Are you going to come back to Overwatch now that it has been totally saved & fixed by role queue?
Are you going to come back to Overwatch now that it has been totally saved & fixed by role queue?
Role were never the problem, the problem has always been the shit players.
This is what happens when you put MMO developers in charge of making an FPS
You get a horrific diarrhea of particle effects, shields, buffs, debuffs, shields, stuns, slows, deployables, etc.
not sure i can tell whats going on
what the fuck am I watching?
>so many shields and displacement abilities you can't even tell what's going on anymore
the game is littered with shields atm, the new hero, Sigma, has a portable barrier, the big barrier that covers the entire screen is Symmetra's ult, and the you have the nigger robot putting another shield behind
The future of esports, of course!
I told overwatchfags from the very start that shields would ruin the game and they were all "LOL JUST PLAY QUAKE FAGGOT!!! WE'RE GOING TO ENJOY OUR SHIELDS VERY MUCH THANK YOU"
Who's laughing now, overtards?
I haven't played the game in two years and come back to a fucking shield shooting simulator. Playing DPS is miserable so I end up just playing shit like Winston or Brig.
This game actually would actually be decent if they removed deployable shields.
No. The game itself is not fun. The game focuses too much on competitive, which results in little to not content getting added. Everything is barriers and chokes points. Maps suck to navigate, character abilities suck to use and fight against. The entire game is one giant anti-thesis to fun and I don't see what keeps people playing this garbage.
this is blizzard, so the meta changes constantly, they will probably nerf shield soon or later and make another aspect of the game completely unbalanced
remove all auto aim
double the shield cooldowns
rework brigitte
revert torb
remove character limit
nerf all tank ults
Overwatch has never been satisfying to play as DPS ever since like 2016.
Even then, there were a lot of games where reinhardt/zarya made it unbearable, zero opportunities to ever shoot anyone. Now the game is ALWAYS like that with zero exceptions.
when FPS players die, they go to FPS valhalla.
in FPS valhalla, all of the FPS games are playable in their best form
you can play tribes: ascend there, and nope, it doesn't have the speedcap update. you can play all-vanilla TF2 with nary a cosmetic in sight. there's quake with no railgun. and, of course, overwatch can be played on its beta patch, with totally unlocked hero limits and the DPS-centric beta metagame.
this is our reward for suffering through a life of all the games we enjoy being destroyed by retarded, incompetent developers.
That literally hurts to look at
>every turbodyke and shitskin tranny pandering hero is still OP
Nah, game still sucks.
did the patch drop? i literally was playing yesterday and it was the same shit.
also, the game 100% did not need yet another fucking barrier tank. game is garbage.
>rework brigitte
they already did this
weird, I played the beta and loved it.
i haven't even gotten higher than level 150 on the actual game and i've owned it since release.
that's the thing
the beta was great. there were hints of the game being support & tank centric even then, but it was still a healthy situation where you could pop off as DPS
today the game is some kind of liberal hellscape where it is illegal to kill another player using skill (as in, technical prowess)
I remember when people complained about how overpowered and meta defining Rein was because he had the most flexible and powerful shield.
Now look where we are.
i definitely feel it. i don't think you had to use the word liberal at all, kinda devauled your entire post.
the omnipresence of barriers and a million "don't die" mechanics makes DPS incredibly weak feeling.
if i get the fps urge, i just fire up CSGO instead.
I actually think Reinhardt is a cool concept. His shield at least limits what you can do. This disposible shit however has zero downsides; literally free defense.
And really, shields should be a special case in this game. Not every tank needs some form of shield.
>play on EU server
>some pajeets start yelling at each other
thanks London
dead game lol
if you actually think about reinstalling this trash then don't
only the utmost of retarded people could possibly want to play this abortion today and especially with this format failiure showing how dead the game really is
I always ignored Rein haters, because of course a giant barrier would be on every team.
Now there's 3.
Reinhardt is normally a good example of what a tank should be (NOT permanently invulnerable, like Orisa - has periods of downtime) but he can become retarded when healers are overtuned. There was a long period when Ana's heals-per-second and ult charge made Reinhardt effectively perma-invincible, just like Orisa is today.
This is moving towards Battleborn levels of eye fucking
No, I'm enjoying playing paladins more. I prefer to play the scummier, fanservice based ass game.
Where are my cum & fingerless gloves meters?
wheres the role Q?
i go to play QP and its still the same, they said they were making QP and comp have role Q's
Paladins is not even better than Overwatch. It's a janky ass ripoff game with shit animations, shit hitboxes (much worse even than Overwatch) and casual mechanics. And lots of shields, just like Overwatch.
Don't you have to buy heroes in that? kek
>checked up on lia lately
>she's a literal cocaine & heroin addict
it boggles my mind how you can be a young and attractive girl in a first world country and throw away a "Very Easy" run at life
the state of this garbage game
Role queue is like fixing a broken car with ducktape
>heard you like shields so we put more shields into the game so you can shield while you shield while you shield
>cool, huh?
>role queue
All it did was make it more obvious where the cancer is. Even worse, you can't convince them to swap anymore because you're locked to your role. So you better pray the other team's dpsfags are just as shit; and that tnk/hlrs can make up the difference.
Do you think people are born with wisdom or something? Was Lia supposed to know she was being exploited or living wrong?
She got famous at the age of like 14 or something. Get off your high horse you incel retard.
Honestly I still keep up with it since I already dropped 80 dollary doos on event loot boxes, and the last hero that looked cool was hammond. I'll just wait for BL3 before playing multiplayer games again I guess.
post your age you retarded faggot
I'm above 18
Even the game's "pros" despise it these days
>I think jeff kaplan or any willing dev needs sit here, just next to me to watch pro scrims.. you know pro players, they are the one who decide the meta and show what's the best heroes to play. Jeff kaplan need to sit here for 2 hours of his time to just watch the scrims and I think he will quickly understand that orisa is game ruining shit,, and plenty of heroes need to be destroyed but they lack any interest and obviously they don't listen to our feedback. We are always giving a lot of feedback but it's useless.
The only reason to go pro was for the money Blizzard threw at it anyway, they're essentially complaining about having to work at their job. They have no one to blame but themselves for choosing a garbage game to go pro in
We get it, your doctor prescribed you opiates and you were retarded enough to take them.
