Now that the dust has settled

Can we all admit it was a massive mistake?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why would it be? Isn't Blizzard making loads of money from this?

This is going to be a good thread.
Have a (you)

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No but the fucking queues are

probably, but it'll be a while before it's publicly accepted

I give it like 2-3 weeks until the remorse threads come in.

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Shut the fuck up FFXIV tranny

How much should i be prepared to pay for 1-60 levelling service?

Just wanna enjoy battlegrounds again but cant really put in the grind time...

You know you can do battlegrounds from 1-60 too?

I give it three days before the queues die down

>Launch day is so successful there are super lo g queue times
>worst games of the year
Fuck off retard

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Can someone list the transfriendly raiding guilds across all servers?
I'm planning to make a pvp alt.

>die down
That's what we want?

>popular = good
the opposite is literally true

Dying down doesn't necessarily mean the game is dying. They may be improving the log in rates somehow. So while it is what we want, whethere its good or bad is left to be seen

is it worth playing if I don't have the time for raiding?

Depends on what you plan on doing with your influx of free time post-60


Hype culture is a mistake.

>bitch about layering
>"b..but muh classic experience, I want queues and starting zones to be a clusterfuck"
>even with layering queues are 15k+ long and 3+ hours
>hundreds of players in starting zone. extreme lag and mobs don't live for 1 full second
"Medium" pop today has a 1500 queue size that takes over 15 minutes. Massive amount of players

A mistake for who exactly?

Not for blizzard who are making millions of dollars an hour.

For the players? I mean, playing any video game at all is a mistake in the greater scheme of your life so whatever.

well IDK, can I successfully gear myself from PvP if I can play ~2 hours at most per day?

truth be told there's weekends where I could actually play for 12 hours but no guild would have me either way unless I'm consistent

>waiting for people to get forcefully server kicked so I can log in and farm gold for my fave streamer
Blizzard really fucked up.

we get it, you were 4 when the game came out. or have no IRL friends to play it with. then youre right, it is mediocre.

those without autism are having fun tho. try to be happy for them

>I mean, playing any video game at all is a mistake in the greater scheme of your life so whatever.
As opposed to getting drunk with people you don't like? Snorting cocaine? Meth? Chain smoking in a shitty bar?

those are experiences. vidoe games are not.

have sex

>Its wow but the zones are garbage, the class balance is beyond broken, you have to grind a lot and basic features like not having to queue for quest mobs are not in
I don't know what you zoomers thought you were getting but maybe don't fall for the memes next time. This is the "magisty" of vanilla.

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>Have sex
Enjoy the inevitable fake rape charge you fucking pleb

>mfw zoomers are mad despite them having an entirely separate version of WoW made for them

>confirmed virgin thinking all women are out to ruin his life

reee harder

No they're not, I went through most of them in college (except meth), they're shit even at releasing dopamine
>have sex
I already paid 250$ this weekend, maybe next paycheck I want a new GPU

>have sex
too old now all i have left is mah video games

>drugs are shit

nice larp dude. i dont even do drugs anymore, but i promise you, cocaine is certainly not shit

Just going 1-60 is a lot of fun. I don't plan on raiding, either. Just leveling a character or two and enjoying the nostalgia.

So far, it's worth it. I'm not going full-time 80 hours a week into WoW, just playing casually and having fun with it.

>world of reddit

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>want to join in on the hype and erp while game is popular
>realize that I will have to sit in queue for hours to get in
>realize that it will take me days to level 20 so I don't look like erp alt
>realize that by the time I leveled people will lose interest in the game and leave
>realize that I will waste time and money on a 20 year old game
> launcher installation cancelled

Yes they are. So are most of your ''experiences'' ranging from alcoholic clubbing to whatever else is a common waste of time among ''normies''. Sure it feels good when you actually bring some slag to your room, but for 250$ you can get a cleaner whore who's not a sloppy fucking drunk.

Protip: video games are getting exponentially more popular for a fucking reason.

Protip2: save your money and buy a race car, actual dopamin release and it's not as dangerous as extreme sports

What does reddit have to do with that clip? Rent fucking free dude.

>What does reddit have to do with that clip? Rent fucking free dude.

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lol no

Yeah now there’s both layering AND queues, then queues for quest mobs. So everyone got what they thought they wanted

No xp from bgs homie


>big streamers stop playing the game
>wow wtf its not a big success anymore

>Looks like we were right all along.

