There are people who started with the Black Eagle route

>there are people who started with the Black Eagle route

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Other urls found in this thread:

>otomecucks still seething

cry more dimitri

But user, Edelgard said that she doesn't plan on conquering Fodlan and subjugating it's population, destroying their national identity and forcing them to be Imperial citizens. She said she would "free them from the Church's tyranny". Just look at how nice she is to the Liecester flag in her ending.

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Yeah, just got the part where Jerlt gets back stabbed and I am regretting it. Edelgard is a bitch who only had fans because if her looks. Sad. Will join to Church to destroy the red evil side.

Unironically the best choice for the long run though. Giving the Church sway over your courts is a recipe for disaster.

I did. It was good. Then I went Blue Lions and it was even better. Good game is good.

Once you play black eagle route I'm unsure how can play others. It clearly has the happiest best ending. Edlegard is right and does everything she sets out to do. And it's clear world is a better place for everyone after

Not even that. Later on, Edelgard literally tries to kill you and your classmates before asking you to join her.

The first few days of CHURCH BAD CHURCH BAD and then watching them get btfo by GD players were pretty fun

but user, I did it to join the church and punish that heretic cunt

It left me feeling like shit, everyone got fucked for the sake of Edelgard's power trip. Thankfully it's the worst written route with the worst maps too so unlike Conquest that had great gameplay and maps, BE can be permanently ignored.

It's genius really. This franchise has become known for waifu faggotry and SOI infused fans. They would obviously pick the Edelgard route because they are Cunnybrains who think with their virign dicks.
>Turns out to be the evil route as evidence of the fact there's a chance for you to leave her house because of her shitty daddy issues ideology and help the church (only time in the game that happens).

I like Edelgard routes maps better than the others personally. Shame its 4 chapters shorter.

But user, if you attakc Edelgard with any Black Eagles students, she literally says that she won't actually kill anyone, it's just some strong rhetoric to let the church know that the Empire means business.

From all the routes I've played, Black Eagles were easily the best one. I have not done Church route yet, but I read it shares maps with other routes.

she made it pretty clear from the start that she plans to restore the empire, retardbro

Why WOULDNT you get the worst out of the way first?

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Yep IS knows there fan base they prob laughed as all the short dick retards flocked to the waifu house and missed out on kino BL and the chillest heart warming house GD

>not wanting to unite the continent and overthrow the corrupted church
>b-but muh waifu boogeyman
It's a crime this route is so short.

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Started with Black Eagles first because I wanna fuck Edelgard.

Started with Blue Lions first because I want Dimitri to fuck me.

>free people from Church "tyranny" by invading their homes, killing their fathers and sons defending their homes, and forcing them to be citizens of your country

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Divorcing church from the state and unifying smaller kingdoms into a strong country is historically proven to be the right thing to do...

>the church are the real bad guys you gotta believe me sensei
Fuck Edeltard

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>choose the losing side of the conflict

I swear, anyone who dislike Edelgard are only doing it just to be contrarian. Seriously, they are people who will say, "THIS CHARACTERS IS RIGHT!!!" just to prolonged their hate boner for a single character, when reality we don't know the full story. It's complete stupidity.

I wanted to start with Gold Deer, but I saw they focus on archery/ranged, which I have bad luck with. If I knew this game was piss easy, I'd have done Gold Deer first.

I went Black Eagle and hated the whole second half. Now I'm on Gold Deer and the story feels like a regular "Good Guys Beat Back The Evil Regime" Fire Emblem

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>Church bad
>Empire good
>freedom of choice of your country bad
>submit to Empire or die good

so a dragon who separated a kingdom for the sake of her personal motives is better?

Ok, explain why the church is good.

>Turns out to be the evil route as evidence of the fact there's a chance for you to leave her house because of her shitty daddy issues ideology
Does Hubert's evil looks and shitty evil dialogue with Edel about "assassination" talk about killing the MC not give away that this house has an evil thought process in early hours of games?

Yeah I wish I would have saved it for last, because seeing her win after 200 game hours of getting murked would have been kino. Also while her route is a bit eh the end is my favorite so far (haven't played Church yet).

>"The Edelgard who sheds tears died a long time ago."
>does just that at (your) apparent death
>in a happy twist she then realizes that she actually didn't have to give up everything she ever loved
bretty good

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Literally took Black Eagles because of Edelgard and now i'm currently where she went full nazi and is Flame Lord lol
Thank God i nearly dont give a fuckabout the story otherwise i would probably be very upset

>instead of uniting the continent, reforming the church and overthrow the even more corrupt empire filled to the brim with slithers

In every fucking route your opponents seem either absolutely retarded, bloodthirsty or crazy. Unless you pick them.

>the Church is bad because they aren't warmongering tyrants
>Edelgard is good because she invades and kills
The absolute state of morality

I dislike her because she's retarded, but she is fed half-truths and bases her actions off of that so it's not like she knows the truth and acts against it entirely. There also is no "right" choice in TH, but Edelgard serving as the primary antagonist doesnt help her much.

>so a dragon who separated a kingdom
That was Loog though, the Empire was the one that forced everyone to be their subjects in the first place.

Great, now fuck off

im on dimitri second half and he just went nuts for revenge

Should I go with Black Eagles or Blue Lions after I finish up this Golden Deer run?

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Dragon jesus is justified its her mothers land afterall. you all niggas need to pay rent.

(You) are one of the dragons m8. Fodlan belongs to you by right. Don't be a cuck by giving away your kingdom to a puny human.

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>Dimitri kills Imperials for massacrimg his home
>Claude tries to keep the Alliance from killing each other because Edelgard started an internal war to weaken the Alliance

>Manipulated one thousand years of humanity's history.
>Still genocide entire populations occasionally.
>Force humanity into the golden age.
>Literally governed by dragons who sees humans as insects.

Th... The church are to- totally the go-good guys guys!

Do BE so you can have some fun being the villains before doing BL, ortherwise you'll feel bad killing all your friends as BE at the end.

They should have handed Rhea over to the empire instead of losing everything to defend one meaningless person and the entire thing would be over just like that.
Crests are gone, borders don't change and dumb cunt becomes a martyr for those who still care about the church because its existence wasn't even the problem by itself.

Humans are insects

>the church giving everyone, regardless of status and heritage a chance for education/a better life is BAD
>the church acknowledging the other nations as independent and not interfering in their affairs is BAD
>the church providing a neutral army to fight and supress evil forces (e.g. murderous thief groups or fanatical heretics) is BAD
>the church, while saying that crests are a gift of god, still preach that all people are equal is BAD
>allying with litteral devil worshipers is GOOD
>hiring murders and trying to assassinate teenagers is GOOD
>nuking multiple positions while using your own men/comrades as sacrificial bait is GOOD
>murdering everyone who's opposed to your viewpoints without even trying to talk to them while being in a position to do so is GOOD
Edelgard supporters are the literal definition of mental gymnastics

yet you people complain Edelgard is the one who wants to reign by force

>Rhea adopts orphans and sends knights to hunt down bandits
>sees humans as insects


I love Petra and Hubert though

Not everybody who dislikes Edelgard is one person.

Guys I think the Flame Emperor looks really cool!
We should at least listen to what she has to say, and she already said she didn't intend for the Remire massacre to happen!

That was ENTIRELY on external forces and the Death Knight, if you'd had joined up already with him, it never would have happened to being with haha!

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I would say do BL. Doing BE after knowing everything from GD would make going along with Edelgard feel extra retarded.

What is claude saying here?

In what way is she the primary antagonist? If anything, the true antagonist is mainly humans in general. Look how the game show why each character do things. Edelgard was a rat lab that force to join a group or be killed, Dimitri is a serial killer that's waiting to happen after the mind rape he experience with the death of his family and Rhea is nothing more than a child that lost her mind through the death of her mother. No one is true villain here except themselves. If we could call anyone the real villain, it would be the Slithers, knowing that they are in the background plotting how to kill everyone. They cause the whole thing.

I just wanted to use my man Hubert.

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>Guys I think the Flame Emperor looks really cool!
He does, he's a bit of a manlet though.

Rhea is just secondary though. Edelgard is 100% a villain that wants to force everyone to submit to the Empire. In every route where she defeats Rhea, she continues her invasion of Faerghus amd Liecester. Sure it's "for muh greater good" bullshit but she still does it when she says it's "not what she wants".

