Smart AND respected
Smart AND respected
RIP this woman's romantic life. No guy would want to touch this bitch with a yardstick for fear of sexual assault accusations.
Like she cares, she is a psychopath who sucked dicks for favors
>Zoey Quenn
the fuck
is she STILL relevant
in 2019???
Will Zoe ever find true love?
how about you just like, dont sexually assault people and it wont be a problem
You underestimate just how horny some guys are. She'll have no issues with that regardless of whether she's proven right or wrong.
It does not matter how terrible she becomes, how much fat she puts on, or how ugly she gets. There will ALWAYS be a guy willing to fuck her.
He's just covering his ass. He doesn't want to be the next one to get slapped with an accusation.
Is this somehow video game related?
You wouldn’t believe how pathetic and desperate the average man is
>you are believed
lmao. Quick rundown? I've been too busy with OGAY shit to notice rape.
Jannies, lock threads such as these. It's way more effective to not give this thot any more attention.
This is true. My neighbor was a repugnant flatso, she still had guys lined up for their turn with her. Thankfully she moved, she was trashing up the neighborhood.
how does a man get so low
um no sweaty, we don't need to tell men not to rape, we need to tell women how to not get raped.
>how is she still relevant
because she says any bullshit that will make her relevant to idiots, she decided she was trans for about a week, now everyopne has to blieve she was raped while also ignoring the MULTIPLE people who said she assaulted them
She's already hit the wall and she knows it, her only means of survival now is to have a mob tear a man down and try and sustain herself on the detritus.
>believing a Borderline Personality Disorder nutjob
Based Zuzu putting incels in place
Doesn't this guy work at Valve? Did they force Gabe to get rid of the pink cookies from the snack bar and replace them with soilent instead?
>I've been silent
Hmm doesn't sound like Zoe Quinn at all...
how the fuck am i supposed to read that
the only reason we have a transexual uproar right now is because some males failed at mating
Please let it be Randy.
Who is she accusing here?
Jeremy "Walk the House, With Two Fingers in her Hole" Soule
God I hate the western video game industry. Everything about it is so fucking awful.
why do we hate her again?
>gets in sexual situations with lots of people regularly
>they are expected to think she doesnt want it to happen
Lol what the fuck is that room? Does she live in a concrete commie block?
>That dirty ass mirror
It appears Zoe 'Five guys at once and still lots of room left' Quinn's patreon is starting to dry up again.
Looks like a hotel
The guy who composed the Skyrim theme song.
So whos she talking about. Sounds like she just wants donations
That mirror has dandruff
WTF Yea Forums, we had a deal! You were suppose to keep her in comics!
Jeremy "Lemme Smash, or You're in the Trash" Soule
Her Victim Card is about to expire, time to renew it.
yet look at the guy that replied
>i'm sure this is NOT for attention....
Alec Holowka
Sorry, but her comic bombed and ultimately helped kill the Vertigo line at DC. But don't worry, to make amends, we've decided to take Anthony Burch.
that is a stretch ma'am
>People, listen to me
>Guys, please, just listen
>and OBEY
>This guy used to lock me up against my will and rape me for months on end
>I'm not going to the police though
>I decided to do the brave thing and talk about it on twitter
>Please don't forget to donate to my Patreon account
Professional Victim for hire
>Sounds like she just wants donations
So, literally just like her entire life in game world?
is the guy replying serious or is he taking the piss? I can't tell
Guess she spent a Night in the Woods with him.
can't have another woman talk about her experiences, have to bring it back to me and keep the spotlight on me
zoey is the definition of BPD attention seeker
>Industry legend
>The guy who made a modestly successful indie game
Is he just a legend because he touched THE Zoe Quinn?
No, that's a different dude. Nathalie Lawhead is accusing Jeremy Soule. Zoe Quinn is accusing Alec Holowka.
According to the article he said “I’m jealous of you” in bed one time. It’s starting to read like Jussie Smollet wrote this
wait a fucking second it's fucking zoe quinn? fucking lmao how desperate for more victim bux is she
Why is there such a creepy cult around her? Normal people wouldn't even talk about their heroes like that.
Is she jealous he actually knows how to code?
I don't know why I did this.
