What went wrong?
Trails of Cold Steel
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Kill yourself, incel.
what are these games? i was going to buy it one day but it was 60 for ps4 (first one). so i got horizon, spider man, and god of war with that same 60 because i thought that was money better spent.
this is a good picture
>what are these games?
A very anime game about a bunch of military academy students. MC is a huge Gary Stu.
Even so, it's quite fun. At least the first two games are. I don't know anything about the third and the fourth (except for the fact that I can finally romance my waifu in the fourth).
CS is shit.
i only am interested because it seemed similar to persona. but it looks low budget, like one of those atelier games. (played sophie for a couple minutes and did not like it)
Cold Steel IS low budget and the story, characters and animations are all fucking atrocious.
>hurr durr stop liking things I don't like
>it seemed similar to persona
It kinda is. If that's your jam, then go for it.
Keep that assblast coming senhater. Another Sen game coming soon.
So was sora and crossbell.
Their saving grace is they were not as big "psh, nothing personal kid" as steel
>What went wrong?
Rean treating Elise like an imouto despite them being NBR and him already fucking every other girl in Erebonia and Crossbell
It's still considered incest even if you are NBR.
>Stop not liking what I like
>MC is a huge Gary Stu
Never played Cold Steel, but c'mon, how much of a Gary Stu could he possibly be? We talking Kirito levels or?
Kirito is a fucking jobber next to rean
>how much of a Gary Stu could he possibly be
Somebody post it haha
>Controls a super ancient legendary mecha
>Master said mecha in about a month and beats someone with 3 years experience
>Has demon power
>Makes every girl drop their panties when around him
Is that enought?
no, post the rest
It's a shitty cop-out, that's what it is.
I'll spoiler tag everything that makes him a Gary Stu, the length of the list alone should give you enough of an idea.
Adopted into a noble family
Leader of his class
Learnt swordsmanship from a legendary master
Has a special power that's dangerous to use
Everyone likes him
Even enemies like him
Every girl wants to fuck him (including a princess who had never met him before wanting to fuck him)
Even some guys want to fuck him
Gives cheesy "inspirational" speeches
Chosen to pilot a magic mecha
Is the long-lost son of the guy who rules the country
Why can't they make the MC a dumb bimbo again?
Well, our Rean the Mean Meme Machine is most likely the quintessential JRPG/VN/LN/anime protagonist, after all:
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
>final student of a legendary swordsman
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but he makes all the men wet too
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
>wields a katana and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in trails in the sky
>grows up to become a teacher, can romances his underage students
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred ayylmaos who appeared at the last second
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
>becomes an national hero
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
>can marry any girl of his choosing, will impregnate them with his chad thundercock
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>turns his series into a glorious unsalvagable trainwreck
>gets raped by a girl in a cave
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua and Tita away from Agate
>is the writer's favourite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing
Rean > Lloyd
>new MC is a girl in Erebonia, Crossbell, or wherever Rean is visiting next
Do you want her to get HAHA'D or what?
damm it was one of the most funny stream i watched
Well dumb bimbo wanted to fuck her not-brother so they could do something similar.
Now this truly is a haha and holdingbackpilled post
So you want to make the new MC Elise? based
Rean is likeable fella people are just jealous on him
>Persona without the reasons people like Persona
>Surprise mecha
>MC cucked out of his own angsty backstory hinted at over the course of an entire game
Damn dude, your list is twice as long as mine. Good to hear the input of someone who's familiar with all four games.
>gets raped by a girl in a cave
Laura? Or any girl?
>plays as hated characters
I agree when he picked Emma, but I disagree when he kept picking Laura and never skipped her S crafts either. I still think it was two different chinks taking turns.
>gets raped by a girl in a cave
S-source for a fellow uninformed user?
Give me the name.
Haha, it's nothing, really. One shouldn't need to hold back when people are discussing the utter fiction-defying chad that is /ourmachine/ Rean after all.
Check the SSS ranking
>What went wrong?
Salty Skyboomers like OP seething
holy shit
>ever-expanding harem
>writer's favorite character
you got the wrong guy there buddy
But can Rean get over the barriers set up by the absolutely based cunnyseur that is Floyd Dannings? I think not.
emma is obviously best waifu
Laura's bonding event in IV
nonsense that would be teacher Sara
Does she really fuck him or are you meming?
she raped his mouth
>says to him that she is willing to do anything to make him feel better
I wonder how english translation changes her lines.
brb importing IV immediately
>grabs him
>pushes against the wall
>forces her tongue in his mouth
>looking angry as fuck because all he does is whine
>screen turns black
Then they are out of the cave and Laura is blushing.
And people thought Joker was the ladies' man, hot damn.
It's anime and Japan they get embarrassed over shit like "indirect" kisses.
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua and Tita away from Agate
no fucking way falcom would actually have the balls to do this
>he hasn't already played CS4
Haha, that's our EOP for you...
Not an EOP but I don't own consoles.
nobody is safe
You think they don't but actually you're right they don't.
A Divine Blade will always beat out a mere Heavy one.
Some waifufags are still going to be pretty mad after CS4. Even after all the options we get there.
