Is it worth getting on humble monthly? Usually I stay away from early access games, but it has good reviews and is kinda cheap atm.
Is it worth getting on humble monthly? Usually I stay away from early access games...
It's pretty good. It's no Project Reality though.
I have 900 hours and I'm still playing, it is easily the best multiplayer shooter thats populated right now
Is this as "soloable" as Insurgency was? I found you could solo quite easily in Insurgency.
don't let the squad shills fool you
You absolutely can't solo in Squad, if you aren't in a Squad you can only play a rifleman and most Squadleaders want you to have a mic, or atleast stick with the rest of the team.
already fixed
I mean more in as I still chill with the team but don't really have to talk and such. I didn't mean to ask if I can rambo, cuz you cant even do that in Insurgency
>Start to play game
>Find my way into a squad
>Following the leader, do everything he asks me to do
>We come under fire
>He tells at me to take the supply truck and just go, he doesn't give a fuck where
>I take it and drive to a safe location
>"Yo where the fuck are you taking the truck dumbass"
>Anywhere, like you said
>He kicks me
>I proceed to refund the game
You're a queer and anyone else that plays this game is a fucking nerd ofnthe highest calibur.
Yeah you don't need to be super talkative, just stick with your squad and listen to your squad lead(assuming he's not autistic). Maybe call out enemies if you're the only one that sees them but that's about it.
You really are in every thread
This is intentional you retard, BRDM-2 Spandrel isn't supposed to have the full penetration of other TOW missiles
poor guy :(
Remember, do not believe the Squad SHILL lies
Squad is fun as long as you aren't a complete mouth breathing retard. It provides a nice, team based tactical experience that is slower paced than Rising Storm 2 without going full autism like ARMA. It has a bit of a learning curve but it should take no more than two matches to full understand what is going on and how to play a proper role.
this guy again. lol.
He loves posting old bugs. The game still has bugs, but it's fun as fuck. Especially when you get a good squad leader.
My only major complaint is vehicle handling, but I mostly play infantry so idgaf.
Sneaking behind enemy lines to blow up their shit is great.
>You should also get it while it's on humble, cause they rarely put it on sale.
I solo when ever my squad lead is shit. It is possible, you just need to be an apex predator.
Arma 3 > Squad
Arma looks better, plays better, has a bigger community, has more mods, is cheap as sin on sale (15 dollars, 5 dollar DLC), has a god tier mission and scenario creator and server creation is ez pz.
You are a fool if you aren't play Arma 3 in this day and age
It's fun, it's right on the cusp of hardcore milsim and actually fun.
Games are decided and who has the least retarded squad leaders though.
I play vehicles a lot and the main thing I'd like to see would be the ability to unbutton hatches for drivers, and maybe better optics in general. After that, vehicle interiors for passengers would be a nice touch.
today, I will remind him
> has a bigger community
of whom 90% play autist life
Arma isn't good as a PVP game
How will this run on a 1060 3GB and 8GB Ram?
>13k players
>Only 3 altis life servers actually filled with 100 players
All the Milsim servers are fucking against AI, thats shite boring. King Of The Hill is a meme, I enjoy it but it's definitely not sim. Plus Arma runs like arse.
I play with guys who have 960s and 1050s. Should play decently.
Nigga all PVP games suck cock.
>Be patrolling in a desert
>walking around with my squad
>suddenly an autist who has learned the games mechanics to a T snipes all of us in an instant and kills us
>we can't even find him and we all quit after we die
Wow, what a fun riveting experience.
thats a lie and you know it
Apples to oranges. The two games fill a very different niche.
>Looks better
ARMA looks and sounds like garbage compared to Squad. Squads particle effects and sound design are lightyears ahead of ARMA, but that's because ARMA is supposed to be a complete milsim and presentation takes a backseat to depth.
>plays better
Objectively false when we compare mouse clicks/actions to do equivalent actions. In ARMA there is a dedicated keybind for almost everything while Squad more heavily focuses on contextual actions. Again, this is comparing apples to oranges because ARMA is a milsim and it makes sense there there would be more actions, but in Squad actions are much more fluid.
>mission editor
Squad isn't PVE. Again, apples to oranges.
>server creation is ez
That's great I guess?
Will it run on my shitty laptop?
It'll run fine. They recently optimized it and it runs a lot better on mid-range set-ups.