Don't ask me what's behing mystery rectangles. I don't know that myself.
she''s accusing the guy who worked on Night In the Woods
win/win no matter how this plays out
that's not too bad
>Industry legend
>2 obscure indie games
lol these indie devs always have a huge ego
He probably held her more like a bowling ball, with four fingers inside her vagoo and one in her pooper.
They think they're her friend.
>“He’d jam his fingers inside me and walk me around the house by them when I told him it hurt.”
I had trouble picturing this because it was worded so badly, thanks for making it clear user.
reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep tonight
yo guys check my 4
Never played bowling. Don't you only use three fingers to hold the ball?
How does a bitch constantly manage to get raped by dif people in different situations and not think maybe they're doing something wrong lol. Rapists will be out there no matter what, u can change the laws and culture all you want but if you don't take precautions because "I shudnt have to" then you are a retard.
What the fuck is a Zuzu? Is that one of those South African instruments?
eat shit faggot
she will always be immortalized as that crazy you shouldn't stick your dick in, this is the hill she wants to die on
Yeah, but this is Zoe Quinn. He could probably fit both his fists inside her and they'd still slip out easily.
>self proclaimed rapist is accusing other people of rape now
guess the patreon bucks are wearing thin
Is that not the annoying bird form the Lion King?
>please have sex with me and please give me likes
How many of them are rapists as well?
that tattoo is straight up aposematism
>Another twitter screencap thread
Fuck this gay ass board
I believe there ought to be a Constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter.
>only 6 unique bluechecks
Have they finally wised up?
No you're thinking of Azula.
>zoe Quinn couldn't afford a plane ticket to escape her attacker
Bitch fucking LEAVE. You have fucking people who would help you, RENT A FUCKING TAXI. I actually believe her and feel bad for her but FUCK, after awhile you realize that theres just this group of people who are just born to be victims. They couldn't stand on their own or figure anything out, and Quinn is definitely one of them. Just fucking LEAVE, you aren't married to him and you don't have kids. Which is better? Getting led around by your fucking cooch by some psychopath in Canada or literally walking home?
So... he could have put a bowling ball in her, stick his hand inside and just hold it properly?
because faggots keep bringing her up, if they stopped she would have been a literally whom and never became popular
In 1776 SJWs stood up and fought for liberty while anti-SJWs wore red coats.
so who the fuck is she talking about? you all seem to know despite the name not being in the screencap. I aint checking her twitter. Was it Miyamoto?
no one would care if gamertgatefags didn't turn her into an e-celeb
Maybe it's because it's a blatant lie from a perennial liar?
This thread is literally the first time in years i have even seen her name
Two in the pink and one in the stink, user.
you have to go back
Aposematism is to repel predators.
If you don’t like it, it’s working.
is so good to have crazy people roam around the internet, days will never be bored with people like that, keep dancing monkey bitch
>not video game related
bro u wot
Valve has always been a SJW company. Anti-SJWs don’t give a shit about video games because their pastor said they were tools of the devil.
>trusting an SJW male indie game dev to not assault women
It's repelling my dick. So I don't believe her "I was sexually abused" claims
Well it certainly isn't working for her.
>I actually believe her
user, I have an old Geforce 256 GPU that is just as fast as an RTX 2080TI if you smear some vaseline on it. For the low price of $800 you can have it.
I believe her.
So sad to hear about Jeremy Soule, as well. I loved the Morrowind soundtrack but now I can never listen to it again.
a lot of trans people hate her because she hired a bunch of them and never paid them or really cared about them. she only used them to further her "career"
Nah, that's the name of a goddess from Skyrim.
How can people be this unabashedly white knighting? Do they have no self awareness or dignity?
this kills the /pol/tard
Is she even hot?
Anyone else get a sudden craving for Five Guys now?
Nah, just go to Suicide Girls if that's your thing
does look hot to you
I suppose I could believe her. Sure, it's Zoe Quinn, but woke male feminists turning out to be predatory creeps are not exactly uncommon.
You have no idea how hard it was for these brave women to come forward like this. Positive reinforcement is a heck of a lot better than no one bothering to care.
Have you not seen her nudes? She's hideous.
Men are a dead race
Most of the white knights are striving indie devs who know they have to kiss ring to get anywhere
far from that, but she will suck your dick for attention
You need mental help
its the other way around, just look at who doesn't support brexit. 1776 was similar
It's not her its who she's accusing. Dude is an SJW male feminist historically speaking that's like leaving your doors unlocked in Detroit.
