Jeremy Soulless

Why is this guy so acclaimed? He's praised as if he's some kind of musical genius, yet literal nobodies compose music better than him. This is particularly obvious when it involves multiple games in the same series. Let's take his Kotor score:

This is the music that plays in Kotor 1 on the Ebon hawk

This is Kotor 2 music for the Ebon hawk (composed by somebody else):

Now, which of these do you think is more fitting for a ship that is a safe haven where you get to have deep conversations with your companions? Even aside from context, the Kotor 2 track is simply a much better piece of music from a technical perspective than Soule's. And the Kotor 1 track also double as Tatooine music. Kotor 1 doesn't even have unique music for its areas, every track is reused for different areas, no matter how poorly it fits.

That's just one track, but everything I said about it applies to the entirety of Kotor's score, and Soule's music in general. His compositions have zero personality and are devoid of any emotional hook. I guess it's fitting that he's the composer for bland Bethesda games.

I still can't get over the fact that this hack used generic orchestral pieces as background for Morrowind. The games setting is literally filled with wind chimes, lutes and bongos/drums but you won't hear neither in even a single track. He just makes generic string and flutes 24/7 for everything he does. Doesn't matter if he's composing for a space opera or high fantasy, he reuses the same generic 'orchestral but not really orchestral' soundscape for every game.

Oh, and he's literally a rapist.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Suck a dick. His work on Total Annihilation, Oblivion and Skyrim is legendary.

>Suck a dick.
Funny that you should say that since Soule FORCED someone to suck his dick, if these allegations are to be believed.

he's a rapist and a bigot
total asshole

>if these allegations are to be believed
That's the point.
These days, anyone with Photoshop and some other tools can make a twitter thread with fake allegations of sexual harassment against literally anyone, and anyone can believe them and form a mob against the falsely accused, because nobodies on the internet don't lie, right?

You're right, but you just don't understand why people enjoy music. For example, literally everyone played skyrim and morrowind, even those people that playing only cs, dota and other popular games. And most of the players spend a lot of time playing these games. People simply don't care how and why one piece of music playing in which episode, unless it's really ridiculous and cannot be tolirated. If it's remarkable and brings joy or memories, if it's atmospheric enough - people will love it. Even if that means only 1/4 of the soundtrack is deserve to be praised.

sounds based

and if-a my grandmother had-a wheels, she would-a be a bike

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>guild wars ost
so good

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fuck off nathalie no one would want you to suck their dick

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Did those allegations ever get so detailed you could derive a forced blowjob out of it?

>Imagine getting raped by this

I would blow him for more music on par with his past creations.

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proof first

>left; soule
>right; souleless

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Don't forget this absolute SOUL.

OP, eat a dick.

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*extremely fucking epic orchestral reddit noises*

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By the nine divines, sexual assault! Assault! Guard your hymens!

>ITT lonely epic gamers defend rapist

My bad, I thought this thread was about his music.

>Thinking this lightweight faggot able to rape anything
no video game music will ever top this

Sorry, but...

The music he composed for the harry potter games is awesome, fuck off.

He's absolutely overrated, Jesper Kyd is the better alternative.

Oblivion is the single greatest video game soundtrack in the fucking world you philistine.
It can be played right alongside Howard Shore's LotR music and feel just as grand and moving.

Guess what tranny? I wouldn't even care if he raped anyone. Yes, he is THAT good that I can separate the artist from his work.

Jeremy Soule is the greatest video game composer of all time. It will probably never change either.

I am defending a music composer on the merits of his work.
resetera is cancelled and so are trannies. The pendulum has officially shifted and you only have yourself to blame.

fucking /thread, you took the words out of our mouth


>look mom I posted it again
gas urself op

Funny how Soule is so based that actual rape allegations have to come out for this trash fire of a copypasta to be used again.
Everyone post your favorite of his work

Extremely based; haven't heard this in over a decade. Thank you user.