That's it, I'm fucking dropping Sky SC if this is what the series devolves to. What the actual fuck
Rean trully is the embarrassment of this entire franchise.
Reminder that Japan absolutely loves Cold Steel games and Rean. Only vocal minority from west keeps seething.
literally made for violent rape
>said the dungeon crawler boy who hooked up with a soon-to-be fatass from her eating habits
It's the same story with every Japanese media. Wether it's anime or video games, Japan puts garbaggio characters at the top spots.
Someone post the official polls
Heed my Haha, Valimar the Ashen Knight!
Imagine flying all over the place just to get your fucking 50 mira back from some asshole
>those tender moments showing Agate opening up to Tita in SC all thrown away for a cheap fanservicey moment
Haha CS is and will always be utter fucking trash fuck you fuck you fuck
You mean this latest one? It doesnt even tell half the truth how popular Rean is compared to anyone else from the series.
No but you don't understand, their bonds were shining jewels
Kirito is extremely popular too so i don't know what you're implying other than japs having an extreme case of shit taste.
>Claire that high despite after Sen 4
Its even more sad that Aurelia is not even in top 30. Japanese beta male fears strong women.
Who are other 10?
>Aurelia ranked over "ALL OF ME" in the "Strongest Character" poll
How telling
Altina my onahole is very popular!
>best mc only got one game
garbage series desu
Japan with shit taste as always
He is pretty much too overpowered to serve as a recurring protagonist.
By the time he became a thousand arms guardian almost nothing can even threaten him because he will just kamehameha it into the ground or summon his Gate of Babylon
I do want a trilogy about a young Squire who eventually gets his own Stigma though.
>turns his series into a glorious unsalvagable trainwreck
This is the worst part since all Trails games are interconnected. So even his games retroactively tear down and make a mockery of the previous games' writing and worldbuilding, it's a crying shame. I shudder to think how much worse Calvard will be now with the shadow of Rean's games hanging over it.
i would but i dont want to play the psp and ps3 versions
Every game except for 3 and 4 are on PC
Calvard when?
Maybe after Cold Steel VI
Stop falling for memes
>arrow to rean
>arrow to agate
treasured person
>/fg/ is forever cursed to orbit around rean
Why do they love him so much?
Oh yeah, he's certainly instructing her in much the same way he is with Juna.
Will they actually have balls to hook up those two?
She's 16 now so I don't see why not. There was already an "as long as there's love" moment in 3rd with other characters commenting on their relationship
I've been playing SC and reading about what this series turns into really making me want to drop all this like a sack of potatoes
the writing in sky wasn't all that good, but this is legit embarrassing
It's obviously because they want to fuck her ogre-powered genitalia
No emma.
it is actually not that bad i did enjoy cold steel more that trails in the sky
Play up to Zero for a bit at least, the Crossbell games are really solid. You can drop the games after Ao though.
yo this nigger can't be serious
Osborne did nothing wrong.
play till ao no kiseki. crossbell is the good shit
I don't know about that bro, he did have Rean as a son, after all.
Leave Rean to me
>*Arc Slashes your sword out of your hands and Flame Impacts your pussy*
Not even a sword autist can beat the Mean Rean Machine
>Made the biggest chad in the story of Zemuria
>A bad thing
Crossbell has the exact same shit as erebonia. Lloyd is a by the books harem lead.
I can see that, but he indirectly tainted all Kiseki waifus in that manner. Unless you waifu'd Renne, I guess.
*rapes you*
So whats the full list of ladies/gentleman that Rean the machine can seduce?
All of that and he's still a self-loathing and moping wreck. Ogre curses are nothing to fuck with, apparently.
I think it's high time for all the old fans to simply hit the road and forget about the franchise. This is Rean's series now bitches and it's great.
Based Reanbro, Bracers, priests and police officers are old time and outdated
I want Laura to rape me
This retard is coming for you. What do you do?
Execute a headpat on her
Old Class 7 girls minus Millium
Nu Class 7 girls
Claire gets a shitty consolation scene. Sorry if you're a Clairefag
She has very creepy eyes sometimes.
this Rean is the man
Do self-insertfags actually like this? Do you really need your wish fulfillment power fantasies to be this big?
His harem is a lot smaller. It's annoying but nowhere near as obnoxious as Cold Steel
Alisa, Emma, Laura, Fie, Sara, Elise, Alfin, Towa, Juna, Musse, and Altina. There's some teasing with Claire, Duvalie, Celine, and Sharon too.f
Appealing to personatards
I mean, every Trails thread either dies out within 15 minutes or inevitably becomes a Rean thread, without fail. Not much choice now for them, is there?
>Elise that high
>Claire that high
>The Silver Cuck that high
This is fucking hilarious, why haven't I heard about this series before?
So are you guys going to use english or japanese voices in CS3?
Let me guess, a Duvaliefag?
This is Kondo's self-insert fantasy, so yes. Enjoy the rest of the trails games where nothing will actually happen and every game will involve Rean getting his dick sucked by everyone haha
Neither seeing as I'm not getting it.
