When will roasties have to deal with the consequences of false accusations? Read this lunatics blogpost and tell me that you believe her: nathalielawhead.com
Soule must have been seriously blueballed
I'm sorry, what the FUCK are those glasses?
this is a Masuda bugs-in-anus tier accusation
you could not pay me to fuck this woman
man that's a long ass blogpost
you'd be surprised at what a bit of makeup and a decent haircut can achieve user.
3/10 would not rape
>wanting services from that
If your self-preservation instincts are not triggered automatically, something is wrong with you.
You underestimate uggo chasers or fat chasers who claim themselves to be Chads for fucking thing below 4/10
Why anyone want to fuck a skeleton?
Ever more a female skeleton?
It's always ugly women that accuse men of rape and then it's obvious that they're lying.
crazy women always have those weird bulging eyes
Have sex.
you mean like this?
>meets a guy
>guy habitually makes advances that aren't welcome
>she rejects because their friendship is too important to her (despite the fact they had known each other a fairly short time)
>the guy rapes her
>she keeps hanging with him
>eventually goes on to get fired because she can't produce
>writes a blog outing her boss as a rapist
>Have sex
not with this
I read this enitrely... And... Was she actually raped?
I mean, she bitches a lot about JS being inappropiate, and he bitching about his precious partners, and shit like that. But out of nowhere, she develops a persecutory disorder, she's afraid of losing her job because he badmouths her... And... Rape?
Does being "dark", and "conflicted" and "graphic" in presence of another person qualifiea as raping that person?
I don't get this at all.
Holy shit does she literally own no other glasses? Does she genuinely like those hideous things?
I'm friends with women who still hung out with their rapist afterwards for one reason or another, before they cut them out of their lives. I recommend talking to the women in your life about it. The human mind is an imperfect thing and it's hard to understand how trauma impacts people without it happening to you or without listening carefully to people you know and care about.
It's ok user, she thought rape was normal in the evil video game industry, that's why she kept hanging and working with them. Think about all the poor women in this rapey misogynistic industry user, will anybody PLEASE think of the women?!
>After this experience, I was physically and emotionally broken. It took a lot of courage to even be able to play video games again. I couldn’t look at Gamasutra. I felt sick whenever I heard the phrase “video game”.
>I thought that the entire game industry was like this and I couldn’t handle thinking about all those women, and artists, that might have gone through the same. I believed that this was normal.
Hope all you trannys get hunted and shot on sight
Enjoy getting #MeToo'd
Impossible, people in positions of authority would never sexually abuse other people. Nope. Even less likely if they're famous. Never happened.
what in the ....hell is this
just look at her, she was probably thirsty as fuck and then wanted to metoo'd her pray just for atention
Problem glasses
So that means we should believe every rape accusation without any kind of proof, even after that college kid killed himself and the chick admitted the claims were bullshit afterwards?
Evidence and witnesses are misogynistic, we should automatically believe women accusing men with no proof or evidence, and only when women accuse men.
>being anywhere near American women
He fucked up.
She is the type of girl who would put gunpowder around dick.
>It's another "She can't have been raped because she's not attractive" post
Oh joy.
Also video games
How about, "she wasn't raped because there's no evidence".
The way I see it, there are more rapists in the world than there are psychopaths who try to ruin someone's life with a false accusations. Given that 1 in 6 women have been raped, I'm gonna assume they're telling the truth, it's just too common a thing for me to generally doubt accusations. I'm not a court though, obviously you need evidence to convict, but the burden of proof in court is necessarily different than anytime else in life because it's more important to protect that tiny minority of people who might be falsely accused than to catch every single rapist.
But it's true. No one would rape an ugly woman. And coincidentally, it's ugly women who never have evidence of their rape.
If your mother or a sister or loved one told you they were raped would you deny it happened unless you saw evidence
>Given that 1 in 6 women have been raped
That 1 in 6 statistic wouldn't happen to include numerous false accusations would it? I guess we'll never know the real number, so it seems strange to assume they're all telling the truth on principle.
