For me it's the Chicken Popper Kabobbles

For me it's the Chicken Popper Kabobbles

Attached: nintendo_lunchables_partnership.jpg (780x780, 751K)

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Oh boy, corn syrup and wood pulp! My favorite!

I'm a simple man, I like the pizza with peperoni and crunch bar

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The deep dish pizza ones were the shit
Wish my parents got me those instead of the chocolate and M&M pizza ones

i'm convinced food like this induces cancer later on down the line

lunchables are like the only thing still advertising on the 360 dashboard

American "food" is poison seasoned with lies.

Why are amerimutts considered human?



haha you think we give kids healthy foods? lmao

A shaved chimpanzee in a suit is more human than an Amerimutt.

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>carbs are bad

Too many carbs are bad and American "food" is loaded with them.

For me it’s the one with the ham and cheese crackers with the Capri Sun

>gives his kid a raw steak for school lunch
fuck off ketofag

>fruits and vegetables are bad

Has anyone here actually won one of these sweepstakes? I remember signing up to some of these a couple of times, but I never won anything.

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>not getting the deep dish

Turkey and American Cracker Stacker or get the absolute FUCK out of my face.

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Based. I still get these every once in a while for the nostalgia. Plus it's fun when drunk to the point I may as well be a child.

A tomato has less carbs than a pizza.

>more breading than chicken
>sugar water

I mean I ate lunchables when I was young but only the cracker meat sandwhich ones.

That's what you get when you worship corporations

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The weak should fear the strong.

Never in my goddamn life.

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>The weak should fear the strong.

I hope you never run into someone stronger than you who thinks the same way.

>The free-er the country the fatter it is

Rerally makes you think

It's a meme you dip. You must have been one of those raised on Kid Cuisine.


man I'm jealous of you two parties system allowing you to elect elite pedophiles and elite pedophiles all bowing to lobbies and corporations

t. weak ass nigga

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