She’s still alive despite lots of people, some of whom went on to kill actual people, wanting her dead.
Are these retards really taking this as gospel just because a woman said it?
I hope the guy she's accusing sues this cunt for defamation and she ends up in jail.
pretty hot, yes.
she must give some mean head if she's in so many sex scandals. probably she has daddy issues too.
That chet fellow wants to fuck her apparently
People still think females can lose out? LOL incel cope. Female life is piss easy mode. No matter what they do or how much of a red flag they are, it doesn't matter for them.
who in the literal fuck is this?
I don't know why but I feel like she's never seen Eva and I'm getting upset for no reason over it.
If only you knew how bad the things are.
she's not really popular
she does this whenever the money dries up
she'll basically have to do this for the rest of her life and never find peace even if all the orbiters enable her behavior it's like when a whore loses all enthusiasm for getting fucked but it's the only way they can make money now so they've doomed themselves to this fate
Anytime she pops again I just laugh because she is well aware she's hit the wall and it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashing down
She's a retard that tried to play the long game and failed at it
inevitable genuine suicide baiting in a year tops calling it right now
>Are these retards really taking this as gospel just because a woman said it?
So is this a case of some BPD bitch making shit up or is this another case of the male feminist who is secretly a sexual abuser?
hi cutie :3
That's probably the dumbest post in this thread.
Yeah that's bs.
>I don't know why
It's called being an incel
yes because all men rape. it's just in our blood and all women should watch out.
She's talking about it on twitter instead of going to the authorities. What do you think?
she is popular otherwise people wouldnt care everytime she breathed
> lots of people, some of whom went on to kill actual people, wanting her dead.
lmao I wish
If someone put a bullet in her head, the world would become an undeniably better place
How the fuck can these "men" exist? Holy shit.
>tfw e-celebs actually believe this
>it's like when a whore loses all enthusiasm for getting fucked but it's the only way they can make money now so they've doomed themselves to this fate
basically this
you can find the easiest way to make money but even that will get to you and you'll genuinely lose your will to live realizing that's all you can do with life
FUck you
Nice 8/2
Check my 4/2
She's accusing the developer of Night in the woods of raping her.
>I am humbled
Good lord
I bet all the transpeople she took advantage of want her dead now
>cheat with FIVE guys then complain somebody took advantage of you, which may or may not be a lie
wow so sad
This is why I stay indoors and avoid women at all costs. Still don't understand why anyone would tell someone like me to "go outside", though.
people who genuinely hate her + beta orbiters =/= popularity
but that logic the crack addict down the street that gets sympathy/hate for being an obnoxious cunt is popular
Comments like these made her relevant
well according to some background info she was molested by his father's friend, that still doesn't justify her using sex to spread std on other people who have nothing to do with her past
How is it brave to talk about being victimised in a society that wholeheartedly supports victims regardless if true or not in most cases. What can supposed perpetrators even do to them.
VNs are not video games, never were.
Glad we can be so civil with you, Yea Forums.
war vets fucking died to save these people
In 1776, politics were a completely different beast you disingenuous piece of shit.
thats literally the ONLY reason e-celebs exist, if people stopped posting some e-celeb everytime they do a thing then they would fade into obscurity
beta orbiters are the definition of popularity
considering it's confirmed she only shows up again when she blows her money like a retard she's about as relevant as a druggie
and now sjws want to destroy everything those people fought for
Eva is not obscure in the slightest though, everyone and their mothers have seen it
We unironically need another world war to reset shit up
Youre pathetic
>99% of them are white
im not surprised
The only good anti-SJW is a dead anti-SJW.
That guy in the screencap is apparently a vet himself.
War vets died for money and jews
Can't remember if it was here or the other chan but the ex that made the zoe post once took questions from anons and the most obvious one that was asked was if she was a walking petri dish for STDs. He responded by mentioning that she had a very noticeable genital wart on her vag.
Seeing the asian guy right in the middle hurt me, ngl
Not asian, just attracted to asian men
>Night in the woods
Interesting. I just listened to a podcast with a female business dev from that publisher. They seem pretty based.
Literally look at this thread and tell me survivors don't get harassed for speaking out.
I wonder how many of them are being cheated on right now.
