What went wrong Meleebabs? Is your trash game finally dead? I think it's time you play the better game, Ultimate has everything it has and more. Instead of crutching on glitches and abusing Fox you could be learning hundreds of matchups and earning GSP. It's so fucking pathetic that you "people" cling to this old garbage instead of playing the new, better game. I fucking hate Melee players so god damn much.
*let's take a party game and remove most of the roster, most of the maps, most of the content, use glitches not intended for actual matches, and then have 5 or 6 people rotate as the main attraction forever
Even the most diehard fan will get tired of watching the same match ups and the same fights over and over again. The game lived way beyond it's intended time, no ride lasts forever.
All games die. It happens eventually.
Based, great to see some smart people for once. Ultimate is 100x more interesting and has better gameplay in nearly every way. Melee players anger me so fucking much dude I'll lay awake sometimes thinking about why the FUCK they enjoy that shit
Solved game, no fun to watch anymore
Meleecucks btfo
>remove most of the roster
What does that even mean? You can play whoever the fuck you want.
Based as fuck! I've never played the game and I never will, makes me fucking sick that people enjoy it. Imagine being born before Smelee came out
When melee is still going in 3 years time, what will your excuse be then?
You really cannot.
I'll personally see to it that it's dead. Ultimate will outlive it 100%. I fucking hate Melee players so god damn much, our game is better and it's horrifying that people still enjoy it. Ultimate has a higher skillcap, better movement, and more maps. God fucking damn it stop playing that shitty ass game, Sakurai hates it
It's whatever. Melee will always be the best smash bros and there's nothing ultimate can do about it.
Jigglypuff and ice climbers are banned despite not being top tier, and most other characters are so low tier they aren't viable.
You need some help, its not healthy to be this obsessed
lmao go neck yourself, summer toddler
Unironically rent free
That they haven't taken a shower in those 3 years.
Ya seethe Ulticuck?
Ultimate will never anywhere near the legacy Melee did. No other game ever will.
Why do you need melee players to abandon their game? Are you so insecure that it's constantly gnawing at the back of your mind when people enjoy different things than you?
I dont understand gsp at all. I swear im at 100,000 on characters even though my roster is at 4M and i get clapped by people how can execute perfect combos and parries.
I could also just be compleat garbage at the game
actual retard
except street fighter
I was complete meleefag for like 2-3 years around 2017 but the progress you make feels so small that it's hard to stick with for long periods of time. Melee locals are still really fun but it's just hard to stay so engaged for so long
Salem get off of Yea Forums
Lol, I just hate them with a passion. I have a dedicated twitch account to shit up their awful tournaments, they're elitist as fuck and need to move the fuck on to the better game
>still removes any map that isn't BF FD or smashville
Smashville is the best map to have come out of this series you dumb boomer
>NO NO NO people don't want to watch an 18 year old fighting game with 4 viable characters that has never once been patched
No fucking shit. It's amazing that Melee lasted as long as it did.
You're just garbage
>there are grown men in their 20-30's arguing about who has bad hygiene for playing which kiddie nintendo game going as far to make mspaint images to say "no..... YOU'RE ugly and smell bad"
This shit will never not be fun to watch
Had a feeling
>Grown men
That's adorable. Grown men don't give a fuck if people want to play old video games.
What's with redditors talking about logical fallacies lately? It doesn't make you seem smart and you'll see it all over the place. Same shit with "y'all", I wonder what the next faggoty buzzwords will be