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in trails in the sky
Who was this again? It can't be Cassius because he was just a stand in for Rean's test representing his inner self.
One because I've been conditioned on the dub so it's whatever, unless it's a huge change but from what I understand they managed to get almost everyone back.
Two because I already fucking know that the moment they throw a paragraph up on the screen but Mr. Gook spews some two syllable moonspeak from their mouth I'm gonna be really fucking annoyed.
Already played both CS3 and 4 so it's not like there was a choice.
Japanese. English cringe me too much.
You forgot:
>wields a sick tachi instead of a cringe and cliche katana
Towafag but I already promised Kondo that if he made Musse a romance option that I'd fucking jump ship because I didn't think he'd actually do it.
Don't lie, we know it's you, Kondo.
I can't choose. I really like some english voices like Laura. But I absolutely hate how Juna sounds in english for example. As for japanese, I like most of them.
Is that special PC version some fans were working on done?
>Towa written so insufferably that it's like some fangirl just shoved herself into the story
>people eat it up because she's tiny, clumsy, and acts cute
you're in luck
Do we finally have Koikatsu models of the girls? I want to do kinky things to Emma
Sen 5 will fix that user while adding more girls into Rean's harem.
Post cards
Geez, Rance got nothing on this faggot
It's looks like custom maid not koikatsu
Post the cards, especially Rixia's.
Kirito is hardly a gary stu in anime/LN terms and Rean shits on him in that regard.
There is possibly more on Pixiv but idk
This is wrong. Fuck cold steel.
Limp dick non-ogre bois just can't compete.
Who the fuck wrote him? I'm gonna kill the fucker who ruined one of my favorite series and turned it into an irreparable laughingstock.
Someone post the oh nononononono webms, you know which ones.
He’s a swordsman master, has a demonic form, controls a mech, rides a motorcycle and has a harem
The fact that it's not Ys.
Is that cm3d2?
That's what I thought but then I fucking played Three Houses.
I got you, famalam
>MC is a huge Gary Stu.
He is, but remember Xseed "translations" are terrible. They pretty much rewrite entire personalities just for the hell of it.
The kiseki series is fantastic but honestly the translations are so poor I wouldn't recommend them if you're going to play them in English.
What fucking game
My personal favorite
I hate how lazy they are with the animations in that game too.
>Character acts as if they're doing, well ANYTHING really but say siting drinking tea for example
>They're actually just standing there with the camera higher to hid their legs and don't even look like they're drinking
Like seriously? They already HAVE sitting and tea drinking animations from tea time and inviting to meals so surely they could get those working with supports conversations too.
>he unironically prefers
to something that flows in english
I just play the games in japanese.
Only two of these are true at the end of IV.
It's the fucking damn stiff sleeves when Byleth runs that get me. It looks so bad holy shit.
The fact that characters don't even do anything during Exploration time. At least in Cold Steel characters are swimming, sitting down or anything else besides standing.
>is the writer's favourite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing
Trails of Cold Steel she is your alcoholic teacher who constantly abuse you with lead to Rean have stockholm syndrome
i actually liked her romance more that i liked kawakami in p5
Haha, that's our Kondo for you.
Imagine if Falcom had to budget to make God Eater level cutscenes minimum.
>slides out of the way
christ, falcom
Campanella does whatever the fuck he wants. He's literally levitating anyway.
I'm gonna play this game someday then
>"Haha, you made me sweat kids. Time to stop holding back."
>"Damn, so this is the power of the (adjective)(noun)...."
If by wrong you mean right, then Fie.
One of the interesting things about Cold Steel is that despite all of his Gary Stu qualities, he fucks up at almost every opportunity. His harem is obnoxious though. Also at the end of Sen IV he loses his mecha and oni powers so I don't think he'll taint Calvard too much.
It'd be nice to have someone different for Sen the 5th though, like how 3rd had Kevin.
Bro you didn't have to point that out
Suddenly I feel like dropping CS1
Did she stop being a teacher and became a prostitute instead?
>not Celine
pshh nothing personnnel kid
fie is gross tho
he exaggerating
nah this is just fanservice anyway she stopped teaching in 3 she is part of legendofheroes.fandom.com
Some of it's true, some it is false (like cucking Sky characters), and some of it is reductionist (like the national hero thing, which is actually a political ploy from Osborne to draw support for Erebonia by using Rean as a tool).
If you're not having fun though, I'd drop it because even though 3 is a lot better, 2 is horrid.
Laura is best girl.
Which character should I masturbate to?
used goods
What's her story? Why is she so smug?
And 4 is just what made 2 bad again but it's the "End of Saga" this time
Pretty much. I still liked it more than 2 because it dragged out SLIGHTLY less (there isn't any more game after the final dungeon this time) but it was still a mess.
Fully shameless and degenerate slut who's up for anything with anyone
Built for princess carrying.
Is this what every trails is going to be from now on? is hahaposting the future for us?
We had a thread a few days ago with some actually good discussion, /fg/'s autism was late to the party and let the thread get off to a good start
Accept it and bow down to our lord and savior of Zemuria and inseminator of all of its females. It's a lot easier that way, Skyboomer.
