Grinding in Trails of Cold Steel

>Grinding in Trails of Cold Steel
>want to press button down on controller so I can make grinding go by faster
>dad threw away my clothespins because he thought I was using them for masturbation
>can't get more or he'll get suspicious
What the fuck should I do bros? It's going to take too long at this rate.

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No one would blame you for masturbating to this girl. Every girl is a 10/10.

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>dad threw away my clothespins because he thought I was using them for masturbation

explain yourself, user

>>dad threw away my clothespins because he thought I was using them for masturbation

>>dad threw away my clothespins because he thought I was using them for masturbation

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I was using them on my nipples. He figured I had no non-degenerate reason to use them and tossed them out.
The problem is now I DO have a real reason to and I can't.

>I was using them on my nipples.

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You need Jesus

is this fun, i want a good older-style JRPG

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>actually subjecting yourself to Trails of Cold Steel

So, do you just keep the clothes pins on your nipples throughout the duration of the masturbation, or do you unclip them every now and again, and then reattach? Do they really make your masturbation better?

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The latter. The best orgasms I've ever had were from clamping clothespins on them, having a dildo up my butt and jerking my front all simultaneously.

The Cold Steel series is the epitome of early 2010's battle harem high school anime mixed in with late 2010's isekai anime under the guise of a trashy Persona ripoff, it's not older-style in any conceivable way.

I see. I haven't quite sunk to those depths yet as I'm still capable of having a relationship. But thanks for the advice.

>mixed in with late 2010's isekai anime
Are you one of those "native isekai" trolls?

It's fun. And has cute girls. It's a less pretentious version of Persona. And crucially, it doesn't doesn't attract Fatlus types who believe their franchise is somehow more 'intelligent'.

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>he doesn't know the truth behind Mc-"ALL OF ME"-Burn

hahaha faggot

BS. Trails rubberbands experience like crazy. There is no grinding.

Did it feel good?


>Grinding in Trails of Cold Steel
what's wrong with you, the game is piss easy even without grinding

>these are the masturbatory habits of Senfags

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posting in an epic thread

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Renne's filthy and funny cunny belongs to the hahaman now

How the fuck do you even put pegs on your nipples? Wouldn't it hurt like hell?

So uhh how many of you touch your nipples when fapping? Kinda curious. Mine are really sensitive, and touching them makes my cock throb a little. Better orgasms too.

mine have no sexual sensitivity whatsoever

Yep, this post summarize the ToCS fanbase and why the series went to shit.

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I feel bad for you. You're missing out.

>not the post outing people who play Cold Steel as sexual perverse deviants

yikes that's kinda cringe bro

Renne can't handle my epic dick I bet haha

Its good
although some of the charm of sky is lost by going through sen first.

Its trash
just play sky and move on and forget about the series' existence