Dear brothers: being unable to play the GOTY 2019 and best Platinum Games title to date is a very painful experience; So, this guide will help you deal with the pain. It's five easy steps:
>Pretend that Astral Chain is a bad game. Use bullet points like "30 fps", "Jojo ripoff", "slow and clunky", "glorifies pigs".
>Pretend that Platinum Games is a bad depeloper and isn't the best action game developer in the market right now.
>Pretend that Transformers: Devastation is PG's best game
>Pretend that the creatively bankrupt Devil May Cry 5 and Sekiro are good games and therefore you don't need to play Astral Chain
>Pretend that ironic weebshit shovelware Code Vein and River City Girls are good games and therefore you don't need to play Astral Chain
>Pretend that Astral Chain will flop and bring down Platinum Games with it. Ignore the people pointing at the game being one of the best Switch titles this month
>Claim that Bayonetta 3 will never come out (even when it has jack shit to do with Astral Chain)
>Force politics into the threads discussing the game; take advantage of the main characters being cops.
>(PCfags only) pretend that you will be able to play Astral Chain through an emulator. Ignore the people pointing out at Switch emulation most likely will take six or seven years to work and even then it won't work perfectly (if it workds at all)

If you follow this guide you will feel better.

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kys weeb

I am not poorfag you fucking incel neet, if i want to play your game, i will fucking play it. Prove to me first that it's any good.

Oop glad I have Switch.

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I can literally taste their salty tears as they type

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PC chad here, downloading it right now as we speak.

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Sony aren't capable of making games. They hire other studios specialized in making actual games and turn them into movies to advance their agenda. Sony are literally the worst thing to happen to gaming and next generation will be better without their awful involvement.

I feel like such a dumbass

>not able to play
you're a bit slow, user, aren't you?

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fuck nintendo

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I'll wait one more year for the Switch Pro or SMTV, whichever one comes out first (most likely not SMTV).

OP isn't wrong
You can't even emulate the N64 correctly.

Have a Switch. Absolutely loved Metal Gear Rising. Fucking hated Bayonetta 1 because of QTEs. Somewhat enjoyed Bayo 2. Nier Automata bored me to tears. DMC5 isn't the best game I've ever played but it's some pretty great shit (V really brings it down).

Was really looking forward to Astral Chain 'cause the music and art/setting were absolutely my jam but the more gameplay they showed the less I cared. Controlling the legion sounds like a super fucking annoying gimmick.

At this point I have only a passing interest. Sell me on the game.

God I miss Ninja Gaiden.

It pains me that I can't play this game.

Until next month because I'm a poorfag whose budget is limited and therefore can't buy it right now.

It's depressing to see Devil May Cry 5 getting more and more reviled every day. What happened?

When does this release? I feel like i dont even have time for big ganes anymore...

So this is a ps.nigger falseflagging as a falseflaging as a ps.nigger, right?

>Pretend that the creatively bankrupt Devil May Cry 5 and Sekiro are good games
But they are.

have fun!

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it didn't get ported to the switch, so Yea Forumsintendogaf hates it.

Serious question. Will some people really avoid this game just because main character are policemen? If the answer is yes, I would like to know why.
>inb4 they kill innocent black children in the ghetto

I have both of these. God I am glad this is coming out


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my switch is 2 feet away from me and I'm not playing it because it's 30fps

looking forward to the new olympics game tho

Somehow i knew this OP would mention DMC5 and Sekiro. You mad that you'll never get to play it and have to cope with the shitty animu game and other DMC knockoffs Platinum will pump out?

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You can’t kill civilians
You can Batman style Knock them out but no one dies

You don't have to ask. You can see replies to Polygon's review on twitter saying this game is "disgusting copaganda" and won't buy it because it doesn't end in you murdering every policeman in the Ark

I don't know who all these gay console war sgitpost threads are directed at doesn't almost everyone on Yea Forums have more than one console?

