What is the best Star Wars game?
What is the best Star Wars game?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dark Forces II
Kotor 2.
Rogue Squadron
Jedi Academy
empire at war, force of corruption. the awakening of the rebellion mod in particular
The one where you could cut arms off with light sabers and bunny jump
There are a lot of good Star Wars games; which you'd consider the best really depends on what you're after. They really run the gamut of genres.
That porn one
look is sheev in this new shitty movie or what
Podracer for N64 or The Phantom Menace video game
Battlefront 2(2005) followed closely behind by the one that preceded it
That looks dumb af and impractical.
lmao is this fucking real
I don't get it. The high point of the previous movie was Rey rejecting the dark side and now this happens? This better not be a fakeout.
the previous movie was a pathetic shitshow, they have to do everything to salvage that fucking mess
The upcoming Jedi Fallen Order, of course
>The high point of the previous movie was Rey rejecting the dark side
Wrong. The high point of TLJ was the possibility that Rey might join the dark side, but the fact that she fairly comprehensively rejected it in the end should have killed the idea. It has to be a fakeout, surely
Papa Palpatine is going to try and convince Rey and she's going to have a vision like in Awakens. It's absolutely going to be a fakeout, or at least a disguise of some sort.
Can you fucking stop?
I want to forget this exists already
oh boy oh giddy just imagine all the cheap plastic this is going to sell
my god the cringe!!
>Thinking that Disney will want their pretty pristine Jedi princess to actually be evil
holy shit, is she ever fucking wrong?
Jedi Starfighter. x2 with friend.
That's my last memory of a flight shooter actually. Has any come since then? I consider Ace Combat to be a different (but still fun) genree.
empire at war, forces of corruption
just want to point out, people saying this is a vision are only semi correct, it's going to be a little training section where rey has to do what luke did on dagobah, sees herself as an ebul sith lord, defeats it and then it gives every disney fanboy a reason to say "look rey trained like luke that explains her power level!"
What is the tactical advantage of having a lightsaber that can do that.
how does that even generate lift?
None. It exists to try and sell toys that nobody is buying.
You get 2 beams instead of 1 and if you're as good with the force as she is, it's not a problem. You'll never hurt yourself.
Darth rey darth rey darth rey. every says. Meanwhile Im here like, finally, 3PO arrises from the shadows. The force has always been incredibly strong in him. thank the maker.
KOTOR. Jedi outcast/academy. Episode 1 podracing. Lego star wars. Battlefront 2. SWG. Starfighter is fun but I have kenophobia.
pic related is probably the most pathetic attempt at building hype that i have ever seen
its not supposed to be advantageous tactically, it justifies her being a great fighter because she used to use a stick before and now its like a stick but with lasers
also lets them cash into Maul nostalgia
So it can unlock and swing back at you when you twirl it and fucking kill you
Yes he is. Sheev is gonna be the end all antagonist because Johnson sank Snoke and they cant move beyond the OG characters because the new ones are insanely boring.
This one obviously
One step closer to peak swordsmanship.
Old BF2
Republic Commando
KotoR/ KotoR2
Jedi Outcast
I know Disney/nu-star war threw the expanded universe under the Japanese bullet train, but didn't light and dark sides kind of follow one of those psychology philosophies where man is inheriantly bad/unga-bungah and needs to train but not to be bad?
KOTOR 2 explored it a ton where Light Side jedi can be serene but heartless and Dark Side impulsive but loving. They don't necessarily have to be good or evil but can see how unga-bungah can easily lead to being a selfish asshole.
The Dark Side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some might consider to be... unnatural
First post fucking best post.
>tfw Episode 7 will never follow the story of Kyle Katarn.
Fuck this timeline.
It's the Force, I don't gotta explain shit
Why does Star Wars still exist?
We should have left it in the 80's where it belonged.
You know a week of torture by someone like Malak would be really hard to endure.
Especially after you make her doubt the Jedi teachings throughout the course of the game
>that arm jiggle to swing it open
Bad prop, bad direction, or bad acting?
Nostalgia is great for profit.
It's a nostalgic cashcow, it's not going anywhere.
Knights Of Yhe Old Republic 2
All of them of course
second this.
not seen the trailer, is this fucking real??
It bothers me that everything always just comes down to black or white decisions with this kind of stuff. You can recognize that the Jedi Council is a crock of shit but not murder fucking babies in their sleep.
Wow, Lightsaber nutcrackers. Didney is digging really far to sell merch aren't they considering their toy supply killed Toys R Us.
Rogue squadron 2, force unleashed, kotor and episode 1 racer.
Yes. If you want a good laugh, look up the leak. There's also evil c3p0 and a kingdom hearts storyline.
And that's why KOTOR II is a better game
Disney didn't kill Toys R Us. Amazon did.
