>all of these salty tears over the nightmare that is release
>people actually waiting in queues to log in AND to complete quests
Say it with me. Ready?
How long do you give it before people get sick of it and quit?
>all of these salty tears over the nightmare that is release
>people actually waiting in queues to log in AND to complete quests
Say it with me. Ready?
How long do you give it before people get sick of it and quit?
Seems like lots of people didn't want this game to succeed
2 years, tops.
Well yeah. Anybody who plays consistently for 2 years will have 'beaten the game'. Will be a fun ride though
Why did people want to play classic again?
>People already asking for more layers instead of less
A 15 year old game being successful would mean that the direction these chucklefucks are taking the games industry is wrong.
>too many people want to play this game
>this is proof that nobody wants to play this game and it will die in a week
Can the World Health Organization officially recognize contrarianism as a mental illness? At least developers with the infamous "You think you want it, but you don't" line held those opinions a year before it became obvious what a massive success classic is.
Watching how much of a trainwreck classic is made me realize how much better 14 is. I resubbed to 14 after 4 years
Imagine seething on Yea Forums while millions of players are enjoying the greatest MMORPG of all time right now.
I think they're upset because they KNOW the direction the industry has been going is wrong. Notice how game "journalists" and the industry has begun to demonize fans just like the movie industry does. They want to use games to push an agenda and I guess WoW Classic's popularity shows people don't like that shit.
Just like the original vanilla. And it was amazing back then. If i play it for 6 month this time it will be a perfect memory.
No cross realm dungeon/raid ques.
No flying mounts.
>people wait for hours on logging screens to get into the game
>that means people don't want to play the game
are you ok user?
it's a superior game
>Say it with me. Ready?
I cannot imagine thinking this was a good or clever thing to write
Cope, retailcuck.
Why not.just wait for the fad players to die off, the ones who're just there for memes? Give it a week or two, zoomies will get bored and fuck off.
Fuck that world quest sucked. I played it once and avoided it every time after that. But at least it's optional.
BFA is in such a sad fucking state right now that the bejewelled, line crossing and match 2 world quests are more fun than actually playing the game.
Both retail and classic are garbage. The only people benefiting from this endless shitpost war are Blizzard who will come out on top regardless of if Classic flops or now.
>didn't play on the streamer server or whitmane
>didn't have to wait hours
>get into the quest mob lines
>spam earthshock to skip the line
>laugh as I'll never see those chucklefucks again
Classic has been good.
>three different threads in catalog about waiting in line for quests
Is anyone really surprised?
>a retail minigame is more fun to play than every classes on classic
oh no no no...
>The only people benefiting from this endless shitpost war are Blizzard who will come out on top regardless of if Classic flops or now.
Sadly this. Either way, Blizzard is getting paid handsomely thanks to its fanbase full of idiots. Classic is nothing more than a quick cash grab.
>Classic is a huge success
Wow guys u were right u did want it I guess we were wrong haha *wipes sweat off of brow with millions of dollars*
>Classic is a failure
Has someone made an edit of that Simpsons Monkey Knife Fight yet? Except it's Blizzard laughing at Classicucks and Retailosers fighting.
There were bejeweled addons for vanilla back in the day when it took 15-25 minutes to get to a dungeon. Wow fans have always loved match 3 games
>if allowed
the utter state of warlocks in classic dear lord
As someone who played Legion I can safely say a more "complex" rotation doesn't make it a more fun game.
You act like this is somehow a horrible thing that dismisses entire classic wow.
Yeah, wow, something being super duper popular at launch to the point there's massive queues certainly makes it look like a failure eh? People taking that in stride and being nice to eachother to the point of forming lines for quest mob kills sure makes it seem oh so terrible a community eh?
So real talk do you think Blizz intentionally sabotaged this shit on purpose? They had to have known that high demand was going to fuck things up like this.
>tfw classic IS a mini game
souse? image search returns nothing
>no queues on release day
>heavy queues on release day
You just cant win sometimes.
your mom lol
>not Mists of Pandaria Affliction rotation/priority.
Britanny Elizabeth.
I found this out by using the google image search you total fucking liar.
I actually played it on medium server, it was fun for 4 hours, then I stopped and have no wish to play anymore
Login queues are fine and expected, being bottlenecked by the shitty game.desigm once you get past that is laughable and worth of scorn
When I play an massive multiplayer online game I want it to feel massive and multiplayer, not the 25 guys I raid with inside the current expansions capital city
You think the salty tears are bad now? Wait a few weeks. I'm gonna be laughing my ass off seeing everyone crying about getting ganked and camped by Rogues.
>quit wow almost 10 years ago
>came back for classic
>queue for a queue
>miss me with this gay shit
>try regular wow with my old characters because why the fuck not
>play for a bit
>it's actually not that bad
bravo blizzard, pretty sure this was your jew plan all along
it'll be a while until I need the new expansion, but still managed to reel me in, and I'm sure thousands as well
You think you do but you don't
thank you. but I promise I tried it myself and got nothing.
im already fucking bored. But then again I cant access my character because of retarded queues and I dont feel like grinding 1-12 again
*laughs in Hunter*
can anyone hook me up with anti afk macro?
Server queues are fine and expected.
People begging for more layers day 1 because they can't complete quests in the starter zone is worthy of a hearty guffaw.
Retail WoW is 'fine' if you've not played in a while. Questing and leveling is fun enough. It's when you get to Level Cap and realise the game is an neverending skinner box that you understand the state of how bad it is.
Classic might be turbotrash, but at least you can "complete" it.
Always try using the "All Sizes" option. It's how I find anything through google image search.
dont fall for the zoomer hype and enjoy the better game
Trannies seething openly because everyone is too busy playing the game to argue with them
Is the realm Bigglesworth any good? Any info on it?
I'm mad as fuck with this 4 hour queue
Reminder to everyone that WoW is a game first of all, and MMORP second.
What is #1 a game needs? If you thought "socializing" you should just fuck off to faceboook.
#1 a game needs is:
Good gameplay
Classic doesn't have that.
>It's when you get to Level Cap and realise the game is an neverending skinner box that you understand the state of how bad it is.
>Classic might be turbotrash, but at least you can "complete" it.
So getting 2 items a week from 40 man raid is fun gameplay that lets you """"""""complete the game"""""""""" but getting 5 items from a 20 man raid in addition to dungeon items every week is neverending skinner box?
the newfags this time play together with the oldfags and are learning quickly and are actually trying to group with random people running around
server issues and overpopulation were expected
>Each abillity/spell fills it's own purpose and is always a button press away as long as you maintain aggro/mana/hp
>Each abillity is only there to string into a combo of other abillities with a few ''CDs'' in there for when you want to mitigate/burst
>The combos themselves are so braindead easy to maintain that blizz has to force players to do other shit while maintaining their ''combo''
more buttons/=more complexity. With that said, WoW never really needed to be overly complex to be fun to play since there was always something else to do/see in a fight while you were fullfilling your role.
It's kinda like how ARPGs never really needs more than 4 buttons to feel compeling since each button had/has the potential of completely changing what was/is happening on the screen.
Blizzard planned all of this. They're laughing as they count their money while you NEETs sit in queues, unable to play. Taking bets on when they'll introduce the paid "Queue Skipper" feature.
Epic spells with their own purose
I'm playing just fine. Don't know what servers you're on.
You're really clinging to something that only affects high-pop servers, specifically only starting zones in those high-pop servers, specifically only the starting zones in those high-pop servers that happen to house two races instead of one, and to be even more specific, only starting zones in those high-pop servers that happen to house two races instead of one and will only be this congested for the first week or two, something that the classic hype threads pointed out would inevitably be the case because the entire playerbase is stuck in 1-2 zones.
big cringe
>raiding rotations
You poor, damaged retailbabies.
