mother who never lets you have any fun, but as you get older you would someday come to realize that it was all to bring you up right.

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The one that doesn’t run away from their kid.

You don't know Devil May Cry? What are you even doing on this board?

It's just grating at this point



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yeah, i do, you got a problem?

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I do.
Bayonetta > MGR > DMC

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OPs meme is written out like a 90s advertisement, so no sorry for my ignorance

Femvergil puts Nero up for adoption while Femdante feeds him microwave pizzabites.


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Trish literally calls him baby in the anime and Lady also says she doesn't give a damn about their personally lives when the two of them start having a spat. It's pretty clear that there's something between them.

English dub only. In Japanese she just says bye to Dante.

About to play the series for the first time via HD coleciton on PC. Any newbie tips?

there's a spot in dmc1 where you can harvest red orbs, just look it up
swordmaster and trickster are all you need for styles dmc3
dmc2 shoot to win

Attached: fuck.png (1200x1200, 1.48M)

He sucks and fucks

jump to dodge

That win quote from Trish to Dante in MvC3 gets the noggin joggin

>Make one game
>Suddenly the autority over the franchise's canon
Just QTElete your Twitter Kamiya

DMC as a whole doesn't make much sense if you thinked deep into it. So it's best if you just took things at face value.

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There's Kaimyaland, Itsuno canon and Ninja Theoryville.

Dante makes a sexy anime girl

Kamiyaland > Itsuno canon >>>>>>> Ninja Theoryville

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Why did he not want to go to Patty's birthday party?

Attached: Average Dante Player.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

He did, or at least the novel seemed to imply that. He just didn't want to go to a party with a bunch of normies.

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>being a good parent ever
Have you seen Nero?

gays cannot be cool

ask Patty

This thread is great and you know it.

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i'd be gay for donte to be honest

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He didn't have the chance too and now he does.

fucking hell that sounds amazing

Are you saying that Vergil will be raising a 20 year old? Cause that might be the most retarded thing I ever heard. Nero isn't a kid like he was in 4, he might be young but he lives on his own and is financially somewhat stable, he doesn't need a father figure at all.

The plots after 1 and 2 are pure cringe.

>outdated matrix cutscenes
>muh tower
>im lady and this is muh weird priest looking dad
>more outdated matrix cutscenes

Shit bait, still, I guess we need to bump the thread somehow.

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Goddamn I fucking hate this board. This place is almost as bad as Yea Forums in trashing any and all subjects relating to the supposed topic. (In this case, Videogames). Stay here long enough and you'll end up hating everyone and everything to the point that nothing will ever give you the illusion of happiness or fun, because somebody will immediately reply that "Fun is just a Buzzword, stop using it" or "Hapiness is something THE GODDAMN JEWS/SJWS/POL/REDDIT USE TO CASTRATE YOUR REAL FEELINGS! RISE UP SHEEPLE!!!".

Fuck all of you.

If he didn't want one then he wouldn't have saved him. He has a chance to be in his life and see his son grow up is what I meant.

He doesn't want a father figure, he just saved him because he values preserving his family since it's part of his ideals. I don't think he'll feel like a father, not any more than Dante does.
And ofcourse Vergil will get to see his son grow up, he's part of the crew now.

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6SE >>> 6 = 5SE > 5CE > 5 >= 3SE > 4SE > 1 > 3 > 4 >>>> DmC:DE >>> DmC >>>> wall >>> 2

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Unironically would have made it a good game

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>He doesn't want a father figure
Not when he literally says, "Are you accepting me yet?"

>made a wojak edit just for thing he dislikes
this is actual seething

That's the dumbest thing I've ever read. He cuts his son's arm off for power and then tries to beat him up. Then he loses and runs away to hell.

Huh, maybe you're right. I still think that shit would be retarded and weird. What would be the "fatherly" interactions between Nero and Vergil? And Vergil showing too much emotions would go against his cold personality. He won't act like a dad to Nero, I just can't see it. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see on the next entry.

Gonna start the series for the first time soon. Any tips or things I should know going in?

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me on the left

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>he doesn't know how filenames work
Smells like newfriend.

