Video Games Wisdom

What wisdom have you learned from Video games that could be applied in the real world Yea Forums?

Attached: Wisdom.png (1920x1080, 2.69M)

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Forsake the lake, to see the sea.

What would Puggi do?

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Cheer them.
The guy is a pervert of another level

what is that? is that a non-gay Indivisible?

It's a gacha that is pretty much not a gacha but just a mobile game with good story and well written characters - Sdorica.
It is very easy to play it F2P as there is no bullshit with your stamina dried up buy more mana potions

Attached: pump.png (1163x277, 35K)

Mobile game called Sdorica. It's pretty chill.

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I'm actually impressed. Kids these days could learn a thing or two from a post like this.

Korean made?

Taiwan made

Nah, it's made in Taiwan by Rayark Games.

oh but developers are huge weaboos to a point there is no chinese voice overs. Only japanese language with subtitles for chinese, japanese, korean and english

how many years until "he" becomes a woman?

>korean mobage
>being decent


don't forget that the game is mostly a puzzle game with rpg elements than a typical gacha shit

I learned how to count in hexadecimal.

Law is hot.

It's a shit game, ignore shills. They sell pay to win costumes for characters that change their abilities and ~coincidentally~ they are all better than the originals.

Not really. They're sidegrades that are usually good, but have a different playstyle than their default skin, which might not accommodate certain teams.
You get all that currency for free anyways, like any gacha.

If your ball is too big for your mouth, it is not yours.

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t. fag who can't into team composition

You're surprised that versions designed to fill a different role than the base character play differently?

Its worked so far.

I learned that i can enter any houses for free and check their drawers and smash their pots.

Don't stand in the fire.

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