They are influenced by the dark side of the force, user. You think their eyes turn yellow and shit by choice ? Force sensitive people get corrupted by the dark side and their hatred for their enemies is enough for them to kill offsprings.
of course not, some guy just got a Daisy Ridley look alike and did his own CGI of it as a goof
>but didn't light and dark sides kind of follow one of those psychology philosophies where man is inheriantly bad/unga-bungah and needs to train but not to be bad?
no? well I guess somewhat in the LS where the idea is if you don't become a robot you'll fall to the darkside, while the darkside embraces every emotion and indeed thrives on negative ones.
>KOTOR 2 explored it a ton where Light Side jedi can be serene but heartless and Dark Side impulsive but loving
the DS can't be impulsive but loving beyond the Exile m8, I mean Yuthura from 1 is a great case of the DS perverting their noble goals by having her embrace her darker emotions rather than only her positive ones.
Kotor 2 and Jolee from 1 are the only games where that's really delved into.
But yeah the jedi as they were in the prequels were arrogant retards whose training is so rigid it's just begging to make some fall, hell the whole
>you can't love
bit is half the reason anakin fell
No it was majority Didney. They bought all that Nu-Star Wars garbage from Rose Tico figures to the shaving buzzer speeder and it wasn't selling. Not even clearance moved that shit out the store.
Return of the Jedi for SNES
Shadows of the Empire and Rogue Squadron on N64
Toys R Us. Went super hard on an exclusive Star Wars toys deal expecting The Last Jedi to fucking go gangbusters. Nobody wanted the new Star Wars toys, nobody.
no it was majority amazon m8, the store barely had people coming for any toy because you can get any on Amazon, even if the new trilogy had been fantastic and had great toys it still would have been fucked
I don't know what to bleieve. That's an awful lot of effort for a fake and it looks JUST like Daisy. I really don't put it past them after Kylo Ren's saber. Then again... a foldy sword.... is it TOO much?
easier to ride on old IPs through remakes and sequels than make something original
Omg I love living in the "reboot everything" era, omg, I love it. HYPE!!! *dabs*
*zooms away*
definitely not battlefront II 2
maybe it would be halfway decent if aerial troops got deleted and heroes vs villains wasn't an obnoxious orgy of crowd control.
>It’s another “Rey is joining the dark side?” trailer
Didn’t we just get this last film?
I don't know, after years of expanded universe sith lords being either really fucking cool or somewhat decent. I can't really get behind the whole "Baby faced boy/girl trying to look scary" shtick they got with the sequels.
Is this a true story? BASED ALEC GUINNESS.
>people here are such immense brainlets they can't consider the possibility it folds in half to make carrying it easier
if you didn't complain when pong krell did it, why are you complaining now?
Based. Enjoy and move on, never obsess.
KotOR 1 or Jedi Outcast
KotOT 2, Jedi Academy, Dark Forces 2, and the Episode 1 Racer game were superb too.
kek that looks so fucking bad.
Didney can't get sòy eaters like pic related to """""""""relate"""""""" to Sith like Malgus and Vader if they look menacing.
You have good taste. But you forget Rogue Squadron and Tie Fighter.
best part about her is that she also makes for an incredibly poor Sith as she's simply not capable of actively betraying anyone, she needs other people to take action FOR her
>people here are such immense brainlets they can't consider the possibility it folds in half to make carrying it easier
Just fucking turn it off, you double IQ nigger.
Jesus Christ
She carries a full staff around but needs her meter long beam sword to be more portable? Who the fuck is Pong Krell?
yeah, if you mean BAD-ASS
>tfw never played Jedi Academy despite playing Jedi Outcast all the time
I feel like it's my destiny to not play it
Wow, that guy isn't even deflecting any blaster shots. They're all just missing. I know firearm accuracy in Star Wars is a joke, but this is ridiculous.
Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
you're all wrong. toys r us was the victim of corporate gambling. the company was doing fine financially, but the people who bought them did it with money they didn't have and put toys r us up as collateral.
this is correct. turns out hedge funds cant manage shit other than daddy's inheritance
Needing to relate to characters truly is the domain of the lowest idiot.
1. Jedi Outcast
2. KotOR2
3. Jedi Academy
I know you're fucking around, but you're right. Woobying every fucking villain in everything is horse shit.
The last time there was a villain I actually liked from western devs it was the bad guy from fucking For Honor of all things.
t. wants his screen flooded with blacks and women because he can't stand white men
I love white men, they're so beautiful and they come in so many different colors
I love it
Episode 1 Racer
>doesnt use double white sabers
desu star wars wasn't good to begin with and only the second to last and last prequel movies were good
It tends to go on sale for dirt cheap. It's fun but not as much of a coherent adventure as Outcast is. The story is much, much worse as well.
>Who the fuck is Pong Krell?
Jedi General from the most kino arc in The Clone Wars.
A shame they'll never put Umbara into a game.
my absolute niggers
no 1 is better
For a while star wars was the one licensed property with a really good track record. People loved star wars games so much that it really came through in the games that were produced.