Or, even worse, you became an addict due to "peer pressure" (normalfaggot.)
There's no need to get defensive
>lots of shields
which can be easily countered by virtually any character, so they're far less of a hassle.
I'm sober and calling you out for being an incel towards a literal teenage girl and all you have is accusing me of being an addict
Yikes kid. Good luck out there.
Make sure to buy the next thing Blizzard shits out
OW will never be good as long as it's full of all these horrible design decisions.
>Let's make it so one hero freezes you, deals 150 damage headshots at any range, can go invulnerable AND heal at the same time, has a wall they can put up every few seconds to further make them unkillable, AND their ult just freezes everyone in a huge aoe.
>Let's make one of the heroes put a 600 health barrier up every 6 seconds. They're a tank btw but let's make it so their DPS is higher than DPS roles.
>Let's make it so some characters require no aim whatsoever but let's also make them as or more effective than heroes that do.
>Let's make it so almost all supports can easily 1v1 any DPS and let's also make it so you can outdamage your DPS as a support.
>Tank? Is that just a DPS with double-triple health and a slightly bigger hitbox?
>Remember when our players said pharah was too easy to play? Let's make her shoot faster and do bigger aoes.
>Barriers. Barriers everywhere.
>horrible design decisions
>list written by what is probably some random teenager
you people have no weight in your words
shut the fuck up
>women can do no wrong
>a WOMAN started taking heroin and cocaine despite living an upper class LA life? not her fault!
Don't trip over that shrine you've constructed to worshiping pussy, virgin.
hey jeff
You replied too fast to even read the list, I've designed successful popular games before, and also suck my cock.
it has nothing to do with anyone's gender
anyone can be a child star that's exploited
you have to be a literal teenager, i'm not replying anymore holy shit
are you the same person defending that girl lia wreck?
Um... listening to the ''''pros'''
Completely and totally destroyed
>league of legends
>EVEN overwatch
>destroyed wow and made it a raiding simulator
>destroyed smite
Listening to ''''pros''''' os the death knell of any game because it ruins it for anyone who isn't a total autist who plays the game like a job
There has never been any indication that Lia was "exploited" in any way, you're filling in the blanks with your own fanfiction. The fact is she's just a drug addict. There are many out there. Not all of them have tragic pasts like they're fucking video game characters. They just took drugs, and decided they want to do it forever - most of them fit in this category.
have sex
Let me guess:
Using Thrall of Wrath in 3v3 is grounds for kicking because it's BM and healers are supposed to heal, not get kills. Well then don't whine like a bitch about there being no healers in queue.
This post reeks of reddit
can you WoWfaggots go away
no one cares about your soon-to-be-dead normalfag social event
Only two good things about this game are
>animations are amazing
>sound is fantastic
Weapons are pretty satisfying to shoot, but it's more of a personal thing.
Literally everything else is either retarded or channels "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING???" in me.
It's fun to play til lvl20 or something, but the game should be dropped right after that.
Getting to top500 was the biggest nothing I've ever did with my life, wasn't that long ago and I'm still not sure what was the point of that.
I don't play often anymore but I join in when friends ask me. The role queue system is alright, it fixes my biggest issue with the game, namely the reliance on role stacking metas that require far too much effort and teamwork to counteract in pugs.
However it frustrates the fuck out of me whenever I am stupid enough to queue as tank, and the DPS are absolutely useless, because in normal comp I could simply just switch to DPS myself in those situations. I've won a few matches just by making sure we had at least one competent DPS. Now all you can do is accept defeat since nobody manages to get a kill.
Even typing out that shit "ironically" is top tier faggotry, shoot yourself.
I was a Torb main. Overwatch has no place for me anymore.
this doesnt even look like a shooting game anymore, you shoot people but they don't die, they just get healed and run behind shields
it's not even that the TTK is long in general it's just that the shields and heals turn into a clusterfuck
I am personally convinced that Overwatch's original developer team stopped working on it in 2016-2017.
Around this time the development took a sharp nose-dive. New heroes started to be extremely dumb and broken. New skins started to be ugly, and investigation would reveal they were outsourced.
I think starting in around early 2017, the original Overwatch dev team was moved to Overwatch 2 (the PvE cash cow Blizzard is currently working on - google it) and the original game was given a "B-team"
Wasnt there already a shield meta in OW?
You either cough up 30 bucks to unlock all the heroes (and future ones) or you grind them out with gold or their crystal currency. Basically, if you just play a couple hours a day, you'll eventually unlock them all naturally because that's the only real purpose for the gold you earn from matches.
Even the crystal currency that you use for loot boxes is given to you for free if you just log in once for a week, if you wanna get the loot boxes with the skimpy female outfits.
I also liked character designs up until Sombra. After her every character has been incredibly bland and ugly. Including most new skins.
You can't even call it a TTK. There is no TTK in overwatch, because no one gets killed.
The TTK in overwatch is roughly 2 minutes - because that's about how long it takes to build an ultimate, the only remaining thing that can kill anyone (and even that doesn't do shit on some heroes)
I'd unironically rather play Fortnite
Is it a controversial opinion to think early Mercy (beta and release period, without the ult. invulnerability) was actually balanced? It actually created an interesting dynamic by emphasizing proper positioning since DPS always focused you.
Maybe I'm biased cause I played her a lot and hate this stupid Valkyrie shit.
But he's stronger now isn't he?
sombras ult should reverse opponents shields/turrets so they work for you for those 6 seconds
that's the whole point of being a hacker
Every single Overwatch meta since season 3 has been a unique form of hilariously unfun garbage.
Over a year of GOATS
Three months of orisa-hog instakill combo
Now going on a month of shield-spam
Mercy was never balanced, regardless of her meta position. Nobody likes Valkyrie, but fucking nobod except for Mercy mains enjoyed having someone hiding in a corner for a teamfight just so they can run out and undo everything instantly
Isn't that an ability from the Mystic class in TERA? The wierd ghost that does a lot of damage?
True but that would make Sombra incredibly broken and turret/shield heroes borderline useless. Unless they made her hack have like a 30s cooldown.
It's better than ever, pleb.