I never said Classic was fun, nerd, in fact I called it turbotrash. I said you can complete it. You can get your full BiS from Molten Snore and you're done till BWL comes out.
However, you're never done with BFA because you can always get more Artifact Power for your heart, and you "should" always do every single WQ with an item reward incase it Supernigger Forges to be better than Mythic Raid loot.
>paid "Queue Skipper" feature
Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Please leave your basement if you are that desperate for social interaction and think that making lines is something amazing
wow is a pve game
pve endgame is raiding
Exact same argument was used in legion but it turned out that you could get your bis gear from m+ and max out your weapon before first tier even came out yet retarded faggots like you still used the same endlass skinnerbox argument every single fucking day
>~7 items a week
Hope your BiS titanforged 20ilvls. It didnt? Well fuck get back on that treadmill, come on HUP HUP HUP HUP HU- oh it happened? Great! Next month we are going to be raising the ilvl of literally every drop by 40, completely invalidating your efforts the last 3 months.
Can't wait for The Barrens chat to be filled with /pol/ tier debates.
reported for underage
>It doesn't count in this kind of content!!!
>Take a flight path
>Enter the Barrens
Donald Trump
>Exit the Barrens
>Ignores the rest of the spells in the spell book becuase?
It was already obvious that you are a shitposter, you don't have to hammer it home even harder.
Seethe much?
>[1. General] [Shadowlol] Have you ever read the Communist Manifesto? Okay then you have no right to criticize communism.
I'm sure you are having a great time making lines and are not delusional at all, did you post your queue screenshot on reddit yet?
Ah yes, surely classic boomers are underage. Spot on, dipshit
Didn’t you have to actively spam for a dungeon group though
I actually liked the Bejeweled and Line Cross toys in legion. They were clearly one dev's passion project of "can I implement a simple minigame using our ass-backwards scripting and spell engine" and it succeeded. It felt cheap that they brought them back as world quests, but whatever, it was easy rep and let me get flying in between the time when Classic name reservations went live and when Classic came out.
ignore them because they're not used you dumb dumb
also most of them are also on retail
Eye of Killrog and Create Firestone are incredibly helpful spells when you fight, can't believe these zoomers forgot about them. Oh and can't forget about the incredibly important Unending Breath as well!
>bis gear from m+
But what if you do it again next week and it Titanforges 5 levels higher or gets a socket, user?
Don't get why you're so upset with the truth. I liked Legion, fyi. But BFA is fucking horseshit, you literally can't max out the Heart of Azeroth like you could with Artifact Weapons (even the Legionfall thing they added later had a max level that you could theoretically reach). You can ALWAYS level the heart up. You're never finished.
And again, Titanforging is a thing, whether you like it or not. Your "BiS" could always be improved by it getting a socket or a tertiary stat even if you win the lottery and max out the ilevel first try.
Thanks to debuff limits, it literally does not no.
When your group was formed you still had to get to the instance. The flight system was incredibly slow and sometimes you had to go to the other continent which meant you had to wait for a zeppelin or a boat. Couple that with most people only having a 60% mount and having to hoof it across half the zone after landing. It could take a long ass time to just get there depending on the instance.
I dont think the game design should be altered because of a 1st week problem.
Pretty sure add-ons with that kind of functionality weren't done until WoTLK with Peggle and shit, give me a name of a classic Vanilla minigame addon that wasn't just Poker macros
>classic has voice chat
wtf, I don't remember that.
>classic boomers
you mean streamer zoomers? lmao
delusional alright
Fucking idiot zoomer doesn't even cast Soothe Animal or Flametongue totem lmaoing@ur life.
Is cross realm battlegrounds available in Classic?
If not, then I feel sorry for people who have to wait up to 1h to get Altercal full.
I can't even tell what side this picture is supporting, am I supposed to be swayed by a bunch of Yea Forums shitters unable to progress past the fucking starting zone?
Think it will last more than a month, or week?
This picture is showing that WoW Classic's popularity is pissing off people who care enough to make a concerted effort to hate on this game.
un-fucking-ironically true
Using Eyes of the Beast and Beast Lore effectively is the sign of a true boomer. Anybody who doesn't have them bound on 1 and 2 is clearly a zoom zoom
>ignore them because they're not used you dumb dumb also most of them are also on retail
First of all, no, every spell in the book has it's own scenarios where they are needed and in all content outside of raiding you will use most of them all the time to speed up questing or make the fights easier for you and your group. And about half of the spells that existen in vanilla is gone in retail and the few that remain are either completely different or has been nerfed hard enough to force them into a ''rotation''
Feel free to stop posting any time, your shitposting is starting to get kinda pathetic
>Eye of Killrog and Create Firestone are incredibly helpful spells when you fight, can't believe these zoomers forgot about them. Oh and can't forget about the incredibly important Unending Breath as well!
Eye of killrog is usefull in scertain raid scenarios and in PvP. Unending breath is usefull in World PvP and questing. Firestone is garbage though, I'll give you that, a whooping 1 spell that is useless? SHUT IT DOWN! THEY ARE ALL GARBAGE!
Its shit but yeah it was there. Like communicating between a bedroom and a treehouse with 2 dixie cups and a string though
imagine playing a pve game for the pvp
so...not classic wow
lol that's what I was gonna say
If you want to be real nitpicky yeah. The fact anyone got to play on a tuesday isnt true classic wow either but nobodies bitching about it
Imagine basing your entire viewpoint of a game on an arbitrary label you made up for it yourself
Voice Chat wasn't added until the best patch in WoW's history, 2.2 in TBC.
There is literally a 4 level period in the entirety of Classic that you would ever cast Flametongue Totem. Between 28-32 when you don't have Windfury Totem yet. Not in dungeons, not in raids, not in PvP, not anywhere except if you do Razorfen Kraul once and there are no Rogues in the group?
Isn't the source of all this shitposting due to Classic being TOO massive and TOO multiplayer for zoomzooms?
2 days ago
go back to following a streamer in a game, zoom zoom
>best patch
Yikes, elf-faggot
>literally a 4 level period
How about when the Chromatic dragons in BWL cycle into Fire Vulnerability? There, that's a raid for you.
Imagine missing the point this hard. You have a shitton of spells but none of them are used to fight with. No matter what you do you still cast the same 1-3 spells to deal damage. Everything else is just fluff, useless or helps with traversal in some way. Creating a mana gem isn't worthless but it won't make spamming frostbolt for 50 hours more fun either
3 months until the hype dies out and people just leave
Except you do use those spells to fight, just not in the raids you do 1-2 days a week. There's an entire other period in which to put your Fire Blast and Fear and Curse of Agony and Arcane Explosion and Frost Nova and Summon Voidwalker and so on to use.
>played nostalrius
>wanted more, played lights hope
>flame burnt out, stopped playing wow entirely
>mfw seeing all of the changes they made to classic
>mfw seeing it on fire when it releases
You fucking idiots get what you deserve. Never trust nuBlizz.
Wait until the game is dead in a month and ppl will be crying about dead servers and coping about server merges.
The ride never ends.
Nuh uh, raiding is the end all be all of wow. Farming is bitchwork for the soi-golems that couldnt attain the glorious position of the 3rd of 5 warlocks in the raid
>It was there
How to spot the person who didn't play Vanilla, a handy guide.
It was a joke because 2.2 is considered the worst "big" patch in the history of the game, perhaps tied with that time they added Twitter and Selfies in WoD.
Flametongue Totem's damage is so low that Windfury would probably still be better, but I'll give you bonus points for reaching for a 5 second scenario that it might be worth the mana to cast if you're bored on trash.
Don't you mean 3, no wait 6, no wait wait hold on 12 months?
>muh pvp
you still use more spells on retail, pvp or pve
what's your point
We're home bros.