Too bad it degraded into an autistic argument about Ao and more Cold Steel shit. Fuck man, why can't we just go back?
she was a child prostitute for the rich old man as the kid (multiple creampies involved)
The difference is that Rean is an actual character, and he loses all the fucking time even with all his powers.
So... this is the power of ((((((worldbuilding))))))...
well his powers are not so great to beginning with he only getting better and better by every game did people expected him to be loser for the whole 4 games?
Yea Forums now sees every Trails thread as a shrine dedicated to Rean and Reanposting, it's useless.
It's largely /vg/ crossboarders
I can understand that European and American players have little criticism of it.
If you play start at "-Sen No Kiseki"
Then the work of the four-part song looks "still ok"
If you played Sora no Kiseki 1FC+2SC+3rd
Zero no Kiseki
Ao no Kiseki
Then, you start playing Sen No Kiseki", you will feel that Electronic Arts has a reputation and integrity that is much higher than Falcom.
I don't know if you have ever felt that way. You are very passionate about and deeply fascinated by a work. Then you find that the author who wrote the script has changed. You never recognize the beautiful world again.
Some are just cheap scripts and full of Mary Sue stories.
I don't know if you have experience watching A Song of Ice and Fire. The next chapter turns into Guilty Crown.
As uncomfortable as eating faeces, KUSO GAME
My point still stands. It's either that, or the autistic Estellefag crawling out of the woodwork every so often to spam threads on here. At least the Reanposters keep them away or bait them into autistic rants by pairing up Estelle with Rean whenever they make a thread.
>What went wrong?
Wanted to be Persona-esque but botched the execution and story seems unnecessarily bloated compared to Skies
Both the Estelle fag and Rean posters are from /vg/
He sounds unbelievably based or just unbelievable. In any case, I have to see this for myself, and I've got some time off to fuck around. What are the games in which he appears?
I know
Not like I play games for the graphics anyway. Watch a fucking movie.
And this is why fire emblem still can’t compete
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
Trails of Cold Steel. Only 1 and 2 are in English right now with 3 in October on the PS4.
oh no no no
Someone who has never gotten into the classic JRPG games or this series as a whole. Should I try out Cold Steel? I am fine with it being like anime schlock.
Start with Sky FC if you want to play this series.
I appreciate the info, thanks user.
shit, meant to reply to
Just got through cold steel 1 & 2 as my introduction to the series. It's pretty fun but the combat is like a game of solitaire. If the enemy takes a turn you're doing it wrong.
Do you like "bonding" with high school girls and unga-bungaing through every fight with your own personal sword autist?
it is kinda meme Rean is not so bad protagonist by jrpg standart i did find him to be likeable
Her feet do indeed smell gross haha
>a Reanpost gets this many (You)s
Truly, Rean is the face of Trails to Yea Forums. Either that, or Skyfags and Crossbros need to step up their meme game.
>does literally everything better than Cold Steel, even the "high school instructor" shit
Byleth is shit though, the story is more about his students if anything
Why would I want to play as a glorified supporting character?
>I don't know if you have experience watching A Song of Ice and Fire. The next chapter turns into Guilty Crown.
>mfw reading this after playing Ao
I feel fucking sick
Self inserts aren't characters.
>pants plus naked top
This never fails to make me diamonds. Wtf is wrong with me. What is this stupidly specific fetish.
And here I was thinking the epitome of vidya self-inserts were people like Rex from XC2, jesus fucking christ
That's our Rean
>writing became worse and more facile
>cast got too big
>fan service and harem shit
>Kondo stepped away from the series' creative direction to focus on Falcom's business aspects
>Chara-Ani contract expired, which caused most of the old JDK musicians to quit
>Vita hardware caused major development issues for the team and forcing the intro arc of CS to be split into two games
>Falcom weren't used to HD development and had shitty animation and optimization in the later game's engine
Better question is what didn't go wrong?
Haha, that sure does sounds like him, alright.
>people joked about a scene like this happening in the weeks before sen 4 release
That's our Reanfags
Oh you have no fucking idea
Sean Chiplock is the man here some more
>voiced by a based gay furry in the dub
Is he still the only MC that has actually killed someone?
It happened in sen 2 as well but it was changed for the dub
His Demon Gaze primer is pretty fucking goat though so I let it slide.
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
I absolutely detest this fucking shit, why even go through all of that just for a deus ex machina to save your fucking asses?
>instructors aren't treasured people
Ask me how I know you're American
Got fucked by many old politician mans and now she is thirsty for cock
There actually isn't even an arrow pointing to him in that pic, just an arrow pointing at the box surrounding the block of Thors II saying "enrolled"
Rex is not even close to a self-insert. In fact most people hate him becuase he ISN'T a self-insert. He's a young stupid bloke who gets fucked up and fucks up constantly, and even his whole team tells him he's fucking stupid all the time.
Meanwhile everyone that's on Rean's side constantly sucks his dick. It's telling that whenever Rex is on the verge of giving up his entire party smacks his face and tells him to man the fuck up, while Rean's party says "Rean..." for several minutes.
just now realized he slightly reminds me of karol from vesperia
Did Falcom manage to make the ultimate Gary Stu?