I've yet to have a single ranked match where some tryhard wants me to switch to another defense. Meta play always kills arena shooters for me.
>be the kind of player that actually strategizes and pick between different heroes I'm most effective with for different maps, game types, and comps
>can't do that anymore, have to just lock a role and pray my best heroes of that type are viable with the mode/group we randomly got
>still have to deal with terrible solo-queue DPS players, only now they're locked in and you can't pivot if it isn't working
Epic. There goes any interest I had left in this shitty game.
It's the inevitable end of "Hero" based games where skill only gets you so far in a sea of hard counters to your abilities.
I mean they look great, but the design itself is uber fucked, since it seems like they were thinking "wouldn't it be cool to have X" instead of "wouldn't it be more interesting part of the game". I hope you know what I mean
It's best to not pay any attention to most people who complain about meta, there is a very high chance that it doesn't even apply to them and they can very easily play whatever the hell they want. If people play to a meta, especially in the lower or even average ranks, there is a chance their skill isn't enough to actually make use of those heroes in the way they are at the higher ranks or they aren't communicating at all and just expect everything works because they saw a professional team win games with that hero. Outside of the top 5% (at a push), meta means virtually fuck all. You could even counter 3/3 at lower ranks and that has been one of the easier metas for a while now.
>I also liked character designs up until Sombra
Virtually every character design in Overwatch is plagiarized.
only her ult would do that not her normal hack
as it is now even if somba ults a full enemy team if your team isnt outputing enough damage they can still fuck you making your ult useless
Yes I know mercy isn't cold, this is an image from pre-release (when all we knew about mercy was a trailer where she looked mildly autistic)
>*instalocks Widow*
Not a good feature. I have 600+ hours in Overwatch and stopped playing just under a year ago because the devs stopped caring about the average player and tweaked everything for comp. Role queue is awful, because now you're just telling me what to play and that's just flat out not fun. It wouldn't be as bad if they left QP untouched but nope, we've all got to be aspiring E-Sports stars. They've abandoned the casual players who just liked picking their favourites and having fun.
This game is literally about managing the ultimate economy during a match. It's the whole point
>play tracer
>they have that whatshername briguette or some shit
>your life is ten times harder now for reason for no reason
It's one thing to fight this shit in low ranks, but in higher rank it's pretty much a dead stop for you
This right here, and you know it’s your dps being shit because nobody is dying. The tanks and healers arrow protecting and healing but the fights are just going on for too long because the dps can’t fucking aim. There’s a serious problem here where the good players can carry such shitty players to ranks they absolutely don’t belong in. Just watching some of my teammates when I’m dead makes me ask how the fuck they got this high in the rankings at all.
>This right here, and you know it’s your dps being shit because nobody is dying.
How does it feel being a literal meme?
Meta, and a little further, team comp, is entirely irrelevant at any SR below ~ platinum anyway. What a lot of people don't understand is that having a certain comp does not mean you are 'playing' that comp. Team play, not dying, communication, all are much more important for 80% of the player base.
OP heroes are only noticeable at high ranks, when the small numerical differences actually matter (i.e how long mei's freeze last, sombras 6 second hack vs 5 second hack etc). When you're 1v1 a mei or a reaper as a gold player, you might as well roll over and die. Nothing to do with game mechanics lead to you dying there, that was purely human performance and your/your team's choices that caused your death. NO BALANCE CHANGE WILL FIX STUPID.
I for one have had an awesome, stress free overwatch career from silver to diamond, while watching people lose their minds over their own choices. I rarely notice a huge playability difference following nerfs and buffs, only because people wont shut up about mcree's fan or sym's beam (??don't solo flank a mcree with all his cooldowns, fan will fuck you up??)
Its sad people, the meta is irrelevant, the heros are irrelevant.
side note/unpopular opinion: your SR is also irrelevant and you shouldn't care about losing unless your livelihood depends on it as pro or aspiring pro. if you're mad at losing in plat.... buddy give your head a fucking shake
>Role were never the problem, the problem has always been the shit players.
No, the problem was always
>low on content and features at release
>shallow heroes
>shit maps & modes, no way to opt out of the worst ones
>only 3 roles, which when compared to similar games like tf2 results in homogenized design
>slow update schedule of new content
>narratively the game hasn't progressed at all
That's funny I'm a bronze mccree main and my aim is generally upwards of 55% and I end most games with 40+ crits, I see a lot more issues with tanks down here than dps players
Do people who hated the role queue still throw games whenever they can?
She got shut down pretty easily in high ELO, no? Or at least I struggled a lot trying to get those ridiculous 5-man resurrects when I was at Diamond-Masters level. I think heroes like Genji, Winston, DVa shit on her pretty hard, even if you try to hide/camp in the back.
It's worse in the low ranks because a decent tracer can't do shit against a bad Brigitte. You have to be a *good* Tracer and in the lower ranks that just doesn't exist.
I'm a 4500 peak DPS player and have boosted from as low as bronze, so I have seen what the game is like in all of the ranks.
90% of the time when you think "ah shit, our DPS suck!" what's really happening is there hasn't been a real fight where DPS can even aim at anyone. When your tanks are losing to the enemy tanks there is literally no way to do anything about it. You will get hard-blocked by shields. No amount of aim fixes this.
I don't throw but I don't try too hard to win, I'm just here to get team kills and nothing else matters to me
Fug I didn’t realize it was my job to protect the entire team and get all the kills, which is usually what it comes down to more often then not.
I love TF2 but Overwatch is a much more fleshed out game. Even the lack of lore can be forgiven because the game is (or was) fun. It's the hard focus on competitive that's ruined it.
Post your rank and most played heroes, then I'll post mine
Will competition from mixer make twitch increase maximum bitrate or are they stinging too? You literally can't watch FPS streams on there because it looks like the OP.
But like I said nobody is losing to anyone because everyone is still alive. I’ve had situations where a point was contested by the enemy team for a full minute simply because the rate at which we were killing their players was so slow that the dead ones had enough time to make their way back to the point and continue to contest.
Only a minute? That's a pretty normal overtime, it's the five minute overtimes that are true hell
The game is fundamentally flawed as trying to appeal to a mass casual audience while heavily leaning on competitiveness.
