Why is every single Nintendo exclusive delayed
Why is every single Nintendo exclusive delayed
Ocarina of Time was delayed again and again and again and look how well it paid off.
They're following Sony's example of just showing the same three games for the next five years.
Little Town Hero (formerly Town)
So was Star Fox Zero, Duke Nukem Forever, and a bunch of other shitty games
it's published by gamefreaks so probably not an exclusive
Duke Nukem's problem was being delayed TOO long. It's a matter of balance, really. On the opposite end of the spectrum you've got Sonic 06, Chronicles and Boom (and that god awful GBA port of the first game), a bunch of Ubisoft's games and the Pokémon franchise: all rushed, due to a business model that requires churning out another one every year, and each of them has a bunch of technical issues and a worsening reputation.
Doesn't excuse them always giving dates they cant meet, they need to get their production houses in order
What? It's developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo. What are you even talking about?
When was it supposed to release?
Was Town delayed?
nintendo never puts up a lot of titles per console generation. has to stretch that for as long as you can
this console is dying with a metroid and SMT title (that are being stretched for some more years right now while you enjoy 1 new game every 2 months)
This game looks like shit anyway. I hope it never comes out. GameFreak can only make one game, and somehow they're even failing at that now.
yeah, it was shit compared to link to the past.
Would you rather they release the game on the promised date, even if it's nowhere near complete, or that they delay it so they can actually finish it? Do you want to eat a bucket of shit now, or an ice cream sundae later?
look at this retard and laugh
>1 new game every 2 months
Still more than PS4 ever got
Would you rather them rush everything out? Because that’s the reason stuff started getting “delayed” only recently. Splatoon, ARMS, Kirby, Mario Tennis, Mario Party, and most recently Mario Maker all got rushed out to some degree, and only one of them recovered from that lack of content over time. The rest of them just didn’t get enough extra content or the base game wasn’t any good and extras can’t save it. Nearly 2 months later and Nintendo hasn’t given a fucking peep on when online with friends for MM2 with friends is coming.
I was so disappointed by Oninaki I hope this one raises the bar
Once Animal Crossing comes out, that'll probably be my last Switch game. The hopes of a new Animal Crossing was the main reason I even got one in the first place.
He wants them to do two year's work in six months, apparently he thinks there's a Hyperbolic Time Chamber somewhere in Nintendo HQ.
cringe. people say dumb shit in here every minute. calm down, you don't need to latch into the vry first thing you see to get some attention... just embarrassing
They've all been announced as soon as the contract is signed and the concept artists make a logo. At least the illusion of support turned into something resembling third party games.
They obviously lie about this stuff to quell outrage from consumers and investors over droughts.
They only have a bajillion dollars, surely they can hire some more devs?
t. retard
3D Mario does not tend to be delayed. Odyssey and 3D World were released in the same year as their reveals.
>he still thinks more people will always equal faster work
So you think a crew of 1000 construction workers can finish a house in a few hours right
where is Pikmin 4?
Town could be straight up cancelled for all I care. Also not every game gets delayed. Sword and Shield haven't been delayed (lol), Mario Maker 2 wasn't, Astral Chain wasn't, Luigi's Mansion 3 wasn't.
The amish sure can.
The curse of playing good games is needing to wait for them
Sometimes the wait doesn't equal to the game being better, it means even worse, it's a ruse like with Mighty No.9
Recently? Mismanagment. Lot's of restructuring at the company, people being moved off projects and some with no confidence. Town was simply because it's fucking Gamefreak and they have no work ethic and realized in the middle of development that they were making a bigger game then they thought and even with the majority of their company on it, they had never done anything like it before.
sword and shield should be delayed permanently imo
More then likely, yes. It's suppose to be out 2019, but it didn't look anywhere close to complete. It's going to get delayed, just like Pikmin 4, Metroid Prime 3 and Bayo 3.
>Luigi's Mansion 3 wasn't.
It was originally meant to be a Wii U game.
Devs obviously got pulled to whip Sword and Shield into a vaguely sellable state.
That means Masuda has to buy a second-hand solid gold Ferrari instead of a brand new one. And he wouldn't be able to hire a full time car polished. He'd have to polish it himself. Like a peasant! Perish the thought, sir! Some things are still sacred.
Also not compete with pocketmans. There's no way Town would get any notice right now, late winter/early spring clears up the calendar.
That's what I get for going to poor people school.
As far as I remember, in an interview a couple of months ago they said it wouldn't be delayed. They could easily drop it on the eShop before the end of the year.
Mario Maker DLC will definitely be announced at the next direct, don't worry user.
You can't count it as a delay when it was never announced
The first game got all kindsa shit added in updates and the second game hasn't even gotten it's first major update yet. The show hasn't even started.
Problem is that instead of fixing 3D World’s lack of objects and decorations, they’ll announce another half baked style with just as little depth for ten dollars. It’s a damn shame general interest in the game has already died down because the game just doesn’t have enough new stuff. It feels like MM1.5 in a lot of ways the game as a whole feels pretty rushed out, and while I enjoy the stuff it did add, I can’t help but feel a little cheated that they still haven’t even added the one fucking thing they DID promise.
>it's an eshop title
>there are still Pokeretards that think this is getting more priority than Pokemon
Nintendo has been a fucking disaster zone ever since Iwata started getting sick
>writing outside the white board
I would rather them not give dates if they dont know when itll be out
It was fucking obvious Town wouldnt be 2019
I’d rather them not give out info on games that aren’t releasing anytime soon. I don’t appreciate them saying they won’t announce games before they need to only to fucking restart development of MP4 a year and a half later, with SMTV and Bayonetta 3 also MIA since 2017.
This argument doesn't hold up when Nintendo (idk about Game Freak specifically) has one team working on several franchises (Solatoon and Animal Crossing)
I'm going to assume that Game Freak's employees have been focused entirely on the new Pokemon, and that, yes, hiring another dev team for Town would have gotten it out faster.
I'd argue the exact opposite. I'd almost go far enough to say that he might have been part of the problem. General opinion of the company has only gone up here since his death, only screeching resetera drones have problems with the way Kimishima and now furukawa are running things.