It’s almost like the whole point of the narrative is to show how much of an influence you have guiding your chosen lord and seeing the consequences of not choosing the other two play out!

Hes trying to tell them about the wub wub missles and slitherers, but they can't hear him over choir practice

Holy shit they have missiles
Guys future zombies with mechs

>murdering everyone who's opposed to your viewpoints without even trying to talk to them while being in a position to do so is GOOD
unironically this if I could


>the most ass licking, boot kissing, slime trail leaving cuck of them all
why would you do that?

>Characters worst impulses reign supreme without Byleth’s guidance.

What a shock, totally doesn’t happen on the other two routes either :^)

Personally on my first playthrough I assumed it was all a ruse and he was going to betray Edelgard and take power for himself.

i loved taking her wife from him

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>Edelgard keeps talking about how it isn't her desire to conquer Fodlan
>her ending is giant red flags everywhere while she stomps on a yellow flag

I did. After finishing all of them, I can definetly say it's my favorite one. GD is a close second for its hype final boss.

It's funny you're angry about that because even "bestbro" Claude agrees that Fodlan should be united under one sovereign.

>the story in a Fire Emblem game is good enough to be discussed and overshadows waifufaggotry
Truly the best timeline.

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Of course I played the route where you side with the most fun people and not the virtue signaling mommy complex dragon and her gang of dindus

That would have been decent, make him one of the slithers even, would have helped make Edelgard a kinda bit more retarded but less evil.

Meanwhile Dimitri is fine Nd has both eyes when Edelgard doesn't raze his country to the gound, funny how that works out.

Why does Dimitri get to keep both eyes in the empire route?

Claude literally gives zero shits about Fodlan's future, he cares more about Almyra.

>and overshadows waifufaggotry
No user, the whole discussion of this game is literal waifufaggots defending Walhart because she has a pussy.

Whew sensei

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Dimitri is most certainly not fine.

Not legitimately mentally ill like in other routes but his Edelgard hate boner jeopardizes Faerghus all the same by fighting way beyond the point of reason and taking in Rhea who is firmly off her rocker and ends up razing Fhirdiad

Claude isnt the one starting a war for it, though.

Because Punished Dimitri is just too powerful.

oh, did someone say "best girl"?

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Edelgard, Cornelia and the Imperial army go out of their way to torture him and destroy everything he cares about in the other routes.

>church bad
>because an ancient evil dragon is in charge

This is me. I know Edelgard is hitler or whatever but is the story as good as the other routes?

>but why is she evil?

Considering said people would have been subjugated by Edelgard at swordpoint anyway, I really still see her as the problem.

That was Cornelia’s fault. You know, the woman part of the organization who was basically controlling Fodlan undetected by the church who for plot convenient reasons never really wanted to try any degree of combating them other than executing anyone who showed any anti-church thought

She goes absolutely mental when you side with Edelgard

Sorry guys I posted the wrong pic, Catherine is actually best girl.

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An ancient dragon, just that.
Rhea is a lot nicer than what her backstory could suggest.

I did and married best girl; Bernie-bear. Now I'm on the Blue Lions route (and I recruited best girl so she doesn't have to suffer).

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>best girl before time skip
>still best girl after time skip
How did she do it?

>evil dragon
>fights slitherers and protects humanity from making nukes

Just finished that route it. The "church is evil" thing doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that I don't get the chance to personally stab his uncle.
Now I am going for GD, I know that Flayn leaves you in the BE route, but does someone leave you in the GD route?

You cucked her, of course she's angry.

Not even Rhea defends her own actions in GD m8.

I don’t think she’s intentionally malevolent but going off the information Edelgard has I don’t think it’s a leap of logic for her to find the idea of humankind being indoctrinated by a lie a bad thing.

Who should I start with First? Everyone says BE

Rhea doesn´t care about human lives at all

Fear her

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This made me laugh but not because of the NPC meme humor, but how both Edelgard and Dimitri overshadowed Claude in the game.

I beaten BL and GD already, should I go for church or BE now?

I played black eagles after blue lions and found it much better
Both endings are similar except black eagles gets there with far less bloodshed, a more competent and sane ruler in place, the elimination of the church (which was not completely evil but fodlan is really better without it), elimination of the slithers and better relations with outside countries while not going full open borders bullshit like Claude
When you’re talking about thousands of years of history that can be improved starting a war isn’t that big of a deal. Fuck Rhea for her suicide bombing psycho shit though

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lol i didn´t spare her in the BE route casue she always rejected being in my class before the timeskip

Caspar, if you recruited him. You can get him back, though.

For someone going in blind I'd always recommend BE because the first major twist is pretty much only working as intended when you are the teacher of that house. When you already know what's going on then I personally think it doesn't really matter.

edelgard is the good guy

>Picks fights with everyone for no reason
>entitled little shit that thinks is the only one going through shit or working hard

I don´t care if she has magic cancer, she´s an annoying brat and I regret giving her the S support just to save her instead of picking any of the girls I actually liked

Not she's not cum for brains

>Edelgard doesn't isn't as evil as she is in the other route when you're with her
The only thing that keep a woman leader from turning into a tyrant is cock huh

You can't call that a twist, at all. It's so evident.
At least in BL it gets one of the best cutscenes of the game.

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Ok so what order should I play it in from first to last?

Imagine being this much of a Waifu fag. Have sex

You sure about that? I recruited everyone on GD and Ashe was the only one to not pop out after the time skip

BL > BE > GD
GD > BE > BL

Because prior to church Humanity were all nignogs in the dark and were doing nothing but aggroing Sothis into conflict then were shocked when Rhea completely styled on them that they had to hide in caves.

Rhea does admit she went too far with the church keeping humanity in check and seems to resolve this herself in all other routes. Edelgard is just using her war with the church as an excuse for a land grab to hide the empire's own problems.

That way you get kino>plot>Edelgard>a rehash of GD with a couple of new scenes

>better relations with outside countries
Did you miss the whole Petra links where she talks about how the empire is constantly threatening brigid with war, so she is training to be the best leader she can be for their protection

>leap of logic
she literally sees first hand how the church is treating everyone equally and fights for the good of the people while respecting the other nations independence. Not to mention that only aristocracy use crests as a means to discriminate, not the church.
But ol' titty wielding hitler over there is already to far down the road of her "I didn't want to do this" world war plan. I'm amazed they didn't make her use chemical weapons to gas her enemies at one point.

I wonder why

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keep seething dimitri

In basically every Petra ending after the game though it talks about how these relations massively improve though, Edelgard was not the cause of it


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So what's the reason for Edelgard being the second strongest unit in the game behind only Dimitri who has the crest of Unga?

She's literally responsible for your mom's death, if Edelgard is evil for being complicit with people that killed your dad, Rhea quite directly caused your mom to die.

>I side with someone based on looks

Let me guess, also a fag from /u/? Low IQ seems to fit.

Having two crests.

Edelgard is the unquestioned best unit in the game and it’s not really close.

Doesn’t matter if Dimitri has slightly better stats because he doesn’t have a fucking multi use Galeforce Axe


Edelgard has a better crest of Unga.

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>not a single ending actually mentions a cure for her
>only some vague shit like "and they lived happily ever after"
user, I....

Nah man, it's even worse. There are people that picked BE as their second playthrough, even after seeing them for what they really are. Think about this.

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Okay but Lysithea also has two crests and she's dying from crest cancer so her strength growth is shit because of it, why would the inverse be true for Edelgard?

>Women hellbent on imperial conquest won't eventually invade and conquer brigid
Sure thing buddy

She was also directly responsible for creating her and saving your life as a baby as well.

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Lysithea has in contrast a phenomenal magic growth.
And she's Edelgard's beta version.

Byleth's mother died because of complications during your birth.

That’s true, but again, that’s not context Edelgard has access to. It’s the overall tragedy of the story in general.

And once Edelgard accomplishes her girl she couldn’t give less of a fuck about ruling, she is literally looking for a worthy successor right after the end of the campaign against the Slitherers so she can elope with the professor lmao

But Nemesis was such an Unga that even before getting any Crest power up he was strong enough to barge into the most sacred place in all of Fodlan and kill god.

>even after seeing them for what they really are
the only ones who actually have a (dire) plan and don't stumble blindly into saving the world?
Doesn't seem so bad really, King of Delusions.