>But like I said nobody is losing to anyone because everyone is still alive.
I'm going to be blunt here: you just do not understand the game. You don't understand all of the factors. Probably, you have never played DPS and you only codify DPS through the limited perspective of watching the kill feed. You are likely a typical platinum ranked passive tank player who doesn't understand pressure, the ebb & flow of a fight, healing resources, or anything else that even a marginally decent tank player gets.
If you think I'm wrong, post your rank and most played heroes.
>all shields
>no sombra
thats like seeing a fire and thinking you don't need that fire extinguisher in the next room lmao
I know it by heart already.
Bastion 330 hours (no I’m not memeing)
Wrecking Ball 92 hours
Reinhardt 67 hours
Symmetra 52 Hours
Orisa 43 Hours
After that it’s 20 hours and below for everyone else. Dab on me all you want for my weird hours but I love that little robot bastard.
And people thought Battleborn looked incomprehensible.
Sombra does literally nothing against shield spam except when she has her ult. A hero who is useless for 90% of the game is not going to work.
yup because to get up in high ranks you need to be good at predicting ults, you would notice the Mercy would be missing from a fight and send a Genji to hunt her down. This is why she wasn't broken back then but she still felt frustrating as hell in pug fights.
>I love TF2 but Overwatch is a much more fleshed out game
Point is that TF2 has 1 healer, Overwatch has 7 characters dedicated to healing.
Then other classes like Heavy, Scout, Demo, etc. fill different roles and they can be further expanded depending on what they're equipped with.
Roles and heroes in Overwatch are one not and homogenized, which is a problem when the heroes are already very shallow.
If we're then comparing it to a MOBA that has "Support" heroes then supports are far more varied in their design and don't just boil down to being healbots.
It's almost amateurish level of design. Which when combined with them locking roles because they have trouble balancing their already shallow and homogenized game makes you question how they even got their jobs in the first place.
>Bad map design
>Restrictive role caps
>Stalemate skirmishes
>Whoever does first is on the losing team
>Clusterfuck ults
>Toxicity out the ass
There are way more problems with this game than just people being bad
>I love TF2 but Overwatch is a much more fleshed out game
you probably have less than 10 hours in TF2 you literal LARPing teenaged retard
fuck the shield meta as a widowmaker main,can't do anything with the constant shield bullshit
>Implying I want to play an FPS where you have to shoot through a million layers of shields, personal shields, and armor only to fight against massive amounts of healing from two low skill required supports while also being stunlocked into oblivion
No thanks. The porn is nice though.
Heroes like Widow is the reason barriers are even there (and are needed) in the first place.
Sure I do there’s a lot of subtle psychological elements to the game as well, sometimes you can just start moving forward with your shield up and enemy players will just instinctively start backing up, or being aware that if you are taking too much damage that’s forcing the healer to spend more time on you and less time on your team. But a lot of this is oblivious to other people. Like when the enemy team has that one, star player who is clearly pulling the rest of his team along but nobody in our team is switching up their game to counter him. They just continue to play their reaper or their widow maker or whoever because they are dedicated to that single role.
I've got over 1000 and played since the Orange Box came out until about 2013ish. But go off, I guess.
I would literally play OW again if they just removed all shields and dva matrix. I want to hit things when I shoot not get blocked by shields or eaten by a matrix. Why the fuck would I play an fps to shoot shields? All dps and healers on launch was so much fun and then once rein became meta the game went downhill so fast.
Don't forget the half a year or so of mercy rez meta. In retrospect this game was dogshit, even the "good times" people go on about before competitive had cancerous shit like McCree's hammer cheese.
can't shield if your hacked my pleb
Why did Overwatch lose its touch? I remember having fun during the beta and launch.
I'd like to clarify, once they nerfed mcree's ability to delete tanks at melee range the game went to shit. That was the tank check OW needed.
Are you just angry that someone who has played TF2 for years prefers Overwatch? Is that really what this is about? "Stop liking what I don't like"? Or are you in the 'No true Scotsman' fallacy of TF2 players? It's clearly one or the other.
You enjoyed it only because it was new back then.
Because of Now tanks dominate the match and are unkillable unless you do a 5 man ult combo.
>solo que
>excited I could finally play dps
>no one has a mic
>no one groups up
>everyone trickles in
It didn’t save shit. My only option is to find a group in which the only open role is tank
literally every dlc hero made the game worse
yes including ana
>ana caused the beyblade meta and rein ana in every single game for months
>sombra is braindead to play with little to no counterplay especially after rework
>doomfist is totally feast or famine, absolutely obliterates certain heroes with no counterplay, similarly the same happens to him
the game worked best as a highly mobile close ranged shooter which they just shit all over
My big problem is that in tf2 you can do different playstyles if you are bored, you can switch weapons, you can do stupid shit like healing spies or whatnot.
Aside from few classes you can put the time to practice different shit that will pay off (rocket jump, sticky jump, charge in air, pyro jumps, airblast, you get the idea).
Even in CS you can change the weapon and roll with it, but in Overwatch there is only aim and positioning. Skill managment don't matter that much, since the cooldown is so low, ultimate management is basically "wait for the big team fight and use when you get the chance". It's more complex than that, but it's not that difficult.
>Our game is based on hero switching and counters!
>Almost every OWL game is a mirror match
>You lose ult charge on switching
>Reaper is a tankbuster!
>He can get dabbed on by tanks if they decide to left click on him
stop posting
you do not have 1000 hours in tf2 and all your posts are garbage
>that webm
Blizzard truly are masters video game design and balancing.
there are no defense heros anymore.
Where's the porn? All of these threads are the same. I only come here for the pictures.
I fucking hate games that force this "you have to play a certain way or you'll get banned" shit. I blame league for this garbage, dota allows you to play whatever you want and sometimes the most retarded strats can win. Try that in league and the only thing you win is an account suspension.
recategorizing heroes like torb and bastion doesn't suddenly change the fact they're best played on defense
Post your rank and most played heroes. I can tell you that at mine, Sombra is not a double-shield counter. Nothing is. That's why it's meta.
>*doesnt hide the overwatch threads*
It's a sign of bad design and a clumsy attempt to make it more accessible.