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>generic epic orchestra
So...this is the creative genius of Jeremy Soule...

I love his Elder Scrolls work. In gw2 I think he didn't really try, but then again it's a shit game so...

Luckily Guild Wars (1) was his Magnum Opus.

Is this why Molag Bal's theme is so amazing?

>greatest video game composer
>who is chris huelsbeck?
>who is rob hubbard?
>who are the geniuses behind thunder force 4's soundtrack?

None of these come close to Oblivion's soundtrack

his music touches the soul

>Oblivion is the single greatest video game soundtrack in the fucking world you philistine.
this desu

Nier Automata, RDR2 and DMC5 are strong contenders. I will concede it to TES IV though, because I love it so dearly.

>Oblivion is the single greatest video game soundtrack in the fucking world you philistine.
>It can be played right alongside Howard Shore's LotR music and feel just as grand and moving.
Hyperbole but I'm inclined to agree in principle. Very few OSTs keep me coming back a decade after playing the game, and almost none for more than a couple tracks. It's masterful.

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I liek his work, especially on Secret of Evermore, but I'm still waiting on that album I kickstarted years ago.

*complements your path without blocking it*

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I liek mudkipz

I really like TES music but I also really enjoyed NWN1's soundtrack. that one also felt incredibly special. The Rebel Camp soundtrack from SotU is 10/10.

>Jeremy Literally Who Soulless
>Jeremy Soule born December 19, 1975 is an American composer of soundtracks for film, television and video games. He has won multiple awards and has been described as the "John Williams of video game music" and "a model of success" for Western composers.

LMAO only Amerifats describe this guy as a genius

The Turrican II one is good but the other two are utter shit in comparison to Soule's work

no idea why i thought right side of thumbnail was Elden Ring at first

Mediocre at best

God tier just for his Morrowind and Oblivion OST. It's not easy to make something you can listen to for hundreds of hours without ever getting tired of it.

He deserves it for not blowing the lid off Bethesda's inner workings.
But this Northerner Diaries theme is pretty nice

I'm a European and I've known who Jeremy was since 2005 you mong.

His music is perfectly fitting and actually creates atmosphere in many games that honestly need a lot of help with atmosphere. It's fantastic to listen to in-game and as background noise.
If you're looking to put on a fursuit and go rave to it at anthrocon or something, then he's not for you.

Sure fatty
This shit is fucking masterful, especially considering it comes from some literal-who German (originally) for some literal-who no-budget indie game

Very reasonable choice desu.
It certainly has the same quality to it that leads to a strong connection between the music and the in-game experience that accompanied it.
Sweden, Mice on Venus, and Moog City give me similar recollections of my early weeks in MC much like Sunrise of Flutes, Wings of Kynareth, or Peace of Akatosh do for Oblivion.

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She looks Vegan

It literally says the music is by acclaimed composer Jeremy Soule on the back of the box you spastic.


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Who gives a shit. Separate the art from the artist.

Honestly? Of the two tracks I like one better. There's a sexual charge to it that I can't write put my finger on. It's captures the feeling of cornering someone in a vulnerable moment and waiting for that perfect moment when they leave you the slightest space to initiate a sexual advance. Song two is just kind of asexual. It's got the feel of ending a date with someone telling you that they want to be friends and actually being okay with it. It's the theme of someone happy that their sexual conquest failed.

>implying he actually raped anyone

>utter shit
These tracks took more than just musical skill to make, the composers also had intricate knowledge of the sound hardware and how to circumvent its limits, like switching waveforms on the c64's SID chip on the fly to create the illusion of additional sound channels. Soule can just compose it, have it played by an orchestra and call it a day.

Outrage culture has had a hard couple of days
>Voidpoint tells them to fuck off
>ProJared tells sheds light on how everyone was lying to destroy him and has damning proof to this effect
>people claim someone is a rapist, people say they literally do not care

All in 2 days mind you. Meme magic is real.