Lysithea was an experiment. After they succeded with her, they applied the process on Edeltard, but now completely safe after learning from their mistakes they did on Lysithea.

He killed her in her sleep tho.

Are you getting worked up over video games lmao

Lysithea is a flawed prototype. Edelgard is basically the completed version of what they hoped to accomplish

>not doing villain runs after hero runs in vidya

After massacring the general populace, great plan right there.

But Edelgard also has some pretty good magic growth, for god knows what reason. And it makes sense that having more crests would make your magic stronger, where as it makes less sense that more crests would make you physically stronger when it's explicitly mentioned that having more than one crest is deleterious to one's wellbeing.

Anyone have the tails gets trolled troll slayers lineup three houses edition?

If only it was an actual villain run and not... whatever Edelgard's route goes for beyond trying to make her look good.

And? How is the fact that she created them any different than birth since they had feelings and acted humans? Killing your children because you want your mom to revive is incredibly fucked up, and it didn't matter to her whether it was your mom or Byleth that lived, that doesn't make her a savior since she's responsible for the situation.

Complications that occured because of her experiments with crests to revive Sothis, she caused it knowing it failed 12 times before that.

Didn't Edelgard also have the problem of 'I'm gonna die soon'? Also where's this 'Lysithea is the prototype' coming from, based on her age it would be reasonable to assume Lysithea got her Crest injections after or at the same time Edelgard was getting Slither'd, not before.

That Slitherer epilogue in BE felt like such a cop out.

Also her meritocracy ideal sounds awful. Very easy and open to abuse within a few generations.

Why can't fags accept Edel has daddy issues and a flawed evil ideology because of it?

Because it is, the route was rushed to hell and back and the actual villains of the route are never dealt with in the actual game.

>not posting the follow up

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Who the fuck decided to have the cutscenes go at like 4 FPS? I understand it was an artistic choice but it just look fucking stupid at times.

Why would she have daddy issues when daddy is an alright dude? Sure he's sickly and feeble but he's never really done anything to El, it was her uncle that took her to the rape basement.
Although yes you are right her ideology is deeply flawed and a result of her past.

It felt rushed as fuck, trust me you are not alone in that sentiment. Crimson Flower feels so incomplete. Damn shame since it has the most unique maps

I’m almost selfish enough to hope the DLC recrifes that but it’s probably gonna be some prequel shit with Jeralt.

My birthday is 9/21 so Jeralt went around for years saying "no, this is a different kid born one day after the other one". Guy really needs to lay off the booze.

because people with a pre-school understanding of morality inventing some headcanon aren't really that convincing

I want to hold Bernie's hand

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Her dad is literally one of the few people she empathizes with? Did you actually play the game LOL.

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Byleth you fool, she's presenting her horns and hair buns to you!

>Damn shame since it has the most unique maps
Because it has the least maps, those facts are related.

I started w BE so I would appreciate the other routes more. Why save the route w the most problems for last?

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>Complications that occured because of her experiments with crests to revive Sothis
This is never even implied in the game.
>she caused it knowing it failed 12 times before that
Do you make your mother responsible for your inevitable death because she gave birth to you? Your mother is truly evil for having you knowing you will die.

It's the only route that lets you back out of the house without committing to the cause. It's the bad route. Accept reality. Your Waifu is deeply flawed and fucked up in the head after being raped by the uncle for years.

>Killing your children because you want your mom to revive is incredibly fucked up

She never "killed" your mother. Byleth's mom had issues giving birth and both were dying. She begged Rhea to save Byleth instead which is what she did. It's not like Rhea burst in the room and stamped on her head because she wasn't what she wanted.

thank you

>Thousand years of history
More like hundred years max until Edelgard's retarded "meritocracy" is hijacked by scheming nobles and central power goes to shit, dragging Fodlan into an endless chain of revolts, civil wars and foreign invasions with nobles feasting on corpses of commoners

What's the sauce on the image, anyway?

She saves more human lives than any other group in the setting outside of maybe Lord Lonado


BE has Petra, Dorothea and Bernadetta for the waifufags.

Really? It's quite obvious the pregnancy went wrong because of her crest experiment, Jeralt didn't have his suspicious over Rhea for nothing. And even if it didn't she was quite likely to die anyway considering it killed the 12 other people she created.

>Do you make your mother responsible for your inevitable death because she gave birth to you?
My mother didn't willingly gave me crest aid in an attempt to revive my grandmother you retard, that's a bit of a different situation.

You know, if Edelgard were smart, she'd marry Dimitri to create the Empire of Adrestria Faerghus and slowly distance it from the church while going 'hey you know there are these mole people that won't leave me alone, can you help me out?'

You say this like every ending isn’t flawed if you impress the worst case scenario in your head on it.

What’s really going to stop the crest discrimination/hierachy in Dimitri’s end? What’s stopping Claude’s plan from globalizing Fodlan from introducing the exact same issues that mirror our own society today in regards to immigration?

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Looks like BaalBuddy's artwork. The guy who does all those comedic elf porn images.

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She nukes an enemy stronghold and then writes it off as chain of command issues and then lies and tells her army the enemy did it.

>It's quite obvious the pregnancy went wrong because of her crest experiment

We'd also have no game if she did that

>players that are too weak-willed get sorted out
That works pretty well then, Edelgard has no use for such a person anyways.

By the way, this game isn't good for you m8, you seem to go off the deep end there as well.

Alright, what about the 12 other created people like your mother? Is it also an headcanon that she caused their death?

Well there are still the dubsteppers to deal with as well as the Leicester Question.

Petra is boring. I like Dorothea as a person but she ain’t wifey material unlike pic related.

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It's you backing out because you didn't have reason until later. Seriously, if you don't see her becoming Emperor, why bother trying to save a nobody?

>quite obvious the pregnancy went wrong because of her crest experiment
It really isn't.
>Jeralt didn't have his suspicious over Rhea for nothing.
Yeah because Byleth's stillborn ass went autistic after being revived, but that is hardly Rhea's fault.
>she was quite likely to die anyway
All people die.
>it killed the 12 other people she created.
12 people in 1000 years. What makes you think they didn't die of old age? Consider that Byleth's mother was allowed to marry and have children even though she was a failed experiment.
>crest aids
Ah yes the evil crest aids, like your father got from Rhea which let him live for hundreds of years.

>An autistic retard who was gang-banged in her daddies rape dungeon for years is wife material

Anyone else wish Bl had a 'dark' route where we could charge straight to Enbarr with Punished Dimitri when given the option, we should get the option to make Adrestria burn and embrace the way of Caim.

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>I want to change the world for the better
>I go to school with the next leaders of the other 2 countries and their associates
>each of them will most likely be in a position of power in the near future
>maybe I should try bonding with them, creating a foundation of trust, resprect and understanding for each other, which I then can use to help others after I reformed my own country?
>nah, fuck 'em. Ubercuc-, I mean, Hubert! Fetch me my murderous basement-dwellers with which I continue to kill numerous innocents to prove that my point of peaceful warmongering is correct

To be fair all routes have similar problems

>BE is the shortest route and just resolves the Slitherers in one sentence in the epilogue
>BL barely focuses on the main plot at all
>GD gives more focus on lore but just feels like everyone is dicking around doing nothing. Dimitri just gets wasted straight away.
>Church is literally just GD maps but you can fuck Rhea.

>>players that are too weak-willed get sorted out
>That works pretty well then, Edelgard has no use for such a person anyways.
I have no problem being evil in games user but I also know when to call it out too. Her house route is the evil route. Deal with it Waifu fag.

In Edelgard's case, that's the biggest problem though. The whole route builds up just to kill all slitherers.
The rest of the routes manage to fulfill their objectives onscreen at least.

The best part is that the empire itself was built on the back of a meritocracy. The strongest humans killed dragons and got crests, and now their descendants are the people causing all the problems.

You have absolutely no point whatsoever, sorry.

>Completely ignores the fact Edelgard is essentially at the mercy of her uncle/siltherers until she ascends the throne and that her route relative to the others has the least bloodshed needing only to kill but two major characters

Friendly reminder that girls of Brigid are built for breeding at a young age which is why Petra is naturally the hottest out of all of the academy girls.

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>every Lorenz support
Why the fuck is he so funny

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He was raising her as the perfect waifu so he could sell her to a rich man. Why would he ruin his own plans by having her lose her virginity?

