Look, it's fun to joke about str vs dex but at the end of the day do you know who really suck? Int fags. I can appreciate a dexfag, he's spent his life training and knows exactly what he wants, even if it's not what I chose. He still has my respect, he's going to be up close and personal like a real fighter should. But intfags? Buncha high horsed long eared cunts. "oh my I'm faaar to smart to sully my hands with weapons, I'll let the gods do my bidding teehee". No real protection, no real fighting skill, they just wave a stick around and have shit happen and pretend like they're superior.
Look, it's fun to joke about str vs dex but at the end of the day do you know who really suck? Int fags...
No user, we are superior. That's a straight-up fact, but I reckon your INT is too low to comprehend that.
FTHbros ww@
Then go put on robes that give +5 to dick sucking and fuck off
Imagine dumping the stats that let you summon hot fae bitches and elementals to do all your work for you while you irresponsibly hand out wands of magic missile to schoolchildren
>using your mana to hit an extra time or make you swing your weapon faster
>literally wasting your life force
>being unable to harness the natural energy of the world and set shit on fire
>forgetting that dpm exists
>gets their shit kicked in by even the smallest amount of heavy Armour
Physical fags truly are suffering
Int usually implies some sort of education, as in, training. Usually more so than physical training. You should go after cha and wis fags that just get spells pushed up their ass for existing.
Physical classes that benefit from high mental state are unfortunately horribly handled in basically every edition of D&D. Monks being the perennial example of Wizards fucking up and not knowing what the hell they're doing or what they want
The only good case is really just Paladins and even then it's because they get spell progression and sky high saving throws
They're not massive cunts like intfags are. At least the bard is a cool dude and the priest is too lame to brag.
>he thinks int and wis are different things
>muh int is book smarts
>muh wis is street smarts!
If you're smart then you are wise. A scientist in the top of his field is wise. A lowly plumber is not wise. That's just the way it is. Smart people understand this. If you don't then you're not smart. End of discussion.
low wis post
Low int post.
Sorry but I believe I said "end of discussion".
Int is knowing that a tomato is a fruit
Wis is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad
Intelligence is overwhelmingly an inherited characteristic anyways. Warlocks need to bargain and deal their way to power assuming they're not cucks who go straight to selling their soul, Clerics receive their powers through effort and recognition of their worship.
being born a literal genius with 18 int like 99% of PC wizards is pretty fucking pampered compared to Christ-chan who scrubs the floor of the monastery and attends mass every evening just to be able to bless some holy water
>he's never seen a high INT low WIS character
Elves are cock sleeves
or the inverse
Wtf do you _meaaaaan_ knowing to not put a tomato into a fruit salad is basic fucking deduction, aka int
>CHA based, basically the life of the party and the spotlight
>don't need no physical shit, magic is just natural to us
Sorcerors fucking DAB on Wizards so hard it isn't even funny.
another way to put it: wis is knowing to not use underscores for emphasis
Got 'em
I knew it wouldn't work, I'm just too lazy to look up what works for 4channel. Wis is being so stupid you need to eat a fruit salad with tomato before realizing that sweet and sour don't mix lmao
Bahahaha I cant fucking wait for you to work a job for a couple years and then move to an different company or field and realize that you're a fucking moron. My job is piss easy yet I doubt even an MIT graduate would have it figured out in less than a couple days solely because of how much stuff seems small insignificant but is the exact opposite.
High Int Low Wis is clumsy absent-minded genius scientist at best and drooling socially retarded autistic savant at worst . Wisdom is willpower and discipline which is why it's related to Will saves, as well as empathy and understanding of other people and their emotions which shares a little territory with Cha
Of the three mental stats having high Wis and Cha is much more likely to result in living a happy and successful life than being an autistic wizard who doesn't understand why his apprentice smothers him in his sleep
In all the best RPG systems int fags are definitely the best. What does you strength matter when I can hobble you in a million different ways? I can turn you into a squirrel and crush you to death. What does being agile mean when I can just cast time stop, walk up to you and stab you in the eye.
>Pfft, who cares if you have good aim when I have an aimbot? What kind of fucking loser trains and develops a skill when he could just cheat?
whenever there's a stat X vs stat Y debate its always:
If someone with 20 stat X and 10 stat Y fought someone with 1 stat X and 11 stat Y, then then 20 stat X guy would win, thus stat X > stat Y
Using and creating are very different things.
>Bro it's cool I made the cheat myself, that makes it okay
Charisma does all that and also gets you laid.
Imagine studying for hours and hours every day for years when you could just use Macross music hax, be handed magic on a silver platter from birth by your bored fairy great grandma, or sell pantyshots of nuns to a devil in exchange for phenomenal cosmic power
>the best RPG systems are the ones that are hugely unbalanced
i see you're trying a challenge run this time user
Yes? Training to be better in a fight, or inventing something to be better in a fight are both valid courses of action to victory. Are you gonna argue that europeans shouldn't have taken their guns to africa because it wasn't fair?
Maybe I will and it will be a way better suck than you could ever give, faggot
>fuck INT fags
Yes actually, you want to take over the world you better put your money where your mouth is. Guns are for fags, you want Africa you gotta take it with your bare hands.
That's like taking Adderall to be better at a game. I'll be over here sucking dick like a champ because I've practiced and trained for it. I don't need something to make me better.
right here brother
may the gods anoint our steel
>not high WIS low INT irl
>not having some INT for support magics
gr8 b8 m8