>Given that 1 in 6 women have been raped
Nice feminist statistics you got there. I've known of 100 women in my life and none of them have been raped. Rape is extremely rare unless you live in a shithole country.
No, but I'm no judge.
And in court, you need solid proof, not strong feelings.
I didn't say you should believe all women, I asked if there are situations where you wouldn't demand evidence
When people have to talk about working this long, usually they don't. Even pipeliners don't whine about long hours like this.
But yeah, working from home you went to the ER twice in Canada and you were worried about the bills. Fucking hell. Plus the idiot kept working for no pay.
>write gigantic blog post barely talking about the actual assault in extremely vague terms, without any verifiable claims (time, place, etc)
>instead spend 99% of the post crying about work, business and money in melodramatic fashion
Gee I wonder what the purpose of this blogpost was.
She looks like narcissa
I trust my mother and sister. They have been in my life building grounds for trust for 20+ years.
This nigga, on the other hand, I have literally never met. I have no reason to trust a single thing she says, just like any other random faggot on the street. I have just as much substantiated evidence to believe that she is a rapist as I do the accused. Hence the need for evidence. There is a reason our judicial system relies on it.
What ARG was she working on?
This reads like Zork but I don't remember a Zork ARG.
It roughly corresponds to my experience. Out of the ten or so good female friends of mine, three have been raped. They never went to the police because there was no evidence, and it was people they knew. They're not SJW-types, they're well-adjusted people who are living their lives and don't want to dwell on it, but it's really not uncommon. A lot of people just don't talk about it.
This user raped me.
You should move out of the shithole you live in.
>really long leadup with a ton of detail
>generic incel stereotypes
>zero detail of the rape itself, completely skipped over
>doesn't reach out to him ie: never starts conversations, yets accepts his help at all turns and still believes thats a friendship
yeah red flags all over the place
Thanks, now go make noise to ruin his life forever.
Somebody for the love of god get Nick Rekieta on this
>I built their ARG AND their corporate company website (HTML, CSS, custom WordPress theme and install). Any online presence they had came from me. I even kept customizing their internal company forum (php).
(I should also point out now that it has degraded since I left. My work isn’t buggy.)
I built so much of their online presence in all sorts of different technologies. I say this because it should be clear that the technical work done for them was amazing and they’d be hard pressed to find anyone else like that. I’m not “dumb” like I was made out to be.
I'm a test engineer and I can 100% guarantee this is absolute bullshit. Anyone who claims they never put out work with defects is a liar, a retard or both. I've worked with some incredibly talented devs in my time using a lot of different tech stacks and the difference between them and the inferior devs wasn't that they put out 100% bug free code, it's that they always took responsibility and opened themselves up to code review gladly, enjoying the chance to improve their work instead of throwing a bitchfit and claiming they don't ever cause bugs and making me have to git blame them publically.
you're friends with a liar and your too stupid/beta to see it.
Out of all the women I've known, only one claimed to be raped. Privately, she admitted to me it was a false claim and I keep the screenshots as evidence in case she tries to claim the time we had sex was also rape. If you're not documenting every interaction with women in 2019 you're basically retarded.
obvious fake accusation
hope Jeremy doesn't bend the knee like so many others and instead sues the bitch for defamation
stop lying about rapes, ugly bitch
I'm gonna assume it's because my friends like me more than your friends like you. You're probably not a good person.
Actually the claim is 1 in 5 women are raped in college, I don't remember the name of the feminist that came up with that, but it was based on a phone survey where they asked women, among other things, if they ever had sex while drunk, and counted every "yes" as rape.
Feminism has taught me to never believe a women , EVER
I'm sure Jeremy has way better lawyers than this jackass
Exoriare, it has Zork implemented inside it.
>Have sex to promote career
>Later call it rape
On the other hand it does not surprise me that a person who works with Todd is a scumbag.
Alright, lock him up and harass him online profusely, no question asked.
