When you think that you're an absolute degenerate, remember: people who love Yukari exist. Think about it

When you think that you're an absolute degenerate, remember: people who love Yukari exist. Think about it.

Attached: persona_3___yukari_takeba_by_dubchaos_d9sudyk-pre.jpg (751x1063, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=296411&tags=tasaka_shinnosuke yamagishi_fuuka

Yukari is CUTE


Attached: yukari1527120095177.jpg (960x544, 160K)

Meh, I'd pump and dump if given the opportunity

Yukari is based + redpilled though, the real faggots are people who like Naoto.

i want to kiss yukaris butt

Holy fuck OP is a summoner, he summons retards!

Well now that you've showed up it really supports the hypothesis.


You called? She's pretty and is a good character. What more can a man ask for?

Attached: MerryXmas.png (357x800, 324K)

I remember in one of these persona waifu threads some user insisted that in the Japanese release it was implied that Yukari engaged in ‘compensated dating’ and was afraid of becoming her whore mother, this true or just more shitposting?

>What more can a man ask for?
For an actual pretty and good character. Not a Stacy.

Attached: doubt.jpg (600x341, 20K)

Yukari has quite literally in every sense of the phrase done nothing wrong, you fucking nigger

Attached: 1565299966833.jpg (800x600, 67K)

As much as i hate to regurgitate the new memes of the children, you sound like a butthurt incel.

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Chatty Fuuka.webm (642x660, 2.92M)

>what is The Answer
>what is Stupei

Shite taste lad

>What is The Answer
That implies she actually got what she wanted
>What is Stupei
Ace Defective.

Wtf did I even do to you for you to attack me like that?

Attached: 1560304204052.jpg (367x382, 36K)

What are you talking about.

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>Yukari will never be in your spanish class
why live

Attached: yukari.png (1440x810, 824K)

>And that's why my peepee is hard right now.

When Yukari's dad died, people blamed her and her mother for her dad's role in causing mass death. To cope with the despair, her mother slept around and essentially abandoned Yukari, which she thought was incredibly disrespectful to her father and so formed massive complexes about trust and romance, finding it extremely difficult to open her heart and express her true feelings. This is why you can only start her social link after the beach trip where you comfort her after her faith in her dad is broken, and why throughout her social link she's very hesitant in truly opening her heart to you, only finally admitting she loves you at the very end after a ton of working up the courage to do so, and with your help start trying to mend her relationship with her mother.

After Persona 3 ended I wouldn't be surprised if she never dated ever again, because of her intense love for the protagonist.

if she were a normal person, she'd end up falling in love later in life, but this is a harem game where all the grills must be 600% loyal to the MC.

She's loyal because she empathized with the protagonist due to their similar backgrounds, him helping her through the darkest parts of her life, and helping her to actually be honest with her feelings and learn not to fear being in love, which was terrifying for her. As she puts it in the Portable ending, they're "not just boyfriend and girlfriend," he's so much more to her. He changed her life significantly.

That's why a big part of The Answer is her very painfully going through all five stages of grief in order, before making a resolution to help the protagonist carry his impossible burden by giving hope to humanity and make them stop wishing for the end of the world. She became an actress for Featherman Victory to teach kids to never give up as a result, still trying to lessen the weight of the world the protagonist holds his back.

As I said, real people get over stuff, grow, evolve, anime girls don't.

Real people also don't have to fight monsters nightly and face the fact that the moon is an eldritch cosmic horror that's trying to cause the end of the world. That kind of stuff bands people together.

The compensated dating thing is Lisa from P2

Also compensated dating isn't really a euphemism, Jap men are so pathetic they really will pay for that shit without actually getting sex.

have sex

>literally willing to end the world for you

>what is The Answer
Woman willing to destroy the world to bring back the man she loves. If you don't think that's the cutest fucking thing, you are an absolute faggot.

>face giant eldritch abominations in a tower of death an madness on a nightly basis
>some random punks on an alley scare them shitless

Yukari is great faggot, fite me.