>Durr why dont you remember exactly which patch a shitty feature nobody ever used came out from over a decade ago
>on retail, pvp
All the damage control threads are great. Love seeing the salt flow from people who are butt blasted the relaunch was huge.
I'm not mad the queue is 20k people
I'm mad the queue is 20k people and 18k of them are not going to play longer than a month because of streamer fake hype
Okay so I waited for the initial zerg rush to stop so I could start having a comfy experience and take in the same slowly since I never played Vanilla.
Turns out that apparently a huge majority of people playing either were massive tryhards 15 years ago or actually min maxed every possible quest, route and whatnot before the server launch. I'm running by several autistic groups on their own world trying to level as fast as possible without any sense of "help and community" and basically also mimicking big streamers.
Yea Forums had convinced me that "HOME" was this fucking magical idea of experience and reliving the old WoW but apparently it's the same shit as Retail all over again, everyone rushing to end game so they can actually start playing the fucking game.
FUCK I'm mad, I feel robbed. I don't know shit about Vanilla and the population keeps power leveling without much thought, while I'm here exploring alone like an idiot.
>left = blizzard
>right = blizzdrone
Hey don't go too far with those goalposts, I might not be able to see them if you move them any more.
if you want to push as many many buttons as you can as quickly as you can, learn piano instead of playing mmos. retarded busywork /= more complexity
You can fit your commonly used skills in, at most, 5 keybinds. It's pretty fucking mindless, pvp or pve
>expansion theme is literally pvp with war mode
>"t-there's no pvp!!!"
the game is filled with grind quest after grind quest, what help and community were you fooled into believing would exist? there is no gameplay mechanic to facilitate a community.
>You can fit your commonly used skills in, at most, 5 keybinds. It's pretty fucking mindless, pvp or pve
PvE? Maybe, it comes down to which class you are playing and what you are doing. In PvP you will always have a reason to use 90% of your arsenal since for most classes these abilliteis acted ass temporary buffs, self heals, many different kinds of CC, distractions, team synergy, etc.
that's not just warlocks it's any class with a debuff. Priority on a 16-slot list is up to the raid lead.
We called that 'contested zones' back in the day, zoomzoom. You didn't get to skate in and out of them at your convenience either unless you wanted to huddle in a capital and get nothing done. You also can't read because nowhere did I say there was no pvp, only that you were wrong in saying more spells are used in retail for it.
People have been saying this since Classic was announced. You can't recreate the amazing community Vanilla had.
Friendships, alliances and guilds were made during Vanilla. They've already been made for months before Classic even launched. You're not gonna quest with one guy in Desolace and then join his guild and meet all of his friends that he met while questing in Ashenvale. He's been shitposting on Yea Forums for months with his guild waiting for the servers to go live so he can speed level with his 5 man group optimized for dungeons.
imagine people rather waiting 5 hours in line to play classic than playing retail
how do retail devs even cope at this point?
They were all begging to work on Classic too lmao, the absolute state
"Always" is a bit of a lie don't you think? Most skills are situational at best. Sure things like Spellstones could be used to clutch a win against a mage but you rarely saw them used. Every class has these situationally useful skills that most people will never use for one reason or another, mainly because they're already using a different one that doesn't stack with the one they want to use (mage armor/ice armor, armor totem/slow totem etc)
That does not reflect my experience from today's session at all. There was a delightful amount of chatting in zone general chats, people actually quested together instead of just facerolling their way through dungeons, and I even found a guild by talking to some random player. People radiate good feels and everything is wholesome as fuck.
I also like it that my character is not some demigod who can just cut through ten enemies at once while regenerating HP instead of losing it. I need to be careful with with my pulls if I'm alone and plan what I'm doing. Dungeons will be the same, CC has to be utilised for any chance of success. I need to communicate with other people instead of just minding my business and smashing keys.
This is how WoW should be, Blizzard just fucked up somewhere at the middle of TBC.
This. I actually died a couple times leveling as a warrior. Nu-blizzard has forgotten that even low level stuff should be tricky. There's no joy in steamrolling just to get to higher levels.
Also, god bless those druids/priests who give buffs as they walk by.
>Also, god bless those druids/priests who give buffs as they walk by.
This. It saved my butt a few times.
I'd disagree.
I've had alot of fun so far and people have grouped and played together and socialised quite alot from my experience thus far.
t. someone who hasn't participated in gen chat/barrens chat
>Playing warrior
>Mage gave me the int buff anyways
Even with cruise control you still need to steer, friend
Even smart Warriors benefit in Vanilla user, Intelligence increases your weapon skill gain.
>Doesn't want Arcane Int to get his Axe skill faster so that he can get a better mace in 2 quests and have to start again
Bro int buff is good for you. Read what int does before you slag him off
>Both retail and classic are garbage
No just retail is idiot
I want to play a warrior, but I am afraid I will fuck up tanking. I want to DPS warrior in raids but I know I will be expected to tank dungeons until then.
excuse this phasing shit
classic has only show how low the bar really is
This, Yea Forums is maximum cringe right now when it comes to wow classic
Game hasn't even started well yet and it's already a massive success by any metric
Them adding servers is a good thing. Fuck waiting in queue for 4 hours.
Umm Classickeks? Explain???
Warriors are some of the best DPS and the only tanks. Unless of course you've got some sweaty nerd trying really hard to convince his guild that Feral can tank just fine as he nervously checks his bag to see how many Manual Crowd Pummelers he has left.
You'll be expected to tank a lot of raid content for bosses like Majorhomo who need more than 2 tanks.
>How long do you give it before people get sick of it and quit?
this has literally happened with
How fucking pathetic are retailcucks and ffbabs that they have to shitpost this hard about WoW Classic?
It's not that hard. Your bread and butter is Sunder, Revenge and Heroic Strike for good threat. Cleave is one of your only ways to hit multiple targets in Defensive Stance but it doesn't have baked in threat so try to use judgement on when it will be best over HS. Know how Taunt works (gives you the same amount of threat as the guy currently on top of the list, so useless if you already have aggro and can be abused for easy gains if you know how to time it with DPS threat spikes), Shield Block is your best combo into Revenge, and don't be afraid to drop a quick stance dance into thunder clap every so often to keep that Attack Speed debuff up with Demoralizing Shout.
Im aware what it do, I just dont think its worth the mana spent especially walking around razor hill theres like 8 people who could use it better
Manual Crowd Pummeler is the DPS best in slot though user. I also had a Feral tank AQ with me back in Vanilla and even take over as MT for the last boss of 20 because his kit was better suited for it.
people have no idea how bad the grind will get.
20-30 will kill most zoomer players
woulw it be worth creating a character on the low pop server?
I did it before in actual vanilla but you just get stuck on a world with a much less developed economy if it doesn't actually fill up
what was the site for fastest leveling route withan interactive map
why not, no queue times and if it's too empty they'll merge it.
I think he's pointing out that feral tanks need to use manual crowd pummeler charges to maintain threat. So good ferals literally were reliant upon a blue level 34 item's charges (3 per mace) in order to do their job properly.
This doesn't even mention the crushing blows that druids can't prevent, unlike warrior tanks. It's unfortunate, but warriors were the only viable end game tank in classic. To be a feral tank taxed your guild and really only worked if you were overgeared for it.
>People coming together to overcome technical limitations in the most civil way possible without being forced to
>lmao loser cucks
Can't you see how precious this really is?
Why are people so fucking stupid that they're waiting in 5000+ queues instead of rerolling on a lower pop server with next to no queues? Unless you're lvl 10+ it's not like you're losing significant time investment.
Like is playing with your friend Asmongold on the Asmon layer really worth waiting hours in queue? Like seriously if you rolled on Faerlina and you're complaining about queues then you deserve what's happening to you.
You aren’t bottlenecked. You can definitely just go grind mobs instead of waiting for the one quest mob. Classic is non-linear so you can actually just skip the lower level quests and grind mobs instead. People are CHOOSING to wait in the line for the mob rather than doing that.
