>Yea Forums doesn't even talk about new games anymore, just game stores, outrage scandals and fapbait
What the fuck went wrong?
Yea Forums doesn't even talk about new games anymore, just game stores, outrage scandals and fapbait
>shame women away from seeking pre-marital sexual independence
Good. The state should execute fornicators.
video games suck ass so nobody plays them
I still do
People found that console war shitposting and other zero effort bullshit happens to be more effective at releasing dopamine than actually being productive.
>They see sex as inherently crass
user, I... I think it might too late for you...
here's how it should be done.
/vn/ new games
/vr/ old games
making Yea Forums free, and fixes everything.
any other suggestion is stupid and asinine.
That pic is very cringe
Extra marital sex is crass. Dont @ me gamer
promiscuity is for fucking washed up faggots no matter who does it
There's like 100 posts shilling Control & Ion Fury, the fuck is you saying, my good man?
if all positivity is shills and all negativity is shitposters, then why bother at all?
Time. This place has existed for too long, we need something that crashes this place and maybe someone revives it in 3 or 4 years
Yea Forums has the best offtopic threads because it's Yea Forums but with videogames sprinkled in
We had spics and gooks fighting over their favorite gacha the other day
Don't threads about new videogames just get deleted?
this, I agree with. nice people are chill people who don't like to put a lot of effort into conflict. pleasant, middle of the road people are the insulation between live wires. But, they are easily scared off.
the people who stay, despite conflict, are the hardened assholes, on both sides of an argument. When an environment turns toxic, the only people who stay are the toxic people, and the white knights who make it their life's purpose to battle toxicity.
which is reason #235 that anonymity was a mistake. it is unnatural, defies any normal social order, and empowers the absolute worst of humanity.
are you an idiot? the whole point of OP's joke is that the statement is crass. do you not get humor?
1) Long winded, eloquent statement
2) crass interpretation
is a pretty common joke format
Yea Forums doesn't block people with reddit/twitter/resetera cookies from viewing it
I think the problem is that the internet inherently empowered bitter assholes who have no friends. It is also a perfect playground for people who hide their misanthropy, and want a safe space to spew it out into. kind like when you have to crap, but hold it, until you get home, because you don't want to make a mess in a public bathroom. something like Yea Forums, a board with total anonymity and no moderation, was always going to be a sewer.
I mean, look at all the times "the internet" has been completely at odds with normal society. Flat Earthers, Gamer Gate, Incels, the fetishization of spree killers, Astrid violence porn... this crap would NEVER have gained mainstream media attention, assuming it ever existed at all, if not for the internet collecting all the nutjobs together and amplifying their voices.
Morons like you, who push fake internet rivalry, are part of the problem. this isn't even tribalism. it is just grade school clique bullshit. Grow the fuck up
>anonymity is bad
>up-votes are great
i can see the problem here
>the internet should be a borderless, centralized homogeneous culture because its easier for ME to crosspost. Redditors and other newfags filling the imageboard with internet genericum and shit you'd find on literally any of the other big 4 sites aren't the issie, it's YOU and YOUR native forum mannerisms impeading on their ability to post that is!!
I bet you use social media hourly and think HTTP is a good protocal too.
Go back there or lurk more faggot.
anonymity is pretty great
source: you're a dumb fucking nigger
have you tried posting things that make people upset?
there is no better feeling than making a whole thread upset. The key is to do it over things you dont care about so you can remain calm and continue making them upset. then later you'll be so good you can larp about anything. best feeling ever.