Is Vic the only guy who successfully slapped back one of these baseless accusations?
my sister accused me of sexually harassing her friend that i did a free job for, had never met and only ever exchanged two e-mails with
she told my parents i'm giving her calls in the dead of night and telling her how bad i want to fuck her
i still don't know for sure if my parents believe me that i haven't done anything
i will not believe a woman about sexual assault unless she's being forcefully penetrated right in front of my eyes
Imagine being so inept that this is what you consider a work related E-Mail between two clients and yourself.
She also invites you to look at her products at the start of the blog post ajd they're all just a hideous jumble of eyerape colors and shitty hotline miami inspired nonsense.
Well, Jeremy Soule is known to be a grifting shitweasel (on account of him repeatedly taking money and not providing the goods, with that trashfire of a kickstarter just one of the examples), but him being a serial sexual predator feels like a bit of a stretch.
like him or not he has a fanbase capable of raising lots of dosh for Vic Mignola to take his accusers to court
litigation is fucking expensive
>phone survey
Let me guess, they also had 100, maybe even 200 participants.
Im gonna assume your a fat ugly feminists who lies about rape so you think your attractive, just like 90% of all rape accusations.
hope your whores start getting jail time for this shit.
90% of that huge fucking blogpost is about how she wants money or something lmao. couldnt be faker if she tried
yeah thats the most unprofessional shit ive ever seen. misspelled a few words as well
it's Zork with a flashing screen, wow
I believe her because Jeremy Soule raped his Kickstarter backers too. I didn't consent to five years with no album.
the number changes every year, too. ive heard 1 in 5, 4, 3. they sometimes use rape and sexual assault interchangeably, or sexual assault and sexual harassment interchangeably
Like, seriously, writing the words "I'd hit it" in a E-Mail.
absolute chad we need more people in public like him
literally a single line for the rape and a short paragraph about the aftermath, but like 10000 words on all the other shit
>Imagine raping this
Jeremy Soule could do some fucking Devil in the White City shit and I wouldn't give a shit and would still want him to compose from his prison cell.
Reminder that Roman Polanski still hasn't been jailed and nobody gives a shit because it doesn't align with their current agenda
I'm so glad this cunt went to the police with her story.
She did go to the police, right?
What's more than that,
Almost every single woman who has come forward with accusations of rape has had a tsunami of negative attention from all corners, up to and including death threads, doxxing, and occasionally, straight up attempted murder.
So what's more likely;
Some woman is okay with risking her livlihood and the livlihood of those she cares about just to give some rando a hard time?
Or she actually experienced what she is statistically likely to have experienced?
Geoffrey Rush made some money from it, which resulted in even more reeing articles
Of course not
Why would she go to the police when she can make a blogpost about it?
>Geoffrey Rush
Based Barbossa.
I got bored halfway through. I think she’s partially telling the truth she probably did get raped, but was fired for poor performance and shit
I wouldn't even fuck this crazy looking thing for money. And I'm fucking broke.
The girl I raped hung around with me for a few months.
How about gold digger/fame chasers stop making false claims that actually hurt and cause distrust to honest victims?
These psychopaths cause more harm than anything, all for their personal benefit.
>someone at your workplace threatens to make you lose your job if you don't have sex with them
>don't gather any evidence of their threats
>don't contact the police
>don't say anything, instead proceed to have sex with them
>said sex causes you to have PTSD and bring you on the edge of suicide and has apparently ruined your life for years to come
Even if I believed her absolutely bullshit story, isn't this just mostly incredibly bad decision making? Who trades getting "raped" for a job, without trying to defend themselves in any way, shape or form? She can't even make up a fake story that isn't fucking retarded, jesus christ.
>but was fired for poor performance and shit
Paper bag slipped off mid "rape" session?
I wouldn't deny they were raped. However, I also wouldn't accuse a specific person of the crime until there was some evidence.