Im going to laugh extremely hard if this game crashes and burns in 2 months.

Why does your mind instantly go to those basic ass things? There are other more productive things you could choose to do. Says more about you than anything

>classicfags spend the last year saying how much they hate twitch zoomers and streamers
>use it as a metric to gloat


Holy fuck. 1.1m never seen such high numbers

the population will drop significantly but it won't reach ''dead'' levels.

>collectivizing everyone who plays classic
Is this how desperate you are to make an argument? Lowering your IQ to that of a slug?

>people have been playing private servers for 15 years.

>Its gonna die guys I swear.


asmongold already said he will drop the game later because there's no content
variety streamers are just going to move to whatever the next fotm is
and then shills wont be able to use twitch views as a metric

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Excuse me? That's exactly what most people do to pass time, or at least did before video games started dwarfing them in popularity.

Personally I limit my video game time since I like working on cars and working out, but no amount of drugs or cheap alcohol in the world will compare to coming home after a 2 hour run, having an ice cold shower and booting up something to play.

tl;dr just do what you enjoy and stop acting high and mighty

Just because the shitposters have a free reign due to people playing doesn't mean it's dead.

made by butthurt retail fags that couldn't understand how they died to a basic non-elite

>Just because the shitposters have a free reign due to people playing doesn't mean it's dead.

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Project harder

so you must play fortnite right?

Pursuing creative hobbies like art or music? Where you can actually create stuff instead of mindlessly consuming?

You can make youtube videos of your sick skills in certain video games if that's what interests you, and likely, you will get more attention/recognition than doing some song cover with a cheap guitar

But I gave all the money I saved up from my good boy points to him! he can't do this to me!

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>get home
>get in queue
>go to the gym, shower, and am now logged in
>play for 7 hours

Nah this is awesome, way better than shitty ass retail. Played with friends and we were laughing and just having a good ass time all night. Only people bitching are shitters.

WoW is a plague to the gaming landscape. Literally blizzard greed in the form of a boring grindfest with nostalgia pandering to boost sales.

>the class balance is beyond broken
lmao spoken like a true retard

So everything you do is for the attention of others instead of personal fulfillment? That explains a lot


This game will last as long as runes ape classic did

things to post in general to trigger the incels:

- is the minimap broken, there is no waypoints
- 15s for inv to asmon lair

things to do to trigger the incels:
- skip queues (if they heckle you, just say "BIG DICK DPS")

any other confirmed tactics to trigger incels?

I had a 30k person queue last night. Thing is, I set aside large blocks of time for playing, so I don't care. Next time I log off will be afternoon wednesday and thursday if I'm feeling frisky. Yeah 3 hour queue sucks but honestly that will go away when the tourists do and there will be full servers. I'm fine with this.

If I understand it correctly the game is 65€+ the sub fee. Blizzard is making mad cash regardless

Holy shit people want this to fail so hard

Why can't I chain smoke, snort cocain, drink with people I don't like and shoot meth WHILE PLAYING classic?

So maybe some people get fulfillment from playing something well? No need to get passive aggressive because your cover will never get the attention some random brazilian gets from playing Dishonored in an interesting way

Blacklist OP, he's been cutting in queue lines

160k people watched Asmongold cry at a 5 hour queue

but you only need the sub to play vanilla

Rent free

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How did you not level to 20 yesterday at launch?!
You could absolutely have hit 20 by now and had time for a nap

>Vanilla class balance
>Not broken
user I don't even know where to start. Trying to claim vanilla is balanced is the most zoomer post you can make. Nobody you played vanilla, nobody who isn't shitposting, would disagree. Vanillas class balance is so unbelievably broken that certain specs simply do not physically work in raids, its not a case of 'Oh this spec just isn't QUITE as good' its beyond, utterly broken. Thats not even getting into pvp which is even worse.

Vanilla somehow managed to have worse balance in its classes than the mmos that came before it, mmos that were taped together by a group of nobodies in a basement. Its an absolute embarresment and only those who never really experienced it would claim that vanilla's balance was worth going back too.

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This fuck the haters
3 hour queues to log in and 4 hour queues to kill quest mobs. Just like old times.

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I got to 10 after about 3 hours and just went around leveling my professions since a few of my friends weren't able to get in. Was doing some comfy fishing off the coast of Echo Isles.

You can't get a sub if you don't own wow.

Letting people role hunters is a mistake. I die a little inside while I watch huntards not even stutter step. Retail was a mistake

I didn't even install nostalgiacraft. No point in playing a game that will die in a month.

