it's out bros
It's out bros
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fuck I first need to hack my switch
No you dont
Support games you like asshole or the shit/phone games will win
>"No you dont"
>no NSP
Yeah I don't know how to convert those things or how to use them unless they're NSP
just wait a couple of hours till someone uploads it
most of the pro piracy threads are snoygers roleplaying and praying really hard nintendo suddely die because 100 people pirated their switch on line. Remember, they always order you to pirate and own pirated copies, but never to play.
Is there a way to move save data between hacked switch and unhacked switch? It's annoying having to stay in hacked, offline mode until I finish a game.
>find NSP
>site crashes due to traffic
Share with the class
drag and drop to sd card
lmaoing @ ur life
Retards, use 4NXCI.
I can't if I ain't got the link to the file yet
Eh don't really matter if the website ain't up to download XCI either
i thought people were more excited for this
No one can download it rn because of shitty servers
It's not actually out yet. It's still being uploaded
You think piratefags make all the userbase? they are actually the minority.
Phone games reached their peak already, there's no money to be made on that market for newcomers anymore.
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read on Yea Forums. Congratulations, you've officially crossed the line from fanboyism to fanatism. It's no longer a "sony vs nintendo" thing, which in itself is one of the most retarded things on the planet, it's a fucking "us vs them" thing. You are the fucking reason this board is in this eternal hell state where everything you said is judged on a scale from sony to nintendo, but you also set the bar so fucking high that even if you own a nintendo product and play nintendo games you can be a "snoyger" according to you. You've lost the fucking plot, sony is to you what trump is to the left.
Anyone have any luck yet?
Wow I guess people who download CODEX and Fitgirl crap are snoys too!!!
>1.01 upd
just tested and it works
Enjoy downloading another 5gb because these retards can't compress for shit. NSP or bust.
it's probably already up as a nsp or being uploaded right now if you'd rather get that, 1 fichier gives good speeds anyway
It is, that's why I'm almost done. Should be a fun night.
>1 fichier gives good speeds anyway
Literally would take me 2 days to download from that garbage site
that sucks user. i just grabbed the xci in like 20 min though
No, I mean transferring a safe file from emunand to regular nand
I dont think you can without using cfw on the sysnand
what are the odds this bricks my console?
you fucking people holy shit
what's the best switch hacking guide? I have a launch model
But then you can't go online, right?
I have heard that many people have done cfw only to transfer saves and never got banned but I wouldn't risk it
>nobody posting proof that it works
I haven't been banned.
Here's how you do it.
>Emunand CFW
>export save file
>Sysnand CFW in airplane mode
>import save file
>Sysnand OFW
you now have your emunand saves in your legit nand
>SLY! Jump and press the circle button to find NSP.
>Jump and press the circle button to find NSP, got it.
does this not cover emuNAND?
Airplane mode does nothing, the Switch keeps logs and you're force crashing the Switch to enter CFW. You haven't been banned because Nintendo doesn't care, but it may change in the future. I remember the mess that happened with 3DS in 2016
logs only matter for NSPs, you'll be fine booting a homebrew
not sure, check out instead
Nice. Shame I can't hack my Switch.
Man Platinum just cannot catch a break can they
I am, and I'm waiting for it to come out.
Oh great, so it'll be done downloading in like three days.
I'll wait for the Google Drive link.
Fucking how? I don't have great internet or a premium account on the site, and my download was less than an hour for the game.
>skin color
where is the boobs slider
also since you named like that you should change a few things user
Hmmm interesting, thanks
Dunno. I just tried the link even though I already knew it would be slow, and sure enough it seems capped at like 500KB/s. I download shit from steam at like 20MB/s, so my Internet isn't at fault.
Nah, I get a severely capped download speed from that site too. Fichier is one of those sites that requires a premium account, isn't it? At least that's what JDownlader seems to imply
Could try to find a premium link generator. Can't remember it off the top of my head, but I remember there's one that didn't have file size limits
Without an account you usually get one full speed download a day there from what I've seen, along with 1 download period every 2 hours, with no simultaneous downloads
*dabs on legitfags*
imagine not being a tracker chad
>Nintendo creates such a bad game that their fans actually pirate it
Finally, this company can die and be bought out by Sony
>finish 1 mission
>Don't wanna play anymore
Tell me why they don't release demos anymore
If it's that easy to convert why do people even bother uploading xci files.
It's on GGn, probably others too.
>tfw have to wait till my Switch Mini comes in before I try to hack my OG Switch
>If it's that easy to convert why do people even bother uploading xci files.
Male or female? Note that the gender you don't choose becomes an NPC in the game that gets voiced lines while you stay mute
>As if Sony fans wouldn't pirate their games given the chance
If it's that easy to convert, then why even bother uploading nsp files? Could be said either way
That's a pretty shit argument, you could say the same about anything.
>why even sell clothes? You can just make them out of cotton, they should just sell cotton.
just so blacks can get shit for free huh? fuck your reparations
God the controls are bad. Like, attack on ZR or R? The fuck? Then if you change it to attack on Y, you get evade on ZR or R. Come on, Y for attack and B for evade should be the control scheme, or let us remap controls.
From what I've seen, it's a 50/50 split of people who use nsp vs xci. So if one goes up, the people on the other side will complain, and vice versa. Completely different from your "argument."