But you can do both if you're not shit at your job.
not gonna lie thats cringe webm
Post yours?
no way I'm not cringe posting but I will say its much higher than yours
Yeah and that was fun for a while, but Overwatch offered something different that's addictive in a completely different way. It's apples and oranges, but there's no getting away from the fact that TF2 feels like a mod and Overwatch feels like an actual game you'd pay RRP for.
Both are a product of their time, both are now boring. TF2 was fun when internet culture was a thing and the crazy communities were fun, now it just feels stale and tired. Overwatch was fun until the E-Sports dollars came rolling in and it started taking itself too seriously.
stop posting
all your posts are garbage
>but there's no getting away from the fact that TF2 feels like a mod
How to reveal you're a literal, actual zoomer who never played TF2 in its hayday: the post
TF2 on release looked absolutely cutting edge, it was the best looking multiplayer FPS ever
wow, that guy was not kidding, you are a fucking retard
how the fuck do you put 1000 hours in the game and think
>TF2 was fun when internet culture was a thing and the crazy communities were fun
>TF2 feels like a mod and Overwatch feels like an actual game you'd pay RRP for.
I hope you are baiting with this shit, otherwise I have no word, end yourself
Sounds like the truth hurts. Do you really believe that everyone who plays TF2 for a considerable amount of time thinks it better than Overwatch? I'm honestly asking here because I'm intrigued by how your brain works. You sound like the kind of person who suffers from cognitive dissonance a lot. I mean you can't honestly believe that everyone who plays a game is part of some hivemind surely? That's the sort of absolutist thinking a literal 14 year old would have, it's bizarre you've actually made it to Yea Forums.
I think you are a mentally ill LARPing teenager with a pathological lying problem. Take your meds
That was years ago, it's 2019 and there's no getting away from the fact that it looks shit now. They literally downgraded the graphics a few years ago.
You don't really do a lot of thinking though, as evidenced by your posts. Are you one of those election tourists?
No. Paladins is the better tf2 clone despite what tribes niggers say
Tf2 felt like a super stylized and unique game when it was first released.
>you can play tribes: ascend there, and nope, it doesn't have the speedcap update
It's several years later and we still have mindless parroting of this shit opinion of the best thing that had ever happened to that game.
The "speed cap" was a flag deceleration, which became necessary once the game had become solved. People would find the best capping route on each map and then post videos to youtube. Once your flag was grabbed by a pathfinder with this knowledge, it was fucking gone. Chasing stopped existing because it became impossible to catch up. The meta shifted to sniping because it was the only thing that could reliably take down cappers.
Thankfully they did something to make chasing viable and introduce more need for flag escorts, but it was all for nothing as they killed their game with overpowered DLC weapons.
Kill yourself, casualfag.
How about both of you stop being faggots and the user who said he had 1000 hours just post a screenshot or something. It's really not that hard.
>Do you really believe that everyone who plays TF2 for a considerable amount of time thinks it better than Overwatch?
Yes, because those people had all kinds of different reasons to play the game aside from just gitting gud.
The speed cap was a speed cap. It had nothing to do with flags and it applied to everyone, all the time. I don't know what motivated you to literally lie in your post. It was easy as fuck to stop "flash grabs" with a heavy sitting on the flagpole by the way.
fuck no, the game is absolutely broken on a fundamental level from art to mechanics to how they designed the fucking servers
I don't know about trowing but tanks this season are absolute garbage. I figure it's non tank players playing tanks because they can queque for it. Also for some reason Blizzard allowed Sigma in comp for some reason, while the other new heroes had to wait quite some time to be part of comp, Sigma only waited some days.
what's wrong with cringe webms? don't like vaping h0t playz like this?
>no bloody screen
>no slow emoting enigneer
>No smoke weed flavor text
>all those nauseating visuals
Recently looked into the new characters after dropping it 1.5 years ago and it made me drop the game all over again
What the fuck happened to the character design? Both visually and mechanically
they wanted to make it as generic and pixar-esque as possible to appeal to the masses
>play to win/ nick kills
>play to try different weapon
>play to do some stupid weapon combination like jumper+mg/demoknight
>play to be friendly
>play to chat with people
>play community gamemodes
>just flat out tilt people
>play tower defence mode
>be a trade fag
>play lobby if you so please
>play comp
>play quickplay aka sniper training ground
>arcade lul
play tf2
>choose what map
>choose what game mode
>choose what server
>after the game players can vote on the next map
>no penalties for leaving
>game is designed so they you aren't fucked in the ass if someone leaves
>want to play
>have my map chosen for me
>have my game mode chosen for me
>no comfy community servers
>if I leave I get fucked in the ass
You must be 18 or under to post here
what the fuck.
If Blizzard had let people host their own servers and make their own maps, Overwatch would be the first multiplayer game worth playing since TF2. Instead it's just another worthless piece of shit.
Sort of. Orisa was creeping up in the later stages of the GOATS meta, Reinhardt was a must-pick due to his shield and ult, Brigitte had to be nerfed half a dozen time because her shiled was OP, etc.
Shields were always important due to their interaction with line of sight, a core concept in OW balance, but not to this level. Playing offence is a complete nightmare against Symmetra/Sigma/Orisa
You are absolutely insane if you honestly believe that every single person who played TF2 thinks that. When is that ever true in real life than in a sample size of literally hundreds of thousands of people every single one of them thinks the same thing? It never happens. You are insane and deluded if you really honestly wholeheartedly actually believe that. All trolling and hyperbole aside if your brain does not see a problem with what you've just posted, then fuck me, you are literally an idiot. I'm not even saying that to insult you on the internet, I just have no better way of describing the fact that your brain should not work like that.
I switched accounts and re-bought the game in 2009 so I only have 400 hours on this account but here you go. If you really honestly believe I've never played this game. I just really hope you don't actually believe in some insane TF2 player hivemind, that's just clearly such an bonkers hoop your brain has to jump through if so.
>hold down fire and spray
nice """""skill"""""
also more than 6v6 for fucks sake
>all that shit on the screen
>gets teleported upward at some point in the middle of the assfucking his screen is receiving for more bang for his buck
Jesus Christ, how does anyone play this piece of shit?