>X-wing Vs Tie Fighter
>X-Wing Alliance
>Shadow of the Empire
>Rogue Squadron
>Galatic Battlegrounds
good old days
it's in the newest trailer, you can just youtube it
>Star Wars is shit
>Star Trek is shit
>Game of Thrones is shit
Apologize to capeshit. It's the only franchise that ended with integrity.
>Apologize to capeshit. It's the only franchise that ended with integrity.
eat shit !
based capekino wins again
Here's my opinion on best Star Wars games/series
#1: Star Wars Galaxies (pre-CU)
#2: Star Wars KOTOR 1 + 2
#3: Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy
#4: TIE-Fighter/X-Wing
#5: Star Wars Battlefront 1 + 2 (Original of course)
#6: Republic Commando
#7: Dark Forces 1 + 2
#8: Episode 1 Pod Racing
#9: Rogue Squadron series
#10: Shadow of the Empire
All of the games on that list is obviously my opinion, but I will fight to the death to defend Star Wars Galaxies as the best Star Wars game. No other Star Wars game comes close to the freedom and immersion SWG gave you. It actually felt like you were in the Star Wars universe as you watched the sunset on Tatooine during a dust storm with the somber music playing.
I tried playing KOTOR 1 and hated it, can I jump into KOTOR 2?
do i really need to post those reaction videos?
>Darth Rey shit again
I only want to see Sheev again I hope someone makes a Sheev cut and puts it on youtube for I don't have to watch this gay shit
Wait till the female Thor movie
what did you hate about it?
there's a lot of shit that will really only make sense if you do 1 but it's not absolutely required
combat wasnt fun and the story seemed like crap. but I may just not like the bioware take on star wars
>combat wasnt fun
2 isn't that much different there just to warn you
>and the story seemed like crap.
1's story is basically if you had darth vader amnesiad as a nobody set in a plot like episode 4, with some variations of course. though I find it fun to either be a generic light side moralfag or a comedically edgy sith that's just me personally
that said 2s story is absolutely better, but many of your companions in 1 come back in some form and you revisit 2 of the planets so playing 1 first allows you to have a better grasp on the story.
It's from his autobiography.
Supposedly there are repulser lifts in the hilt. Which is still stupid because they might as well wear jetpacks, but hey.
A truly underrated game
I think there is potential in the SW universe for some cool stories but having everything revolve around the Jedi and Sith, despite them being the cornerstones to the whole thing, make it feel a little repetitive. I liked the Solo movie a lot more than other people despite it being Disneywars and despite TORtanic overall being really bad I wish there was more stuff like the Agent storyline
From what I've read though I really like the magic sins/evil the games have with the Sith and how fucked they are, which the movies and old/new lore always lacks
shame, because Star Wars has some cool aliens and concepts but so much of it is boring
it is, even with context its still retarded and know they are using OG star destroyers again despite them technically being outdated, mostly due to nobody even caring to pretend its not a OT ripoff by this point
The lightsaber designs keep getting dumber.
What is this?
Yep, end scene in latest official trailer !
Why do people keep talking about Sheev as if he's alive?
Kotor 2 (with mod which restores content)
it flips into a double saber like mauls, but it has a U shape option for some raisin. pretty sure it was always foreshadowed with her staff pipe thing
Because IX leaks say he is a Xehanort type soul thing that needs bodies and he was in Snoke/wants to possess Kylo in IX
if that was the case then why did she activate both of them before turning it into a staff, your example didn't do that he just activated one part of it. You can't justify how autistic that shot was.
It's not. It's gonna be a shitty dream sequence, and people are actually falling for a shitty marketing trick.
Battlefront 2 (2017)
Why do people count republic commando as good game? I played it and it's one of the most boring game I've played
>then it gives every disney fanboy a reason to say "look rey trained like luke that explains her power level!"
It doesn't retroactively explain her bullshit powerlevel prior to training, however.
>reeeee trailers should be honest!!!
>ends with integrity
but they are still shitting out more capeshit that is exploring literal who's, not to mention capeshit influenced properties like star wars which contributed it to them becoming shit
What's the story behind the screaming manchild?
He had a whole clone body thing going in the EU, which is admittedly no longer canon, but when you combine it with the earlier teaser trailer, pretty clear they're hinting he's back.
>Mark Hamill says "no one's ever really gone"
>Sheev laughs immediately after, one of the most notable characters that's dead
>Series lacking ultimate villain because Kylo Ren is supposed to be confused but not beyond redemption
Some dude posted a reaction video and was literally moved to tears by a Star Wars trailer a few months ago.
It's pathetic.
>not trusting based Taika
Dark Forces > Dark Forces II > Dark Forces III: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast > Jedi Acadamey >>>>>>>>>>>All other star wars games
Second game is more serious with one of the best characters I've seen, but it's buggy as hell, and you will need a mpd which restores content to play it. Game shorty explains most thing you need to know from the first game to understand what is happening. Combat haven't changed since first game.