Female. She has a cute but and I can stare at it whenever I want.
it takes 3 minutes to convert .xci to .nsp you lazy fucking faggots
Today was a good day
Attack on shoulders is good, lets you control your camera or legion at the same time
I wouldn't mind evade on the shoulder buttons.
give me one good reason why I shouldn't download this and save $60
WTF seed you fags
Feels gigabit man
Any settings I should change from default?
Already changed the voice language of course
There's no reason to ever buy video games, just pirate them all and buy yourself something nice
Which difficulty? Is standard a decent challenge?
difficulty after you finish tutorial
pretty sure standard and casual are the only ones available from the start unless you replay missions?
What site?
Standard is Normal, aka. easy, and you need to beat a chapter to unlock Hard mode.
The other two difficulty modes are Very Easy and Newborn Baby
nevermind, I google and found it.
Why do they keep making these meme difficulty options? Dont gamedevs know youtube exists?
shut up and push the left stick to move your character
i'm more annoyed about locking harder difficulties for 2nd playthroughs, unless its something super hard maybe
For the 10 year olds that want to play the game
Why would you pirate a bad game? Are Nintendo sois this brain damaged that they have to justify killing a game because there’s no Mario in it?
Yuzu devs hurry the fuck up
why would I not pirate a bad game?
>Bad game
>Pirating kills a game
>Nintendo fans only like Mario
the lip sync is for Japanese voice track only looks dumb as fuck dubbed, I watched the intro cut scene in both languages
Oh, you're one of those weeb faggots, huh?
As it should be
>Playing game as intended
>weeb faggot
Most Platinumgames have "canon" English voice language only few like this and NieR are Japanese. It's okay insensitive dubfag I can play whatever is considered the original no matter the language.
As mentions this is JP lip sync other games from Plat are usually ENG lip synced except for NieR
Ryo, Kazuma, Yamato and Hayato are the randomized names which one lads
>have played every single nintendo game and never paid since gamecube days
Anyone else /knowthatfeel/
Not until DS/end of Wii for me, but same
Just get the xci and convert it
You need keys.txt, but that's it, it's just a few clicks.
I did it, works great
It’s ridiculous, but I’m glad to see this game die to teach Platinum a lesson: if they partner with Nintendo, they’re sure to fail.
I’ve campaigned very hard for this
You are a fucking retard
>imagine not buying a pre-patched switch during it's launch year
>this mad that Nintendo will make $0 on Ass Chump
>make a jig
>get a USB cable that can connect your switch to your PC
>power off switch and take out the SD card
>go on GitHub and get atmosphere, Reinex or whatever
>also download Goldleaf and/or the /hbg/ freeshop
>extract everything to the SD card and put it back inside the switch
>stick jig into the right side of the switch and hold the power and volume up button
>Plug switch into PC and use a program to inject the bin file that came with whatever homebrew you got
>didn't get smash a week early
>didn't get astral chain nearly a week early
>won't get any other games a week early
>pre-order games in 2019
>can't mod botw
>can't cheat in games
Do people even know where this meme comes form anyone? Press D to dab doesnt make any sense
I havent paid for a console game since bloodborne, you are still a Twitch gargling turbo faggot
I played smash a week early and own a jig. But for games that are only coming out a few days early it's not worth the hassle and need to stay offline
autism speaks
i thoguht this game was coming out for PC
I hate pirates. I have nintendo stocks so buy their games and make me some money.
>tfw piratefags can enjoy the game sooner than buyfags
It is. Torrent it. Pirate it. Whatever you do, don’t buy the game.
Just use emunand. That way you can still go online on the clean system
>You should spend money on something you wouldn't have bought in the first place so I can earn a fraction of a penny
>pirates games
>complains about the state of the industry
Nope, Switch exclusive. Unless you listen to the retards who say emulating it badly counts as it not being exclusive.
seething shitnum games developer
I know, I did use emunand. It's just that switching is annoying.
why is it always nintendofags who get upset at this shit?
>Taking a few seconds to restart the system each time is annoying
Holy shit, how lazy can you get?
So people are playing it already?
How is it?
It's not bad, not amazing. I'd give it a 7/10 so far, just finished the second "chapter"
I've had a review copy for a couple weeks, its fine.
Camera fucks up a lot and combat feels less technical than Bayo or DMC, but I didn't regret my time playing it.
It's a worse Niet automata
pretty fun so far. you see a lot of automata in it obviously but much heavier combat. kinda annoying how zoomed in it is though
Unironically for the journalists
Is combat "mash buttons to win" like Automata?
lot less than automata but not super technical like seems like you can do some fun stuff in it though that can't be done in other games
There's four difficulty settings, and on anything except the hardest one its pretty much just mash to win yeah.
I'm getting my copy on Friday. Don't spoil it for me assholes.
How long is the game? that will decide if I buy it.
You fight Anime God but none of the interesting plot points get resolved meaningfully.
Anywhere from 6-10 hours for a first playthrough, but youre intended to go back to previous levels to access new areas with different abilities.
Which FW does this need to run?
On the training menu for "Legion control" what the fuck does it want me to do? I can't dismiss it by tapping or holding the keybind I had to skip that tutorial.
Wasn't working for me, it even shows the control prompts on screen in tutorial. I did change it from defaults but it was working in the tutorial mission fine
Somebody rip the OST please
Saw a review that mentioned it takes around 15 hours to go through all the chapters.
15-25 depending on how much side content you skip.
>playing three houses (70+hours) while my astral chain nsp downloads
I should have taken the cfwpill a long time ago
This is the first I've even seen of it.