Again, why does it matter how popular something is? I get more enjoyment out of making a piece of art, simply cause I'm proud of myself for doing it, even if no one else looks at it. I'm doing it for my own enjoyment, and I have a well-paying job so I don't have to worry about being successful in my hobby.

the base game and all expansions except the newest one comes with the subscription though

Awww, my friends only played in wrath/cata and never experienced vanilla its glory. I'm rushing my hunter to at least 40 so I can help carry them when it starts getting harder and help them get mounts and shit.

So someone gets the same enjoyment out of playing video games, what exactly makes you think you are in a better position than him?

he said he will put it on hold "until the next phase", ie until the real endgame begins. 1st phase doesn't even have PvP rankings

What haves you you don't enter the game after finishing the queue? Or does it auto-join?

what's the most OP PvP class, fire mage?

Have sex.

leveling is slow paced and kind of comfy. Also buying greys as an upgrade rather than using BoAs is nice too.


There isn't really an OP class per say due to how vanilla pvp works. Pom pyro mages will one shot most things but they'll also get fucked quickly. Rogue is pretty OP as you can stunlock anything so long as you're left alone, making you generally the most OP in one vs one. Arms warrior with a pocket healer is unkillable. Vanilla pvp isn't broken due to one or two OP classes, its broken because everything has counters. Mages are glass cannons, shamans are completely rng based, rogues are squish but can stunlock anything. Its far more interesting than retail pvp, but not balanced. If you want to be OP, good luck. You're going to have a counter whatever you do. Unless you're an arms warrior with a pocket healer.

But that's essentially how almost everyone plans to play classic. Rush up 60 and get basic gear and professions done. Then just log in to do the things they need to until next phase.

Warrior with BiS PvE gear.

Nigga, Furor literally fucked half of the classes on purpose because he was butthurt at paladins becoming competitive on EQ.
"Muh hybrid tax" was literally because of one autist having a fit.
Blizzard hiring EQ poopsockers to act as devs was the worst thing to happen to the MMO genre.

Nice conflating, nigger.

>X is fun with friends
no shit retard.

It was just at the character screen when I got home

Where do you think everyone will go back to once their sub is up?

well runescape is free so...

What about frost mage?

Fortnite is the only game that has it beat. Hit 1.3 mil a month or so ago.

Every spec isn't good but every class is. Every class fits in a role or niche and can compete. Who fucking cares if one spec is a meme just play another class.

Arms Warrior

Thanks for interpreting my autocorrect fail.

>the game is balanced even though there are multiple things that are totally unbalanced

I'm solo playing because my friends can't get the time off work atm and I want to get ahead to help them with dungeons and getting mounts etc.

I had a fucking blast playing all night. I made a bunch of friends along the way, grouping for quests and talking in general, teaching retail babies some of the more advanced things like backstab fishing mobs and stutter stepping. Learning some shit I didn't even know. It was cool. I can't wait for the queue to pop again so I can play for like 24 straight hours.

like rogue you get fucked if your CDs aren't up

Frost mages dabs on melee if it gets the drop, but is otherwise pretty trash, without CD's ready you're just a very shit mage. But the same can be said about fire. Outside of POM, fire isn't anything special.

>its a matter of content lasting that long for muh viewers
>still streamed bfa

He got 5 hour queued? Holy fuck that makes me SO FUCKING HAPPY

>There isn't really an OP class per say due to how vanilla pvp works. Pom pyro mages will one shot most things but they'll also get fucked quickly.'s almost like the game is balanced and classes have, dare I say, strengths and weaknesses.

what a bout Huntards? They are easily the worst and only get like 2 spaces in an entire 40 man.

>my meme shit doesn't work the game isn't balanced!

Based retard. Putting aside how certain specs simply don't work in pve even remotely close to how others do, its not a nice perfectly balanced pvp system where each class has strengths and weaknesses, only an idiot who never played vanilla would say that.

>NOOOOOO EVERY CLASS must have a heal a 2 minute dps cd a 3 minute defensive and 2 movement abilities!

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>fastest leveling
>high skill cap
I never played much hunters but they're definitely good

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Never played classic, decided to buy it and I'm hooked.

Deadass its fun

My friends and I played it for 7 hours nonstop last night. Not seeing the mistake, friend.

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Hey retard. Classic on release in 2005 had about 3-4x more servers for all fucking regions (except italy and russia cus they didnt exist)

>Its fun with friends!