>man she loves comes back
>world is inmediately destroyed so she doesn't even get to enjoy her man anyway
great plan

With few exceptions, you can't use your Personaa or wear your enchanted holy kevlar vest in broad daylight.

You need to think about what's really important here. A waifu having loyalty and being cute should come first. Besides, it might not destroy the world instantly, so she could balance the time between Minato being wooden and being a door.

Doesn't change the fact that they tank lighting bolts and fireballs every day. They've seen death in the eye countless times.

Yukari is a bitch but better than any character in P4 or P5.

yuka chan is cute fuck off

answer isn't canon, just a toasterfag fanfic

I just remember that Yukari will never love me and then I get sad.

Attached: 1539903870541.png (1280x720, 889K)

Once again, while they're in situations while they're armed to the teeth and can use magical spells to heal each other. Only Fuuka and Ryoji could use their abilities in broad daylight.

She loves white cock, so she is alright in my book

Attached: 8313d95cb23908aa9b87986d2033fbf5.jpg (449x623, 67K)

Evokers let them use their Personas outside of the Dark Hour too. You use it in the bad ending to kill Ryoji.

Reminder that this is the "bargaining" part of Yukari's grieving process. She goes through them all in order.

>Stupid faggot little cocksucker
I don't like Yukari she's mean

Reminder that literally nobody thought that the world would end if they went back in time, Yukari included. From her perspective, she just wanted to find a way to seal Nyx without Door dying, and even if she had to kill all her friends to get there then they'd still be alive in the new timeline. They didn't know the truth until after they all went back in time to the moment of the seal and killed Erebus.

What they should've done is have Aigis do what she did before and seal away the Full Moon Shadows inside themselves instead of slay them. That way Death can't reform and so the Appraiser can't become Nyx Avatar and recall Nyx's psyche to its body to cause the Fall.

Once again, they're used to fight to the death, so much in fact as to throw one liners after slaying shadows.

Why does she turn me on so much bros...
is it the tight pink jacket?
her slutty heart collar?
her short, short SHORT skirt?
her long socks with hearts in them?

Then you can chalk it up to Yukari being headstrong and standing for herself, which was always a part of her character. What I didn't figure out is why they didn't start investigating until close to midnight, so if an encounter turned bad they could stall until the Dark Hour started and escape while all the thugs are transmogrified.

>her short, short SHORT skirt?
this for me

Attached: Miru_Mirt1435832964.jpg (700x800, 61K)

Every day I get irrationally angry that the Yukari figma has simply ceased existing. If I could find a seller I'd buy one in a heartbeat.

>and even if she had to kill all her friends to get there then they'd still be alive in the new timeline.

Attached: Nox.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>that figure is no longer in production and you can only find it for 600+

Attached: 145685574401423.png (327x338, 118K)

Point me to some of these 600+ sellers, you underestimate my autism.

Her butt is just as filthy, smelly and digusting as anyone else's. That's where she shits from.

>implying she doesn't shower
yukari has enough ability to turn blood back into water when she showers

>In her room, admits to kind of wanting to wear the maid outfit

persona is just a shitty harem drama targeted towards shitty anime weebs who think it's filled with great characters but almost all of them are terrible people, like the cast of seinfeld


or even better of a comparison that i just thought of, always sunny in philadelphia
really terrible people

I wish i was her cuck bf

Attached: 1523099612188.jpg (119x189, 10K)

>think it's filled with great characters but almost all of them are terrible people, like the cast of seinfeld
You were trying to use that statement to criticize persona?

>she will never call you a stupid faggot little cocksucker
Why even live?

seinfeld is a cast of terrible people, just because you laugh at their antics doesn't mean they are great people/characters
same with always sunny
and sometimes friends

Yukari is best P3 girl

I'd agree, except for Chidori

If you laugh at their antics then they're great comedy characters so I don't know what you're getting at.

Who could be behind this post?

I figured Junpei thought Mitsuru was more attractive than Yukari?