There is no cooler cliche than a battered and wounded superpowered cop doing a by-the-books arrest on one of the main villains. I hope this game delivers.

After browsing all of those years I'm convinced that the majority of Yea Forums is single platform.

it's mostly coming from nintendo cultists and poorfag brazilians who can only afford one platform.

I stopped playing 30fps action about 20 years ago
Its an exclusive they have no excuse for this shit to run at 30, apply yourself
Platinum is really going down the drain uh
I swear to god if bayo3 is not at least trying to aim for 60 i might have to commit jacuzzi

It’s mediocre as hell, and only even remotely liked because of the bandwagoning of the brand.

So you never played Bloodborne? Why?

I'll do you one better.
I'm downloading it for free and enjoying it on my modded Switch.
How's that for cope?

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I can’t help but feel like Nintendo is made for children and soiboi fags. Nothing about it interests me at all

In six months this retard is going to be silent when the pc port hits and we all buy it for half price

because the devs decided to put the graphical fidelity above gameplay
how good could it possibly be ?
i play a few 30fps games don't get me wrong, just not action stuff
turn based shit is perfectly fine i'm not a sperg

It’s mostly a social thing. People play lots of multiplayer Nintendo stuff.

>tfw it WILL be playable on an emulator
>tfw it will be able to hit 60fps
>tfw it will be moddable
>tfw it will be the definitive way to play just like Botw
tick tock switchlets

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Are there any guides for short-term cope? I'm not gonna be able to get the game until this weekend.

Then you're even more based.
Hacked Switch is the peak of vidya.
>DQ11 Definitive
>Astral Chain
All for free.

Imagine being this defensive over a less-than-mediocre Platinum Game. It's literally 101 all over again.

>No one defends CV and RC
Those are my most awaited games for the remaining of the year...

uh .. can you show the ps4 or xbox one rating too?

Some anons will yell at you: "nooooooo, please support PG, they're a starving developer!" Remind them that Nintendo funded Astral Chain with the objective of making the Switch's exclusive game library more diverse. So, it wouldn't matter if it sold 0 copies because sales aren't the goal; pushing hardware is.

>don't have a switch
>astral chain looks great
>going to play other games in the meantime

Looking forward to playing it one day.

>You can't even emulate the N64 correctly.
Not like the N64 had good games. :)

Same; I hope it gets emulated soon.
It's the only Switch game I've been interested on so far.

>21 critics versus 47 critics

>DmC and Sekiro
>Not being good
You're fucking retarded.
I am going to buy Astral Chain and you're literally retarded

>Jannies will let this blatant fanboy and console war extremely low quality thread get 500 replies
Yea Forumsintendo - S.oylent and Cardboard

Literally this.

Please give link.

I'm conflicted on this game. I love the cop narrative and think combat could be cool, but it all looks essentially like picking the correct legion for each color coded enemy. I'm not sure how variable the combat actually will be

What's with all the shitposting on all sides about this game? does it upset you all that much?

Absolutely no game would make me buy a Switch again.

21 critics vs 47 critics

when it had around 20 critics it was 89 also.

I really hate tortanic threads.

I preordered the game and I'll play it in six months, it's good to be multiplat.

Nice copypaste, guy who never played Ninja Gaiden.

you do know pc players will emulate it right?

>you do know
Absolutely disgusting formatted post

Man everyone was hype for the game when it was first announced and then sonysperms had to go full cope apeshit and ruin it. Now we gotta deal with this shit.

You also contributed to this 500 posts goal. Thank you.

Why would anyone show inferior releases?

If someone has coping problems it's you since you make threads like these.
My backlog is filled with far superior games, so why on earth do you think anyone gives a shit? You should go check the rules because inciting flamewars is breaking them.

It's not just Astral Chain, they do the same for Dragonquest aswell, they will do it every week from now til October since the Switch literally gets a new medium - big game released every week, meanwhile they have to wait til november for their yearly exclusive.

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What exactly is wrong with that? I'd rather hardware be justified or everything on PC alls considering.