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>A class is bad because its players are bad
Hunters the go the distance to reach their skill ceiling become monsters in pve and pvp. Unfortunately theres going to be about as many hunters doing the same damage as mages as there will be dps warriors actually hitting the boss

Perfect balance can only happen when everything is the same. If you want shit homogenized boring classes then play retail my cuck. Vanilla was not balanced, but everything could be played, every class still had some actual flavor. Lowest common denominator hyper balance is what ruined classes in retail in the first place. That and Monks, Monks were a fucking mistake.

Unequivocally, yes. Did you miss the part where this is a cooperative online game?

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>on release
>in 2005

>waaaah balance

>he doesn't have any friends

How not compelling at all

You would think modern servers could handle bigger loads than 15 years ago.

Are their subscription services fucked? just tried to sub and its still not acknowledged it.

Some of the worst stat scaling and almost anything can out DPS them later in progression limiting them to only a few slots. Yes, skill cap is high and they can level quickly which makes them perfect for an experienced player that plans to be more casual this go around. It doesn't make them a mage or a rogue though.

Poor stat scaling ensures that a mage equally skilled as a hunter will always out DPS after AQ is released.

>If its balanced that makes it homogenized
BASED retard. Certain classes and specs shine, and have counters, which is good. The problem with vanilla balance is not every class has classes they are very strong against, some classes are strong against multiple classes, weak against one or weak against everything.

This thread is pretty pathetic with all these zoomers trying to act like they know anything about vanilla.

>tfw this morning I was leveling a dragoon and a classic paladin together
>XIV GCD is so long I could judge and refresh seal, or set up for the next mob
I think I got a problem


>Poor stat scaling
They scale great once they outgrow trueshot aura. But getting a hunter to that point is like getting a dps warrior all the gear he needs to be that house everyone thinks theyll be

A feral druid can make an amazing off tank, with power shifting being a thing a cat can maintain higher DPS than most off-tank warriors. Sure the best guilds won't use druid tanks but it's viable enough for most casual guilds if they want to do it. The only spec absolutely unusable for druids is Boomkin, and even that can be really good in PvP with a good player.

The only truly meme spec with no real purpose I can think of is ret paladin, unless you count 'not being the actual worst at grinding' a purpose.

Easy mode, if you get fear off you can cuck any class, if you don't you die.

Currently in a Yea Forums guild and having a blast.

have sex

Vanilla wow is not built around 1v1 at all. Every single class has multiple viable roles and specs in group PvP. Less specs are viable in PvE but every class will be represented in ANY even remotely decent raid roster.

Me thinks you don't know anything about vanilla, or you're just stuck in a self defeating mindset that you can't see the forest through the trees.

Something tells me you're trash regardless of what you play.
>y-y-you don't know anything about v-vanilla!
Shut the fuck up and have sex.

>Defending vanillas balance by simply claiming "its not built for 1vs1
>Despite the fact 90% of vanilla pvp was open world encounters pre battlegrounds, with the only group pvp taking place in southshore, and post battleground the only real pvp scene was 19 twinks as it was the only time there was any real balance, because the game was broken
>Its okay that certain specs are completely broken in PVE, no I won't say why
>Ends it with claiming I don't know anything about vanilla
Blizzard aren't going to give you anything for white knighting them.

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Europe retard

Yeah you're just bad. I'll slam anything with shaman.

>Vanilla was balanced
>Warriors are literally the only tanks
>B-but if I play a Feral Druid and use Naxx gear in BWL and farm 8 million consumables and grind Gnomergan all day every day I can be as effective as the Warrior in Valor as long as the boss doesn't have any taunt mechanics I'll be fine s-shut up

I'm sorry Beargrylls, but we're gonna have to bench you again, Sunderlad can tank this boss better and you've run out of Crowd Pummelers. Maybe next week if none of the Rogues need those leather pants for DPS you can get an upgrade and we can let you tank adds on Fankriss?

>t. shaman with no windfury procs
Put down your earth totem and let the mage do his job, cuck.

>everyone should be able to do everything just as well
Druids are hybrids and don't have worry as much about gear, it makes sense. People like you ruined the game. Back to retail.

The fuck are you even trying to say? Warriors are the only class that can tank all content. Prot Paladins can do some dungeons but don't have a taunt so no way fag, and Druids can tank some content they overgear if the work 50 times harder than the Warrior in Dungeon Blues.