Junpei likes all the girls, but he most likes the lolita girl he's actually involved with.

people laugh at various stupid things on tv, it doesn't mean that it's great, it just means they found it funny
now seinfeld in whole is a great comedy, it doesn't mean that the characters are remarkably written or likable
there are many things that are stupidly entertaining just because it tickles your funny bone
for example, i laugh at (some) adam sandler movies but i think he the actor as well as character, and most of his movies, are fucking dumb and are mostly retreads of the same gimmick

>a show is a comedy
>it succeeds in making people laugh
>this means it's bad?

Never got the hate for her. I haven't done her link but I probably would one day.

She's rude.

Attached: 15619464185353.jpg (1541x1080, 586K)

>this means it's bad?
>seinfeld in whole is a great comedy
not only are you retarded, but you can't even read
i guess that adhd (anime douchebag helpless dumbosity) you got there really stunted your eyes

>Seinfeld is great
>so let me go on about how that doesn't mean it's great

Now that's an image you can hear

Attached: ok.png (600x1188, 430K)

You should, it's cute watching her open up to you. Just remember that when you're given the option to hug her in it, don't. She wants encouragement and to stand beside you as an equal, not to be treated as helpless. Hugging her there will reverse the link.

yeah you are pretty dumb at reading
i don't think i should put out anymore words in regards to this because you obviously would be too incompetent to process any of it
you are hereby declared incompetent by the state, country, world, and universe

Yeah but I'm not the one saying that something is great and not great at the same time.

that's because noone is
whoops i said something, you'll just misread it again because adhd

>he doesn't know

What would Yukari do if Door managed to become unsealed now and she found out he was freed?

does anybody really know
what time it is
does anybody really care

intense fug and hug

But for how long?

Kill Aigis

Flood her panties

nothing wrong with loving yukari

Attached: CharaStudio-2019-08-14-09-03-33-Render.jpg (1452x1440, 207K)

Holy fuck, glad I bought one years ago

And her tear ducts

As long as possible

Attached: rare footage.jpg (1024x745, 318K)

I don't like her but JESUS, tone it down.

You guys suck at buyfagging.

Attached: yukaricchi.png (894x1186, 917K)

>As long as possible
Don't kill him, Yukari. You just got him back.

...I'm not asking to be spoonfed, but if you could at least give me a keyword so I'm not on a wild goose chase, that would be pretty sweet.
If not, I'll probably still end up finding it, but the assist would be nice.

t. Stupei

I love Yukari!~

Attached: IloveYukari.webm (1280x720, 1.13M)

>Junpei tells Ken that the girls don't wear anything under their kimonos
Is that true?

The ideal way to go out: Killed in Action

How does it make you feel knowing your favourite anime girl isn't pure and clean? That she has an asshole and shits and farts?

Makes me feel human

Naoto is infinitely way better than that slut, you faggot.

Attached: ergtfd.jpg (284x284, 32K)

Attached: 17TvGtg.jpg (597x401, 31K)


Attached: TheOneAndOnlyUniversallyAndObjectivelyPerfectGirl.png (1085x2305, 1.7M)

"When wearing a kimono, you are expected to wear a "hadajuban" and "koshimaki" directly on your naked skin (the "juban" comes over those). Traditionally, you don't wear panties, but nowadays most women do."

Yukari is my role model.


You want to be a slut ?

>Girl who despised romance before meeting Door

fuck off

Attached: enough.jpg (747x749, 92K)


Did Yukari and Door fuck?

Alright fine, I'm buying a Marie figure instead, you forced my hand.


Most def

Maybe. It seems slightly unbelievable to be that Yukari, who took forever to work up the courage to tell Door she loved him, would have sex with him immediately after that. That'd take even more courage on her part. I always imagined it as just kissing, especially because if you spent time with her again she asks to play cards with you.

Attached: MyWife.jpg (961x1200, 118K)

It just makes me feel worse that such unfortunates do exist.

Cute wife

The love hotel though
it's great the game makes you bring her for that mission

Op is right, Yukari a shit. Aigis is best girl

Yukari would reject everyone ITT

>Wants to Mirai Nikki the world so she can see the one that got away one last time
>Has no idea that he wasn't actually interested in her and was already railing another girl at the time

shit taste

Attached: post.jpg (500x500, 32K)

Not me!