>needing only to kill but two major characters
In contrast to Dimitri's killing only her as far as major characters go you mean?

So let's just say Byleth died/disappeared for the post-timeskip/2nd half of the game. How would it play out? I was thinking that the entirety of Fodlan would end up being wiped out by nukes.

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>Crest discrimination
Dimitri's Fodlan don't see this as an issue and probably will let it be, hoping that crestz will just disappear one day. It of course will led to nobles trying to ensure that their rule by any means possible, leading, once again, to revolts and civil wars. Dimitri's Fodlan is better than Edelgard's Empire solely because Church wasn't eliminated as an institution, that can soften some of regime's flaws, but only if church new leadership is competent enough
Nobles basically run the show and your only issue with it is immigration ? Claude's Fodlan is one step away from instituting Libertum Veto and turning into PLC analogue
Turning Fodlan into black spot of the world is as good as it sounds
Fodlan is fucked regardless of your choice

>Dimitri goes literally insane hearing dead people's voices and taunts captured soldiers who didn't individually have anything to do with destroying his home by threatening to gouge out their eyes
>Claude intentionally causes internal strife in the Alliance to pretend to be nuetral and then invites foreign nationals (Almyra) to impregnate his country's women.

Ftfy. They are WORSE than Edelgard

Seiros would win.

Wow you Rheafags are worse than Edeltardfans, at least they (for the most part) realise their waifu is a shitty person

>It really isn't.
It's way more likely it did because of it than not, but that's a moot point to argue over considering it's not like Rhea would ever tell you directly if it was because the crest she implented or not

>but that is hardly Rhea's fault
Again, if we go with your theory that implementing Sothis's crest stone in people like that cause no harm to people sure, though that would be strange it doesn't considering the Slitherers crest experiments sure weren't without their fair share of harm on the ones receiving them.

>12 people in 1000 years. What makes you think they didn't die of old age?
Really? Then if she really did nothing wrong and they lived happy lives, what are the horrible actions she HERSELF talk about comitting in the church route?

>the evil crest aids, like your father got from Rhea
That's obviously not the same thing, she never put her mother's crest stone inside Jeralt, she just healed him with her blood and he got a crest.

Sad part is most people here aren’t even arguing she’s not evil. Without byleth’s Influence she objectively becomes what she hates and loses herself but sunk cost fallacy demands she sees the war through to the end.

In her route though she is an Anti-Villain at the absolute worst but people who cannot even comprehend the idea of morality between black and white insist she’s just as bad

>who didn't individually have anything to do with destroying his home
Imagine actually needing to post this.

Edelgard would win the war and would then get overtaken by the Slithers

I was expecting the route of BE to go another way. She wanted to remove Crests, but those are the things that lets you wield Relics, that I am guessing were used to kill monsters.
If there is no one able to wield them, wouldn't the monsters be able to roam free?

>Edelgard is essentially at the mercy of her uncle/siltherers until she ascends the throne
So you're saying she is willing to fight against the odds, using any ditty tavtivs she can to take down the church, the kingdom, the alliance, the noble houses, and her imperial council of advisors,

but against the only evil faction she has to sit there and take it?

Edelgard does the same while turning herself into a crest monster that barely hits a 20 avoid unit

Bernadetta is just an anime trope version of Marianne

You only played BE

>she nukes


Did you pay attention in CF at all? That was clear retaliation from Arunde/Thales

Why didn’t El send the letter from the GD route to anyone else earlier? I know Hubert invented the field of ballistics and caculated where the Dubsteppers were in GD only but what the fuck man

>her plan clearly was to become the next emperor
>could have just become new emperor and still do all the "let's work something out together" stuff
>decides that genocide of a god-chosen race, war crimes far worse then any other route and, well, being the non-objective bad guy who starts a world war is the right choice
>all while mr. yesman stands beside her saying "yes, m'Lady" "of course, m'Lady" "may I lick the dirt off of your boots, m'Lady?"

Why does the game call them crests instead of emblems?

>but against the only evil faction she has to sit there and take it?
Well that's been her modus operandi for about a decade or so.

I just finished the BE route. Took me a while to work out how to take down Rhea in a satisfactory fashion, but seeing as I did it on hard casual only losing Hubert at the end wasn't so devastating.

Thats mostly to make a bullshit map less so

Do you not understand how chain of command works? The emperor, leader, and vommander of the armies of a nation doesnt get away with saying "oh, my general did that war crime, not innocent old me".

>Not marrying your tulpa loli

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For fuck's sake, I can't get 2 posts into the thread before reading some Dimitrifag spreading misinformation?


Enbarr delenda est

>What do you mean the villain thinks they're doing the right thing and isn't just killing shit for the evils?
>WAAAH I don't want to have to think about morals and relative perspectives just let me turn my brain off and be mean to everyone waaaah!

>Not marrying the dragon loli

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And that's a bad thing

You say this like he’s directly under Edelgard’s command, at that point they are completely separate entities who have a shared goal.

This is the same retarded logic Dimitri uses to assume Edelgard was behind Duscur

>the villain thinks they are doing the right thing
>the story bends itself over to make the make character of the route look less terrible
Two completely different things Edeltard.

So what was Nemesis' reason for massacring the Nabateans and God?

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>Sensei, what if the Flame Emperor was a cute girl, could you fall in love with her? I swear I don’t know who he is

Claude achieves better results than Edelshit

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Only one lord is all hypocritical about it and is shown as actually evil in doing so, in their own route.

he was just a bandit hopped up on power

Anybody outside of the Black Eagle Strike Force would think Arundel is working under Edel. He’s the fucking Regent, she’s the Emperor. How is that retarded logic?

Ok, fuck Edelgard, THIS is the guy who literally did nothing wrong.

Edelgard specifically does not, user. She kills various groups until everyone thats left agrees with her. "But its just the nobles, and the church officials, and other nations leadership structures, and people who harbor resentment, and suspected subversives caught by the Hubertstaffel secret police, and ..."

Dubsteppers made him do it for lulz

Slitherers' crest experiments were trying to give people multiple crests and didn't involve any crest stones as far as we know. It's more likely they did used blood transfusions. Again, there is nothing in the game indicating that the crest stone was responsible for any her experiments deaths. The terrible thing she did is creating artificial humans for selfish reasons, but there is nothing indicating she killed them herself.

>That's obviously not the same thing
Then why do you think Lys' and Edelgard's crest aids is somehow the same as a crest stone giving life to body?

He's not saying that his waifu did nothing wrong, he's saying the 12 homunculi aren't even close to being the among the worst things someone in this game has done.

In Edelgard’s route she doesn’t smash the kingdom because Sensei would be disappointed in her if she had

If she's allied with him, she's responsible too, what is so hard to understand about that?
You can't just go
>Edelgard is innocent, X was responsible and she's just using them
to pretend she's good.

Anti-edelgard posting is almost as autistic as smashniggers. Jesus fucking Christ, was Yea Forums always filled with otomeshits?

You spend the first half of the fucking game killing church apostates, it's the same goddamn thing except only rich people instead of commoners.

Claude doesn’t achieve shit without Edelgard’s war, and without Byleth he becomes a spineless cuck who flees back to his homeland abandoning the country he’s supposed to lead.

He doesn’t even disagree with Edelgard’s goal or idealology, just the methods, which ironically are the only reason he even gets an opportunity to get shit done.

Claude’s route has an insane amount of good luck going his way to the point of absurdity

>there are people who started with the Black Eagle route

Wait, is that bad? I just thought I'd go through them top to bottom. I didn't look up shit about the story beforehand.

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He's a manifestation of reddit's combined will finally lashing out at a poor innocent dragon loli.

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Reminder that rhea made 12 (twelve) illyas, gave one of them to your cool dad, probably would have given you an illya too, and edelgardfags think this is somehow bad.

no she was not, she simply allied with them for a common goal. Much like how the US allied with the soviet union during WW2. Much like with how edelgard and hubert fuck off the mole men after the war ends, the US and soviets went to "war" after WW2 ended

How are Edelgard's horn accessories attached to her head?

The only reasonable explanation for their reaction is misogyny, as unpopular as that is on 4channel.