>his twitter account is gone
oh boy
Alright that made me laugh
If she made any factual claims she would open herself to a lawsuit, and of course if she was going to accuse him legally she would have done it at the time
being completely vague lets her ruin his life and reputation without worrying about all that icky legal consequences and "presumption of innocence" and "burden of proof" stuff
>Almost every single woman who has come forward with accusations of rape has had a tsunami of negative attention
And positive too, which can be a worthwhile gamble if you feel like you're losing relevance.
>Almost every single woman who has come forward with accusations of rape has had a tsunami of negative attention from all corners
nice fanfiction
Two different opera singers who worked with Soule remarked that he tried to put the moves on them as well, and when they pumped the brakes he basically stonewalled them.
He's getting death threats from SJWs. The smart thing to do is close your account.
Why should I answer a question from a rapist????
OK so, I read her whole fucking story, there is actually only one sentence on the rape, which literally says "he raped me".
That's it. Does she mean she just agreed to his sexual advances out of fear of losing her job, or am I meant to just assume he physically forced himself on her?
If I was raped but couldn't prove it, I would consider going public with my accusation if I saw that person living their life without consequences, getting contracts to do TESVI or whatever else. Besides any personal reason, what if they're abusing someone else, or might in the future? There might be fewer victims of the future if they're known publicly as a rapist. Again, this is from the perspective of a person who was raped, but surely it's not so hard to understand if you know with 100% certainty that it happened to you.
Vic is a different situation. His livelihood was directly harmed by a conspiracy by other idiots, and also those weebs are a dedicated bunch. If Soule wants to sue to slander that's one thing but idk if that's a good idea if he lives in Canada.
The funny part of this is she was threatening to sue in an email but was also admitting she had zero money at all with no chance of funding a lawsuit. So the company decided to go with strongarming her out of 2400 after reading it.
100% but now retards are saying it confirms his guilt lmao
Those eyes tell me everything I need to know about her and the credibility of her accusations.
No-win situation.
Flirting with people is not a crime.
Losing all interest when they're not interest is not a crime.
Neither are evidence of wrongdoing, either. probably 90% of relationships out there were because a guy hit on a girl at some point.
Feel free to do that. I'm not backing up any such accusations without evidence, nor should anyone else. Tough luck.
the way things are going this is bound to become another kickvic
You realize that you're basically surrounded by rapists, right? There are over three billion men in the world. That's over three billion rapists. Can you imagine that? Three billion! If every one of them raped your for one minute that would be 50 million hours of uninterrupted rape you had to endure.
Do you really want to endure 50 million hours of uninterrupted rape? No? Then you should show some damn initiative for once and an hero today!
This is a man, right?
he should do it even if there was no conspiracy like in the vic case
game devs are super insecure about who they hire because they're all afraid of twitter outrage mobs
if Soule just lets the accusation stand in the room without fighting back then he's fucked
his career is over and no amount of apologizing and pandering will allow him to come back
Thats not rape, though. Its an unfair power exchange. You were never forced to have sex with him, you just had sex with him to get what you wanted.
He literally stopped working with them on the on-going project. He was spiteful enough over his hurt pride that he jeopardized the product due to butthurt.
If you're you should go to the police. Not to twitter, not to your instagram, not to your facebook or myspace.
Go to the fucking police.
What makes you say that?
That's gay as fuck if true, but still not a crime.
It's a reason not to work with dicks like that, but not a reason to claim you were raped or to state it's likely he did rape.
So you're saying he literally raped them? What a monster!
if she was actually raped she wouldnt have had to worry about money for a lawsuit, she would have gone to the police and the state would have payed 100% to prosecute a legal case
but she wasn't, so she didn't
>Almost every single woman who has come forward with accusations of rape has had a tsunami of negative attention from all corners, up to and including death threads, doxxing, and occasionally, straight up attempted murder.
and that's a good thing
>Sent: Jun 19, 2009 02:03 AM
Imagine seething at 02:00 AM and shitting out this "cool kid" e-mail instead of communicating at normal business hours like a normal person.
She looks like Golum and batshit insane. Not evne a dog would want to fuck her.