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>Go wank your dick off
irronically isnt the actual appeal of DMC literally this?

replay the games, give 2 a try and forget about the reboot.

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He's much more open and friendly now. It'll pretty much be similar to his interactions as V, not in your face but still encouraging?

He stops the motorcycle with the quicksilver style he got in 3...

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That sounds fucking awesome, what are you stupid?

Play the games on higher difficulties as well.

Dante is the kind of guy that'd have sex with himself given the chance.

Well he does have a twin...

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Dante and Vergil fuck confirmed
but technically still a virgin

I want to fuck these devils

>He's much more open and friendly now
That doesnt mean he'll have a complete personality shift, he still is the quiet, calm and cool weeb demon. The over emotional shit is for Nero.
>It'll pretty much be similar to his interactions as V
I don't see it, and V's interactions barely felt like father and son bonding. That seen where V talks about his childhood didn't feel like it was a fatherly moment, but more like an amnesiac getting his memories back.

Really it's just masturbation

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>Vergil can canonically make doppelgangers too
>you'd have to deal with 4 of them
oh baby

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Based as fuck.

Vergil isn't, doesn't that mean Dante wouldn't be either?

>Nero do have a "stand"

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this is a good thread

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You won't have enough holes.

Anatomy is kind of fucky but this makes me diamonds. Why do guys make the best girls?
Girl < Guy + Rule 63


>female Dante and Vergil devil triggers
snu snu? snu snu.

>CUHRAYZEE action game with sexy R63 Dante and Vergil NEVER EVER

>Why do guys make the best girls?
They know exactly what a guy wants and needs. Who better to mess with a dick than a man?

The only type of interaction I can see between them is Vergil speaking in autistic indirect ways and Nero's ooga brain attempting to decipher it before punching him in the face

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Of course I don't expect him to have a completely different personality, how he acted when he threw the book to Nero is what I kinda expect. Still quiet but a little more caring now, not overtly showing his emotions but just enough to show he's actually changed.

you are small time

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Add in Dante laughing at them and this would be great.

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>he wouldn't fuck the female version of himself
lmao what a faggot


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>implying Chris wouldn't inject a virus on Leon to turn him into a girl so he can fuck him for the future of the Redfield Lineage

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Guys want and need girls for the most part.

This sounds like my kind of doujinshi

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Dante is basically Sonic

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No, he's obviously Knuckles

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>turning them into girls
>not just giving them puffy nipples a pussy behind their junk

You all disgust me.

who's ready for tgs

Hey guys I'm BACK!!

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Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition & Dante

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Surely we won't be disappointed.

Don't ask where I got this.

For me, it’s anyone other than girl Virgil. Why? Because if she’s had a kid then she’s a whore. I’d consider dating her qt amputee daughter though.

I'm ready for a fun thread before getting disappointed

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I kinda like those threads, you can feel the disappointment.

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If only everyone remembered it for that perfect Spanish dub that turns it from a cringefest into a solid Spanish soap opera.


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The one that doesn't SLICE OFF YOUR ARM.

I didn't enjoy DMC even when I was a kid. Its too easy, too clunky, general gameplay revolves around mindless mashing and story is beyond retarded, to the point where it contradicts the rules established in the very same installment. Bosses are all about gimmicks ("dude just parry these headless ogres because its so obvious amirite") and those that aren't (like Virgil) are laughably easy. How comes people claim its the best action game series? You can't even die to regular enemies in these, theres no challenge, its quite literally a bunch of sandbag punching simulators.

Superior franchise comin' through.

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With the way the women are and how unapologetically masculine the series i'm pretty sure DmC is more your speed redditor.

Why doesn’t Female Dante just suck my cock if she’s so KURAYZEE

I imagine a combination of pizza, leather, and gunpowder. Male or female.

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based frogposter

God Hand revival when? Didn't Capcom say it's interested in bringing back old IP's?
I don't even want a franchise war; I just enjoy having a ton of action games to play.

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>getting this defensive over a wojak edit

yeah me neither just a bit of fuckery, i'd love to see a remake of the original to bring it to the new gaming market in style

>With the way the women are and how unapologetically masculine the series i'm pretty sure DmC is more your speed redditor.