I can't think of a worse protagonist
Even the most shallow, pandering VNs that I've read don't have protagonists with these many credentials for "Most Shamelessly Chad Of All Time".
>Constantly act like a huge fucking slut towards your professor cause you really want to fuck him
>Treat it half-jokingly cause you don't actually expect it to work on him
>It does
>Maybe too well
>Pulls a fast one on you and tells you he really wanted to see you the night before the final battle
>Start spilling all your fucking spaghetti like an idiot cause you were expecting him to pick one of the many other girls in his harem and not you
>"What the fuck did you expect when you constantly tease and blueball me like you do I'm a guy after all."
>Would've fucked you right then and there but will hold back haha for tonight
Her final bonding is pretty cute.
Okay, to any newbies in this thread, I'll just point out what is true in this post about Rean. He's ALMOST as bad as he sounds:
>does actually get orphaned and adopted into a noble family
>is actually a student of a legendary swordsman
>is actually the son of a mysterious big-bad who's actually good
>can pair up with every girl from Class VII, almost every girl from his own class, his teacher, and a couple of other girls by the end of Cold Steel IV
>his NBR sister does have a massive crush on him as does the princess of Erebonia
>does actually pilot a legendary mech
>he doesn't actually fully master his demonic powers, but that's cause they're the side effect of a curse placed on him and the rest of Erebonia
>the protagonists of the previous games do play him up as someone special
>he does become a national hero thanks to helping put an end to the Erebonian Civil War in the first two Cold Steel games
>he's not really royalty, but his connection to Osborne, the Schwarzers, and the Arnors do make him bougee as fuck
>he only breaks up ONE potential romance arc in CS3, which honestly never solidified, but could have been much better than forcing all of his female students into his harem
>his relationship with Crow is fujobait as fuck and is the remnant of an actual canned romance arc from an early draft of the series
>does become on the strongest characters on the continent
>does turn the series into a train wreck, albeit on on his own
>nothing really happens with Estelle or Tita - that's all a meme
>he is, apparently, Kondo's favorite character from Cold Steel
It's kind of sad that the memes aren't too far off from the truth, honestly.
That's our Rean haha
he is not only kondo favorite character the japanese fans love him too
That's our nips haha
Literally the only thing that's outright false is the NTRshit and even that plays a backseat to the sheer amount of praise he gets from previous and current characters and protagonists. Everything else has a degree of truth to it, it's quite frankly fucking astonishing.
I want to FUCK Musse!
i wasn't very far into the series but it's time to let go
thanks fuckers
Is Trails of Cold Steel a good game to satisfy the persona friend simulator itch?
I want to drink Musse's yellow tea!
you should not listen to these autist estelle fags and Rean fags they shitposting each other constantly
You could say Rean wears the jeans in the franchise haha
it is likely the closest persona game you can get
See you when CS3 releases, faggot.
You can keep playing, just don't buy the games. It's really not worth spending money on a game that's 59 hours of filler with 1 hour of plot and cliffhangers at the end.
>voted as the most popular character in his franchise of all time by nip fans in the very recent official polls
>his pairing with his fujobait boyfriend is also the most popular pairing with them
how about
you play anything else
or do anything else with your life, eh?
Judging by how often Cold Steel threads hit bump limit while Sky threads don't, I'd say they already left a long time ago and left the franchise to a newer audience. The ironic part is that since all the games are connected, they can't even have nostalgic memories or waifus without them being tarnished by Cold Steel or Rean every time a thread shows up.
Fishing with Rean! And Estelle!
God I just want to strangle that face everytime I see it pop up in a Kiseki thread. It's like he's smugly reveling in how he made Zemuria and the entire franchise revolve around him.
imagine the foursome
Estelle can get every hole filled
what a fucking legend
For me, it's Celine
I bet Rean would call the babymaker, he needs to pass on those chad genes instead of some genes led astray
I always look forward to this post
Haha, imagine sending a video with Estelle getting gangbanged to Joshua afterwards
>Reanposting outlived Chrisposting and Dutchposting and will most likely outlive any other kind of characterposting
Just how does he do it bros?
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
Now that's a HUGE writing red flag if I've ever seen one, seems like they don't know "Show, Don't Tell" exists for a reason.
But Musse's China dress tho
Literally the only good thing to come out of the shitshow that is Cold Steel, prove me wrong. Alisafags, Laurafags, Emmafags, Fiefags, Sarafags, Aureliafags, Junafags, Towafags, Clairefags, Celinefags, Roseliafags, Sharonfags, Alfinfags, and especially Altinafags need not apply.
His arc being too long
Well they hype him up by talking about things he already did
does anyone have the link to this stream?
Ahahaha holy fucking shit
> Consoles Estelle in Joshua's room
Falcom has always been overambitious, which meant they would try to make a game, find out it's too long, then try to make it into two games. But then the games would be too short, so they add filler. So you get what should be the equivalent of 2.5 games at most stretched into 4. Also dating elements in a story heavy JRPG are shit.