I'm a Blue Lions fag but the whole fucking point is that she thinks she's doing the right thing. So if you join her and see things guess what's gonna happen? You might start understanding why she thinks the way she does

How is being an absolute UNIT of a man that does what he wants because he's that much of a chad reddit?

he got drunk on both booze and on power, then his massive penis got hard with such force that it cut his left eye, thus the scar. His erection didn't go down after 4 hours, so he went to a doctor, the Slitherers. They told him to kill the children of the god to cure his raging manhood or else he might suffer from impotence.
What would you have done in that situation?

>Claude is such a chad that even luck bends to him in GD route
GD sounds pretty based

>church apostates
Lonado and the Western Bishop both raise armies in campaigns against the church before you are sent to put them down. This is not apostacy, it is war. The rest are either bandits or direct slitherer action.

Well I hope he at least used the chance to fuck that dragon god cunny.

I actually went black eagles because I hot swept up in everything.
I went in completely blind, so I ended up choosing red eagles because I didn't think I would be able to recruit students. I knew she was the flame emperor, but I figured she had her reasons. I ended up fighting her, and thought I could ask her what the fuck was going on/etc., but then the green haired bitch walked by and said "Lol murder the fuck out of the student you've been teaching and have a strong bond with without even learning one thing about what's really going on" so of course I chose to spare her.
Apparently choosing to spare her life means I'm an enemy of the church and support her opinions 100% without question and all my students now do as well.
That whole part of the story is written like shit; not just the BE part, but everything leading up to joining. Now I'm going about playing and thinking "Uuh, fuck, I'm not really on board with this, but for some reason the church has turned into complete assholes and I don't have any option to ask when this lunacy stops"

>Judging people based on their favourite genre
>Judging people based on their favourite series within the genre
>Judging people based on their favourite game within the series
>Judging people based on their first choice of campaign in a game that wants you to play it multiple times anyway
That's going to be big yikes from me. Have some cows.

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>is that bad?
not really
unless you want to be spoiled though, then you better leave the thread

I got spoiled on most of it already and I finished the BE route now, not that much to it. I'm just surprised whatever comes *first* matters unless you actively look up what's happening before you even start playing the damn game.

Then you better go tell Seteth that, because HE tells you that the knights are busy "purging apostates."

Good people do not PURGE political/religious dissidents.

Play at least GD and then come here because this is a spoiler zone

>This is the same retarded logic Dimitri uses to assume Edelgard was behind Duscur
The flame emperor was AT duscur, you speedreader. Edelgard unknowingly took the armor from the person who actually caused the tragedy.

No he's arguing that her crest experiments did nothing to them and that they all lived through it which is obviously BS, and on top of that pretending she did nothing wrong. Obviously the homonculi thing doesn't even come close to the war Edelgard started though.

>The terrible thing she did is creating artificial humans for selfish reasons
That's absolutely not it and you know it, just creating homonculi and having them live long fulfilling lives isn't an horrible thing no matter the reason.

>Then why do you think Lys' and Edelgard's crest aids is somehow the same as a crest stone giving life to body?
I never said it's the same, we just know Rhea's experiments end in failure and I have a hard time believing failure in this case means nothing happens, they go on to live long happy lives and she picks up the crest stone from their dead from old age body.

>Good people do not PURGE political/religious dissidents.
Fuck, guess the slitherers get to live then

Killing little girls is never a chad thing to do user.

Who was wear the FE armor at Duscur anyway?

what's this guy's relation to Caspar? I had Caspar in my house and Caspar reacted but he didn't elaborate

It only matters if you're a brain-adled weeb who doesn't understand branching narratives.
Just don't play a different route and then complain on Yea Forums that people are "out of character."

Hey I just thought God would be able to take it you know

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Lmao you cucks can have your goody goody lords I will make evil edelgard my wife and there 8s nothing you can do to stop me.

>cheap timeskip scene because they couldn't just reuse the scene of you falling into the canyon
>every other route gets a special reunion cutscene but this route just gets a picture
>leaving the dubstep war to be resolved in character's ending cards even though we had like 4 chapters left to do shit
Seeing Rhea/Seiros going apeshit was pretty cool though.

>dimitrifags false flagging this hard

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>and I have a hard time believing failure in this case means nothing happens, they go on to live long happy lives and she picks up the crest stone from their dead from old age body.
Her goal was reviving Mommy, her most recent failure was a girl that lived an admittedly short (she was 20-something when she died, presumably due to childbirth complications) but happy life.

>Started with BE
>Already committed to S ranking Flayn
>Found out she leaves if you do BE
>End up doing Church as my first playthrough

He's technically his uncle (and fleche his aunt). They're from his grandpa's second marriage.

Caspar is the second son of lord whoever. That dude is the first son and heir.

this expression cracks me up after seeing him be built to be this grand villain


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Of course I didn't, why would I follow a woman?

I mean, surely every route displays the house you plays as more in-depth than in the other routes? That only makes sense.

Very nice cows, Danke

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Nemesis is unironically just some average joe bandit that wound up becoming a god killer by accident.

Unequip your units and put them in front of edelgard. Watch how she "spares" them.

Isn't Randolph married in? Not the first son. He's Caspar's's uncle/cousin.

If she really doesn't let them live long happy lives and they all die of various complications by age 50 why the hell are their only 12? That's 400 years of downtime where she isn't doing Jack shit. And if she knows they die early anyways why not kill them and restart early?

I didn't play the game and probably won't in next year or two while saving money for Switch.

What's wrong with Black Eagles?

>That's absolutely not it and you know it,
The worst thing that you could think is that her artificial humans had a shorter lifespan, but then why only 12 in 1000 years?
>failure in this case means nothing happens
She tells you that failure means that the body didn't house her mother's consciousness.
>they go on to live long happy lives and she picks up the crest stone from their dead from old age body
Again, your mother was allowed to marry and have children. She even fulfilled your mother's dying wish and saved your life.

in 3/4 routes she's a puppet to the moles,
in her route she doesn't embrace being an anti-hero and instead tries too hard to be a "good girl" in bed she might be

Byleth is cute.

that would've been something to see, it made me think back when Rudolf in Echoes would not attack Alm in-game

BE route leads to church which is best route for my mommy GF

It's not just that the story is told from different perspectives, it's that the story is itself extremely different due (supposedly) to your impact on the lives of the characters in your house.
Or, more accurately, due to your lack of impact on the houses you didn't choose.

So what idiots think of as out of character writing is actually deliberately different characters.

Any choice is right as long as it isn't black eagle. Being either a Deerboi or Lionboi makes you based, being a Eaglecuck makes you a beta bitch.

Rhea's a fucking lunatic cunt who wanted to revive Sothis in your body and delete your existence. She can go eat shit for all I care.
You can literally hear her voice drooling in desperation and eagerness for you to sit your ass in the throne and expected Sothis to wake up and resurrect right there.

You were nothing but a tool to her. Another of her 11 previous experiments to bring mommy back. A mere vassal to host the goddess.

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This. Of course there are some isolated cases of characters going beyond the pale even with this justification (holy shit BE Felix what the fuck)

I'm genuinely confused why Yea Forums would get their titties in a twist for like a month now about a cute girl genocidal dictator (apparently)
ESPECIALLY when someone with Claude's political sentiments is right there
What gives

>That staff
Two in the pink, one in the stink.


>Cannot comprehend the idea of gameplay/story segregation


>but then why only 12 in 1000 years?
We have no idea when she started it, what makes you guys think she tried it right after Nemesis died? Hell we don't even know how she created those homonculi.

>And if she knows they die early anyways why not kill them and restart early?
Because I suppose she just hopes Sothis takes over them at some point, if not I'm sure she'd have no qualm killing them and trying again if she was sure that wouldn't happen.

>She even fulfilled your mother's dying wish and saved your life.
And again it didn't matter to her which one lived, she just made the right choice of betting on a homonculi/human hybrid as a host.

Yeah, that makes sense. Just having played the Edelgard route the player character is insanely influential not only on the story, but also who survives and who's in which house for some part. Is this really a point of contention among people here? You're literally playing 3 (or 4) alternate universes.

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she does feel regretful if you S-Rank her but that's after the attempt to wipe whats left of Byleth's humanity out, a 5-year time skip & spending time with her despite it all

Yes it is because people are retarded and obsessed with the idea that their favorite route is the canon route

It would be too on the nose, the JP version use the Japanese word for "emblem" but maybe it's for the best they didn't.