You can't reject someone who isn't interested in the first place

Attached: 1449659185339.png (689x835, 826K)

>Yukari emerges from the shower in nothing but a towel
>Takes a minute for her to realize Door is staring at her

I'm gonna do it
I told you you forced my hand
I'm gonna fucking do it.

Attached: finna.png (994x300, 43K)

is the one with the removable hat?
you know what you must do

No one can live up to that user, so I'm not going to do it.

Does anyone have this pasta saved I haven't seen it since the original

>Yukari will never spread her sweaty cheeks and place her anus over your lips and drops big brown logs into your mouth while farting

i like this yukari better

Attached: __mizumoto_yukari_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_okuri_banto__d957548a8c6c4169a (900x1200, 498K)

what site is this?
maybe they have a Mitsuru

Sorry user, this site does have two listed but both are sold out.

They could only do this much later on after training it.

Would you not?

thanks for at least checking for me

>In the boys' rooms:
>Junpei lounges around
>Akihiko trains and ruminates over being bad at pickup lines
>Ken trains and tries to grow taller by drinking milk
>Shinji watches cooking shows for new recipes

>In the girls' rooms:
>Aigis stalks Door and sits in his room while he's asleep
>Yukari wears her rental maid outfit and drags Fuuka into wearing one too
>Mitsuru lounges around naked
>Fuuka gets mistaken for masturbating


Aigis is cuter, but Yukari is good still.

Attached: 8798966.jpg (564x800, 374K)

Fuuka is pure

But that's what makes it good.
You go in thinking it's harem when it's not.

Attached: 1566849120681.jpg (1920x1080, 142K)

theres a mitsuru in yahoo auctiuons but no box
what are the chances they hot glued it?

kill yourself nigger

Attached: sample_889063a0bdf378176a5f3cf07b30cd02.jpg (850x1360, 276K)

Textbook Naotofag.

Not in Mitsuru's mind anymore

me on the right

Based Kunaposter.

Attached: i-img1200x900-1566657467zab4si197758.jpg (1200x900, 81K)

i don't really like harems as it is, so that would just make the revelation worse

No one cares what Mitsuru thinks

I love Ann


Attached: illprobablyregretthis.png (770x236, 24K)

>ill never own a cute Marie figure because of this user
it hurts

Cum on it


Attached: mfw skelegang.gif (100x58, 22K)


Yukari does. And besides, it means that all of Mitsuru's conversations after for a while will have the sounds she heard beyond Fuuka's door imprinted on her mind. Fuuka, who didn't know what was significant about Shiwakawa Boulevard, now knows.

No one cares what Mitsuru or Yukari thinks
Fuuka is pure.

So does the Dark Hour occur at the same time for the entire world or does it sweep, like with timezones? So while it would happen at midnight in Japan, it would happen at 8 AM in Los Angeles, 11 AM in New York, and 4 PM in London?

i want a yukari to hold...

So cute!~

Attached: pomarańczka.jpg (577x698, 336K)

What would happen if you were to cum just as the Dark Hour hit?


why are her boobs yellow

thats what worries me

If you don't have the potential you'll be transmogrified into a coffin on the spot, and returned back to your original state when the Dark Hour ends.

If you don't have the potential but through an anomaly end up entering the Dark Hour you'll probably experience intense emotions of fear and panic, ruining your orgasm. Should you fail to control your orgasm your shadow will consume you and your psyche will become enslaved to your Arcana. Should you manage to control your emotions but end up consumed by another shadow you'll lose your soul and mind, becoming one of the Lost. Should you survive this you will forget it ever happened, as if it was a transient, fleeting nightmare.

If you do have the potential then all the above still applies, except that you can now remember your time spent and can ignore it if you want and continue fapping.

it probably got glued
i mean who whouldn't,mitsuru is pretty fucking hot

Seething OP.

i just wanted a pure Mitsuru

Attached: 1566244929493.jpg (440x351, 9K)

same,but real

Attached: 1558381389860.jpg (599x474, 40K)

Do it anyways.

Why does hearing her say this turn me on so much?