>Manual Crowd Pummeler is the DPS best in slot though user
Thats, kinda my point. Feral Druids are only as viable as the amount of crowd pummelers they have farmed that day. And then there is some content they just cannot do, like the infamous 4 Horsechads. Why any guild would put up with this kind of behaviour that is only going to cause problems just so that one furfag can pretend his spec doesn't suck?
Bro just listen to the privateserverchads, they've tanked naxx while dual wielding SFK daggers only wearing the twill set. The game is super easy, even ferals can tank
I'm playing on Kirtonos and theres no queues. Population is still enough that the zones feel alive so i dont have to worry about being on a dead server...yet.
>wages up at 6:00 am
> he drives to work thinking about HOME
>"Today is the day"
>wages good 8 hours of the day away, all while thinking of classic
>"oboy oboy ohboy can't wait to recapture the virtual youth! Of my youth!"
>"OH BOY Time to go HOME, to make it HOME HOME HOME!"
>Exitedly wagie "rushes" home, as fast as the rush hour allows that is
>He sits down in front of his computer and starts up the queue, 6 hours it says
>"Oh come on come on, please hurry up!", he pleads
>"Please let me in!"
>And sure enough, in 6 hours it does
>"HA HA! Yes! Home! Everybody! Home!" he declares, as he enters the queue for the very first quest
>"Yes, yes, yes! This is it! I can't wait!"
>He shakes with exitement
>2 Hours pass and as he reaches the ALMOST end of the line, he hears a familiar sound
>But he knows, he must go bed, early to bed, early to wakie, early to wagie.
>"Can't waste the boss' time, his hard earned dime"
>So he crawls into bed at 22:00 sharp, with the light in his heart growing dark
>"Well tomorrow is another day, I know I will make it home then, some way"
>...But we know better than he, don't we?
>Neety nights, my sweeties.
People would rather wait in hour long queues on the high pop servers than play on the lower pop ones
But Feral tanks have to farm Warden's Staff instead
>private server
They're different games. The numbers on private servers have never matched live.
Heres a (You) for effort
>mfw Grob isn't having these issues
Grobfriends, how you doing?
>go back to realm selection screen, select a realm with no queue, get in, then select your desired realm
can't believe this shit worked. enjoy the queue braindead boomers
God help you if you play Alliance and someone has somehow convinced 38 other people that Prot Paladins are viable.
>Warden's Staff
Youre a funny guy
>tfw playing on a shitty dead server(Incendius) that is only medium pop.
Fucking kill me. I know I should ahve joined Skeram/Stalaggs bros.
Nice bait
like this
>Yea Forums and journos mock those who play classic wow
desu, if Classic managed to get so much hype despite being 15 yo and manage to get so many people at the same time just goes to show how shit the gaming industry is if a game released in 2004 is the biggest thing atm (same with Ion Fury).
crapshit already dead?
They fucking named a server 'Devaie Delight'? Top fucking kek.
It'll be semi-possible once Dire Maul and AQ opening event is a thing
I got to level 6 before work today :)
The low population ones were the ones added either yesterday, today, or a couple days before release.
A lot of people haven't gone to them because they want to stay on the populated servers, even though they are full.
Wow that's crazy user, it actually worked. Thanks for the tip!
Change server?
An RP one at that lmao
did they really add candy crush to wow
Just goes to show how seriously Blizzard is taking this whole classic thing. Even they see it as a joke.
They deserve to wait if they're too stubborn to move. I have no sympathy for the retards that are continuing to complain about long queues.
how the fuck does this work?
watching streamers is a mental illness. it's for people who need constant entertainment and "community".
Been waiting in que for like 5 hours now.. How fun this is.
the seethe is at maximum level bros. We are home, and we will stay. SEETHE HARDER TRANNIES AND ZOOMERS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
EUfag who hasn't really been paying attention here, what realm should I play on if I want a PvP realm that's not gonna be 90% people speaking their own shitty language? Also, do you think it's worth it to wait a bit until the queues get less crazy to roll on one of the full realms or will the less full realms stay alive for more than a couple of weeks?
Blizzard always is famously out of touch with its playerbase.
I thought you were shitposting, but this actually worked lmao
>1-16 again
no thanks I'd rather sit in queue
What if adding a bunch of new servers on release day was a dumb knee jerk reaction on blizzard's part and a couple of months from now all of those servers have low pop?
Atleast he play
You paid $15 for watching a countdown that goes up instead of goinf down
You deserve to wait then
The entire game will have low pop in a few months. Get ready for classic cross realm in phase 3 at the latest
>hit 12 on my rogue
>bored out of my mind
remind me when this gets better again
Then they'll merge them. It's not an unheard of thing for blizz to do when servers become too low pop. And if more people decided to switch over then it wouldnt be a low pop server in the first place.
Instead we servers with no queues and high pop servers with 25k queues.
Friendly reminder that a druid tank works on all fights that a warrior works for.
Less competition for loot.
More convenience.
Can give everyone nice armor buff.
Way easier time leveling.
and game developer ego is why you get shitty atmospheric indie hipster art games with zero depth to them.
This is the good part. If you dont like it its probably not the game for you
>It's not an unheard of thing for blizz to do when servers become too low pop.
Wait, I thought blizz didn't merge servers so that people had to spend money on character transfers? At best they had those shitty cross-realm mechanics. But I haven't played retail in like a decade.
You should probably stop playing then retail fag.
>Friendly reminder that a druid tank works on all fights that a warrior works for
They offered free server transfers in the past for servers with dead pops.
This is true. Also Shamans can tank any 5-man and hold really good threat.
your first dungeon with the boys, chewing the fat in between the casters drinking, getting some fat loot at the end.
>we're going home Yea Forumsros
Also i'll add that they offered high pop servers free transfers to switch to lower pop ones. Seems like thats something they might do in the near future since it seems ppl are too stubborn to switch over.
They were even more skewed in the NPCs' favor, so anything that worked there works even better in Classic.
I don't care if Blizzard gets a fuckton of money as long as they make good games. I gladly handed them my hard-earned cash for Diablo II twice. When they released the original Diablo on GOG with modern hardware support, it was the first time I gave Blizzard a cent since I quit after two months of Catalcysm. I didn't even buy D3 even though it's by far my favourite Blizzard IP.
kys tranny avatar pedo
no thanks retail is even shittier than this lmao
Lol alright then, see ya.
>Friendly reminder that a druid tank works on all fights that a warrior works for.
I feel sorry for anyone you encounter that has to put up with this delusion. Druid and Paladin tanks are fine for Dungeons but hot garbage compared to Warriors for raids.
>b-but I saw a streamer on a private server tank a boss in Naxx
wow nobody cares
>All the delusion bandwagoners that cant tell the difference between a raid comp for the 1st week a raids been out and the 24th
fuck off
ill do that right after you manage to have sex
(which is never LMAO)
I can't tell who you're agreeing with. I mean, people who think Feral can tank raids are Delusional Bandwagoners that want to put 39 people through hell just so they can be cool and anti-meta.
But you could also be insulting me in some way I can't comprehend.
Paladin tanks are fundamentally broken because some of their key spells, including the ability to actually taunt, were rempoved in beta (and this is fine because if they were allowed to be viable tanks so would have to be Shamans), Druids however are entirely viable BUT require SUPER-specific itemization to make up for their lack of block/parry with greater health, armor and dodge, and are actually the better choice for certain encounters (final boss of AQ20, Chromaggus, Hateful Strike-soaking in Naxx)
It's like fucking, you know? You wouldn't appreciate the orgasm as much if you didn't have to build up to it
wow is not and has never been an mmo
why does Yea Forums want classic to fail so bad?
This oughta be good, go on.