Yep. Video games were invented so that men could rape digital women instead, but now that more and more vulnerable and easily rapable women are entering our community we no longer have that distraction. Welp, time to rape the whole industry I guess.
women, don't become game developers, journalists, streamers, or cosplayers because everything you do that is just another women who is ready for rape.
She writes for a living, user.
Even disregarding the idea of people who got sexually assaulted being """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""survivors""""""""""""""""""""""""""" as being utterly retarded, this "victim" is full of bs and making shit up for betabux just like she does every few months.
zq fucks game journos for positive reviews without her bf of that time knowing about this, they all get caught, her now ex-bf harassed for who knows why. she gets support for being a slut, opens ks for a game which is never updated for years and now we are seeing her again trying to make it all about her
Oh they do, but harassment online is fucking nothing compared to getting raped. How can you be okay with getting your body fucked in the pussy, but not okay with people writing bad words online about you. Especially if you're Zoe, who played victim multiple times, she's a professional.
You made her relevant, you faggots.
not that user but I wouldn't say this is "popularity" like we think it is
there's legitimately more people out there that hate her than there are orbiters, sure the orbiters are more vocal but when you take them out of the equation these people have nothing
she can't even get a job in industries anymore. she wrote some shitty comic for DC and it bombed and not even crying sexism saved her ass plus she's apparently writing some comic for Marvel now but once enough people showed disinterest there was absolutely no outcry or backlash on their part, not even any defenders for Zoe
she's not popular, she's like a washed up has been TRYING to be popular and failing at it
it's like when a celebrity who was popular years ago tries to stay in the limelight, that person isn't popular they're just desperate
they get harassed because they take this shit to social media for attention.
>Airing your dirty laundry on the internet with the sole intention of ruining someone's life
Disgusting. And people ask why I only date gooks.
Happy 4 year anniversary of Gamergate everyone. Why the fuck are we still here?
If by speaking out you mean conducting a social media soap opera instead of going to the cops, then yes, we should be shitting on that
Judging by the fact that she couldn't even afford to get back home on her own, it shows.
yeah, just shows they're making it up.
well the recent narrative on game journalists has flipped due to them all being called out for overreating with resetera on the ion fury devs
so zoe needed to feel relevant again
This is why we need to believe women. Because faggots like you think they're just making it up.
>post emo girl nudes
>"YoU aRe SmArT aNd ReSpeCtED"
again beta orbiters =/= popularity
a drug addict or a whore can have people that pitifully give them money but that doesn't mean they're popular, just pathetic losers
because believe it or not, you actually find people who can discuss about videogames, and they take the disagreement part far better than anywhere else, at least here you won't get the cancel outrage for not liking a game
>we need to believe women unconditionally because they lie about it all the time
Great idea retard.
just cus he cleaned barracks abroad doesn't mean he's a vet
>anita begging studios to hire her as an advisor
>Zoe resorting to the ye olde "i was raped, give me money" story
Yikes! Should've jumped on the transtrender train with the rest of the financial leeches when they had the chance. Feminism is old news.
if anything being that "chivalrous" paints a bigger target on him
god damn it
>all those trannies and whitoid söibois
of course.
Friendly reminder that she received money from pateron for years just because she exists. Her last activity there was 2 years ago.
All that pity money at least went into a nutricionist and a gym membership.
I'm sure it's not due to the liars who constantly push out false allegations all the time, causing people to naturally become skeptical.
Can I interest you in some logic my retarded fren
Oh sweety, if only you understood the soiboy beta mindset. This will only get more guys begging to be with her.
God, she’s so UGLY.
The only thing Zoe "Five Guys Jizz in my Eyes" Quinn survived was managing not to off herself in a desperate bid for attention during her teenage years.
We ALL raped her.
What an absolutely useless pokemon, it gets sick so it expects me to cross a fucken ocean to get it some bullshit "ALL NATURAL" medicine rather than waddling it's fat ass to the Pokemon centre so it can actually do it's one job of sitting in a tower and making light and to top it off it even has the local gym leader shirk her responsibilities of running a gym so she can come and rub it's belly because it it acts like a sensitive little bitch who won't let anyone else touch it or give it medicine
>how to spin a narrative
if you have tonnes of haters then you are popular, people will constantly put you in the spotlight just so they can hate you, biggest offender is DSP and how his detractors donate to him to keep him alive just to hate on him and be able to make more content
built for ass up face down doggystyle
In a commie block?
Imagine them being part of a jury.