I don't think rapists should be allowed to continue work and should be jailed.
Thing is though, he's being accused of it by a liar with mental illnesses. An ugly cunt who plays victim because her piss poor adventures in video game development don't pay the bills.

poohead :)


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>These tracks took more than just musical skill
Okay, they're technically challenging to implement and impressive in that regard, they still sound like shit though. Maybe on modern hardware they'd sound nicer but there's only so much you can do with such barebones synths and those disgusting screeching noises

Sounds like the shit I used to do as a kid when doing some random piano "improvisations" and fucking around with fl studio
Overrated as hell

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Also, going after a sacred cow instead of someone likely to do the act at all.
They always try to destroy the pillars of a given community. They are soulless and went against a guy that is literally Soule.


Separate the accusation from the judgment.

>Sounds like the shit I used to do as a kid when doing some random piano "improvisations" and fucking around with fl studio
post some examples

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If Trump can rape a 13 year old girl and become PRESIDENT, then Soule should be able to keep making music for games.

Go fuck yourself to death.

I seriously, regret not recording that crap back then because I thought it sounded like shit I could have earned some serious cash from tone deaf retards like you

>Therm0ptic with the bants

>i-it was real I just never recorded it I swear
okay buddy, why don't you open up FL studio right now and show us your talent

>He made advances on me and I explained that I didn’t want this and wanted a friendship. He was very threatening, and didn’t listen. He made it clear that it’s “him or bust”. He raped me.
That last sentence seemed like a bit of a leap forward.

>liar with mental illness
Elaborate. I’ve never heard of this woman.

And boy, Jeremy sure did bust. ;)

Can't wait for the lawsuit. Soule is not some no name indie dev you can slander without any consequences.

I never stated that I had any talent, you just have bad taste

Okay then, lets hear your supposed music that can rival C418's. I'll wait.

She made one shitty "game" and pretends she's being harassed all the time. All of a sudden one of the biggest composers in gaming raped her, yeah right.

stop shilling yourself so shamelessly.
The songs were mediocre at best. If you weren't in a thread comparing your work to a living legend it wouldn't be so bad but here we are.

>sound like shit
They're some of the best music their respective platforms ever produced. You can't compare recorded orchestral music simplybeing played back with carefully crafted compositions produced in realtime by something like a ym2612.

Don't you have Five Guys to Burgers and Fries, Zoe?

>y-you're C418!!
w e w fucking lad look at this cope
now post your .flp files

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You’re confused, soule did not work on Xenoblade X

You could make a wonderous composition on a tin can and it would still be shit because your medium is a tin fucking can.

>Soule's tracks aren't carefully crafted
I take it you've never even seen sheet music made for a proper orchestra before.

Imagine getting this mad on a vidya board about a composer

Yea Forums latched onto her story some years ago, she worked on a game and started slinging her puss around to journalists to get better scores, and her boyfriend blew the lid off it to social media when he found out, only for the SJWs (which she and Anita basically popularized the entire movement of) to take her side and insist that fucking them didn't mean they gave better reviews.

>believing the women who said Jeremy said that his music is about sex and women
lol ok brainlet

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Is it ok to be mad about a rapist tho?


Ex-boyfriend. They had already split (though admittedly very recently) before she started shopping around for a different flavor of dick.
And frankly he comes off as a turbo betacuck. He couldn't cope with the fact that his bedwarmer took off in search of somebody chadder than him, so he does exactly what a dumb bitch would do: start a passive-aggressive self-victimizing campaign. A true man would pick himself up, dust himself off, wipe the blood around his nose, and move on.

Prove he did anything.

>>ProJared tells sheds light on how everyone was lying to destroy him and has damning proof to this effect

Did this really happen?

Sure, but innocent until proven guilty. I'm going to treat Soule as though he's not until proven otherwise.

Like an hour ago he uploaded a 45 minute video with some pretty fucking solid evidence he didn't do anything.

>A true man
Would be Scottish.