Yeah, Druids need to work 100 times harder and farm fucking level 30 dungeons just to be inferior to Warriors in worse gear for 99% of bosses in the game.
Why any guild would put up with that kind of egotistical self serving nonsense is beyond my scope of understanding. Having off-meta DPS like Ret Paladins or Enh Shamans is one thing, but having to put up with a main tank dragging the entire 40 man group down when he dies to a crushing blow when you could just have a Warrior do it is just one of the most selfish things I can think of.
ffxiv trannies and retail cucks have been shitposting about it since it was announced
it's amusing how insecure some people are
>one of the most selfish things I can think of.
Adjust your perspective radically. Try DMT, electroshock therapy, I don't give a fuck, just make yourself into the opposite of the person you are today
Never take Yea Forums at face value. There's so much false flagging it's impossible to know what people actually think. People will say anything to get a reaction
You keep bringing up the crowd pummeler but it's irrelevant to Druid tanking. You're better off mocking their best in slot of all time gloves being stuck behind random enchant RNG in LBRS.
these faggots need to dilate
>One person ruining 39 other people's fun just because he wants to do something he finds fun
>Ur wrong lmao!!!1
aha epic lets just ninja pull the boss for laughs lmao its just a game adjust your thinking hahaha
people dont like to see success on any level happen to bad things/people
I know you could via law of averages and the general minmax mindset of a lot of private server-hopping players in the base, but I'd love for you to find 39 people who would feel like their time was 'ruined' just by seeing a Druid tank join
It is clear to me that the KING IS BACK, BABEEEEH!
They stated that medium size servers now are much bigfer than full servers back in the day, so I think you should be good man. Last night on Kurinaxx you couldn't find a place in the starting areas where you couldn't see anyone.
Im agreeing with you, ding dong, I play shaman myself and for all the variations of resto there are Im aware that theres a spec for when you first walk into molten core, one for when youve got a few epics and one that only works with full BWL level gear and a couple BiS dungeon pieces. One of my irl friends playing refuses to play anything meta so I told him to play arcane mage instead of frost when he raids so he can feel super special while still being good in raids/dungeons
Not that guy, but don't they suck at threat and need that item for extra attack speed/rage generation?
Threat isn't a weak point of theirs no, their weak point is that they rely on Dodge as their only avoidance which makes them unable to be uncrushable and as such are subject to RNG spikes in damage taken if too many unmitigated hits land in a row.
they aren't actually bis forever, they're really good, but you do replace them
Look, the reality is for guild progression, you can't druid main tank. You can druid off tank to soak damage, but for main tank in a progression, you NEED a warrior in classic. There is no alternative, crushing blows are devastating, especially if you're at gear par.
When you're in farm status, a druid can main tank and can arguably do it faster because they can put out some serious dps. But for doing new content, why would you put your faith in a tank that can randomly get one shot?
Druids do more threat than warriors for the majority of content, it's just not being fear immune, not having mocking blow, and low avoidance that hinders them.
If I played this game I would steal everything I can
You're literally retarded and this shows your complete lack of understanding the game mechanics.
>low avoidance
It's not that. Druids have higher than average avoidance than warrior tanks. It's the fact they cannot, by any means, prevent crushing blows.
Can't is a strong word, but I agree they are primarily suited for off-tank status especially with 3/4 of a DPS spec letting them do plenty of good when they're not the boss's focus unlike Prot's pathetic attempts at DPSing.
What changed so i dont waste money
Care to extrapolate?
>Seeing a Druid tank join
You word it like it's a fucking LFR queue. I'm talking about convincing 39 people in your guild that you should main tank MC and then wiping on lucifron because "whoops sorry lol my entirely rng dependant defenses didn't work out aha lets res and try again :3" or wiping on Magmadar because you're Horde and don't have fear ward.
Of course you can tank when you overgear the stuff, I fucking tanked Garr with a 2 hander once and overgeared Druids could tank nef when forced into cat form with the class call.
Stop being mean to Blizzard
It logged in 40 minutes early got right in and quested like 5 hours till silver pine was super fun formed a group of 5 to get mobs
>Pay £120 a year to play
>stop can no longer play
>can't even play content you have paid £40 for
>server costs cheaper than ever
>less content than ever
>15 year old game
>cash shop
>£120 A YEAR
Blizzdrones, not even once
hopefully all the casuals fuck off and let me play
Technically a preraid bis-geared Druid is further along their gear level than a preraid bis-geared Warrior, considering how only their Rings, Cape, Neck, Shoulders and Belt can be upgraded from MC gear.
>not leveling up in red zones starting from the lowest level possible
The cash shop only applies to retail (for now)
Could you imagine so brain damaged you would subject yourself to sitting in a 5 hour queue
>It's impossible to do other things while waiting for queue to pop!
>It's exactly like physically standing in line!
>Stop having fun!
They're offtanks and the best. I don't need to give you an innervate enema for you to understand that. No fuck back to downsville.
i think i hyped myself to hard, I'm feeling a bit underwhelmed
this show me good game that was released in the last two years
the combat has no depth or way to be creative
Sorry I rolled on a based server where I don't have to sit in a queue for 20 hours
Dusk, Amid Evil
You're not alone brother
You walked all the way up there just to take a screenshot and post on Yea Forums?
Judging by the fact that a very small percentage of you shitters ever got rank 1, I'd say 90% of you.
There is no agenda besides making money, you wash your games out until they are palatable to everyone and you connect them to live service and microtransactions to leech money, but the problem is the games themselves are now designed to be palatable to everyone but they don't really taste good to anyone, and many times the game experience itself will be designed and sabotaged to push microtransactions to make more money, congrats your game industry sucks now
Look all I'm saying is you're fucking over your guild by wanting to be a main tank as a Druid. Feel free to show my graphs or streams or pie charts teaching me that druids "can" tank things, but they are inferior to Warriors for 99% of content, can just drop over dead if they get chain crushed and there's not a thing you can do about it and there are some bosses they simply cannot tank.
Why would I and 38 other people wanna enable some retard to fulfil his WOO NON META fantasy? It's fine enough having inferior meme dps, it's not like Classic had any super hard DPS checks outside of Patchwerk, but if your tank dies you wipe, and Druids might just die because the game said so regardless of "skill" or ability to play.
>There is no agenda besides making money
Oh yes there is. The same cultural marxist trash that's flooded the film and TV industry is being pushed in gaming now. AT THE SACRIFICE OF PROFITS.
Did you not just see how a ton of corporations said that corporations aren't solely responsible for shareholder profits anymore? They're trying to shape society by using corporations to push agendas from the top down.
>rerolling on a lower pop server with next to no queues?
even lower pop servers have queues
who id dis semondemon
Yes just call me a conspiracy theorist, that actually aids in the point I'm trying to make. The anger against this game and the people who enjoy it is obviously coming from ideologues and their useful idiots trying to push agendas. All the complaining about it being a game 15 years old is because 15 years ago games weren't a vehicle to solely push propaganda.
Basically this. You're also at a stage in the game where you can literally reroll and just play a warrior with no real cost. People insisting they go druid tank will inevitably fuck over their guild, all to just satiate the ego of some moron who refuses to acknowledge the mechanics do not allow for it.
If you care about tanking, you'll play the class more suited for the role. If all you care about is your non meta epeen, go ahead, but don't expect 39 other people to cater to your bs.
I for one welcome our new corporate overlords.
Yo you forgot
Fire Blast
They thought we could go back.
I unironically agree with this guy. It's why we got shit like BFV. Corporations are doing things for ideological reasons, not profit reasons. Classic wow proves that the games industry has changed.
>Playing afterthought mode instead of what the game was made for
no i walked there to do something interesting and have fun which is exactly what i did that night on a fresh low pop server knowing i would just start fresh the next day (my main server toon) when i can endure the wait. make sense?
There isn't a single boss in the game that can 3-4 crushing blow kill a bear tank. You're being silly.