Attached: Confused2.png (676x458, 357K)

thisbut also record it for us


>It's my mom
>I want you to meet her

Attached: glasses.gif (400x480, 253K)

>Cucking Yukari with her mother

Attached: 1548061067989.png (500x376, 200K)

>Not having both at the same time

Attached: costanza.jpg (750x750, 75K)

>How to break the Lovers social link in one easy step

>Yukari invites you to spend spring break with her
>Just the two of you
>She does this a day before you die
Is there anyone in this entire series more cucked?

God I'm glad I lived long enough to see Yukari become well liked. She deserves it.

Fuck Aigis.

>how to break the lovers and hermit social link in one easy step

At least Yukari remembers why you died and can grieve about it. The non-SEES girls don't even get that luxury, to them you just collapsed and died on graduation day for no reason. As well as Door-chan and her Hermit social link friend.

both are trash

Attached: BeachTimeWithYukari.jpg (800x568, 293K)

And all is right with the world.

Attached: 1486341027818.jpg (1715x1391, 735K)

>Traditionally, you don't wear panties

How did this tradition come about? Ease of access for Chad's dick?

curious about this too

I liked her whole "Strangers with a roughly similar background > acquaintances > friends > close friends/confidants/partners > casual crush > slowly built up trust into admitting she loves you and wants to be with you"

It felt natural.

Attached: 1534468445144.png (500x482, 238K)

Probably cause you shouldn't waste good cloth over bad cloth.

Please user, I'm begging you, please please please tell me where I can find that Yukari, I've been looking for years now its the only figure I want please please PLEASE


Attached: 1508633002138.png (680x486, 244K)

Attached: 1566701006555.png (800x700, 196K)

>Yukari's favorite gifts are fashion stuff
>Tfw I didn't know you have to watch Tanaka's show on the TV in your room to get those
I wish time wouldn't automatically advance when you return to your room/dorm.

Dang, glad I preordered her.

Attached: DSCF8139.jpg (4000x3000, 2.56M)

>STILL falling for this bait
There's no place on Earth where you'll be able to get a highly valued figure for such a low price, baitpics like that happen in every thread its brought up and you brainlets ALWAYS fall for it.

can you send me a picture of her upskirt please
[email protected]

>want a fig badly
>get it
>open the box
>damn its so good I love it
>never look at it ever again
I just don't even bother anymore

This is cool but I think I would jerk off more often if I could look up her skirt whenever I wanted

Too lazy to take more pictures.

Attached: DSCF8294.jpg (3000x4000, 2.12M)

People who like Yukari aren’t as bad as Fuuka-lovers.


>implying more than one

all girls who wear chokers are sluts and that's a fact

>Despised romance before she met Door

chokers are instant sex for me, i have no idea why

Yukari probably tastes a little like buttered salmon, absolutely delicious

God no, don't bring that faggot back.

Attached: __takeba_yukari_persona_3_and_etc_drawn_by_ragecndy__f8b768475ae4ed6a8658bc5d1987da88.png (1280x1280, 796K)

It's the few QoL things that later games fixed where you can wander the house/apartments and then return to your tv to order it.

You probably don't even need to use lube to put your dick in Yukari's butt.

whats that supposed to mean

I love Yukari. She's a sweetheart.

What the fuck is wrong with you and your obsession with her ass?

Attached: Skirtless Yukari.jpg (500x667, 159K)

you can remove her skirt?
why dont more official figures do this? am i in the dark about this?

It's literally the most prolific image of the damn thing when they announced it.

Attached: Wedgie.jpg (600x800, 121K)

Now I just want to see Kirijo upskirt

it's beautiful
$600 for this is too generous

Attached: 1566155019687.png (689x693, 811K)

i wonder why thats an option haha lol

because you know that girl is a s SLUT and is immediately available for sex

You know what's next user
take off that damn shirt

>and is immediately available for sex
Great way to not have sex with Yukari, since she's extremely reserved about it, even moreso than the other girls.

Pretty sure that's not physically possible. Also that's just a sweater that she wears over her collared dress shirt.

Attached: e217494cf49e3d1186211a0ccc863e37.jpg (595x842, 335K)

She also has a slight cameltoe.

