reminder that when a boomer jumps in a conversation to tell you how things were better in his time you should just punch him
Reminder that when a boomer jumps in a conversation to tell you how things were better in his time you should just...
WoW was never good. men of taste such as myself were playing Planetside, SWG and City of Heroes instead
boomer containment board when?
But it's actually true. The world was literally in a better state before your time. Is that such a hard concept to wrap your head around? Just because it's the future doesn't mean things are better. It's opposite: things are worse.
It doesn't, it was just different shit.
what the fuck is it about WoW and queues ?
Objectively wrong. The entire world is in the economic dumps. The gap between poor and rich is wider. First world countries have objectively degraded and third worlds are even worse off thanks to greatly increased populations. Things are literally, objectively worse than they were in preceding decades, you dumb zoomer fuck.
Every generation since the dawn of time has thought of this. You are a tool
It's called /vr/, and it's glorious.
Why are they in line? It looks like a school, but they all have duffle bags or purses not backpacks, not only that but why are they going in a fucking maintenance entrance to get in and not the front door?
>muh economics
>muh politics
>yyyyou are a zoomer
LOL, can't imagine a sadder existence
i'm not playing classic wow because i have somewhat of a life now
back in the day i've never seen this kind of faggotry in game
>you dumb zoomer fuck
yeah, uh, there's this too. do you guys also speak like this in real life? without feeling the slightest embarassment?
>literally better
Has to keep remaking the past because the whole generation is intellectually bankrupt
Oh Zoomy can't you see can't you.see your generation will be regarded as cucks for eternity!
Is this the line to your mom's room?
sir, objectively, I'd have to objectively disagree. literally. objectively and respectuflly of course. like, literally. objective farewell (literally)
>yeah bro we may the bubonic plague but there's no way those guys in the roman empire had it better than us because that's the past and things only get better amirite
OP is done for!
>back in the day we had the bubonic plague, this whole medicine shit is for Zoomers, we suffered and we liked it
You are retarded user.
that was literally the rudest response you could objectively have come up with, objectively speaking. I literally could not have expected something so absurd and insensitive. It's objectivelly not an argument, so yeah uh, like, try again, literally
>zoomer faggot
>punching anything other than his body pillow
wow is zoomer
stuff like ultima online is boomer
get it right
Reminder that zoomers never post anything worthwhile and anyone who has been here before the zoomer wave knows how much they've lowered the quality of posting on the internet in general.
The world was definitely less bleak between the late 80's to 2001.
but it's actually
like, is that really such a hard concept
this bot has fried his systems. hello NPC police?
yeah nu-internet is really bad, i keep trying to get away from this shithole.
Remember when you actually enjoyed being on Yea Forums?
>couple of month ago
hahaha dead on arrival
hahaha world of worldque
you people, i swear
Actual, unironic boomers accessing the internet through phones lowered the internet's quality far more than anyone else.
>yyou don't have rose tinted glasses Zzzzzzzoomer REEEEE
Born in the 80's, nothing has changed, majority of people were retarded back then, same as now, people were obsessed with pointless shit, just like today, kids were sheltered, actual Baby boomers hated new gens.
Nothing changed except tech.
you are cringe. how many times a day do you think you repeat the same 15 sentences? shoot yourself in the head you're making me anxious and I'm not even the unfortunate creature that has to live with the tragedy you call your brain
WoW isn't even a "boomer" MMO. The only ones you can consider in that bracket are those that came out in the 90s like Meridian 59 and Ultima Online.
FF XIV is better in every way
>lmao punch nazis!
that's like saying that the ecosystem is unhealthy becasue the apex predators are too big compared to the prey
>yeah uh, I don't know about that one chief. objectively wrong!, like, you literally can't grasp your head around this concept, is that really hard? actually, REMINDER! npc buzzowrd number 37 npc buzzword number 74, but it's actually objective. Reminder that zoomers were saying that like literally unironically like not so long ago they objectively did like literally and REMINDER zoomers never experience this much kino soul (objectively) actually I don't think I ever like literally unironically objectivelly saw a z
This Boomer punches back, Squeellennial
every MMO since Anarchy Online has been shit
Thankfully I learned my lesson over a decade ago with Age of Conan
why does a genre of video game needs to stay good and relevant for the entirety of your life? why does somebody has to make a point about having a fucking entry of a video game consume every moment of his life?
My nigga
Like anyone here even knows how to make a fist
It doesn't? I just played other games or did other things with my time. Not that big of a deal. I was just miffed I spent like 100 bucks on a game that sucked (I bought the z board too).
we were definitely more free and the degeneracy was not so visible but i wonder if it is just that there were no degeneracy or it was just not so visible
I fisted many niggas before, r*tard
Both Dustin Hoffman and Robin Williams released a crossdressing movie back then, and that's just 2 of many, there has always been degeneracy shoved onto people's faces.
things were better though
>no nogs
>no hedonistic depravity
>no communist / globalist ideology subversiveness
>internet culture / vidya was not mainstream
>societal cohesiveness was apparent
>better games
>better movies
>better TV
>less moulis
>less trannies
>less feminazis
Yep, the 90s, even early 00s were way better. I honestly pity zoomers.
kids do not think it is worse as they do not have the literal, unironic, experience of being older and seeing the world in a time before its downfall
>it was better because it's from my time, even though if I experience these things today I realize how much of a stinky pile of trash lacking in quality it actually is
>its better cause its newer God I love Marvel and Fortnite
except I'm not a tool from my time so I don't have to pretend something is good or bad according to the year it was released
Civilized people form queues all the time.
what else would you do in a theme park. you get in line, consume the mass reproduced content, then get excited for the next line.