>what is cast time
>what is damage intake
When you're at gear par as a tank, you'll be sitting at half health practically the entire fight with casters spam healing you. At half health, a string of crushing blows will be deadly. Try being an actual raid tank before talking out of your ass.
They're pretty fun, yeah. Better than the Tortollan ones. Also you had the same idea I did. I resubbed for the name reservations and got pathfinder 2 while waiting for Classic.
This that you could easily see coming
Yet all these underage fucking RETARDS are all baffled by it. Yea Forums is a fucking shithole. Reddit/r/gaming 2.0
U N D E R A G E CENTRAL plagued by the tranny disease
Bruh maybe you should try playing with druid tanks worth their salt. With that attitude I imagine you're part of raid groups with a revolving door roster.
we all have modern connections (well i mean, I do and i matter) why dont they just, as servers become top-heavy, expand the total pop limit? incrementally raised y units per x active (debateable) toons above z level on a sliding scale maybe?
>servers that were released first have huge queues
ahahaha what a fail blizz cant even provide good servers for classic
>the servers that were released later dont have queues whatsoever and are at medium pop at max
lololol failfailfail nobody wants to play you game
>druid tanks worth their salt
Ah yes, the Druids who are akin to Neo from the Matrix with their ability to hack into the game's code and not get crushing blow'd.
Fuck off and stop trying so hard to force your shitty Druid tank meme. Why would anyone want a main tank that straight up can't tank certain bosses and dies to RNG?
Oh that's right because haha dude chill out it's just a game if you play warrior you're just a meta poopsocker haha gottem
I'm going to play a Fire Mage in Molten Core because I'm "worth my salt"!
t. you
beat it to some old wow porn
>waiting in line for a lobotomy
>make my toons in Shazzrah
>waited three hours to login on launch
>Fuck that I just make my guy in Stonespine since is low
>Log in right away, no queue level up to 10 easily
>Laugh at niggas who wait in queue
>12 hours later try to log in
>"Realm is full, wait 30 min"
Well while I pass starting areas and can't moan about being dead realm, I gonna miss insta login
Prediction: Classic will halt long term interest in retail and force Blizzard to give up on it and begin developing World of Warcraft 2.
I couldn't think of a better opportunity to do this.
>replying to your own posts
they went woke because they thought it would make money.
That's literally all there is to it, its about money. Its always about money.
>Prediction: Classic will halt long term interest in retail and force Blizzard to give up on it and begin developing World of Warcraft 2.
That would actually be amazing.
>World of Warcraft 2.
Never gonna happen, with WoW they managed to strike gold.
After that everything they made was shite.
Couldn't even finish Titan or SC:Ghost.
Classic mad cause bad. Go talk to some druid tanks that actually get shit done. K hun go finish your homework.
>been looking forward to release for months now, planned what to roll with my group of friends etc.
>literally all of them already start to drop the game already because queue times and leveling being tedious
>now I'm stuck as a warrior leveling solo
I'm so fucking disappointed.
>went afk to do a few things around the house while I was on a flight path
>came back disconnected
>now in 4 hour queue
kill me
They would rather close blizzards doors than ever make wow2
>you think you do but you don't
was he right?
not a whole lot, the biggest change aside from muh layering is the macro system. They made them easier to make.
Even the doomers said a couple months, has it even been 24 hours yet? Holy shit the game is going down in flames by the minute
it's okay you aren't the only one to encounter something like this. take it as a sign that Jesus has chosen certain people to have a smoother experience than others... everybody has handicaps in real life why should WOW not be afflicted by SIN? just have faith and Jesus will help your toon bro.
no you retarded faggot
>World of Warcraft 2
A classic that develops differently than original wow is the next move.
Nobody wants actual wow 2 because it would have to compete with wow.
Why do Blizzard always fuck up launches?
Imagine paying a sub to blizzard of all companies to sit in a que for 5 hours waiting to play a 15 year old game.
The level of mental cope needed to justify this is off the charts
sounds like you're pretty mad bro. spend a lot of time waiting in line?
>wow launch is like literally any other wow launch
>doomposters desperate for the next tortanic take it as a victory
The fuck are you talking about? Raid bosses in classic have more than literally DOUBLE the parry rate of private servers (14% vs 6%). The only thing harder on private servers were basic bitch dungeons and regular mobs, and even those were a toss up with private server versions sometimes being weaker.
You’re a lying faggot. This is every “home” poster. A lying faggot. You weren’t there. Faggot.
how's the layering? does it affect cooperation/community life a lot?
I know, it’s an amazing almost birthday gift to see the cops
It's literally non-existent.
havent noticed it at all at level 14
not noticable at all for me so far. There are still massive bottlenecks at every other quest and I keep running into people I recognize the name of. Didn't get phased mid-combat yet like in that pretty famous webm.
it takes 4 hours to log in and all the mobs are already dead
>classic will fail because nobody will play it
>classic will fail because too many people will play it
make up your fucking mind
They think they're going back in time to a community and an era of the internet that no longer exists, they also seem to enjoy the massive decline in quality of life changes. Basically, manchildren.
Someone explain to me how the FUCK I'm in a 2 hour queue for a server that is 'medium' when I was able to log in and out yesterday freely while it was at 'high'. Explain to me, because this just seems like pure incompetence on Blizzards part. There is no reason for a 2 hour fucking queue on a Medium server. Ever
This. I unironically played high level classic wow and don’t recall ever seeing a Druid tank unless there was a boss you needed a sponge for (even then I can’t remember any before BC). No point tanking if you aren’t a warrior. Classes were very linear back then. If you want to play a Druid you better learn to heal, cuck.
How could they possibly pull this off
Classic fucking delivered bros.
It's a fucking spectacular shitshow to watch. Pure comedy gold.
I saw a Druid tank once. Adds on Fankriss, they were slightly better at holding aggro while stunned because of thorns.
>It'll flop, nobody wants to play
>haha so many people are playing it you'll hate it!
Make up your mind you dumb ass tranny.
people are going to get bored of killing boars at level 30.
i'd rather have BC or Wrath servers.
>t felt cheap that they brought them back as world quests,
Well the entire BfA is legion but cheaper.
I'm home and having so much fucking fun
haven't pulled an all-nighter like this in years
the literal in game queues for quest items is the perfect representation for theme park "mmo"s. line up to do the same thing everybody else has and will do. you are not unique. you are not special. you are just another cog that offers nothing special to the world/"community".
Has Rami ever had a good opinion?
Fucking educate me on why this is allowed or even a thing when I was literally playing for over 10 hours yerday while the server was APPARENTLY at high population and I could log in and out whenever the fuck I pleased with 0 queues.
the zoomer train
>Dude, vanilla WoW was SO much more immersive. You would almost forget you were playing a game because the world felt so real, bro -hits blunt-
>*stands in a jarringly immersion breaking line to complete a quest*
>*stands in a jarringly immersion breaking line to kill an NPC*
When has the queue system ever been accurate in the whole of the game
realm limits to only 4k players I think
>don't be a meta zombie
>in a 15 year old game where the meta has been defined for over a decade and has practically no wiggle room
The high population had a lot of people logged in but not many trying to log in. The medium server had a moderate amount of people logged in but many people trying to log in. You fucking ape.
I had to. I’m not wasting my wagecuck shekels on a game I barely get to play, and I’m sure as fuck not waiting in line like a faggot.
did all this shitposting happened when old school runescape was released?
>All of these threads shitting on classic
>get to endgame
>you just spam frostbolt
epic game
Dude the bantz while standing in line must be off the fucking wall.
sounds unironically based to me
>The 'Classic' Experience
>Mobs farmed constantly by Streamer fans so their favorite e-celeb doesn't have to grind
>Streamers carried to 'world first' by their mob
>World events orchestrated by Streamers and their fans
>Entire servers following their buttbuddy around, killing any who criticize their Streamer God.