The only hivemind anyone subscribes to while playing TF2 is is to have fun in whatever way suites you the most.
You can't have that mindset in Overwatch, otherwise, you're just hindering those around you, which is an abysmal design choice to have in any game
stop posting
you do not have 1000 hours in tf2 and all your posts are garbage
And in TF2 you can fight a lot of different classes even if you are just a little bit better than them. That is why mini sentries are so hated - they rule out some classes with absolutely zero skill. And Overwatch is full of those cases.
>game is designed so they you aren't fucked in the ass if someone leaves
team scramble, hatfag
I sure love having half the game be removed and turning it into a competition to see which team has more people that can point and click better. It was fucking boring and you'd know if you actually played the game back then.
You have no idea what you're talking about, the speed cap was removed in one of the game's first patches. Go on and show me where you see this magic speed cap boogeyman, I'll wait.
>heavy sitting on the flagpole
lol this is fucking dumb
I played a lot of Doombringer, it was only fun for getting kills with superheavy on shitters. Otherwise, it was pretty useless considering one well placed mortar deletes you and all of your defenses.
this is dead on. Someday I wanna go ham and be competitive with soldier and demo etc. Some days I just want to take it easy as engineer, and some days I just want to dick around as sniper or engee on 2fort
in ow you have to be always on, always in the meta, giving 100% and it's terrible. Even with arcade mode they gave a reward lootbox based on wins. A win based loot system in their only competitive game mode
the devs are tards
Oh my god that is a fucking vomit and diarhea induced seizure light show galleria of fuck and shitty design jesus christ I hope future developers use this as an example of what never to do in a game how the hell could anyone focus while playing that!?
>n-no it's not stupid, it's just a different opinion!
>It's the hard focus on competitive that's ruined it.
>Overwatch is a much more fleshed out game
>no getting away from the fact that TF2 feels like a mod
>TF2 was fun when internet culture was a thing and the crazy communities
>Overwatch was fun until the E-Sports dollars came rolling in and it started taking itself too seriously
That is just plain fucking wrong, stop fucking posting already your retardarion and fuck off. Yes, people who have more hours in TF2 think that it's better than Overwatch, yes there is more reasons to play Tf2 than just a shiny big ranked number.
Whats the reason to play Overwatch past lvl30? You already saw everything there is new to see, only reason in ranked and fun in not allowed there. Be a good boy and stop posting like you've been told to by multiple people.
>OW is dead on arrival!
>OW will be dead in a year!
>OW will be dead in two years!
>OW will be dead when X comes out!
>OW won't surpass a couple hundred thousand players!
>OW is already losing millions of players!
>Everyone is already bored of OW!
>OW will be dead by the next patch!
>OW will be dead by the end of the season!
>OW is bleeding money! I just know it!
>40 million sales are nothing!
>90% of those sales are free weekenders! Just trust me!
>It literally takes 20 minutes to find a game!
>Overwatch? More like Shieldwatch!
funny enough the guy in charge jeff has TWO art degrees. That's his only background. He's not a programmer, he's not an actual artist, he never even held a real job, he just got two art degrees and spent most of his days playing wow
>make their own maps
Nope, can't have players have fun the WRONG way, you have to play the game the way Blizzard wants you to.
You definitely can, it just depends on your perspective. People get mad in TF2 if you don't take it seriously, it's just luck of the draw of what kind of people you're gonna be playing with. I've seen people rage on endless 2fort for both taking it seriously and not taking it seriously. A lot of my time spent on Overwatch was just having fun playing as Mei in Quick Play. Some people get mad but you just have to make the mental choice not to listen to those people. As long as you're not literally throwing and walling spawn and stuff nobody can do anything. I never got banned from Overwatch in the 600 odd hours I played it and I only ever picked heroes I wanted to play, meta be damned.
Overwatch presents itself as a more tactical and 'serious' game, but you don't have to play it like that. I think it's psychological that people feel that they have to meet a standard that doesn't exist.
>can't have players have fun the WRONG way
You know, I'm not even sure if they want anyone to have fun, to be honest.
you know overwatch went from the #1 game in korean PC bangs to the #32 game right?
it is objectively dead
Forgot my pic, this is me
cope harder, hatboi
>Overwatch would be the first multiplayer game worth playing since TF2.
god i was so hyped for it to recapture the feeling of tf2 when it was good. what a fucking disappointment
>people get mad in TF2 if you don't take it seriously
happens once in a match and he is usually told to fuck off, while in OW you are getting shat on for picking someone off meta until the end of the match, doesn't matter if you repicked, might even get banned
>Overwatch was just having fun playing as Mei in Quick Play
Opinion discarded, but what kind of fun was it? What were you doing for fun? Getting kills, that's fucking it
>never been banned, but I play QP
okay retard
>that last part
Utter fucking bronze shitter, jesus christ
>the game is littered with shields atm,
It was like this 2 years ago and was the reason I stopped playing.
Overwatch is fun, if it wasn't I wouldn't have played it for 600 hours and I never really cared about competitive. TF2 was fun too, I'm not saying it wasn't, literally combined 1035 hours played is an testament to that - but it feels dated now and having furry sprays and anime gifs everywhere is just kind of old hat. It's like looking at those advice dog memes from 2008 or pedobear or something, it's slightly endearing but you know that time has passed and you want something a little bit more in-tune with the times.
I feel like every single TF2 map including the prophunt ones are permanently imprinted into my brain and I'm done with it now, I was done with it a long while ago - games don't have infinite shelf lives and people need to accept that. I don't see how it's such a controversial point of view to say that TF2 was fun, but its showing its age and that Overwatch is a much more polished, modern experience.
Nice joke retard. Remove shields and heals and game would be decent.
if you're trying to make a point that TF2 is better because you can just have fun without having to be in tryhard mode all the time, calling someone a retard bronzeshitter for playing in QP is kinda counterproductive
You really should stop posting now, you fucking faggot, this is the last (you) you are getting from me out of pity alone for your autism
It really doesn't though. You could just as easily turn around and say those same things about TF2 instead of OW so that doesn't really work here.