One of a million reaction videos to the teaser trailer, but his sad appearance crossed with literal tears made him an infamous representation of how sad Star Wars fanboys can be.
This man is a subversive genius. A true believer. He knew that Disney wanted to milk the SW brand for all its worth. He had to do something to stop them. But he couldn't help from the outside. So he lowered his head, dropped on his knees, and he kissed the ring. (And probably something else) They thought he was harmless, and so they gave him the keys to the kingdom.
And that magnificent bastard did the opposite of what they expected. Of what anyone expected. He subverted all expectations, burned everything to the ground, delivered a movie so terrible that nothing can be built on top of it. He did the one thing thought impossible: He killed Star Wars.
It was a mercy-kill, swift but not without pain. Yet it was the best that could be hoped for under the circumstances. Only a future of endless pain and misery awaited Lucas's baby after he sold it to the slavers
No one will ever know his true reasons. He will be hated for all time for what he did. But he is a true hero. And I, for one, salute him.
Because he's coming back somehow.
I played the shit out of that Phantom Menace game. Underrated.
I wish I could marry you.
>Escapism bad
Obsession over anything is unhealthy when it prevents you from functioning but as long as you provide for yourself and you're content do what you want. Guinness was a pseud.
Anyone lose a parrot?
Found one here
He's either far cleverer than I give him credit for or Armond White is the most based man in Hollywood
You just KNOW it's some shitty vision and she isn't ACTUALLY being portrayed as evil.
Galactic Battlegrounds
What if she's just picking up some dark boy's lightsaber because there's nothing else to use?
>ain't sheev starts playing
Endgame was shit. Now the MCU is fucking done thanks to based Sony.
Is this real?
What the fuck?
Why does this look so bad? How does it look so bad?
I think Republic Commando is the best
I would like to try KOTOR again but the controls in the PC port aren't great
any fix for that?
bet is going to be the same with luke trial when he saw himself as vader
Floats around on Yea Forums but you can google it.
Man I can't fucking pick. I've spent so much time playing Star Wars vidya.
>OG Battlefront 1 and 2 and the countless mods
>Galactic Battlegrounds
>modded Empire at War
>Pandemic Clone Wars vehicle game
>TIE Fighter
>Dark Forces
>RS trilogy
In terms of recapturing the films it would definitely be Rogue Squadron 2.
saber designs get worse and fucking worse.
White people?
Yeah, they will soon.
>evil c3po
HK-47 was great
Ehhh is that just the video? Cause I have seen it. I thought the plot leaked. I wanted to laugh at the fakeout of Rey going dark.
would make more sense if they were using the force to slow their decent and the light saber as a motor/fan to push them.
Xwing Alliance
Statement: Master This anonymous meatbag highly praises your humble servant!
Question: Shall I eliminate it as the last one?
>TLJ worldwide total of $1.333 billion.
It's like every. single. thing. Yea Forums and internet tards as a whole hate, make tons of money and are super successful.
Use this, Fighter will take no less.
8-bit theatre is really not that obscure, however.
I thought Disney got rid of essence transfer?
>we will never have a non-EA clone wars game
>tfw won't get to fight on space vietnam
I'd say this is completely retarded, but luke drinking milk directly from a space cow i don' discard anything
was yoda eating squirrel goop soup retarded?
>Now the MCU is fucking done
Thank God, fuck capeshit.
I wanted to fuck Sariss so bad as a kid
>A character can't be a Mary Sue if the story is fantasy
Yoda is a really weird guy.
Presentation is important, also, i forgot superman leia
>its okay when yoda does it
This has to be satire. They're essentially saying why she is a Mary Sue while at the same time saying "but she isn't one".
No gravity in space, old lady force pull is ez.
Reminder that Anakin did indeed fulfill the prophecy and brought balance to the force
>Front cover has Mace Windu
>You play as a completely different black jedi
Episode 8 was a pile of SHIT
Fuckin' SHIT
I can't fucking get over it, it was so SHIT I'm so fucking mad I'm trembling. I really liked 7. Why did this happen? SHIT
When was it balanced though?
Quite correct, that is.
Absolutely this.
>star wars isn't going to have Jedi anymore it's going to have 'skywalkers'
This is such a stupid fucking thing
After the death of Palpatine and himself. Bringing balance to the force meant destroying both the Sith and the Jedi Order
GO WATCH THE MOVIES NOW and don't come back until they're done
Yoda was Luke's mentor, Luke even became a hermit like Yoda. He even got a lot of Yoda's quirks.
But the Jedi order wasnt destroyed. He started teaching right after he dunked on palpy.
My nigger
Yup. Luke carried that movie so hard it's not even funny. And even him could've been done better.
Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy and KOTOR
The vast majority of people hate tlj, not just Yea Forums. And it fell off on the box office far faster than tfa did.