I'd wager your autistic enough to quit before them.
Get back in the queue
ahh yes, home PogU
There wasn't any queues :)
roflmao that suxx
I'm having a blast though, I've only seen one quest queue so far.
Sometimes you get a thing that makes frostbolt pop a bigger number
Dead game
so how long till people quit?
zoomers won't stick with the game.
You realize you push crushing blows off the table by having avoidance, right?
>stop having fun
>waiting in 5 hour ques is what classic cucks define as fun
Yeah seems about right for brainless blizzard drones
meanwhile in EU....
>He thinks endgame is raiding
People raid out of necessity to get gear in order to shit on people in pvp
>yfw 'We're going home' posting culture was better than the reality of finally getting there
>Get home from work
>Log in
>474 min queue
Fuck you Blizzard, seriously fuck you.
If these queues are still this bad over the next 3-4 days, I'll quit. No game is worth sitting in queue for 4 hours every time you DC
Nah bro, you can play whatever you want! Play a Fire Mage in Molten Core! Play a Feral Druid Tank! Hell, Shamans have some tanking talents, play a Tank Shaman!
If you think this 15 year old game that has been mathematically deconstructed to its very soul means that certain specs are not "viable" then you just haven't met any good players! Everything is viable!
Maybe you shouldn't play on Faerlina?
Because 2004 was a better time, before creeping old age and mounting debts and responsibilities soured everything you think and do.
The anger is amazing
user you weren't supposed to take on more debt than you can manage.
>tfw nochanges ruined everything
I am debt-free, hence WoW Classic holds no appeal for me.
If the game is so great why are you here shitposting?
Oh right you must be in a que
>couldn't play yesterday due to computer issues
>Get my shit fixed today
>Log in, 3 minute queue
>Lots of people in orc starting area but not enough for queues, always enough mobs
Anyone have all the pics of people waiting in line to complete quests?
Haha the lonely faggot is sad that no one wants to play and talk with him. Ha-Ha!
I made 2 friends today and got invited to a guild. just group up for things like awquard quests and then talk when you're in them
Check the Yea Forums catalog, there are tons.
Who are the two evil-looking dudes presenting the login queue?
Anybody saying these queues aren't a problem are unironically blizzard shit eaters.
t. somebody who has been in queue for the past hour who still has over an hour to wait.
There's nothing 'home'-like about these queue times. They are absurd. They are trash.
Even if everything else about Classic was the same, the culture has changed. You have people standing in line to kill an NPC saying shit like, 'I'm here to clap them cheeks lol' and fuckers spamming 'thiccccc' at every female they see. Our time is over. The slang and lingo from back then is gone.
The world was in a better place 2004
No third wave feminism, no trannies everywhere, no smart phones, people weren't as shallow and degenerate, no fucking political war >me left >me right durrrr
Most of this was caused by internet. The internet was a mistake.
>picking a dead server
and no deranged schizos posting about trannies everywhere
It's literally a limitation of server hardware. Just pick a different server. If you're in a queue you're more the problem than blizzard is.
In 2004 Yea Forums was still N word
>If you're in a queue you're more the problem than blizzard is.
wtf thanks
>If you're in a queue you're more the problem than blizzard is.
Fucking hell lad, can you be any more pathetic?
I just want to play and this queue is obnoxiously bad
Asked and got my refund
In two weeks will probably not even care about resubbing on this
>The game you can't even play because you're in a queue for half the day
Simply epic
>People saying they're having queues in low pop servers
>Just switch servers bro, wtf
Haha, you'll come check out BfA, r-right?
you're a dumbass
>Loved the absurd tension and drama in Hereditary
>Missed Midsommar when it was in theaters
>Scoured the internet for a stream or torrent for over a month and a half
>Finally find an English version and watch it
>Hated it
Anyone like this?
What do you expect server bandwidth to magically get better? Lol
>If you're in a queue you're more the problem than blizzard is.
riiiiighhht it's our fault blizzard decided to call a completely full server (medium)
Pandaran Monk, my favorite classic WoW build :^)
There are queues on every realm
what the fuck
Level a new character from level 1 to max level in less than a week. Turborush to Artifact shit. Got all the Artifact shit you'll ever need. Nothing to do anymore.
Leveling a new character can take months to hit max level with. Its a massive journey, every zone filled with quests. You reach max level and still have all kinds of quests, you can go for gear, you can go into dungeons, you can do massive raids....
I expect the multi billion dollar company to open more fucking servers to avoid people waiting in multiple hour long queues
How about blizzard actually allocating enough servers for the obvious millions players wanting to play?
Blizzard just commited suicide as a company yesterday
>Leveling a new character can take months to hit max level with.
There are people already lv40ish despite the hellish queue
They did go play on them you autist.
I still had my decked out 70 tbc paladin. Logged in, looked around, logged out, deleted him.
Every server has a queue you fucking mongoloid
i have always wondered why wow gets a free pass for having almost nothing but the holy trinity of shitty quests while every other mmo gets shit on for it
It's still the first day, it's a miracle anyone can play at all. Not even being apologist here
It's like Yea Forums has never seen a major launch before
they can't just open a zillion servers that are going to be dead in a week, moron.
They are FULL with hours long queue s
Stand next to any dangerous questzone and look at them die over and over again?
((((They)))) didnt even want it to succeed
I am on one of the newer servers and it's still got 3 hour queues you absolute twat of a person.
Is it even possible for you to guzzle any more of that corporate cum you low IQ tranny?
Prove it.
wow, you're actually retarded, my bad dog
pic related is the Frost Mage raid rotation retailcuck.
WoW set the trend for people to shit on quests like that.
I don't see what's wrong with standing lin line in game. Much better than a huge group of people spamming to try to get the mob first. Takes way longer than standing in line.
Crying about now being able to play world of Warcraft and not understanding that the bandwidth of the server hardware literally can't handle all the players. Calls me a corporate bootlicker. Fuck off and die
Someone in my guild was level 28 before I went to bed, it's pretty believable there could be 40s out there
Yeah it's definitely not worse to just have it so nobody can play now for the sake of the future.
This is going to kill the servers long before having more servers would have.
>only time i had to sit in a queue longer than an hour there was a mass disconnect that bumped me up 6000 spots
Sure wish that would happen again right about now.
I joined the queue for Firemaw before going to work, went from 17k players to 233 in 9 hours.
I would roll on a new server but spaniards don't have their own servers and this is the only one with a healthy spanish population.
this mentality just doesn't hold up later in the game though, especially on pvp servers (i.e. the only servers worth playing)
>it's pretty believable
>no wiggle room
You made him look like a right mug lmao
You don't know shit about how bandwidth works. Open more servers if every server currently on has 4 hour long queues. It's that simple.
Fucking single digit IQ trannies trying to damage control for big companies are the most pathetic sight known to man.
then why does nobody? like a lot of people in this thread list questing as a positive point.
Firemaw is the most populated european server it seems.
Vanilla raids are objectively worse than any raid since TBC
Levelling in Classic 1-60 can be done in literally 4-5 days
All kind of fetch quests, just like retail, actually retail has more variety on quests
Gear farming and dungeon farming aren't exactly selling point, it's the sane shit of retail,just without timegated shit so if you know what you need ypu can deck out rsid ready faster than retail actually
What about him?
It doesn't even hold up outside of the starting zones, that's the only place I've seen the line meme happen and I just skipped the quest to grind for a few minutes.
There was a link to a stream in another thread hours ago with a nelf hunter that was already lv30
Assuming he didn't got booted out of server he can easy be lv40+ now
yup, and if not its still definetly on the top 3
Here's hoping blizz releases spanish servers just so we don't destroy more servers
Because it shows a sense of community, and the retailfags are allergic to that. Hold on a sec, their dungeon queue just popped
And the ones who aren't retailfags just want to see it fail, as is the case with anything on the internet
You're spending more time sitting in queue than it'd take to re-level.
