Freedom of Movement Games

What are some of your favorite games with a lot of freedom of movement?

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Six degrees of freedom, baby

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Shattered Horizon

Doom Eternal seem to have some pretty neat movement, with a double jump, dash, pole swinging, grappling hook, and generally faster movement then 2016

Dying Light

MGS V for a more grounded take on movement freedom

today, OP was not a faggot

>those flight segments in Red Faction Armageddon
Why are they fucking around instead of making a new Descent?

oh yeah and there's that homage to it overload

Dishonored. I remember skipping through entire sections of level blinking to areas I wasn't supposed be in.

bouncing around in kh3 is hella fun


especially love the way the areas are designed, with a lot of verticality

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Ass Creed and it's because it is still limited. Excessive freedom of movement is boring


>gets stuck on level geometry for the 500th time
should've said daggerfall

Yeah it's a lot more vertical than jet set radio

Heretic II
or Jedi Knight 2/Academy

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This, Freelancer, Elite Dangerous. Freelancer not as much though.

The Prototype games come to mind.

Grow Up/Grow Home have great gliding mechanics.

Bayonetta has the best movement options in the genre.

I love this game.

red faction guerilla? you can drive through buildings kek

Some people are making a game that is basically Shattered Horizon 2. I think it's called boundries or something with a "B". SH was the shit till it died

Both tf2

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>Dying Light
>Splinter Cell games
>Mirror's Edge
>Saints row 4


2nd runner

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