Does Duvalie count? She was introduced in Ao but had very little dialogue
I love Chinese dresses
Duvalie is only good for bullying
haha... fifteen of you? time to stop holding back haha
huhu that's our ween
ween makes my ween the big ween
She's really cute in IV though
>Was hoping these two would become a thing because they have funny and cute interactions
>Duvalie just ends up blushing over Rean too
Fucking hell.
He even has the white hair for when he goes into his demon mode, this post is unironically a fucking understatement on just how "quintessential" he is.
She's not a romance option so that possibility isn't completely out of the window
He's not wrong about Jusis.
Well he does marry a loli, that makes him /ourguy/
>Literally the only good thing to come out of the shitshow that is Cold Steel
Thats McBurn mate
why are anime fans so autistic in person
Rean is singlehandedly and simultaneously the worst and best JRPG protagonist I have ever had the pleasure/displeasure of knowing about. He is stuffed full of so many anime cliches that you can think of that he stops being cliche. He's like a paradoxical testament to 2010's anime protagonists as a whole. And it's all sincere on how he's played out, that's the worst/best part.
If they watch mecha, it's undoubtedly because their favorite girl archetype just so happens to be Laura, who's only liked by autists.
Most entertaining post on Yea Forums right now
based, I love the little slits that show off the hips and thighs
Because Rean is their role model
I better see this post show up in every Trails thread from now on, if Reanfags actually have the balls to stick by him.
I love her so much bros. I wish she was real.
For her, it's Rean
Don't worry, I'll wish Rean was real for her as well.
You just know those twin-tails are so you can grab on them while ramming her ass.
Rude, you shouldn't talk that way about my beautiful wife. You think she's some kind of slut or something?
Play Tits and then forget about the rest.
Chill out, you already know the dumb bimbo's fucked at least 17 men to pay off her Bracer dues, and that's before even stepping foot in Erebonia and meeting the Hahaman himself.
She's a buttslut
>Lloyd looking at Estelle's butt
It has 9 games in its wing
cs itself is a subseries of the legend of heroes series which is very much good give it a go
haha i wonder what a lowly bracer and police officer could want with /ourmachine/ rean
haha what if they were propositioning a threesome to him wouldn't that be just funny as fuck haha
M-maybe she did maybe she didn't. She's still my wife and I still love her no matter how many creampies she takes from strange men.
I love him so godamn much
Subseries of the Kiseki series more specifically. Kiseki started at Trails in the Sky which is Legend of Heroes 6.
Nah, CS is the main event now. The Sky and Crossbell games are merely prologues, or at least treated like so.
Literally the protagonist bicycle
There's no room for Joshua in this one haha
Lloyd was based.
>is the writer's favourite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing
What an absolutely based man he must be, to hold such a character as his favorite. Or absolutely shameless.
He's cool his dub is very is good as well even though he a f*rry he did a QnA on the falcom general when 3 was announced to come to the west
He's not a protag
>>is the writer's favourite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing
The director, Kondo isn't a writer
Everything Cold Steel related inevitably centers around Rean. And yes, that includes the Sky games, the Crossbell games, and all Kiseki threads about these three sub-series.
What if Rean is aware of being protagonist and abuses it as much as he can?
H-hey Estelle, w-where are you haha...
Don't even pretend he hasn't also been the main writer up until his promotion and probably even after.
He wasn't though? The series has had several writers, and none of them are Kondo. Rean is definitely his creation though since the original version of Cold Steel had Alisa as the MC. Also the main writer for the series left after Ao
>tfw Calvard goes meta with Rean having realized he's in a fake world set apart from the and subsequently becomes the main antagonist of Calvard
>can marry any girl of his choosing, will impregnate them with his chad thundercock
If one of those girls isn't a delicious cake, then he's a complete faggot with no taste.
Absolute kino
Good news, there is a cake. Bad news, there is no porn of the cake.
Okay, now he's based to me. Shame about the porn, though.
Rean gets to romance his teacher and later he can romance his students
There's a doujin of her though
Name a more fuckable protagonist
who is this blue nigger? why does he say all of me?
Excuse you, that "blue nigger" is the most entertaining character in Cold Steel by far.
Estelle Bright, my cute wife.
Show me a funny clip of him
How will the new Calvard MC top Rean as a bigger special snowflake?
I said "fuckable", not "slutty as hell". Perhaps "handsome and appealing to the human ideals of beauty" would have been a better choice of words.
Modern Falcom is just depressing. Ys 9 at least chance of being decent right?
That's fucking easy, all he has to do is just be Rean yet again
>yfw new MC is older Rean
Ys VIII was pretty decent, so I think IX will be good if they refine what they had with VIII. If nothing, it'll automatically be a better game than Sen the 5th based on the fact that you don't have to play at least four games' worth of absolute trash beforehand to understand what's going on.
Ys 8 was pretty good, so I don't see why not.
ahahahahehehehehhehe fuck bros I wouldn't be able to go on
I knew going down the "pandering to Persona fans" path was a bad idea
>covered armpits
how could falcum do this to us sarabros? we waited 4 games for her.
Imagine not wanting to fuck this.