Being Chris-chan type of famous isn't that much of an achievement.
This is an advanced sex technique my GF calls the "fuck wheelbarrow".
>if you ignore her, she'll go away!
That never ever fucking works
I love Zoe Quinn
>no i wont go to the police, because they might actually investigate and find out i'm full of shit
>i'll just make up shit online for donations
>Feminism is old news.
extremely online larpers that aren't part of an org and haven't done any work on the ground aren't feminist
>Ion Fury caves in to trannies
>Caves in 99%, not 100%
>suddenly everybody gets raped by the whole gaming industry
Coincidence? I think not.
Reminder: Zoe Quinn is a pathological liar.
Even ignoring most of the GG bullshit(and most of it WAS bulllshit), she has a long internet history of abuse and manipulation.
I'm sure this controversy has nothing to do with her patreon reaching an all-time low.
Fuck off to /leftypol/, neoliberal retard.
I chuckled.
its easier to get a crowd of emotionally driven people to believe you than someone forced to look at evidence and logic
its the only solution, these people are attentionwhores, any publicity is good publicity for them and just like the troll if you feed them they wont go away
>another lady got raped by an industry legend, time for me to take the spotlight with my own rape!!!
I hate americans so fucking much
Every single mentally ill tranny or woman is from that cursed land
Nuke california already you fucking inbred squirrels
>arm trans women
>they all kill themselves
Why do you incels refuse to believe rape survivors? What if you were raped but no one believed you?
This but unironically
damn I wish I could get a 1000 each month just to sit on my ass and post on twitter.
How dare he try to mansplain, i bet he rapes
Because OP makes thread about her and you reply into that thread. That's why.
Precisely. Social justice for women is dead trend, Twitter clout and virtue signaling are all about trannies (and to lesser amount black people) now.
knuckles poster here. how did I make her relevant? I haven't heard Zoey's name in like five fucking years
nuke the west coast in general.
>What if you were raped but no one believed you?
I'm an incel. I can't have sex.
Reminder that this woman has claimed to have killed an attempted rapist in self defense. She has zero credibility.
The problem lies in liberalism. Classic liberalism was peak progressivism when it was created and the Overton window always moves towards the left. Nothing good can come from a country founded on liberal principles.
Because Zoe Quinn here fucks with the entire industry then throws rape accusations multiple times as if she was hunting for this kind of shit instead of starting filtering who gets the chance to put a cock inside her?
>oh but its rape so she cant choose
She was going out with him
who the hell would rape her? she ugly as fuck. that tattoo, hair, and face is enough warning signs to stay away.
Show me your police report where you made the claim
>I didn't file one
>muh reputation
What reputation? 99% of the claims come from pink haired roasties.
>professional victim and slut that started one of the biggest controversies in gaming makes a claim
You can’t both be the kind of person that makes Night In The Woods and has sex with Zoe. Just not possible
i love how women are crazier every year, first they agree to fuck you and then accuse you of rape because they regret it
White knights exist wherever you go.
C, U, N, N, Why? Because I gotta!
>accuses a dev of sexual assault with no proof
>later his wikipedia article is edited with the allegations
>2 sources from resetera and gaming news site link back to the original tweet still with no proof
>people eat it up without a second thought
>Oh yeah, that happened on Yea Forums
Just say "I agree", goddamn
It was kojima
imagine being a woman that actually got gangraped or something
and then seeing this bullshit
We need someone like Google to tweet her and hire her on the spot
>giving yourself a label instead of getting some fucking therapy or learning coping habits.
>drawing attention to yourself in the first place
I despise ignorant cunts like you.
t. Got raped multiple times as a kid
Shes the GG victim so she is a saint who cant say no lies, because doubting her word is siding the the "gamers" from GG
As if anybody not on resetera or kotaku still gave a fuck about GG
>please touch my dick uwu
*eyes pop out*
*jaw drops to floor*
humina humina humina humina
Honestly, this should be shown to any faggot devs who think gaming is whites only.
Fuck yuo.
Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?
She'd be humbled.
I wonder what was the actual reason she got fired, since the whole punching thing is clearly a "and then everybody clapped" bullshit.
It's god, moving your hand
Why are you so afraid of strong women like me and Miss Quinn Yea Forums? Is it because we won’t stay quiet anymore?
lmao whats with that mirror? are those cum stains from all the guys she fucks?
