Was this the worst American Silent Hill game?
Was this the worst American Silent Hill game?
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Downpour is pretty bad. It runs so poorly.
Yes. Everything went wrong besides music.
Only remotely decent one is Origins. Ignore the rest.
No, that's Downpour. Jesus Christ was it boring
Also this, it runs horrendously
Haven't played it but you have to try to be worse than Downpour. It was worse than that PS3 Alone in The Dark.
Americans really don’t like school. I don’t blame them when you’ve got such shitty teachers and curriculums, but their media’s perspective push definitely doesn’t help either.
It was more polished than Downpour, I know that much.
Also it was Czech, not American made
>remotely decent
it was, kinda.
Are we acting like this doesn't exist?
God that was fucking trash too
>vita spinoff
Might as well count the mobile games then
HC and DP were okay. I don't really see why they are so hated.
eh at least you have the sexy nurses and combat origins/shattered memories was boring beyond belief
>I don't really see why Downpour is so hated.
It's unfinished and the entire prison section is the lowest point of the series for me. It was basically horror Prince of Persia.
>Origins was kinda odd. I wasn't into the whole Metroid Prime 2 feel of it. Most of it's appeal was "Hey, remember SH1?"
>Homecoming was uninteresting, which is a let down but ultimately inoffensive. It's biggest crime was reusing Pyramid Head
>Downpour was very obviously unfinished which hurt it in a variety of ways, but I actually liked a lot of the concepts it played with. It just gets boring wading through the technical issues, the reused assets, and everything like that
>Book of Memories is actually one of my favorite Diablo games. I think the story was fun in the whole "What you do in chapter 3 causes the bad guy from chapter 6 to cause chapter 1" thing. It wasn't scary but it definitely got tense. Some aspects were underdeveloped like the puzzles, but ultimately I'd consider it the most successful Western SH especially if you can come to grips with it being a spin-off and not a main game
0, DP + BOM were worse.
tl;dr: it's all around shit. Lazy, broken, fugly. NOT ''SH''.
What about Shattered Memories?
>Twin Perfect
Go far away from here and never return. They're faggots, I'm a faggot for suffering through their content, and you're a turbo faggot for linking them
They’re right about homecoming and downpour, Tomm.
Nope, it was nowhere near as bad as the SH prequel one.
It was.
HC isn't offensively bad like some of the others, it's just uninspired and boring.
Fuck off Tomm
Cool gimmick I would've liked to see expanded but it's ultimately that. It "profiles" you but ultimately that boils down to "this player is or is not a pervert" which even then couldn't be accurate because inspecting things contributes to that rating. It's pretty fun at first actually but eventually you will hit a point of "Yeah, I run for a while now. I get it." because the enemies aren't a threat, since they're not allowed to be Ina game with no combat. If you don't suck at generally heading in one direction, you're safe forever. The most fun of the game was being asked the questions with no right answer like about who is most responsible for the death of the princess.
I unironically liked and enjoyed homecoming.
Downpour is almost like a parody of SH games
>2deep4u nonsensical plot
>terrible, on the nose symbolism
>shitty performance
>janky controls
>and above all else, not even scary
Downpour is just shitty Alan Wake.
Well said.
I'm like twenty minutes into this video and it's pretty terrible. They consider it a flaw of the game that the marketing is bad? They're upset that Murphy can feel responsible for a death even though he didn't inflict it with his own hands. They're complaining that the cryptic guide character isn't giving more spelled out answers? Plus the review didn't start until like ten minutes into the video. I doubt I'm going to take in all two hours of this.
By far. It was made by people who wanted to turn SH into RE but with the nonsense of MGS mixed in (this would've been an even more poignant point had the Homecoming devs gotten their trilogy where Alessa and Josh have a Super Saiyajin fight over the town).
In addition, puzzles are dogshit, second worst in the series, ignoring SM.
Origins > Downpour > SM > Homecoming
Origins can be salvageable just by making some details like Alessa's ritual more obscure (inb4 boilerfags and anti boilerfags fight, Origins gets the ritual objectively wrong as all prior official media says it was done in the basement, including the ones Origins bases its story off of), outside of that, Origins is perfectly fine. Well, ignoring that AND the GoW QTEs.
Downpour is buggy and has slowdown, but this would be fixed with a good PC port or a good console port, but that will probably never happen because ~500K sales. Only issue besides that is the story makes little sense when factoring in the endings. I would suggest Tomm and Devin oversee a remaster to fix that, I'm sure they know what they fucked up on that aspect. Apparently the game was so rushed Tomm admitted the second to best ending was supposed to have Napier die (making that the canon one I guess?) but it didn't happen in game.
SM is just bad. Would've preferred the original concept that had been drawn up rather than the up its own ass writing, and the gameplay is just running around, doing baby tier puzzles and psychiatry shit. Boring.
>this would've been an even more poignant point had the Homecoming devs gotten their trilogy where Alessa and Josh have a Super Saiyajin fight over the town
That would've been amazing just for the hardcore SH fanboy tears.
>Go far away from here and never return
Apply to yourself, retardera zoom zoom.