>Almost every single woman who has come forward with accusations of rape has had a tsunami of negative attention from all corners, up to and including death threads, doxxing, and occasionally, straight up attempted murder.
I'm going to need some proof of this, chief, because if true, everybody involved should be buried under a prison someplace, but there needs to be actual proof.
No, I'm saying the man is a primadonna asshole who likes to push people to get his way, and cheat others out of their money without providing the reciprocal product (how's that northern symphony or whatever's called coming along?).
Being a rapist is a stretch, but he's definitely a power-freak with questionable morals.
Portals into the eyes of a psychopath
there's none, the other poster is probably a dilating tranny
the majority of bitches accusing someone publicly of rape is false accusation to get free money
>be regarded as the john williams of the vidya industry
>be in absolute must play and historically valuable video games that changed the industry
>you're going down because of this she-golum
not a good look my guy
No thank you
Jesus Christ
If your brother or your father were accused by a woman that has 0 evidence would you believe her?
If you were acussed with 0 evidence should you be considered guilty until proven?. otherwise?.
Neck yourself leftist scum.
If what you've claimed is true, yeah he sounds like a fucking prick, but a fucking prick who makes music people really like, and maybe if he had a different temperament, he wouldn't have gotten to where he is.
There really needs to be some evidence of him being a rapist for his life to be ruined over it though, because being an unprofessional prick is not a crime, otherwise the blogpost girl would have gotten the jail 10 years ago.
>must play
Die zoom zoom
>what's more likely;
>Some woman is okay with risking her livlihood and the livlihood of those she cares about just to give some rando a hard time?
>Or she actually experienced what she is statistically likely to have experienced?
Its not just some rando, though. In these media cases, its usually someone the woman was in a buisiness relationship with, who just had a falling out, and the supposed rape was years before the falling out and often during the middle of the business relationship. Rape is terrible. But if you spend years quietly benefitting from its positive consequences you dont get to come out complaining about it years later to have your cake and eat it too.
That dude should really be given a free pass to beat the shit out of his daughter.
The problem isn't so much in the accusation as much as how it's received. Publicly shaming them isn't illogical. What IS illogical is for that statement to be taken with no doubt, which is the only option the public is given (you can't be known as the guy who's ok with rape, right?).
People are not honest enough to be trusted by default.
hot, story?
If your father or mother was accused of rape will you believe that they actually did it?
I get really sad when this sort of thing happens.
Someone please tell me the dude was an extreme left libtard so I can write this off as justice for creating these movements?
You don't get it. You have to think of the women. They're constantly oppressed because they live in a patriarchal society. It's so bad it's almost impossible for a woman to go the police and get an investigation going because 99% of the police are male and men stick together.
If you doubt a woman speaking up about being raped consider these facts and then listen to her again and believe her this time.
user, women are chronic liars. I dont trust what they say, without proof.
Women who claim to be raped, but have no evidence fall into the, “I liked it, but then changed my mind later cause i hate him now.” Women are fickle thinking that they can allow, encourage, and finish having sex with someone and then find out later that they regret the act. Not that it was legit rape where they were forced down and used like a ragdoll against their will from beginning to end. The reason proof doesnt happen is cause nothing was wrong at the time in order to keep proof.
Reminds me of this chick I knew who claimed she was raped by her older brother growing but but was obvious telling the story to people for attention. Girl was a bitch
tha-that's the chaos emerald!
Honestly I just skimmed through it but you don't get into ER for being overworked for a few months in a dev environment in Canada.
This bitch reads unstable as fuck and the entire first quarter of her postg discredits the rest because you can smell the dank fumes of the rotting remnants of a bitch that hit the wall so hard her airline receded.
This has to be satire. If everything you said was true, there would be zero accusations, because literally nobody is that brave.
If the world was as brutal and uncaring for women as it's portrayed, literally nobody would speak out against it, through fear.
The western world is fucking easy mode.
Kys zoomer
you gotta be really fucking thirsty to rape that bitch
like just got out after 10 in years in prison or something
She got a law head alright.
Rape is no joke