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Yeah. I've been saying for a while now, but I hope devs see how well DMC5 sold and realize there's a market for good quality action games. So maybe Capcom digs through its old IP's, but we even might see a new Ninja Gaiden and even some new IP's down the road.

Actually imagine if we got a dlc with vergil and dante going through hell.

>All these people not realizing the OP is not being serious


R63 Dante in the OP should have given the hint lol

>late to the party

Why is Vergil squeezing Dante's nipple like that???

We need coop bloody palace first.

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>The Virgin DMCucks

>The CHAD Shellbros

This has to be one of the most bizarre rivalries in recent memory.

FemVergil is just basically Weiss from RWBY but with Satsuki's personality

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That's sounds gay as hell but is also equally not gay

Would you go to the beach with your Dauntie and Momgil?

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no, i dont wanna get embarrassed and get erections at the beach

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You guys don't ACTUALLY like this fetish, do you?

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go away new friend
I love rule 63

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>Well actually it's not really multiplayer
>Well it is but it's like the shades from Dark Souls
>Well not the actual summons, the figments that randomly appear
>B-but it's all part of an experiment to add multiplayer!
>That we're never adding because we completely dropped this game after it failed to meet our absurd sales quota.


The fact Vergil looks like a sugar mom with those earrings, painted nails and those golden bands is doing something to my johnson

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>one doesn't give a shit at all about the kid, has crippling depression, and acts cool to hide she fears having relationships
>the other would put the kid into adoption because rising the kid would mean not being able to advance in her career


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Dante only pretends to not give a shit about Nero, most of DMCV has him worried about him

>Do you like your aunt and her two multi-hit special attacks?

dante pushes people off because he fears losing them. and guess what? when a mother does that to a child it creates another fucked up adult. the kid woudl either be spoiler to death since femdante would let the kid do whatever and eat whatever. or create someone with massive mommy issues since by distancing herself to the kid you create someone with the "mom never liked me", which can lead to a psychopath

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Will they ever top this KINO?

>totally tubular dude

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I like how in most cutscenes Dante just casually struts around from place to place, while in gameplay you're spamming stingers just go a little faster.

DMC5 needed a cutscene like Arkham opening the hell portal. Even DMC4 had a scene like that. 5 just really lacked an interesting villain.

thats what made the ending feel a bit underwhelming.

I don't know why so much r63 of dante exists, but I'm alright with it.

Lewd possibility of his DMC3 outfit

I think near the end they were starting to run out of budget. The last third feels a bit compressed, and Vergil in particular needed a few more missions to develop, even if it's just everyone going "Oh shit it's Vergil, Nero it's getting fucking real now, man".
DMC5's still great, but if you look carefully you can see where they were starting to get stretched out. Like how Urizen is suspiciously similar to Balrog, and some of the concepts for him are wildly different.

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he started off cooler, with a more interesting story arch, but everything after the he kills Danzo is trash

Interesting how much the moon symbolism is present and I like how the summoned sword form around the back halo to mimic rays

And yeah I too think they've run out of budget. I would've preferred lower graphical fidelity and less transition animations in exchange for better presentation, story and pacing. They really could've just went with the DMC3/4 style plus higher texture resolutions and no one would really mind.

Damn it lads, I don't think we'll ever get a game that'll match DMC3.


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I hope they repurposed that demon in the second row for a final boss or something or moondust.

>Lists off a bunch of fun shit
>Lol u retards don't seriously like having fun, do you?
Get fucked.

Speaking honestly, I feel like the overall combat and the mook designs are in many ways superior to DMC3. I'm iffy on how the Vergil fights compare but overall the boss design was more consistently good, since it didn't have anything as awful as Gigapede or Arkham.
I wouldn't get too hung up on cut content though; DMC5 is still easily like a 9 or 10 and every game is going to have a lot of material left out due to time or budgetary constraints.
But now I am interested in whether DMC could get away with like a cel shaded, anime art style that uses more stylized and horrific depictions of its monsters.

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Of course DMC3 has flaws, but as a whole package and an experience I still think it's the best one.