So, I likes KotOR, and KotOR 2, but storyline wise I feel like SWtOR is just all around better since it makes me feel like I'm just one of the masses, not some super special mary sue with a story background I didn't know about. Plus, I get to play with friends and roleplay my character alongside someone. That's really all i get out of games lately. I'm really upset I'm just gonna play some generic guy in Fallen Order. I really wanted to be able to customize myself more.
Nah that's retarded, Siths are the one upsetting the balance of the Force, and Jedis are the one that are supposed to protect it.
Destroying both is like kicking a guy in the balls after you rescued him from drowning so "it evens out" in the eye of the universe. It's stupid.
Was Starkiller dare I say better than Rey?
Even then while I don't remember at the moment the framing of the squirrel soup, the milking scene was quite strange. Didn't add anything, it was just there to gross people out out of the blue. As if they were trying to appease someone's question of "but what did he live off on this island" begrudgingly.
They're both shit.
He’s worse actually.
SWTOR is so underrated honestly, because of tortanic memes. The Imperial Agent storyline was amazing
Even the useless mon calamari companion from TOR is better than Rey.
The vast majority of people hate TLJ and TFA.
Everyone is making a big deal about TLJ RUINING THE WHOLE WORLD because they have to play up the complete LIE that TFA is fucking awesome or at least mediocre and that EVERYONE LOVED IT and that TLJ WAS DONE BY AN INSANE ROGUE AND WAS COMPLETELY AGAINST THE VISON OF JJ ABRAMS
It's true.
Even now the shills are out in force pushing this see through narrative.
Perhaps you were expecting some surprise, for me to reveal a secret that had eluded you, something that would change your perspective of events, shatter you to your core. There is no great revelation, no great secret. There is only you.
He was the absolute epitome of a mary sue who surpassed everybody just because he was so awesome. Surpassed everybody and kicked Darth Vader's ass several times, beat Palpatine, pulled a Star Destroyer out of orbit, you name it.
TFA is old so it's good.
TLJ is still new so it's bad.
This will change soon enough.
Jedi Academy is by far the one I've played the most because of the multiplayer but all the JK games rule as well as DF1
Agree with the other anons in this thread that the Phantom Menace game is truly underrated
Ugh what is your problem? I liked 7. It was fetch
better stand back mister because im about to slash......ALL MY PRICES
He laughs at the end of the first trailer. Disney killed off the ayy lmao bad guy and knows Kylo is too much of a joke to be a main villain so they gotta bring back Sheev to make the sith great again. It's gonna be a fucking trainwreck
It's totally gonna be a fakeout, the company is too focused on being a family friendly company and the writers don't have the chops and artistic integrity to pull off a twist like that. Its just trailer hype that's gonna be like a 5 minute "visions" or "undercover" sequence in the movie itself.
More that I wanted to make a character who used a gun and was a smuggler, but no I have to be forced into all this Jedi and past life nonsense I didn't have in mind for the character I made
Maybe but sword chucks was one of my favorite jokes back in the day. And it may not be obscure but no milquetoast zoomer is gonna know it.
>force pushes you off an edge
nothin personal, kid
Literally a commercial failure, you dumb shit
>make a dude that just wants nothing to do with the Force
>Kreia shows up
>"learn the Force, you sissy"
So much for that.
I meant the old Jedi Order. In order to bring balance to the force, Anakin had to serve as the catalyst that led to the destruction of both sides so that his son could introduce new concepts of the force. Yoda's Jedi Order focused too much on maintaining connection to the light side and keep it as the major power in the galaxy while completely shunning powers that are more in-tuned to the dark side. The force is not inherently good nor evil and it's possible to gain mastery of powers associated with both sides regardless of what you plan to do with them.
I keep hearing that, but have never made one. I think that'll be my next playthrough. I personally loved the Smuggler and Sith Warrior storylines. Both really made me feel like what they were supposed to do. A smuggler being a charming asshole and pulling off major heists while on the run from debt collectors, and the Sith Warrior really feels like the rise of power while on the Dark Side.
Check out the most recent leaks. It's not just a vision. She DOES turn to the dark side. She basically becomes one with the force and becomes connected with all of the Jedi and Sith from generations past. The problem is, the Sith were stronger, and she becomes possessed by them and turns evil. Ben frees her when he kills her, and he brings balance to the force by destroying all of the Sith spirits in 1 blow.
>1.333 BILLION DOLLARS and still rising
What absurd delusion. I bet you support Trump.
This isn’t canon at all.
>Jedis are the one that are supposed to protect it.
The prequel and Lucas himself outright state that you are 100% incorrect,
The force itself is balanced.
Force users cause the imbalances in the force user.
The Sith and Jedi both cause huge embalances in the force and when the force has had enough it causes the birth of someone who rights it by either becoming the leader of the other side or wiping the playing board.
>"fuck yeah epic twist bro xD"
I'm really starting to fucking loathe this shit.