Rean doesn't have to imagine fucking it.
Too old
its the supposed gary stuing for Rean that makes me not want to play 3 and 4
3 is actually the best Cold Steel, even though that isn't saying much
Why don't they just call him Ryan? Rean sounds like reaming a poopy asshole.
So you're saying, imagine being Joshua?
No need to hold back man, just embrace the machine like everyone else here.
You think Rean reams Estelle's anus haha
Well, that's what he's doing with every girl in Thors every night and what Crow does to him every so often, so I'd say it's apt.
>no need to hold back
you cheeky fuck.
I'd just completely give up on kiseki at this point, it's already difficult enough as it is.
He honestly doesn't get much worse than in 2 aside from his harem expanding.
88 posters
399 replies
god /fg/ really has been migrating
>he didn't already give up on Kiseki when Cold Steel rolled around
Haha you must like suffering for fuck all
/fg/'s dead, why wouldn't they?
/fg/ is just as alive as Trails.
They should really rename that to /csg/ - Cold Steel General. No, even better: /rg/ - Rean General.
Why would /fg/ be dead when Rean saved it?
imagine wanting to fuck an unsexy bimbo instead of the perfect beautiful princess
>muh nobility
Go back with Lechter dumb cuckqueen
Fuck man, I'm playing tocs 1 right now and holy fuck starting at hard is actually fucking hard. I just finished floor 3 of the old school building and fuck me. I just started the boss fight with my party dying to the boss. What the fuck is this shit am I just underleveled? I used Rean, FIe, Emma and Laura. I wouldn't have survived that fight if not for auto insight Fie reviving everyone and getting lucky evasions. Fuck me. Any fucking tips? Emma is really good for mob clearance with Aerial with "epe regen while walking" orbment. Laura is only good for her S Craft, Fie for evasion and blind, Rean for delays. But fuck me that won't help with bosses.
Pretty much, yeah.
Never played Cold Steel, but I have a feeling this Rean character is somehow the most chad protagonist in all of Japanese media. Fuck, most of them are too beta to get with the main girl, and here he comes, just swooping and grabbing them all.
tocs3 on pc when?
Sorry about your gayness and your inability to identify a waifu goddess when you see one.
He probably would be if his personality wasn't so milquetoast and boring. He's the usual uncompromising busybody LN protagonist who helps everyone willy-nilly and spouts friendship speeches on a regular basis.
You unironically made a better choice with those normie core games. The trails games are incredibly mediocre but the fanbase likes to pretend they're better than they really are.
Rean should've been a girl
I agree!
Bros NISA is streaming cs3 on twitch right now
Mark my words, Reanposting will become the Baneposting of Yea Forums. Just give it enough time.
Well, say hello to Alisa Schwarzer and Rean Armbrust, cut characters who never made it into the series and got warped into two worse ones!
If he was, then CS1-4 would be hailed as a love story for the ages and everyone would ship her with her bad boy terrorist boyfriends Crow
I just want Rean to be a girl so I can fap to Rean having her way with her harem of boys and girls instead of complaining about it
lechter is for that girl from remiferia
I like cold steel, it doesnt suck really
although crossbell still is the best arc
haha we gotta save Crow and make him go back to school and also remember Otto
double buff speed
>Market manager Otto
>becomes an national hero
If only he would "an hero" himself for trainwrecking the series. Ah well, can't have anything good in this world anymore.
Evade works on bosses. It's ages since I played a non Ng+ so I can't remember enough to tip you
Her pussy will be charred from his flaming cock
I just beat it for the first time on nightmare like two weeks ago. Something the game doesn't really explain is that buffs stack up to +50%, so if you have a +25% you can stack two and the symbol will turn from yellow to red.
I got all the way up to Ao before discovering +Evade arts out of desperation. Because the fucking Jaeger troops at the resort were immune to fucking everything except AT delay and they hit like trucks.
One fucking spell and they take more damage from counters than they actually do on their own turns, holy shit, why did I ignore evade for so long
i haven't played trails of cold steel, but trails in the sky deserves every bit of the praise it gets.
just stack delay on rean and spam arc slash or whatever his best delay move is. once you get the quartz that makes your first attack do double damage give it to laura and make her delete half a bosses hp. the only fights I thought were hard were the monkey boss and the one where you have to fight three machine things that spam lasers at you.
>having trouble with the easiest game in the series
>not even on nightmare in a game where nighjtmare is easier than SC's hard mode
wew lad
The game explicitly tells you that though.
>an NPC so unimportant he doesn't even have a portrait in a game where the portraits are fucking ugly, lazy 3D models
Can you go for a harem end in this game, or will the girls seethe if you two-time them?
Okay thanks famalams. So does this mean Rean should just spam delays rather than Scrafting?
Fuck me man I've never played hard first playthrough blind on any game. Seems like grinding's the only way.
Can only pick one per playthrough
You can get one girls ending, then carry over your save data and pick another, but no one gives a fuck if you do.
yes spam delay as much as possible. give him the item that regains cp every turn so he can spam even more.
