Is blizzard retarded?

Is blizzard retarded?

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>making 12 million dollars off of retards playing a 15 year old game that took them 2 interns over the summer to make
yeah, they sure are dumb user

so are all people who buy from gog retarded too?

are they paying 15 bucks a month to play a 15 year old game?

>falling for it

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yeah they are HAHA!

name a more cucked fanbase than WoWfags

No company can handle this amount of traffic. It isn't Blizzard's fault.

yeah you's called you don't do retarded shit like arbitrary realms only grouping should be by physical data center location. eg. US east vs. Europe west.

>why didnt blizzard just change the fundamental of how their servers work, when people want the original experience
i cant tell if you are retarded or just dumb

fuck bethesda
fuck blizzard
fuck niggers
and fuck trannies

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They just know they can get away with what ever.
>People were warning them for awhile now that they didn't have enough servers.
>Servers get full from essentially just pre order/name save
>Open up 1 more server with no heads up
>Open up a few more servers hours before launch
>Launch is a Queue fest as Boomers told everyone
>Wait in line to wait in line
>Blizzard reluctantly opens up 1 server per region
>Still full queues
>Blizzard shrugs
>You think you want it but you really don't

I am just going to wait a couple weeks for the zoomers to leave.

This. Waiting in queues is the quintessential vanilla experience. You people LITERALLY asked for this.

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>waiting in ques
>35 minute flight paths
>class quests that make you run from continent to continent to continent just to talk to 3 npcs
>dungeons where if someone drops, someone has to hearth, recruit a new player, then run back to the dungeon
vanilla wow was just an excersize in waiting

>People get bored and play retail instead
Maybe this is their plan?

because its 2019.

you honestly think people pay sub to have latency issues, packet loss, and have to wait in line ?????

>we want the real vanilla experience
yes, yes i do

then you're retarded and a literal brainlet meme

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this game had 12 million players in wrath

even if every single server has 100k people they still haven't even come remotely close to wrath numbers

8.3 million were playing fortnite in 2018

Let me fix that for you
>No company wants to pay money to handle this amount of traffic that may die down in a couple months.

>You think you want it but you really don't

IMO Blizz wants us boomers back for retail, they couldnt care less about classic and are just using it to drag us back in.
"Hey, I reactivated my account after all, cant hurt checking BfA out.."

Some of us want the authentic vanilla experience. We actually played this game back in the day, we didn't jump in during fucking Legion like you zoomers. Believe it or not, but we really do care about reliving the experience of old WoW, and being patient is one of those experiences. If you don't like playing an authentic RPG, maybe you should go find another MMO.

nice trolling big clap you really show everyone you know how to play retarded

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>If you don't like playing an authentic RPG, maybe you should go find another MMO.
do you realize WoW casualized the genre?

>I had to watch this 20 times just to remind myself why I'm still waiting in queue

Please tell me it'll be worth it by the end bros...

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This so much.
I am sick and tired of zoomers pretending like WoW was what MMO's used to be and we need to go back to challenging and rewarding games. WoW casualized the shit out of the genre, and guess what people ate it up. Funny how things go full circle.

that's why cloud / on-demand compute is a thing. pay only for the compute / bandwidth you actually use, scale to whatever spikes in users you get. no more overhead of running your own physical servers.

No, WoW struck a fine balance between casual and hardcore. No one plays those old MMOs for poopsockers anymore for a reason.

You fucking idiots. They literally CAN'T HANDLE this amount of players. It's the largest MMO in the world. Of course they run into issues. Fucking ingrates.

Jump into the river and drown yourself it would be a relief on everyone

drink more soi latte millennial

lmao what a retard

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You're trying way too hard to fit in, zoomer

>they couldnt care less about classic and are just using it to drag us back in.
it’s like everyone’s been saying this since day one, yet nobody believed it

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>2 interns
Try again, Jared

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that looks shopped

Go back to playing Final Trannisy 14 morons

>Hiring all that
>For the production equivalent of 2 interns working over the summer

because it is

And miss out on line simulator 2019?

suck trannies

I'm really hoping this piece of shit finally dies with this classic release, what a fuckin' boring ass game for retards. Enjoy your 2 hour wait for your 15 year old super dated experience. MMOs are so shit

No you are for rolling on that server. I have been playing on old blanchy and have had zero queues.

I fucked up guys
I forgot I have a job
I forgot when i get home the queue to play with my neet friends is literally 3h
There is no point. By the time I can play the game will actually be dead

But FFXIV has overtaken WOW a long time ago

How many players does FF have

You fucking retards do realize that this doesn’t apply to EVERYTHING in vanilla, right? It was made less “””””hardcore”””””” than EverQuest for the average player, but there is still shit like R14 that you have to poopsock to get. The starting raids are easy, especially in this patch, but the later ones can take time.
You guys just like repeating what others say without thinking about it don’t you?

Number hovers around 10 mil active

>Is blizzard retarded?
you must be if you questioning that just now...

source: your ass

And how many does Blizzard have, user? They don’t keep count anymore, I wonder why?

Theres literally a big red button that solves your problem.

And FFXIV literally never released sub numbers. I wonder why?

>People get even more bored and kill themselves

Delightfully devilish Ion!

>No u
Every time

Jokes on you fags

Blizzard wanted the queues to be this bad to make it a truly classic experience

>get called on his bullshit numbers
Every time

>tfw almost got swept into the hype
>I missed out World of Waiting: Classic
Thank God. Now all I have to do is wait for September so I could get all the games I want.

Fuck the nochanges crowd.
They're the reason this is happening.

How, exactly? Server infrastructure and playerbase-regulating mechanics like sharding are one of the only things they DID change. They were just shortsighted.

It's for the better in the long run. Considering it's been less than 24 hours and this is the biggest release in modern history, things are going surprisingly well

I'm on a medium server. 90 min queue

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Play on a lower pop server dumbfuck. You deserve to wait if you're too stubborn to switch over.

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that's a lot of poo

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I'm on Kirtonos and theres no queue at all


The only mistake of theirs was underestimating peoples desire to reserve their name
>they warned about a week in advance that full servers would have a significant queue
>they said they'd roll more servers as needed
>they did
It's been less than 24 hours, either white knuckle the queues or pick another server. Med pop servers have a queue of about 600-800, and low is instant.

I'm playing on Gandling, which was the lowest population server at launch. Don't feel like leaving a level 14 warrior there just because of queue.

Nigger, I am on a medium server and it has 6000 queue

hahahahahaha none of this can be solved technically

I understand but then theres no reason for you to complain about queue times

Which class did you cut today just to hit the queue my dude?

Those indicators are broken according to Ion

OP is for ignoring the warnings

I'm gonna make it, bros.

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Okaeri, user-kun!

>1 minute later
>45 minutes remaining

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stick it out with Mograine or fuck off to a lower queue pvp server

help me

The last review from some sites that check data use said that among MMORPGs, the first ones were WoW and then BDO, mainly because the damn game has a thousand afk activities built in. In the West BDO has, like, half a million daily active players at most. Consider something like, I don't know, a 1/5th of that leaving their PCs with the game running in tray every day.
MMORPGs play with very low numbers nowadays.

Fort Nite handles this amount of players every day