Are we ripping off Avatar now?
Not with Kathleen's Star Wars it isn't.
It's not good because it's old or "fetch"
It's shit.
It's terrible by every single fucking metric you can name and everyone knows it.
It's why JJ got the fuck out of dodge and brought in rian to be the hatchet man to take the ass raping from the public and play the good guy when he comes in later with his second shitty installment into this IP and company ruining dumpster fire.
The world is a clown.
>Everyone just stares in confusion when they fly away with their sabercopters
tfa was shit, tlj was shittier. What're you babbling about?
Your opinion is like your asshole, gaping, bloody, repulsive, and no one cares about it.
Taking into account EA's Battlefront 2, presumably it's either going to be Force Spirit Sheev or Clone/AI Sheev that's going to make a return.
Hey, cool. Lightscissors.
Star Wars is only good when you drop the gay ass space wizard shit and instead just focus on the sci-fi aspects of it.
Please cite them. Also this sounds too good to be true.
>and no one cares about it.
Eh, any hole's a goal.
Nuance and shades of gray in my star wars? NIET
where's the star wars game where i can filter tripfags?
Where the fuck did you come from, retard? Lynch yourself
Sith weren't more powerful, they just liked using more destructive stuff and forcing their will on reality.
Just because a 95lb weakling likes smashing cars with a baseball bat, doesn't make him stronger then the guy who can FLIP cars.
Also, no one likes kylo ren. No one.
He's outright loathed by everyone. Hell they hate him more then they hate Rey.
Ah well. At least Disney is getting raked over the coals, losing billions on their disaster of a theme park and poor merchandising decisions, and JJ and by extension bad robot are basically fucked in terms of their ability to sell to the geek crowd and scifi loving losers.
Not really. The prequels definitely ruined Jedi though.
I like how a lot of people say that Disney did this, but it's literally something that Lucas believed. Light side is always good, dark side is always bad, there is no in between.
This looks extremely clumsy. Who thought this was a good idea?
Stop trying to make fetch happen
Only a Sith deals in absolutes
You mean Iger right?
He hired JJ to put his unique spin on this. Kathleen is just the impotent face that is being put up there to be the punching bag for this fuck up.
At least Iger allows her to wipe his cum off her lips before she steps onto stage to talk about how the force is female and feminist nonsense.
It's someone who's here to shill this fuck up.
>game has an empire campaign
>it ends with the empire clearly "winning"
>it's actually right before the end of Return so they lose anyway
Give me a key then so that I can play with you user
New StarWars movies are better than both trilogies, old fart.
The guy who made the EBUL CHRISITAN CROSS SWORD for the obvious crypto jew they desperately tried to push as attractive to the loser crowd.
>Star Wars is dead
>Mass Effect is dead
So what sci fi games should I be looking forward to right now?
The christian cross is >LITERALLY< a super evil torture device.
Star Citizen
Why does this look so bad and fake? Jesus. You think with mouse budget they'd be able to create convincing CGI
Outer Worlds (probably)
Starfield (probably)
thot actually be spot on. wow.
Toy creators
Halo on PC
>Scam Citizen
Orange Trainer
>Lost fights
>Actually failed.
>Voice actor isn't talentless and annoying.
Galen is objectively better.
Didnt he literally pull a star destroyer from the sky just by waving his hand around.
The one where Vader becomes a giant scorpion
I loved the vehicle shooter clone wars game
No you moron, Anakin was supposed to bring balance to the Force, which he eventually did by killing the last Siths alive at the time (one of them being himself). By your logic he should've stabbed Luke too since Jedis are also imbalanced. You're just saying the same thing Luke did in SW8, but he was wrong, Yoda even came down to tell him to stop moping around.
thanks didney
So WHEN exactly did little Annie bring balance to the force?
He did bring balance... right?
Starsector, if you're a Mountain Blade and Early Access fag
Isn't every hero becoming female or being erased now?
someone post the swiss army knife version, please. i need it.
Revenge of the sith.
dark forces pc
shadows of the empire n64
That Obi-Wan combo was the shit
Jedi Academy
It was such a good ps2 game that did so many things right that it makes me wonder why it's not mentioned more.
i like the star wars lego games..
top kek
Let's get this on reddit, boyos!
He's a worse marry sue but is actually entertaining unlike Rey
>Best capeshit this year was The Boys
When I saw how he dragged a Star Destroyer out of orbit with force is when I wrote off Star Wars as having lost it.
The last good thing that came out of Star Wars was The Clone Wars clonetrooper episodes.
What I don't understand is how there existed people who though the new movies will good when they learned Abrams was on board.
Did people forget how he ruined Star Trek?
fuck off nazi
>we have to go arrest this evil dude with force powers and lightsabers
>should we blow his kneecaps out as soon as we see him? we have the technology to easily fix it later.