>Seems like grinding's the only way
Unless something changed in CS, grinding is a waste of time because you rubber-band to the appropriate level. Unless you really can't git gud. Just try to abuse status effects and AT delay, experiment a little, I'm sure there's a way through it
Kondo will just reuse them for Calvard, don't worry.
>rubber-band to the appropriate level
Explain? Does this mean every chapter, the game adjusts my party to the appropriate level?
fie can easily reach 100% evasion with quartz and insight making her immune to everything but specials. Alisa learns an aoe insight craft that should be spammed.
Experience you receive from mobs depends on your level
If you are overleveled you will get way less exp while if you are underleveled you will get exp really easily
Each level takes more xp. This means the game let's you know when grinding is pointless and that lower level characters catch up quickly
Haha that's our ween alright
Where? I scoured the journal and never saw any hint of that.
>kiseki vs ys 2
>adol vs rean is just you physically holding back on the stick the entire fight.
Me too
Grinding doesn't help much at all and the game is piss easy even on nightmare. You just spam AT delay in the early game and spam S-crafts in mid/late game. Don't forget to stack SPD and STR as all other stats are shit.
The big city doesn't seem as fun to explore as the island and all the empty space even less so but I hope I'm wrong.
>Japan has shit taste
What!? No!
>joshua and estelle not even on the radar.
>Altina with her two dads
>Musse 6th
Fucking sweet at least she's top 10
>Juna 10th
Too high
>Ash 19th
Too low
How can the guild, the church, and the SSS even compete with this one man?
Just an outlier. Our girl Estelle is far and away the most popular especially in the west
Nobody likes the bimbo
Because that poll was for CS characters only
>CS characters only
>Olivert, Arianrhod and Lloyd show up
The game is too obscure, Baneposting lived as long because TDKR was huge mainstream box office success
Because those all had a major role in the plot of CS
Reanposting has the legacy of a 15 year old continuing franchise behind it and the ironic hilarity of the shallowness that is modern anime and VN/LNs behind it, just wait until CS3 releases and watch as Yea Forums somehow uses Rean as a tool to mock boomers, zoomers, and everyone in between.
Rean should only be your S-craft machine later in the game when you get Vermillion (make sure you always do your fishing).
>Reanposting can be used to make fun of zoomers whose taste is shit enough to unironically like Rean and think he's a good character
>Reanposting can be used to mock boomers because their last holdout in the genre was destroyed by the mean bean Rean harem machine
>Reanposting can be used as a tool to mock Ys fags because Trails is more popular than Ys thanks to him appealing to zoomers so much
>Reanposting can be used to mock other JRPG fans because "journalists" and youtubers still praise the fuck out of Trails for some reason even after the trainwreck that Cold Steel was
Reanposting is too powerful, we need to hold it back
Haha, I'm sure you've seen the Rean threads that are already a staple of Yea Forums at this point. Why contain it?
Who are these fake voice actors? Everyone knows English Dub is the correct choice.
My wife
Reanposting started in 2013 when Cold Steel first came out, no? I unironically think that it has been one of the most enduring types of characterposting on this board, being topped by only Pepe and Wojakposting, unless I'm missing something. And it'll only continue to evolve and adapt as Trails gets more games and Rean shows up in them.
At least Ash is safe from the Ream menace.
ironic weebs
Rean is his instructor, there's no getting around a figure like him. Besides, he has more pressing concerns to worry about. Like a desperate and horny Joshua dumped by Estelle in favor of Rean, for instance.
Nobody posted this yet? psh nothing personnel kids soundcloud.com
>this is what JRPGfags will deal with when playing their games
there's nothing ironic about /ourrean/ haha
This sounds fucking embarrassing even compared to something like Persona, how do you people play these games without cringing hard?
That's even fucking worse honestly
Don't mock Otto like that, he was literally the only good guy to die in the entire series.
Mostly because Falcom is too lazy to show that a lot of people actually die in civil wars.
You can't even imagine the worst of it, man
So do Falcom Games cost less than I think they do, or do they somehow make more money than I think they do to continue producing....whatever you'd call their games.
Or is it both?
>nu-Falcom trash
All I can say is that their games are ridiculously cheap to produce. It's apparent in their production values.
Haha, sure are Estelle and Joshua boring protagonist compared to our Rean haha.
They probably spend more in VA than in the game itself
Otomeshit is boring as fuck, yes.
>Laura lower than Alisa
This is a fucking travesty
Nobody likes a rapist.
Cope some more with your Reinford whore, Alisanigger
Welp, looks like I'm dropping CS1 after all.
>loving a cumdoll
She is safe. Something happens in CS4 where anyone Rean has "bonded" with links to him. She and Too avoid that fate.
What the fucking shit. My OTP.
>another Trails thread reaches bump limit thanks to based Rean
No need to thank him for his continued existence, Skybros and Crossbros.
Haha that's our rean for ya
Why are retards believing the shitposter about rean and Estelle/Tita? neither of them are romance options.
Loewe died though
The main writer for Sky/Crossbell is a hardcore lolicon, why do you think all the characters with the most development besides Estelle were lolis?
Haha you can't have good guys join Ouroboros that'd be crazy haha