So you mean to tell me that Nintendo made a game where choices matter

But can you get a Fire Crest

Dilate tranny, go back to worshipping your stronk dyke

I'm surprised that many people have even played all routes already, shit's not short even for neets. Or are they just pretending?

I’m unemployed atm till October so my case is exceptional. But it took my 300 hours to clear all 4 routes on Hard/Classic.

On easier difficulties probably could’ve shaved off a lot of time but the game is barely a month old

Her mom, lol

>my friends, please stay back. It is not my intention to fight you
>but I will kill you if you try to defend your current home without explaining myself
>also, I told my soldiers they could graverob and kill as much as they want
>but trust me, I'm a good person

Yeah in BE she shows no signs of remorse since she hasn't lost yet.

But I don't want to fuck her barbie doll creations.

I want to FUCK Rhea!

Attached: Rhea_SRank_m!Byleth.png (1920x1330, 2.45M)

And then Rhea turns into a giant fucking demon right in front of their eyes.

Is it really beta to join BE if you get to fuck Edelgard?

Having a title that actually relates to the game is not too on the nose.

Post bro tier endings.

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Yes because she marries and has children with Ferdinand

>We have no idea when she started it, what makes you guys think she tried it right after Nemesis died?
Because that's the best guess we have. But I guess she could have had 11 experiments she immediately killed and your mother which got to live a good life until her childbirth complications.
>Hell we don't even know how she created those homonculi.
And we don't even know how the crest stone affected those bodies, if at all.
>it didn't matter to her which one lived
If you think so, there is nothing in the game saying as much. She still fulfilled your mother's dying wish.

Is it best to skip BE entirely? The route outright ruins some characters and others have no reason to side with her. GD goes to show that her reasoning for war is faulty. There isn't even map design on par with Conquest to fall back on.

>If you don't like Edel you're a Fujo.

Low IQ shit desu. I think she's hot, no doubt. She's still an idiot with a flawed thought process and evil.

is this the BL one? In another one they become street performers

That will never happen if you S-rank Edelgard.

>The only reasonable explanation for their reaction is misogyny
Resetera trannies in the thread?

I feel like these discussions would be infinitely more interesting if you actually could marry Edelgard
Then it would be amplifying a dont-stick-your-dick-in-crazy discussion into a dont-stickyour-dick-in-genociders discussion

>There are people who chose M Byleth, a.k.a., a CONFIRMED physical assaulter

There is a bunch of context you miss out especially in CF. Church you can maybe skip if you’ve already done GD

Yes, this is the BL ending for them.

I want to lick Byleth's lewd exposed navel and worship her body so bad bros

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Holy fucking based, I usually went with the female one just because but I'll have to start using the male one in that case.


Aka the true sex and character

that is what happens when two characters reach an A rank, and you do not romance them. this happens with many different characters across all routes, why are you freaking out?

Claude isn't a fucking retard in BE like he is in BL

>using the English voices
Fucking casual

Alright let's assume her crest stone experiment was 100% safe since we have no proof one way or the other of what it causes on the body.
In the case of success she explicitely wanted Sothis to take over the body of the homonculis and Byleth, obviously it didn't turn out like this in practice but that was Rhea's plan. How is erasing someone's personality with someone else's different than killing them?

Yes, the Crest of Flames

Wait, why didn't the Dubsteppers just revive Nemesis and have him unga bunga on the church instead of grooming Edelgard?

plan b

Her justification is built upon misinformation.

Except in other Fire Emblem games, she actually would not have attacked them if that were the true intention.

"Crest of Flames" is literally a synonym of "Fire Emblem"

Edelgard still fucked Byleth tho.

Humans separated the kingdom, not the church

the dub is fantastic

I started with BL because of first impressions
Really enjoyed it and now I wanna do everyone but edel first
I wanna see if from her PoV her reasoning can hold up after seeing the atrocities she commits from every single opposing PoV

Why isn't it possible that she created a body and then have Sothis take over the empty shell by placing her crest stone in it? Or that she thought awakened Byleth was literally Sothis finally showing herself, just missing her memories? That whole "Sothis replacement" stuff has no basis in the game. The throne is just a throne. She wanted Byleth to sit on it to make them remember. It's only later she realized that Byleth is their own person.

>The route outright ruins some characters and others have no reason to side with her
Does it? How? Ferd and Dorothea are both really into Edelgard so it's not crazy they would follow her, Petra is trying to secure an alliance with the Empire and apparently becomes good friend with Edelgard in most other routes, Bernie has no spine and wouldn't defect, obviously Hubert is Hubert. I guess that leaves Linhardt and Caspar? Linhardt is definitely against Edelgard ideals, but it's not unthinkable for him to think it's too much of a bother to go against her and his family, while Caspar probably doesn't care either way and just wants to prove himself in battle, no matter the side he's on.

so does guts when griffith betrays him and everyone else

It is fantastic for a dub. Always play in the original language.

what i understood from game.
boy routes good
girl routes bad

Once more proving the age old adage
"Bros before hos"

BL focusing hard on dimitri's character arc and general themes of redemption works really in its favor imo

Edelgard is doomed to fail because a Meritocracy is functionally the same as nobility, so ultimately she'll find that her envisioned world is the exact same as the one she fought to change.

No dubs are good.

Dub is only good after time skip. Before it's trash

>looking character on google
>suggestion: "character X reader"

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>Leonie lives very frugally and went to the academy on money her village saved up specially for her
>becomes a deadbeat alcoholic and never pays for her drinks on time

If she had multiple attempts end in failure that implies she's aware the homonculis she created weren't empty shells that Sothis took over with no memories of her previous life but people with personalities, or else by the 3rd or 4rd attempt she'd realize the homonculi all had the same personality as her mom. So no there's a pretty good basis for the Sothis replacement thing, it's not like she had no idea who Sothis was she clearly had a distinct personality with or without her memories.

maybe he is talking about the people you recruit from other houses. Alois and Leonie would never side with the people who killed Jerhalt

>Petra is trying to secure an alliance with the Empire and apparently becomes good friend with Edelgard in most other routes
Petra is a fucking hostage.
>Bernie has no spine
She develops one of she fucks Byleth and becomes the bear, or if she fucks Raphael and his humongous dick makes her an outspoken and confident woman.

I accidentally church route first
is this bad

I thought that was the way it was going when they asked my opinion on which city to take first. I was ready to push Dmitri off the precipice he was teetering on

A lot of characters are really awkward to listen to. The rest are just fine. Edelgard's voice doesn't fit her.

eh, not really. edelgard route is about 4 chapters shorter than every other route so you're best off coming back to it after you finish every other route and you're almost burnt out on the game

Do I need to become a Dark Mage first to promote into a Dark Bishop?

No route is bad to do first

>How is erasing someone's personality with someone else's different than killing them?
Babies don't develop a sense of consiousness until age 2. Until that time they are a non person. So doing it on a babyis very ethical as they are not a person with a personality to wipe.

>Edelgard's voice doesn't fit her.
That's the first time I've heard that

>deadbeat alcoholic
>takes over as leader of a renowned mercenary group

>Petra is a fucking hostage.
Yes and by fighting with Edelgard she makes the choice of trying to make Brigid's old enemy the empire into an ally. And it's not like she's an hostage with zero freedom, Edelgard treats her like a friend.

>She develops one of she fucks Byleth and becomes the bear, or if she fucks Raphael
I mean sure but she doesn't fuck either of them by the time the timeskip happens.

Clearly, Claude breaking the walls of Fodlan was a good idea if more delicious Brigid girls come over.

Nah. Dark Mage is useless though, you wanna go Mage for Fiendish Blow. Dark Bishop is actually good though since you get Life Taker, but literally the only character that benefits from being a Dark Bishop aside from getting Life Taker is Hubert. I don't think anybody besides Lysithea and Hubert learn Dark Magic naturally, and Lysithea is female so she's locked out of Dark Mage/Bishop. Anyway, it's basically your choice between Warlock for Bow Breaker or Dark Bishop for Lifetaker.

I made my Lorenz a dark Bishop and he's been real good to me

>implying Brigiders aren't made for Almyran cock
move over Fodlan boi.

He got body-snatched by the slitherers

It's funny how the game makes paladin his "canon" class, he's so much better as a mage it's not even funny.