Imagine being an Ampharos
pet pet pet
its pussy hair dandruff
i think the main problem people have is with the expectation that rape stories belong to a special category of truth claim that automatically get the benefit of the doubt. believing the victim is seen as a way to emotionally comfort them and the truth of the matter is secondary. obviously nobody knows what happened and if you trust someone on a personal level it's fine to just take their word for it, but what bothers people is that perfect strangers feel compelled to show their solidarity and it ends up looking like virtue signalling.
The fact that this ugly landwhale has had any sex at all is proof that she can say or do anything and still have a love life.
Why isn't this an auto-ban phrase yet?
>smart and respected
Says beta males and resetera cucks.
Because you're insufferable assholes. I would say that even (((bisexual))) men and women are more decent, but that would be too much of a lie for me.
>that one nude album of zoey
thats when you realize that her sexual assault claims are false, nobody would fucking touch her ugly mug.
guys, I just found out how it works
those two finger in the bum, and you drive her like you are about to throw a bowling ball
the anus and vagoo lads are totally wrong, unless you are maneuvering on zero G
It's also incredibly easy to completely ruin a random guy's life with an unsubstantiated rape claim that almost never goes to police, let alone a trial, and how people will believe the woman even when a court finds the man not guilty.
>takes over 80.000$ for a kikestarter game
>spent it all partying in fucking Tokyo
>”omg you guys im being bullied, pls help”
Godspeed, you glorious bastard.
>licked my tit
>blacked out
2014 was a really cringe year to be on Yea Forums
wow, what's with all those rapings? who needs to go to a strip club when working in videogames offers you that for free
When I was 13 years old my parents would drop me off at the arcade at the mall to do whatever it is they do. Well, we ate tex-mex that day and it really didn't agree with me but the arcade guy said the toilet was busted and to go into the mall toilet down the dingy hallway that my parents told me to never use. It was an emergency, so I jogged over to take a shit.
So I kicked the door down and said a silent apology to the dude at the urinal for what I was about to do and barged into the stall. I go to lock the door and the urinal guy kicks that door down and roughs me up a little. I'm thinking he's gonna rob me, which is a bummer, so I tell him the wallet is in the back pocket. He rabbit punches me, which almost causes the dook to squirt out, and tells me to shut the fuck up or he'll kill me.
He then begins feeling me up and fumbling with my cock and balls. I start hyperventilating because I'm suddenly extremely concerned about what is gonna happen next plus I really have to take a shit. He misunderstands my reactions and thinks I'm into it, so he says he knows how to make it feel good for me. He yanks my pants down and starts rimming my asshole.
Well, this causes the fecal containment protocol to fail and the liquid feces explodes out of my ass. He freaks out, I freak out, he says he's gonna kill me and then trips and knocks himself out on the tile. I steal his wallet and go buy new clothes, never breathing a word of my ordeal to anyone.
That’s what happens to us women, you incel. Can you be any more of a virgin?
>What if you were raped but no one believed you?
Despite what feminists claim, this would be far, far, far more likely than a woman being raped and nobody believing her. And personally, if it happened to me and I wasn't so mentally traumatised by it that I just repressed it completely and told nobody, I'd almost definitely go to the police with my story rather than just posting it on the internet for victim points. Because that's what should matter, isn't it? Actually bringing the bastard to justice and making sure he never does it again rather than using it as an opportunity to seek attention. You know, unless I happened to be making shit up and was scared of the police finding out. Then I'd definitely just go straight to the internet with it.
I will admit though that there's a serious problem with my logic here. Namely the fact that women don't into logic and would be far less likely than ever to into logic if they had just been raped for real.
We'd never know because you always make these retarded threads
hey, my drawing is there, feels good
ez ad revenue clicks
did it turn you gay or did you enjoy it
i believe you user
I believe 100% of rape survivors who go to the police.
I disbelieve 100% of accusers who dont go to the police
I don't expect the police to solve every report but I do expect people who are lying to try and avoid opening themselves up to punishment for lying to police.
don't deny your inner male needs and desires.
if you are a female then; why are you still here?
If I was raped and twitter didn't believe me, I'd have only myself to blame for talking about it on fucking twitter instead of at the fucking police station.