>no, let's encircle him so we risk friendly fire, and then let him monologue while getting closer to us in a small room with his 3-meter lightsabers
>then we're gonna politely ask him to stay still while we arrest him
>but as long as you provide for yourself and you're content
how many can say that really?
This best of them, choose wisely.
I like kylo because he is the only one whose character has developed over the films
Nazis are based. YOU fuck off
I feel you
He did in Episode 3. There were 2 jedi and 2 sith left in the end = balance.
Please tell me you're talking about Tarakovsky Clone Wars.
even some of the nu wars characters can't comprehend the shit universe they live in
Republic Commando, the MP was so much fun
It's sad because there are some genuinely amazing moments in Rebels. Pic related is fantastic if you know your lightsaber styles. It had some genuine gems in the series, and I'll admit straight up that I enjoyed Twilight of the Apprentice ("Ahsoka"), but there's so much bad that drowns out the good.
How do you unlock Dark Rey in BF2?
>a franchise
>that ended
DICE please nerf the DF-90 mortar
what part of "size matters not" do you not understand
>DICE reveals the Gand Findbroker
>Need a control a cantina to spawn as one
>Costs 3,000 BP
Starhawk standing by.
Korkie is the son of Obi-Wan and is Rey's Grandfather
You CANNOT disprove this
>Play as Saw's Partisans on Jedha
>Rebels appear as hostile on map
>You still get BP for killing them
Now this is podracing
Reminder that Ventress is a playable hero in classic battlefront 2
Meanwhile Ahsoka isnt even in ONE Battlefront game
>AT-HHs not on Crait map
Fix your fucking game DICE
Or Emperor Palpatine possession.
Because if force ghosts can summon lightning now then they can probably do that too...why not?
There's a skin mod in Nexus...
>Hating shadows of the empire
>Hating republic commando
>Hating kotor
>hating battlefield 2
You ain't my nigga
>Haters mad?
The super star wars trilogy, all the Kyle Katarn games, Kotor 1 and 2, Force Unleashed 1 (not 2), podracer 64, the old battlefront games.
Mass driver construction complete
Does anyone even care about Shadows of the Empire past the first level?
Rebel Pathfinder reporting in
I loved that game. The train level was great, the boss after scared the hell out of me as a kid, jetpack was fun, etc etc.
It hasn't aged that well, but it's still fun
Mass Effect was barely ever alive you retarded zoomer.
It was for half a decade
>mfw checked and it's indeed real
Jesus, what's the context here? He looks like he's having a panic attack. You can see his eyes glisten like he's on the verge of tears.
He didn't know that he'd be killed in post production until the movie came out
At least, that's what someone on Yea Forums said
last jedi opening night or something
it was late and mark later commented that he was really tired iirc
looks fucking bad though
a lot of rumors circulated for a while they he didn't know luke died off
Battlefront II (Classic) and the Jedi Knight Series.
Please say this is body possession thats my fetish
Super Shadows of the Rogue Battlefront Republic Knights III.
>I prefer their cave man ads.
He was a fun in the 1st game. Everything about 2 was bad.
I mean Looper was pretty good.
>Jesus, what's the context here?
Hamill vs. nu-Wars: Didnt Sign Up For This.webm
Does anyone actually have the link to the original video?
The Sith create an imbalance in the Force. Anakin brought balance when he killed the emperor to save Luke.
this. no contest
ding ding ding
>Not republic at war
it's sad hes going to die knowing Disney tainted his legacy
How did they manage to fuck up the sequels so badly?
EAFront 2 might actually be good this september
They're adding instant action (singleplayer) with the big maps and vehicles and republic commandos. Also in the single player modes, all weapons and upgrades are automatically unlocked.
The only downside is all the different clone armor designs are still locked behind "credits", but you can earn those by doing the challenges.
Brother's Bloom is pretty decent too
This movie was just way too big for him
Kotor 1/2 are shit. Jesus fuck I can't believe people think that is a good game.
>dude just install the restored content mod
that doesn't make up for the boring as fuck gameplay, the shallow character building, and the ending that is literally just a cliffhanger for the MMO. Also the literally personality-less villains that aren't Kreia.
>dude the force sucks, i'm a centrist, lets destroy the force
>actually I'm just a Sith and you need to deal with the Super Sith in the outer areas lmao
inb4 this scene is just a nightmare/hallucination/vision. Disney has to be really fucking stupid yo make rey a sith, she's just a bad mary sue
Basically make a trilogy of movies with no plan on where the trilogy was going
Star Wars was hack trash all along, this is just the first time you're seeing it without the haze of nostalgia
Well they set the seeds of it in The Last Jedi. When Rey went to the dark side of the force to find answers without hesitation. And when she fought using her emotions, screaming and snarling, against the royal guard.
The only problem with that is that turning Rey into a Sith will also be acknowledging that Rey has flaws which they will never do.
