I hope you're planning on experiencing DQXI the intended way.
Dragon Quest XI S
I didn't need to eat anyways
>most content on the weakest platform
>Graphics and performance don't matter!
>it's just about the graphics, not overall performance, I mean who doesn't LOVE unintended slowdown?
>here's your controller bro
PS4 was already shit compared to PC. You're nbeing hypocrite. Stop the consolewar meme.
Can someone tell me without console wars bullshit what the difference between the Switch and PC versions are besides graphics?
>Most content on the platform I don't own
I feel you
I'm glad I never cared about "weak platforms" and just enjoy games. I don't know which is worse, the obsession with graphics or console warring. Though the first leads to the later in a lot of cases.
I have the original PS2 controller. It's really uncomfortable to hold, the shape is not ergonomic at all. It has also started sweating like motherfucker and it's quite frankly disgusting to touch now. I have never even played Dragon Quest 8 and I would play the censored to hell localized version anyway.
Weakest home console but most powerful handheld.
really makes you think...
the only justification I can see is if you want to play this on the go on a portable device.
Even then, why pick up this one when you can play it on your 3ds? most likely, your switch wont be able to run this game for long on a handheld mode.
seeing it fills me with the fear of god.
truly makes my nutsac quiver and shiver.
Not only is the 3DS game completely different, but it was never localized in the first place
how is it different?
learn japanese
>how is it different?
How can you not see what's different about the chibi 3DS version vs the PS4 version?
>learn japanese
Wow thanks
Is that available in the US or is it JP only?
would you pay 899$ for that?
JP onry
>Guide or whatever the thing on the right is spoils a HUGE endgame plot point
>chibi version means different gameplay
Same thing with the 3DS version of Dragon Quest 8. If that port is anything to go by it will be worth it though.
what is that slime blob controller?
i need it
I never said anything about gameplay
I have a wireless charger I carry around with my Switch.
not sure about that but i couldn't get into the dub at all on the pc version.
game wasn't bad or anything, it just didn't grip me.
Pre order?
I know this isnt gamestop and its probably 200 or 250 because controller
>I NEED 187 FPS on a turn based jrpg.
do you know how long it lasts? from a full battery?
What does the tablet do?
it's actually an ebook loaded with dozens of lewd dragon quest doujinshi