>victims are speaking up
>not to the police or anything, that would be crazy
>be a part of an old money family
>fucks five men while in a relationship
>poses nude with fucking ninja stars on your tits
>trigger nerds to the point it actually boosts Drumpf's campaign
>scams and steals from everyone she can find, including the Chuck Tingle Kickstarter
>Use a court mandated gag order to stop your Ex from EVER typing your name online, drop it when his lawyer starts chasing first amendment rights
Won't someone think of Chelsea von Valkenburg's feelings? It's not HER fault she's such an abject piece of human fucking filth, but the world who made her so!
all I'm trying to say is that most women are very unrapable because in life they have learned the true nature of men, but in the world of gaming they mostly don't know any better.
It's sad really and very predatory.
I have personal space issues to this day. I never really hugged my family or friends or anyone after that happened, even most girls I've dated would describe me as "cold". I'm ok with a few girls I've dated, though.
sexual harassment is blowing up now because it's super easy to get the men in trouble while the women get attention and monetary compensation.
see how trump bribed some bimbo with millions of dollars just to shut up.
This and the Van Valkenburg connection is some spooky shit I hope someone gets her coked out enough one day to admit it all and then have a book written on the subject
Were they all raped by Zoe?
That shit only applies in the west, that kind of bullshit would never fly in any other part of the world and thank god for that.
>taking screenshots of text
why are women just so
SO fucking DUMB
citation needed user, that's a big one.
you smart
you loyal
Aside from the fact that shes ugly and probably smells like tuna?
How about you like, kill yourself and it won't be a problem
>Hardcore SJW outs another hardcore SJW
I love it when these morons eat themselves.
>auto-ban phrase
the wonders you can do to trick you newfags if this was a thing
Her dad passed away and blamed it on GamerGate.
To be fair, it's due to character limit in Twitter.
It's actually scary how well you portraited the proportions of her ass just by shitposting.
as much as I find it funny, I am not buying the cartwheel strat
the bowling bowl is the real deal
>shitting on him, then stealing his wallet
Wow, that backfired.
But holy fuck that's still terrible what happened to you.
>repressed it completely and told nobody
See this is what normally happens, and it's what makes all these false claims so confusing. Why would you deliberately embarass yourself and cause drama instead of handling it discreetly?
one day you'll look back at it as a distant memory
>fought for liberty
>throw a bitchfit when you have to pay for a war you caused
yep... sounds like sjws alright
nice 8 nig
I'm an artist at heart.
Accused of rape on twitter is not the same as accused of rape. If you want to tell everyone in the world except the police what happened, then you dont deserve to be believed.
I'm 27 y/o, virgin, and I'm so far gone with all the weird shit that I fap to that no women interest me anymore. Thanks God.
how you came up with his attire?
this is a legit question
Because he was obviously joking but I agree with the sentiment of the joke
I wonder how her story will end. I'm guessing that at some point she'll just leave the video game world for good and fade into obscurity, having never found any meaningful relationship (romantic or otherwise), likely realizing that all her influence on the industry was for nothing and that she'll never find true happiness.
So brave.
Thank you for your service.
>Molesting someone in the restroom
You're just asking to be shit and pissed on.
White people and men literally do it to themselves. I almost cant be bothered to care anymore. It's like trying to keep sheep alive that just want to walk right off a cliff.
She literally creates threads about herself. It's her bringing herself up.
Never seen her mentioned anywhere the last few years.
Except on Yea Forums - internet drama
Funny how this bitch gets mentioned again only after 8cucks cucked itself and it's worms infesting Yea Forums again
You don't belong here
Hated it for a long, long time.
I just swing both ways now, but have no idea how relationships work as a result.
Still trying to fix that, slowly but surely.
Not videogames.
Dammit Sethisto, go to bed!
Only on Yea Forums
Theres a reason she chose the gaming community to set up shop, where even 4s can be 10s if it has a vagina.
yeah right, you underestimate the power of newfaggotry and twitter screen cap threads
Gotta be honest, it's very weird she's so relevant. In terms of output I have no fucking idea what she does. It feels like she's that one person at the office who doesn't really produce but is obsessed with the office itself.
How is this hot, christ man unironically have sex
You question implies she is relevant in the first place. You are saying she is relevant by questioning why she is relevant.
I was planning to continue the set: add roller blades and double the slut power later.
So he has to look appropriately cool right from the start.
>Those leaked Crash Overide logs where she and her SJW friends are constantly bullying and harassing other people for not agreeing with them
Also not video games. Gookmoot needs to bring back doubles for gay ass threads like these.