In Overwatch however, if you're not having fun, you may as well turn off the game because you won't get anything different than what you've already been doing for however long you play ow for
>What were you doing for fun? Getting kills, that's fucking it
I mean, I could expand on what makes Mei fun to play for me but I think the bigger issue here is how you're looking at this.
>What's fun about getting kills?
What's fun about any game? FPSs are just clicking on things, RPGs are just databases with a frontend. Most games are just watching integers increase. You can boil anything down to its core component and call it boring.
I was in high Diamond in competitive, not the best but not bad either. Very rarely did anyone shit on me for picking someone they didn't agree with but people are easily muted. Why would I let one angry person dictate how I play? Most of the time I'm playing with a group of friends anyway so it's not like I need to stay in team chat and listen to someone be mad.
it was only slightly less garbage during beta than it is now. you just fell for the marketing and the hype and the polished animations which tricked your brain into thinking its having fun
then when the honeymoon phase ended you realized it's shit, and rationalized the change in your view with "blizzard ruined it"
It still ruins the game though because all the retards just want to imitate the esports faggots so every game plays the exact same, the same heroes doing the same shit on the same maps, I'll never understand how people can find any enjoyment in a game like that. Multiplayer games are dead, metafags killed them.
except it looks great you dumb fuck
it has a timeless artstyle that will never look shit
I have 1200 hours in TF2 and 150 hours in OW and you literally have to be 90 IQ or just lying to think OW has more depth.
If you're not having fun with any game you might as well turn it off. If you're not having fun with TF2 you wouldn't keep playing. You're right in that you can completely say a lot of those things about TF2 but TF2 was years and years ago and given that I started playing pretty much right at the beginning, it got old for me a long time ago. It's a product of its time and it was good at the time but time passes and eventually things get boring. The same is happening with Overwatch now, I just think Overwatch did a better job at making the game feel like an immersive world with genuine depth, whereas TF2 was more like the kind of game I'd play after getting hammered on TeamSpeak and blasting loud music.
But see, that's where you're wrong. TF2 doesn't really ever get boring. There are other ways you can play the game whether it be different loadouts or gamemodes and those can always renew your interest. With Overwatch, it's either play the same game you've BEEN playing or play something else. There's no depth whatsoever. Even the different servers with special rules are highly restricted by the game's own rules which you can't bypass. It's either Comp or QP, nothing else. So there's no point bothering
>TF2 doesn't really ever get boring
It definitely does. If you don't think so then it's clear that TF2 is just your kind of game and you really like it and that's fine, I'm honestly happy for you, but it definitely gets boring. If it didn't get boring then we'd all still be playing it, all of us who bought it over 10 years ago would still be there playing it right now. Every game gets boring after a while, the physics get boring, the graphics get boring. After a while you just tire of playing the same game, that's completely normal.
It's not really correct to suggest that TF2 has more depth just because there are more available modes. That's like saying a pack of cards has more depth than Monopoly because you can play different types of games with it. Yes you can, but that's just one way of looking at it, it's not necessarily the correct way of looking at it, it just depends on how you like to play. It's like comparing CSGO to TF2, CSGO has depth in a different, more technical way, but offers less gameplay variety. That depth is why it (And Overwatch) are both hugely popular E-sports games and TF2 isn't.
>stopped playing OW like a year ago because shields everywhere made stuff way too annoying to kill
>now the shields are even more everywhere
>games don't have infinite shelf lives and people need to accept that
Fuck you.
imagine playing overwatch in 2019
literally like battered housewives. "i-it will get better next patch, jeff promised me"
then you're a shit widow. stop standing in back of your team and start flanking
CS:GO is only a big esport because it has a lot of money backing it and a trillion lootboxes.
The game was fucking dying before they added lootboxes.
Can I call someone a nigger without getting banned? If not, nothing has been fixed.
>once they nerfed mcree's ability to delete ANYONE at melee range the game went to shit
mccree was a crutch hero
Just because you're obsessed with CSGO doesn't mean everyone is. I played Pokemon Gold for over 999:99 hours:minutes when it came out (That's as high as the counter went), but I wouldn't say that it has an infinite shelf life just because I personally enjoyed it enough to pour that amount of time into it.
muh freeze peach
Goddamn, I can barely tell when it loops.
is he a pro or something?
CSGO is a big esport because it's a dyed-in-the-wool FPS with a high skill ceiling. There's money in it because people are watching it and care about it, same with Overwatch. There aren't enough people who care about TF2 anymore to make it a popular e-sports game in league with the other big names. I'm sure if/when TF3 comes out it'll take the mantle, but for most of us TF2 is dead and gone.
That's not CSGO. I've never touched CSGO, that's 1.6
this looks worse than the battleborne screenshot that use to circulate
those are the numbers for cs 1.6
Also those are player counts you fucking retard, not playtime. You were so fucking stupid that I couldn't even parse what you were trying to say.
>16 thousand BRs still play 1.6 so that means its timeless!
I would argue that Valve ruined TF2, but yes, if we could keep playing TF2 as it once was, then I would agree it would never get boring.
the fuck is even happening in this pic
if go hadnt come out all those csgo people would be still playing 1.6
dont pretend you dont know how even pros refused to switch to go for a long ass time back in the day
CSGO is literally free and runs on a toaster. People play 1.6 because they enjoy it.
>I can't post a screenshot so I'll call user a faggot.
I literally don't understand why it takes a salaried team of developers so long to fix basic issues with the game
If you gave me access to the overwatch server config I could've already fixed doubleshield in a day
But Yea Forums told me daddy valve is perfect and that it was the compfag's fault???
Okay, but the point still stands. I got 500 hours out of CSGO and it got boring for me. I have no doubt that there's more I could have done, more I could have improved my skills but eventually there's only so many times you can run to point A or B before it all starts getting similar. Considering I paid £12 for it I'm certain I got my money's worth so I'm happy about that. It brought me joy for 500 hours and then it didn't, I wouldn't expect any game to keep me occupied forever. If someone could develop a game that kept every single player happy for 20,000+ hours then that'd be the golden goose.
Riot destroys any new strats the pros come up with like laneswaps, gold funneling, duo jungling... They don't give a shit about the pros and actively discourage any free thinking.