That’s still one too many.

At least take a picture of Mitsuru upskirt

What did they do with 4 and 5 that made them feel so much less meaningful than 3?

The MC in 3 is cute

Truly, doing god's work.


My Mitsuru's belt snapped, mainly on account of it being a very old figure. So in my picture above, I keep her skirt on because otherwise there's a giant indention and gap between her stomach where the belt is supposed to be. Even in that picture you can kinda see the line around the shirt.

>tfw bought one for $80 years ago

After P5R is done, I hope they remake 3 before P6
Its never coming out bros

hey buyfags, whats the cheapest yet cute figure i could reasonably buy from Persona 3?

3 had a well established theme around death and loss that they tied the story, characters and social links to very well. Having Minato die, while characters like Yukari and Mitsuru deal with the loss of parents, and social links like the sick man or the elderly couple work extremely well in the overall message. The themes explored in persona 4 and 5 are less well-defined in my opinion, which makes the story, characters and social links feel less cohesive.

Pyro Jack + Jack Frost. Pyro comes with the riding Jack attachment, regular Jack Frost has a standing and sitting position.

Attached: 1ed75ebff93286ab58e3a6928b6e5c45.jpg (600x800, 116K)

Playing portable right now, I couldn't resist and went for Yukari again. It feels so wrong after Fes and The answer not romancing her

Attached: ken2.jpg (720x528, 47K)

All I really want from a 3 remake are QoL improvements.
>Enable returning to the dorm and bedroom without advancing the time
>Enable platonic options for the girls' social links so you don't have to be a womanizer to get Orpheus Telos
>Shift some of the male social links around to Akihiko, Junpei, Ken, Koromaru, and Shinjiro
>Add some more abilities to Fuuka's arsenal once she evolves Lucia to Juno instead of just "escape"
>Enable the option to play as Minato or Minako, with skill cards if you're Minako and fusion spells if you're Minato
Keep the weapon type elements, it adds interesting mechanics to the battles and lets you pick party members specifically for bosses. I can't really think of much else to add, changing the ending death scene to P3P's lover scene is nice, but noncanon and would ruin the impact of the Answer. Perhaps a scene where you can optionally give Yukari a memento that she remembers and clutches to treasure that some part of him does still live on with her after she has her breakdown?

thats adorable
any of the P3 girls go for cheaper as well? obviously not Yukari unfortantely

>both are trash
i'm the trashman, would "take out" yukari and naoto. pic related me when they are about to piss on my face.

Attached: the trashman.jpg (554x557, 47K)

It feels like it hits a hell of a lot harder for her when you do. Instead of it being unrequited, her love was answered and then suddenly stripped away from her after she finally opened her heart.

>You know what's next user

Attached: Yukari, Do as I command.jpg (480x360, 11K)

kino artist

hey bros, it's me, the guy who bought the marie figure in this very thread
Uh I bought a Yu figure with her, but i just got an email saying his price doubled and now I have to pay 100 dollars instead of 50 for that figure. What should I do?

If you give me the Marie I can give you $50 through paypal.

Attached: kirbdy.jpg (210x161, 9K)

If I give you a link to a place where you can buy her for 30 dollars can you send me 30 on Paypal?

cant you just buy the Marie for me if I send you $50 and you keep the change?

What accessory should I give Yukari? I gave her a Varu Bracer in the Journey, but she has a Thunder Charm in the Answer right now. Any better ones?

It was a joke.
That website Samurai Buyer has it available I think. I'm PRETTY SURE this isn't, like, the only one in stock. Pretty sure.
Honestly I have no idea how buying figures even works, I just did this out of impulse.

Don´t buy it, simple as that. If you really want the Yu then go ahead, but what if they decide to increase the price of the Marie one
I hope we get some heartbreaking experiences like this in the future

impulse buys are always fun, and thanks friend i wish i could help you out with your issue though but im currently laid off and picky about my money
not picky enough to not spend it on some plastic though

>not picky enough to not spend it on some plastic though
Then buying it straight from the source will be cheaper than paypaling me 50 dollars.