She's someone attractive, very promiscuous, and a "nerd". She will never want for dick.
Fuck off Zoe
>zoe quinn: known for sucking dick for compliments
>random beta tries to give compliments
just because he's a onions-beta doesn't meant he's not a man
She'll eventually be caught out in a lie so bad that it cant be covered up and they'll all just look around and say "Well it still started an important conversation about how evil gamers are and all men are rapists" like they do every time one of them gets caught being a liar/rapist/pedophile
>those fingers
most of the people claiming to be victims are the actual manipulators that know if they can gaslight people they'll never be caught
it's standard abusive behavior
>You don't belong here
why? i've been here since 2012 or so
would love to leave but I know that is impossible
>her SJW friends are constantly bullying and harassing other people for not agreeing with them
>She's the entire reason Candace Owens exists as le based Black conservative for bullying her anti-bully initiative
These grifters deserve each other, but gods is that still funny
my sister got drunk and high with a guy and they fucked in a field somewhere and after awhile through the drugs and booze she had a sudden moment of feeling intense shame, and wanted him to stop, but he was drunk and high too, so he didn't, for awhile. he wasn't like violently raping her and he didn't even come inside but that was enough to make her "come out about her experiences" on facebook for sympathy dopamine & try to ruin the guys life, despite the fact that she is equally to blame for consensually entering the situation she put herself in full of terrible choices. is this situation really the same as holding someone down and violating them without any consent at all? yes, it's all "rape" and our modern society rewards women for acting like this, devoid of responsibility.
anyway this whole zoe thing is just a Al Sharpton-tier scam/racket that has spawned a cult built upon estrogen and $öy, plain and simple. it saddens me that most female gamedevs (95% in my experience) unironically see her as the Most Important Woman in Video Games. terrible role model for young women aspiring to make games.
as a homosexual you may find it difficult to understand, but girls are generally quite nice, even average looking ones.
>we believe zoe's account of alec's actions, we're very sad and very angry, this is all hitting us in the middle of the night, we'll have more to say about it tomorrow
I wonder if they're saying that because they have actual reason to believe their lead programmer would do something like this or if it's just that they're those kinds of people that believe the Women™ can do no wrong. Either way, it's going to be a wacky wild ride and I'm sure it'll ruin this board for the next month.
Unless you're a literal deformed troll, your standards are too low if you consider that to be hot. Have intercourse dude.
Nice skin and beautiful nose.
how the fuck don't you recognize shit then faggot?
My post was deleted for posting pony outside of /mlp/ but this nonvidya shit thread is still up.
Nice priorities jannietard, this place fucking suck we need a new infinity chan. Yea Forums is for commercial shilling and sjw crap.
This woman's sex life is literally all over the internet.
she has a man face
its because their youtube channel ran out of money and they failed to extort, i mean failed to be hired as consultants for some game company
More like a girly anime protagonist face.
>Alec Holowka
>The guy who made Obnoxious Faggots in the Woods
>Industry Legend
lmaoing my ass off rn now
It's actually the 5th anniversary.
I've yet to hear a white supremacist defend this point. I'm white and I think we're an awesome race but like every race we have flaws, and our latent potential to become effeminate self-hating faggots who are xenophiliac to the point of self-destruction (i.e. our negative racial bonus vs. jewry) is obviously a huge flaw we undeniably have, so I don't understand how we're supposed to be the master race.
negroes for instance, as a race, have massive racial bonuses vs. faggotry, and every other race always thinks they're the best and never forgets it, even when times are good.
>mfw 2012 was 10 years ago
How does that lying whore have any credibility at all?
I swear all likes come from bots and other shady scumbags like her.
pair this with the fact that /pol/fags found out Yea Forums is hosted by a NSA/FBI subsidiary company, dystopic.
I also believe him
He is not going to snitch those niggers, you know
problem with that comparison is he's also constantly without money because for all the retards that will donate to you that doesn't mean you won't blow it all and be back at square one
again if you're basically drug addict levels of making money and blowing it away you're not popular, the popularity part is irrelevant
So all that shit on his teeth is detachable?
The more you know.
>video games are not video games
wtf. Grayson absolutly wrote a review! I fucking read it and tried the game because of it.
Yeah that's a diamond grill he wears
go learn what popular means you nigglet