I saw Jeremy Soule at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Wait.... Zoe Quinn says Soule raped her?

i just want to know one thing: as soule began the rape, did skyrim combat music start playing in his?


>Jeremy Soule thread
>only two mentions of Guild Wars

The ABSOLUTE state of Yea Forums

No, she just latched on to it and proclaimed some onions indie dev maltreated her and wants to make it all about herself.

He was in his best in 2000-2007 years,Dawn of war and icewind dale are his best works.


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Quinn says Alec Holowka (of Aquaria, Night In The Woods etc. fame) forced her to be his sextoy for about a month.

Provide the proof you demented resetera cunt

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In all fairness, it seems major studios quietly dropped Soule post-2012. He doesn't feature as lead composer on anything big post Skyrim and the original Guild Wars 2. He's either an ensemble composer (alongside others) or he leads small projects like the Consortium series.
Whether this might have been due to sexual misbehavior allegations or his control-freak behavior, it's not known.

Sorry, I really liked the music of Total Annihilation and Icewind Dale 20 years ago, but after that it sort of started sounding all the same.

Even Hans Zimmer makes more varied stuff (for movies.)

Ok, got it. This thread is the first I’ve heard about this.

>of indieshit ((((((((((((((((fame))))))))))))))))

Must have been your mother, since you're so upset about it

He literally became too expensive for them to handle. He knows his worth and expects payment to reflect that. He also advocated for royalties since his music is integral to the game since you hear it 100% of the time you spend playing it.
The studios wanted to pay him a flat contractor's fee.

Don't ask me how I know, I will not discuss the particulars.

He also ripped off his kickstarter backers.

As one should do routinely.

Bullshit until proven true

Oh, and apparently there was that one time he was on a random project, and he tried to bang the chick doing the vocals, she bounced him, and in return he kicked her out.
Which reportedly scuppered the project since she was one of the relatively few people who could passably sing in old Norse.
Never go full retard, folks.

Jeremy Soule raped and killed a girl in 1990. Dont question this just believe.

If people don't call you back, it doesn't matter how good you believe yourself to be. Bills don't pay themselves.
Consortium and Consortium: The Tower ain't exactly multi-million unit sellers.

Doesn't really matter in the long run, guy got what he wanted from the soundtracks he did complete and is known for.
He isn't begging on the street lol.

Luckily Oblivion and Skyrim were :^)

Back to Pedotera you tranny freak.

>listening to video game music
I play my own music over any shitty in game OST. They're never good.

Who paid you to make threads shitting on him?

If this is a dig at rumors regarding Trump's past, I feel the need to remind you that we live in a world where a multi-millionaire banker flew teenage girls to his tropical island sex dungeon for private orgies with the world's rich & famous. Said banker also inexplicably managed to commit suicide despite theoretically being under watch after a prior unsuccessful attempt. It's tinfoil hat tier shit, except it's all true.
So yeah, you bet your ass I believe Trump cut a few hoes back ~30 years ago.

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I heard the dark brotherhood storylines where based on his exploits.

>Second music
Generic score
>First music

You're obviously not listening to music at all.

Not him but these kinda put up or shut up arguments never go anywhere.
When has anybody ever posted proof and had the other guy say "well fuck, fair enough that IS good"?

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based and redpilled

Its because its made up. No evidence, just a nobody blog writer having a meltdown over a WordPress template they weren't paid for ten years ago and the time they slept with somebody quasi famous that didn't benefit her disproportionately. Fucking yawn to be honest.

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Absolute retard move on his part if true, but not quite illegal.

That's how it should be, fuck those assholes trying to pay artists a one off and then keeping the rights to sell that music for years and years.
Anybody who takes a flat fee instead of royalties for music is either naiive or is on fiverr and doesn't give a single fuck

He also used to go to Thailand to strangle hookers and murder children. Listen and believe.

Nier and DMC5 can't even beat MGR tho, and RDR2 is basically a "Now That's What I Call Music" album.

Rape is a small price to pay for great music like this.