It's hard to go wrong with Lorenz, his stats are so balanced he can be bulky or a mounted turret with ease.

The only "bad" Stat is his speed.

They were deemed a failure when they didn't house Sothis' consciousness. She doesn't say when she realized this, could very well be when they came to life. Byleth's case is special as he was not just a body a literally born. She doesn't try anything funky with him until he literally turned super saiyan, that's when she starts believing Sothis has returned. Note that him going SSJ wasn't even something she planned. If you think she wanted Sothis to replace him, why does she ask about strange dreams in her support and seems content when Byleth says he has them, but doesn't seem to know what's going on when Byleth directly mentions the the loli goddess? She also ask if Byleth recognizes the throne. Both make no sense if she thinks Sothis and Byleth are different personalities with different memories.

A shame as decent of a mage as lorenz is he will forever be in Lysithea's shadow

For real I didn't expect Edelgard to go full on moustache twirling villain in the course of a chapter.

Well not exactly BL slithers Fodlan.
I got too used to her voice from the first trailer. Not that she has a bad actress, I just think she sounds too old for Edelgard.

How can the other houses even compete?

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Let's be honest, people who liked GD and BL and all /y/fags and people who liked BE are all /u/chads.

Lorenz actually survives everything, fuck it he is the best nosferatu meme user.

That's way better. Why did they change her voice?

It's simple, really.

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This is why I wish we had an option to keep the characters' default outfits in battle

>the way Claude dodges up close

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first VA broke NDA

Made mine a dark knight since he had horse and spear up because he ended up a failed paladin on my game. He's pretty damn good

GD = house for hetero males
BL = house for hetero females
BE = house for homosexual females
How many times must I teach you this lesson, old man?

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>a literally born
*but literally born

I'm on a GD run myself right now and both see great usage. Lorenz can tank a hit or two so he's nice for baiting out units while Lysithea is more of a nuke who fineshes off the last, really strong enemy of a group. I now a lot of people say they give Lorenz's crest weapon to Lysithea but I keep in on Lorenz himself and feel it's far more useful. Lysithea can nuke 90% of things with one hit, the cases where the second hit actually benefits her are fewer then Lorenz.

She fucked up.

Whoever thought up those hair bun horns deserves a noble prize.

>Stinky, no good Bernie
>Someone who can't speak Fódlanese

Not even /ourthot/ can help BE

Cristina Vee broke NDA so she was recasted. Same with Male Byleth

I highly doubt that with how the Slitherers treat Nemesis as not being one of them.

I thought male Byleth got recast because it came out that he was a creepy stalker

By not having Leonie, for starters.

Wasn't the issue with Male Byleth that he got charges with Domestic Battery?

Yeah ok Rhea.

That came up after he broke NDA

More like
Best girl and her great friends, good boys
Best boys, good girls
Dykes, degenerates, and Hubert, Ferdinand and Caspar.

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That came out after he was already recasted, basically they avoided that bullet by pure chance and was able to recast him for a more "legal" reason and not have to deal with potential controversy.

No, he broke NDA which is why he was recasted after.
However the assault charges were just a well timed convince.

meant for

No matter how many other good girls the other houses have, Eagles has the BEST girl, and that beats out everyone else.
All we see of that is him being put in the fridge. It's actually really hard to determine where nemesis comes from, since none of the sources of information from back then are exactly reliable.

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You dare question the church?!

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Maybe you have a point if there wasn’t a timeskip in this game but I actually think she’s perfect for post time skip Edelgard. Tara Platt has a very mature vibe

Man if only Nemesis wasn't too busy raging and Rhea and Sothis wasn't fucking gone we could set the record straight.

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>Defending Walhart and Arvis good
>Defending Edelgard bad

I do now after seeing that abhorrent image.

Bernie is good though, if anything she gets the best deal if she goes to other house, making Felix happy or getting Raphael to make her happy.

There is no bad ending with Byleth for Bernie, either she becomes the most influential woman in history or she becomes the bear.

cause' zombie Nemesis would have killed them all as well?

>romanced Rhea because I wanted a mommy waifu
>turns out I am the mommy

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BL has Annette and Mercedes though, both pretty top tier girls. Especially Annette her VA is just doing a fantastic job the entire time and her confession is amazing.

Lorenz is probably the best candidate for being a dark/holy knight, but in the end it doesn't really matter, because it's not a hard enough game that you have to optimize everything.

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BL feels like the intended first route because it doesn't explain jack shit beyond the surface level. You don't even confront anyone except Edelgard in it.

>When bernie "Burn fuel" bernmiester ISNT standing on explosives


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>being such a chad that even those who slither in the dark are afraid of you

Imagine having taste this poor.

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>byleth a pegasus knight instead of a whyvern lord
Enjoy your no str

But BL has the best end for the best girl

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No one ever defended them outside of griffithposting, that's the whole point of this.
People defend Edelgard because you can fuck her.

I don't see how all that indicate to you that she didn't consider Byleth is their own person but possessing Sothis's memories and that she might take over Byleth with time. Sure in a very charitable interpration of Rhea's character she wouldn't let an actual person getting erased to become Sothis, but she doesn't give a shit about humans and just wants Mommy back.
We can't be sure what she thought about Byleth considering she only met them recently, she probably couldn't determine whether they were their own person or not.

Is that a dancing Bernie?

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Reminder if you are using a character without a crest in your group you are gimping yourself.

Wallhart did nothing wrong though.

>Bernie is good though, if anything she gets the best deal if she goes to other house
this is the only good reason to play Blacked Eagles first, you can get Bernie out of that shithole in your next playthru

>she literally says that she won't actually kill anyone
And you actually think her word is to be trusted? After she tried to kill you at the start of the game with the bandits?

Yes, that's a dancing bernie.
>He's not on NG+

Being a retarded, manipulated warmonger who took every single bad bit he could from Alm.

Yes it's a dancing bernie bear

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Edelgard had no fucking clue you were going to be there at the beginning of the game and over the course of pre-timeskip grows so hopelessly attached to you you can hear the seething anger after Kronya knocks off your dad

>story dlc in season pass
>it's going to be the missing 4 chapters in BE

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>She tried to kill you
Not remotely. The bandits were weenies who fled at the first sign of resistance, and couldn't even kill three teenagers on their own. The entire point of the "bandit attack" was to chase off the old teacher to put jeritza in place as the new teacher. Edel knew that there were mercenaries in the area that could help, it's just unforeseen that Byleth was there.

I like Claude but I haven't finished GD yet. Did he actually want retarded mass immigration open borders in Fodlan or just want better relations and trades among foreign nations? I mean, Claude becoming the King of Almyra is a good thing since he's definitely going stop Almyran raids at Fodlan's border. Also, I heard he put Lorenz in charge of the Alliance in his absence and Byleth became the leader of United Kingdom of Fodlam. I'm sure as hell those two will not fuck around if Claude pulled off something stupid as open borders for borders for Fodlan.

They said it wouldn't be a continuation though, but actually brand new story content.

>No one ever defended them outside of griffithposting
Holy delusion, people constantly were defending them outside of that. Constant posts of "b-but they just wanted the best for their people" and "b-but they would succeeded if not for chrom or manfroy"

so do they ever explain what happened to you during the timeskip? like was your body somehow preserved or what

Yes, he actually wanted open borders, then he realized Fodlan was closed off the rest of the world for a reason and settled for something way more reasonable.

You were asleep in a ditch for half a decade.

>tfw no busty womanlet wife

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>but she doesn't give a shit about humans
She didn't genocide them after the shit with Nemesis. She actually implemented a religion glorifying certain individuals that were responsible for her mother's death instead of going after the descendants and slaughtering them. She saved multiple individuals in the monastery, like Jeralt, Catherine, or Cyril.
>she probably couldn't determine whether they were their own person or not
That's why her supports with Byleth are about getting him to talk so she can figure it out. She didn't sat him on the throne until he literally returned from the shadow realm with green hair and a restored Sword of the Creator, which to her were the signs that Sothis has returned.

>There are people who started

Yes user, those were legit discussions and not totally griffithposting aka sheer contrarianism for the sake of arguing because hey are the villains.
No one actually defends them for real, like people do with Edelgard, because they are boys and thus not waifus to jack off to.