Boys we're finally home. Retail faggots and 14 trannys are on fucking suicide watch because their games are noticably emptier than usual! SAD!
>Vanilla raids are objectively worse than any raid since TBC
this is literally not true, there are tons of shit tier raids in modern wow Uldir is worse than every raid in classic
>Gear farming and dungeon farming aren't exactly selling point, it's the sane shit of retail
proof you have no clue what you're talking about
>Levelling in Classic 1-60 can be done in literally 4-5 days
Hell to the nope.
>All kind of fetch quests, just like retail, actually retail has more variety on quests
Bejeweled. But I'd rather play WoW, if I wanted to play bejeweled I just play it in a flash game.
>Gear farming and dungeon farming aren't exactly selling point, it's the sane shit of retail,just without timegated shit so if you know what you need ypu can deck out rsid ready faster than retail actually
No you cannot, dungeons in the past were significantly more difficult. Party wipes were a common thing. Not every dungeon was finished in a matter of minutes.
>Vanilla raids are objectively worse than any raid since TBC
When are they adding level boosts? I wouldn't mind boosting a rogue to 60 just to mess around with world pvp for a bit.
every server has a queue though retard
>Wake up
>'Nice time to play some WoW'
>Sat in queue for hours
Blizzard in charge of not killing their game
Yes and if fans like me who have been waitng for this for years are already getting sick of queues it's not gonna be popular for long. There's no way your average working man, or even NEET is gonna put up with this for long.
I'm making fun of you for crying over world of Warcraft how am I defending this haha. Head back to your wow queue and wait 4 hours sugerbun you'll forget all about how retarded you are by then
>I might recall that there might have been a hunter on a livestream somewhere not sure dunno hahah just trust me bro.
you're clearly retarded
people were waiting in queues this long to play fucking WoD, of course they'll put up with it for classic
Somebody fucking gets it.
having fun farming boars, fellas?
trust him or don't
nobody cares about you faggot
>you and your friends are too retarded to know there'll be queues for the first week of launch
Have you never played WoW before?
>N-nobody c-cares about you f-f-f-f-faggot!
on the nose
>Can't understand why somebody would enjoy thing
>Assume they must be deluded and invent increasingly reaching arguments to explain why
Take out your tinted glasses
Vanilla raid were simple and poor of mechanics due the game limitations, most fight had 1 phase 1 mechanic
And 40man as a whole was cancer design
>proof you have no clue what you're talking about
You are not in 2005 bro
We know exactly what are the pre raid BiS for everyone and where to get them, some are even quest rewards and crafts, others are world drop people will farm sell 24/7 too
Gearing out this round will be faster and easier
What are you guys talking about? I got in literally instantly.
Based. Pretty much had the same experience on my hunter today.
>Also, god bless those druids/priests who give buffs as they walk by.
This. /thank'ed all of them and helped many finish their quests. It just all felt so wholesome.
Dead game
>he STILL calls nu-Blizzard garbage 'quality of life'
I know a sobbing hybridcuck when I hear one
No you're embarrassing yourself by talking about bandwidth constraints on blizzards part and now you're damage controlling because you got blown the fuck out.
Dilate tranny lmao
>people having fun playing a game
>wahhhh wahhh stop having fun wahhhh
who's the child again?
>he isn't already in the barrens
How this is my character in darkshore, on classic. There is no line in sight either.
Stream name was journeywow something, i can try to look in the archive since i am phoneposting now and i watched it on pc so i don't have it in the history
Picked a fresh realm and got in immediately last night. Leveled up with my buddy and his brother. It was awesome. We just skipped any line shit and killed mobs. Waiting for mob spawns is retarded when you could just kill 10 mobs and get the same xp.
>Take out your tinted glasses
wow so you have no actual argument? hurr durr muh nostalgia
come back when you have something intelligent to say kiddo
By changing their design philosophy, releasing TBC, and then redisigning parts of Wrath and just straight up not doing cata and doing something else.
Or by not even doing TBC and adding zones, raids, and other content on top of classic
Have fun blowing hot air cause you're in queue. Lol
How is that even a milestone? I've got my fishing to 150, I've been running around collecting flowers, I wasted 3 hours yesterday trying to do the venture co. barrens quests when I was severely underleveled (and didn't even end up finishing it), dying multiple times in the process and having to do long as fuck corpse runs.
>Hell to the nope
Just because you are bad or just inneficent that waste time in a queue line to tag a mob or does garbage dungeon doesn't mean there aren't people better than you out where
Don't come back when in the next 2-3 days there are the Servers Firsts lv60
But it is an argument
You are pretending wow Classic is going to be such a journey, an hard a complex game but it's obvious i am not going to convince you
You sound awfully mad, friendo.
why is there a sub fee if the content is 15 years old and no new content is being added?
but why a sub fee?
look at all the most profitable games. zoomers is where the money is
the virgin speed leveler
>be one of those retards who rushes to 60
>wow where is all the content this isnt like retail
>wow there's nothing to do i can't believe i rushed to the end and now there's not much left for me wtf
the chad slow and steady
>in the middle of the pack
>grouping up for difficult quests whenever you need to
>reading quests
>leveling professions
>running every single dungeon at least once regardless of how unoptimal it is
>will reach level 60 when most other people will, which means there won't be all that much of a wait for phase 2
Oh it's live again
He didn't moved much since last time i seen him, might have got cucked by a queue
Lv34 now it seems
Servers aren't free and it's the same sub as retail (lol weak I know, just be a pserver chad really)
You still won't take months to level up
Modt people would unironically be lv20-30 now if it wasn't for the servers
Because you get retail and classic with your sub and also because they literally can
>i'm actually going to sit in queue for like 9 hours to get in for the first time today unless there's a mass DC again
>no guarantee i won't DC soon after and be sent to the back of the line like i was 3 times yesterday
lvl34 might be possible if you stay awake day and night but he will definitely not reach level 40 any time soon and especially not lvl 60.
Maybe you should have rolled on one of the newest servers with much shorter queue times than the most popular ones. Or maybe you should have just known this was inevitable and suck it up.
Literally nothing stopping the speed leveler from leveling professions at max and he can dab on you if you ever think about taking his nodes. You have to do most of the quests in the game to hit 60 unless you're doing the dungeon grind meme so this argument that you're somehow skipping content doesn't hold up. If you're not a zoomer then you've seen all vanilla dungeons countless times already.
He got the queue cucking like everyone else is doing
If servers were stable lv40+ by now would be definetly possible, this guy knows exactly how to maximize exp gains
Abd accirding to the stream chst there is atleast another streamer that is lv 41 right now
What makes them wait in lines? Who enforces it? Does anything happen if they try to cut or just rush the quest?
There are already 40+ people, but they are doing things like sharing a computer to never log out and play 24/7. There will be 60s before the end of the weekend
Politeness. Nobody's stopping them, and nothing happens if they cut. Weird concept, eh?
Literal drone mentality
>user at the dmv be like
>If servers were stable lv40+ by now would be definetly possible
Nope. Impossible, he probably logged in and didn't log out since release. Or he follows a strict walkthrough but then he's cheating himself.
Journeywow in twitch is already lvl 35 you seething tranny
And im sure theres a russian already in the 40s
Out of all games people really have to speedrun in Classic too...
Whats worse once they are lv60 in two days they will start becomming professions cartel lords
I mean, yeah, but honestly what else is there to say to the queue ragers other than that? The game is immensely popular right now and no one knows how many will quit so no one wants to be on the low pop servers. So 10k+ player queues are just happening for a while. After a week or two I'm sure it will improves but right now that's just reality. Crying about it on Yea Forums is just kind of pathetic.