I know a lot of people on here and across the internet circlejerk about the opinions of pros but the truth is 99% of people don't play and never will play at their level
balancing around pro play is retarded
Everyone who's become frustrated at TF2's constantly changing nature has a different point at which they found it to no longer be fun. For me, it was the F2P update which killed all my favorite servers, though even before that, the scout update really put a damper on my enjoyment of the game.
> I got 500 hours out of CSGO and it got boring for me
i get bored or annoyed with every game i play, that doesnt mean timeless games dont exist
>If someone could develop a game that kept every single player happy for 20,000+ hours then that'd be the golden goose.
its called dwarf fortress
its been around for some time
>still has shit-tier gameplay in every aspect possible
>timeless games dont exist
Hang on a minute, big difference between 'timeless' and 'never gets boring'. I would consider Super Mario World timeless, but it certainly gets boring if you play it long enough. I've never encountered a game which objectively never gets boring, if it existed we'd all be playing it.
Dwarf fortress didn't keep me happy for 20 hours let alone 20,000
>I've never encountered a game which objectively never gets boring
thats cause you dont like games that much
>if it existed we'd all be playing it.
A LOT people play csgo and dota for thousands and thousands of hours, whos to say they are wrong and youre right?
thats on you not liking fun
>I'm only bronze because everyone picks dps
>role q introduced
>still bronze except the wait time to play a game is now 4 minutes longer
>people want to play dps
>make game where youre not allowed to like dps
>not picking supports or tanks and playing them like DPS
>A LOT people play csgo and dota for thousands and thousands of hours
More people don't. I think at some point you're going to have to grow up and accept that people like different things, that there's no universal game that absolutely nobody doesn't find boring and that just because people don't like playing the same game for thousands of hours on end doesn't mean they 'don't like games much'.
Don't like to use the buzzword but that is quite autistic to honestly believe that.
What's your favorite game to come out this year so far?
ow is not paladins
cant do damage as healers
>the wait time to play a game is now 4 minutes longer
You know, it really baffles me that people are okay with queueing to play a game. We used to have server browsers where this wasn't an issue, but it seems like no one minds being forced to sit and wait to play a game mode they can't choose on a map they can't choose with people they can't choose. You people baffle me, I don't play multiplayer anymore.
>More people don't
more people dont play video games at all
if youre not gonna judge by the most popular games out there for decades, what are you gonna judge by?
lol says who?
Fuck valve for doing this to tf2
Widow scum. Glad you're not getting to play your shitheel character.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't figure out what's going on.
They already ruined TF2 years before, matchmaking was just the icing on the cake.
>just trying to comprehend what's going on in that image
>If we're then comparing it to a MOBA that has "Support" heroes then supports are far more varied in their design and don't just boil down to being healbots.
Ironically, Blizzard's moba Heroes of the Storm is also the only moba where support and healer are synonymous with each other.
Both League and Dota have supports of various kinds, including semi-carries who can dish out almost as much damage as your primary damage dealers.
Christ, and here I thought that the shield meta was bad back when I stopped playing.
F2P update killed tf2 for me as well
I thought dive was the worst the game would get
I was wrong
I thought tripletank was the worst the game would get
I was wrong
I thought GOATS was the worst the game would get
I was wrong
I thought orisa-hog was the worst the game would get
I was wrong
Every single update, they find a way to make the game even less fun.
eat shit
>overwatch can be played on its beta patch, with totally unlocked hero limits
i miss release mcree boys the most
i miss telling my team to all go lucio and just heal stopping the cart
i miss telling my team to all go winston and jump around spamming shield
i miss those days bros
Dive took skill
Triple tank was annoying but you could deal with it
Goats is pure cancer
Orisa hog is fine. Sig is good against that combo and a good zafya will save bubble for that combo.
>Dive took skill
*entire team presses "shift" to teleport onto the enemy soldier and kill them with auto-aim weapons and abilities*
*same thing happens*
based cowboy chad
None of that happened.
Good luck trying to coordinate a good dove outside of 6 man groups.
I am literally describing to you what my teamchat sounded like in 4400ish SR ranked games during dive meta.
Dive required zero skill.
>complaining about a melee character in a shooter
>Yes I am platinum ranked and yes I play tank/support and yes I do think my opinions are important!
I only play in workshop 3rd person and infinite abilities modes, no one gives a fuck who plays who, it's all for fun.
I hope Activision goes bankrupt.
Is that real? Jesus Christ. I knew he was a piece of shit, but not to that degree.
Based bobby
Kills 10+ game dev studios, and then kills Epstein
No because assfaggots and other fps exist. I thought OW was a originally meant to be hero shooter?
Overwatch was originally meant to be an MMO but they did such an incredibly poor job that it was unsalvageably terrible. Which is why the product that they did scrounge out of that wreckage has been complete shit from day one.
You are bronzo for many other reasons user
Not him but have you actually watched a esports TF2 match? The game is an absolute clusterfuck where it's incredibly hard to tell what's happening from spectator cam and the technical side of it has an obscenely high skill ceiling that makes a match hard to look at from a spectator in an esport.
OW also suffers from these exact same problems (except spectator cam but even there its still overly difficult to see whenever the teams meet at a choke or the end of payload maps) but the difference between them is that OW came out in the right time where esports were picking up a lot of traction while TF2 came out a decade ago where esports came down to speedrunning and some local tourneys with the odd occasional big tournament like the Tetris and Space Invaders ones in the 90s I believe. This is also not mentioning the player-base is almost entirely made of different people than when TF2 came out making it so that there aren't many big names that people can look up to as figure heads of the community except Uncle Dane and some others on youtube but it's just not enough for a resurgence and with Valve being worse than Blizzard its definitely not happening.
Holy shit that UI / screen clutter.
Does someone have the webm of the xenoblade battle with the cum bar for comparison?
UI isn't even that bad, it's the retarded amount of particle effects, shields, etc.
You're right, I just took a glance and didn't notice it was a streamer. But godamn what a clusterfuck
absolute state of liberals
The sad thing is that they realized during testing that shields were too difficult to see through and so made them lighter and more transparent. At some point, however, someone went full retard and added a nifty little hexagon and shine effect.
The reasoning is matchmaking, user. Server browsers are great when everyone is about equal skill level, but that never actually happens. Also, OW does have a custom game browser.