That would be much better than a "golden" route desu. But I hope its a prequel with Jeralt or far back with Seiros
He didnt want people to be discriminated for being different, because that's what he went through as a kid, but then he just goes to rule Almyra and lead them to be prosperous and have good relations with Fodlan.

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Maybe Sothis kept you safe in some hole but chucked you in a river for some villager to find you after you piss her off.

Ideally it'd be about sothis, that would actually be fun instead of
>here, have literal cut content we sell as DLC with the actual end of the route
That's beyond jewish.

I want a slitherers route. Or some way of seeing what *really* happened way back at the beginning.

Edelgard learns Luna and Hades but she's a woman again and it isn't really necessary to train her in Reason when she has retard strength.

Making her a Dark Knight might be a good idea if you're playing Horse Emblem, though.

>I like Claude but I haven't finished GD yet. Did he actually want retarded mass immigration open borders in Fodlan or just want better relations and trades among foreign nations?
He is an anchor baby Trojan horse from Almyra, he starts with that ideal but gets better post timeskip as he actually wants to defend Fodland after his time there.

>I mean, Claude becoming the King of Almyra is a good thing since he's definitely going stop Almyran raids at Fodlan's border.
He makes Almyra great again, as evidence from his Cyril supports.
>Also, I heard he put Lorenz in charge of the Alliance in his absence and Byleth became the leader of United Kingdom of Fodlam.
At first he was scared of Lorenz hypercompetence, under Lorenz the allience would have destroyed Almyra in no time, him fucking off to make Almyra great again is their fulfillment of their promise to stand as equals given that Almyra was a shit hole with actual slavery and raid culture.
>I'm sure as hell those two will not fuck around if Claude pulled off something stupid as open borders for borders for Fodlan.
He actually opens the borders for Almyra first, his time in Fodland and teacher influence turn him into someone that practices what he preaches instead of a coward and hypocrite as you see in the other routes.

Claude is surprisingly great, he does not only entered the holy tomb and sealed forest before you are taken there but actively questions Rhea at first, he starts saying the church smells fishy but is later shaken by the realization that not only the church was right, crest weapons are made of the children of the Goddess and beasts are people corrupted by the wrong crest weapon.
Then we have the dubstep missiles and him realizing he was mocking a religion that actually has a physical God in his fucking teacher, his final supports touch on how he is actually shaken on this.

Claude might not be as epic as Dimitri but he is actually well written and pushes the plot forward.

sublime taste user


Playing with Black Eagles, 1st time, and just got past the time skip, and all the students who just a few moments ago were loving each other and laughing as family, are murdering each other in cold blood... and for what? For land? For the "Empire"?

I feel like this story just exploded and I have no idea why. Because Edelgard is a strong woman? Like, what the fuck is happening? Bloodshed everywhere between young adults who you fall in love with. This game is so fucked up.

Imagine if it was about Sothis, but for the perspective of Nemesis.

Yes, you can't go dark bishop without first getting dark mage.

Make Edel a mortal savant

yeah I started with the canon route that leads into the church split where you become god and rule over the planet while splitting edelgard's head in two, got a problem bitch boy?

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>d-doesn't count

>Nemesis S support

Well, he has a decent-sized group of people.
If it's him and the 10 elites, it's pretty neat
>raid a tomb
>kill a goddess
>get murdered by Seiros

>crest weapons
They're specifically called "Relic" weapons because irl relics are usually actual bits of saints

I don't know disemboweling flayn felt pretty rude

I always called them crest because of Not Thomas pointing at the crests all the time, but yeah they are Relic weapons.

It still doesn't mean she cared about Byleth being their own person, if she knew they were but still had the dreams about Sothis and shit you can bet she would do everything to awaken Mommy inside of them.

>Manuela MASTERS
>Bernadette BEASTS
>every other waifu fag utterly irrelevant

Waifufag tier rankings in descending order don't reply to my post.

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he wanted open borders, he even wanted to blow up the fortress that serves as a wall between the two nations, in his epilogue he doesn't do any of that, in fact, he goes back to his country, MAKES SHIT BETTER FOR EVERYONE THERE, becomes their new king, then negotiates for better migration

Jeritza get down, she has a gun!

He’s just so.....boring as a character relative to Edelgard and Dimitri. Yes his goals mature into something more worldly and reasonable but as a person he really doesn’t change all that much. He’s rather impotent without Byleth by his side as well as seen by him sitting on his hands and eventually fucking off back to Almyra abandoning the people he’s supposed to lead.

Should I request a drawfag do a Claude edit with a "Make Almyra great again" hat?

>Dimitri facetanks an army and dies
>Claude fucks off to Almyra
>Edelgard takes over but her role is equivalent to one of a puppet ruler because the Snakemen have more power than ever
>everyone is miserable
>Rhea/Seiros engages in war against the Snakemen and Fodlan burns down

to be fair rhea could have said earlier to blyat his true nature instead of being a secretive cunt, that being said her support convos with blyat are so fucking sexually charged that even nodding gets her wet so maybe ahe was keeping her distance due to magic incest

Just got to the time skip in BL, do they explain exactly how Blyat is just fine after sleeping under a bunch of rocks for five years? I assume magic goddess fuckery, I guess, but shouldn't they at look a little worse after not bathing for half a decade? Dimitri should've smelled her unwashed vag stank way before she entered the room.

Nope, in no route, assume it's just sothis magic and move on.

Femblyth is aids

Why would you even save this

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Mommy, I need my milkies...

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I actually liked him, unlike the others he keeps asking questions.
The fact that he went from a hippie mocking Ignatz for believing in Sothis beauty trying to use relic weapons for himself that wanted open borders and to destroy Fodlands throat to an actually mature character that is challenged on almost all his beliefs and becomes a good king after that is just too good.

>and so, they were both bottoms

>pick church
>dimitri sentenced


They knew what they were doing with that color gradient on her delicious tits

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The true bro ending

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How often do I need to say that she believed Byleth to be Sothis without memories at that point? Are you saying we should try to bring back memories of amnesiacs because it would "destroy" the "new" personality they developed?

>if she knew they were but still had the dreams about Sothis and shit you can bet she would do everything to awaken Mommy inside of them
Could you post anything that would support your claims? All you ever do is "You just know she thinks [x]" , "You can bet she would do [x]" without saying why this is the case or addressing my counterpoints.

>and all the students who just a few moments ago were loving each other and laughing as family, are murdering each other in cold blood... and for what? For land? For the "Empire"?
That's all routes.

Remember when Claude sent his allies to die in BL because "lol I thought you were empire soldiers xd"


>playing a male Byleth in BL
>depriving Dimitri of sensei's sexual healing
Almost as bad as playing a lesbian femleth in BE to pointlessly slam clams with Edelgard.

best end

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This is correct but you realize that he's not really working for El. That's the point. We're not operating in universe with this.

did Mercedes turn my Annette into a dyke I thought they were just going to be friends

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>get her tower scene
>its shit

Is church the only route where M Byleth is canon?

BE and BL is for femleth milkies

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F Byleth isnt canon at all

lesbian grannies.

How about an insane kind of yandere femleth

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Rhea is bi too so both her and Edelgard are just obsessed with daddy/mommy Byleth and don't give a shit

>the whole BL storyline
If nothing else, she's the default for BL.

>Femleth was the canon banner unit in FEH while Manleth was the filler free unit

>Could you post anything that would support your claims? All you ever do is "You just know she thinks [x]" , "You can bet she would do [x]" without saying why this is the case or addressing my counterpoints.
What counterpoints?
You're also just speculating on what she thinks based on her actions, you're saying there's no way she could think Byleth is their own person if they had memories of Sothis and shit but it's bullshit, they could very well be their own person and still have her memories and dream about her.

The whole BL route is clearly for Female Byleth.

>You're also just speculating on what she thinks based on her actions
And you just speculate based on some preconceived notion of her being evil. There is nothing hinting at your replacement theory.
>What counterpoints?
>"Rhea doesn't give a shit about humans"
>multiple examples showing she actually kinda seemed to care about humans and their well-being
You just write fanfic without actually basing it on the story.

the relics are basically monster hunter'd weapons made from the bones of divine dragons that can only be used by people from the same bloodline,if you don't have the same bloodline as them and try to use one, you turn into a monster, the Saint Relics are divine weapons crafted by the dragons, they can be used by anyone without a crest, like the Caduceus staff

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