A Pearl Necklace

I feel like I'm missing a joke here.

what's pearly and milky and can pool up on her collarbone?

Wow rude
And I was going for a serious answer here

I was being serious


I know.
I'll just give her another Varu Bracer. Money sure is hard to come by in the Abyss of Time, but I ended up spending like 30 million yen on just Messiah's items alone in the Journey so I guess I'll find that amount too at some point.

god i fucking love Yuka-tan i want her to always be by my side

>just started binging jojo
>now suddenly seeing jojo everywhere i go

blessed timeline

Don't you already have Chidori?

>tfw I will never fuck Yukaris throat

Attached: yucatan peninsula.jpg (303x346, 31K)

whoa bro thats like crazy how people only waited to talk about jojo till you watched it, its not like people discuss it so much theres a meme about random shit being a jojo reference or anything

Ragecandy is pretty nice. All the P3 girls look good.

Attached: __kirijou_mitsuru_persona_3_and_etc_drawn_by_ragecndy__7cd26cf7e376c0562ea965bb40a86176.png (1280x1280, 924K)

>bulging her throat so hard you pop the lock on her choker

Attached: 1558034073029.gif (480x270, 3.25M)

>he was unsure as to whether or not the statement was in fact a reference to the manga known as jojo's remarkable romp

Attached: 003.png (261x238, 95K)

>tfw i will never fug and hugyukari

Attached: 1519066381354.jpg (210x234, 21K)

fuck all the ilya kuvshinov copycats

>tfw the last time I got by benis sucked I couldn't even get half of it down her throat and I'm not even very big (19cm)
Having sex with a virgin isn't very fun tbf.


Attached: react.png (872x632, 162K)

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You now remember that Mitsuru's fetish is maid outfits.

i dont remember

I think I'd remember that if that were the case.

Attached: __kirijou_mitsuru_takeba_yukari_and_yuuki_makoto_persona_3_dancing_moon_night_and_etc_drawn_by_citru (1563x3849, 681K)

Yukari in a maid outfit is a powerful image

Attached: Yukari.gif (245x245, 164K)

Shame there's so little art of her wearing one.

Attached: Maids.jpg (350x467, 74K)

i dont get this reference

Who calls Yukari "Yuka-tan"?

Get in the fucking expansion dungeon, Shinji.

I know about the maid outfit but whats that one pink outfit I saw of her?
She had a helmet or maybe it was her pregnant belly.

is there a gif like this but with every outfit she wears?

She became a Sentai actor after being a model for a bit.

Attached: 50531af2610b56fd52d8c1c65d9708f8.png (711x861, 456K)

my wife is so talented!

You mean mine. Get in line fucko.

Attached: I'll take all the responsibility.png (711x861, 463K)

I fucked your wife while pinning her legs behind her head and shot thick hot cum into her spastic tight cunt.

You make these claims and yet have no proof of them. So, I'm supposed to believe you?

You mean high cut outfits.

Attached: 1463861450524.jpg (400x400, 92K)

The proof will arrive in 9 months.

I really need to jerk off to yukari

She looks like a bitch. and I'm into that kind of thing

shes the only girl who can pull off a heart choker

Did you manage to escape in the hot springs or did the girls catch you?

I was playing on an emulator so I just had a save state and saw what happened both ways :^)

is FES the preferred game or P3P?


FES 100%, you can play P3P afterwards if you want to see what the game is like with FeMC

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does somebody have the cropped Yukari pic where Fukka is tied up or something

I have it, but I ain't posting it. I got a ban for it once.

is there a source for me to find it myself?

Post it to imgur and just link it

Closest I have.

gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=296411&tags=tasaka_shinnosuke yamagishi_fuuka

Attached: 1435168273398.png (758x758, 226K)

It's a miracle it got made in the first place.

bless you friend, its time for me to wind the night down with some persona doujins

I'm an absolute degenerate, and I love Yukari.

you fookin wot m8

Attached: angeryy.png (178x182, 37K)

Unironically the only girl that can pull off the heart choker

I feel for Yuko

Why not try the Night Queen?

I want to be that Jack Frost