> This does upset me though as they down-graded a lot of the graphics. One of the reasons I upgraded my shit. I get a million frames with my i9/2070 now when I used to only get thousand frames.
once again proving that arma co-op babies are just bad at videogames, thanks.
People like you are the reason I stopped playing. Public servers are garbage and groups with their dedicated modsets are bad at vidya and thus only fight braindead AI.
It's okay to not like the feeling of being in a competitive environment, but don't delude yourself lmao
I did the math, that accounts for 2567 players. Out of 13,000. Which still leaves 10k people playing this game.
So, wheres the playerbase mansley?
>141 players
Do you have any friends to play it with? I love it when we can pull together a squad to play it (pun not intended), but I can’t fathom playing it with strangers.
I bet you think that Insurgency, Rising Storm 2, RO2, Post Scriptum and Battlefield are "competitive shooters" faggot.
Stay forever mad that I called your game shit, because it truly is. It's literally the exact same in a PVP scenario no matter what game you play, sorry that you've never gotten good at a game in your life to the point where you realize this is what happens.
competitive meaning playing against others, not braindead AI, you fucking faggot
I just bought it through Humble guys. Looking forward to playing.
take a deep breath and step away from the keyboard user. go get a glass of water or something. look at a tree for a few minutes.
>no fun allowed tier
>manchildren at play tier
>fortunate son tier
rs2 vietnam
>ERIKA tier
hell let loose
Post your slay the spire key if you don’t want it, user
Playing other garbage gamemodes like KOTH, BR or Wasteland
Don't delude yourself if you think that the percentage of players that actually do milsim in Arma 3 isn't a tiny fraction. Also, they are co-op babies and aren't worth paying attention too.
>>ERIKA tier
>hell let loose
more like DOA tier
>Do you have any friends to play it with?
Nope, but I don't mind playing with strangers.
Then be prepared to accept the fact that your enjoyment of the game is directly bound on whether you can find a random squad that has a good squad leader. I’m just gonna say that it’s a wonderful game that can easily be ruined by not-so-wonderful players.
It's okay, the gun play sucks and PR is way better. To bad that game is dead.
yeah this anti squad shilling is weird. look, i'm still playing PR a lot more than squad and both games have their problems. but i'm not autisticly saving webms and spamming it in squad threads.
this is squad? how do you make it look like this?
I played HLL and ended up refunding it. Post Scriptum does it better. And I hate Post Scriptim.
HLL enemy player models popping in and out at 300m was the big issue.
If you compare Arma pvp vs Squad its not even close.
Then theres all the glitches/unpolished BS of arma. FFS theres even a saying when you get killed by glitches as being "arma'ed" or "In arma its not a bug, it's a feature."
>Falling through towers on KOTH
>People seeing through floors/walls
>Getting sniped with 12.7 from 1+km when you can't even render stuff that far without some BS settings
>60 FPS if your lucky
>Getting stuck on building doors/entrances
Squad isnt perfect either. The biggest benefit it has is the squad gameplay, while its biggest detriment is also the squad gameplay.
>Incompetent squad leaders
>People giving up instantly with a medic right there
>People playing marksman that suck at the game.
>Sitting in squad screen waiting for someone to SL at beginning of games.
>Poor FOB placements
>Armor going full Leeroy
Squad sucks because of people.
Arma sucks because the game itself.
This was the engine pre-optimization with everything on ultra.
I play with shadows on low now, cause I'm a mouth breather that needs to have the same advantage the players on toasters have.
The biggest issue is turning shadows off, the community is making a stink, so it's only a matter of time before the devs force shadows on, then I'll put everything back on ultra.
My testing I learned that foliage/textures on high/ultra is an advantage and shadows on low/off.
i just want squad to not look crusty as shit, i don't care about it looking good. then again i'm on an AMD GPU...
squad goes for 9 bucks paypal on steamtrades, so you can get the rest of the monthly for 3 (and Slay the Spire is fantastic from what I hear)
Squads visuals vary widely across maps depending on which mapper made it at what point in development. You can really tell how later maps look more professional
Sounds like you're a retard and wasn't RTB for supplies. His goal was making sure the logi wasn't destroyed but you were probably driving towards the enemy and didn't even realize it. Gj.
How's Slay the Spire tho?
it's just project reality with 90% less content, I like the game but until it has more shit I can't recommend it
Jets were garbage, and most of the factions were half assed shit anyways. Helicopters are coming in the next update
No sir, you raked some leafs.
My boi.