Also Gossam Commandos, jungle rancors, gelagrub mounts, nysillin packs, and Shu Mai as an announcer.
wrong and this type of revisionist thinking is consistent with zoomers
>cutting before motion instead of cutting during motion
Who the fuck edited this? Looks like a YouTube fanvid
>This entire thread
>not one mention of Force Unleashed
I-I liked both games d-does that make m-me a fag?
Kotor 2
Super Return of the Jedi
Battlefront 2 (6th Gen)
no, Force Unleashed is a pretty decent action game and the only one to get lightsaber sht right
All I'm waiting for now is galactic assault/ capital supremacy without heroes. So many good fights ruined because of lightsaber wielding edgelords
enjoy the cringe
i'm now le epic 4channers guise?
i'm a shitty contrarian so i must be one of you, right?
>that doesn't make up for the boring as fuck gameplay, the shallow character building,
I disagree but that's your opinion
>and the ending that is literally just a cliffhanger for the MMO
this is just outright wrong, yes obsidian planned to make a third game to finish the trilogy but not an mmo
to even get to SWTOR's lore required raping 1 and particularly 2s stories on the part of Bioware anyway
I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a game so much only to be so thoroughly underwhelmed with the last couple hours. I guess it makes sense the rushed deadline would affect the endgame the most.
And yes I played the restored content mod, so I have no idea what it looked like before.
It wasn't too long ago that shitting your pants in defense of the IP was reserved for children and autists
that thing looks like a toy
and being contrarian for the sake to be contrarian is fine nowadays?
because that's fucking retarded
Remake of Dark Forces + Dark Forces II when?
Nah, I had the originals on VHS, they just aren't that good
Nu Star wars is pretty beloved so I guess you're all faggot contrarians for not lapping right?
I liked the games too. Incredibly dumb and the second game might as well be DLC for the first game given how short it is but its still good stuff
He may be an OP shitter but at least hes a character
Taika is the biggest bitch ever. Constantly crying about how shit NZ is for "much racism" even though his people get constant handouts for being Maori and his humour is basic tier NZ comedy.
t. New Zealander
I am unironically interested in the Mandalorian and Ewan McGregor.
>he says, as everyone is still butthurt over Luke almost murdering his nephew in his sleep in the last movie
Sequel trilogy has been darker than any other movie in the series besides maybe RotS going full grimdark at the end
nah it was already coming down he just redirected it, which to be fair, is still fucking nuts
>people can't be racist to you if their government gives you things
id say kotor 2 but i havent played a lot of star wars games.
Ragtag by Visceral Studios
It was okay
the star wars mod for Mordhau that'll never get made
patrician taste
step aside kids
>DF.12 Com Turret now costs only 800 BP
DICE doing something right
they could just retcon the entire movie and make a new one.
>Star cards like Haphazard Bombardment and Mastermind's Acquisition are being rotated out soon
What star cards will you miss?
>Sequel trilogy has been dumber than any other movie in the series
a true patrician's game
Here's your new Star Destroyer bro.
>Ctrl F 'TIE Fighter'
>3 Results
Fucks sake, she's joined the Dark Side now? What's next, Kylo being good?
>Only two mentions of X-Wing Alliance
Fuck, this explains it all.
Rey found the Armoire of Invincibility
>Fucking around on Mustafar map
>Go out of bounds
>This happens
This game is so FUCKING HARD HOLY SHIT. The last couple races in the story mode are pure unadulterated bullshit.
Jedi Power Battles
I can't wait for Ashens to review all the tat that this film will with out a doubt produce.
Fuck I wanted to say this. Even better than the actual TPM game.
But that would be an admission of doing something completely retarded, so instead they'll double down on that shit. When it fails they'll say the brand simply isn't profitable and nobody wants it, which is basically true at this point.
>encounter these guys during Capital Supremacy on Byss
>spawn as an Imperial Dungeoneer and let them loose on the Rebs
What is that?
from my point of view it was the jedi who created imbalance, in the time of senator Sheev the jedi outnumbered sith over 1000:1. Order 66 was the balance the force needed.
A Darkghast. Native to Mustafar.
you just KNOW she fights her and wins immediately. Even though its supposed to represent internal conflict.
Or maybe this is where her retarded mary sue powers come from, and shes useless without her
why the fuck doesn't it spin open with a spring or something?
>YFW this suddenly plays
Why does every single Star Wars game have to involve the Force in some way? Has there ever been a single Star Wars game that didn't even mention the Force so much as once?
god damn that's kino.
did the sequels have any notable songs outside Rei's theme?
theres probably a ton that doesn't directly mention the force and lightsabres directly. but no not likely.
but that's like asking for a gundam story without giant robots.
guys tell me about the features of Battlefront III again, I want to let the anger flow through me.
Seamless ground-to-space
Her theme is the only sort of unique or fun one. The rest suck.
let me show you
I thought that was a girl with boob armor on the right. Why you do this user?
A story mode not written by DICE
Looks like shit. Funny how EA managed to make worse than this shit
I can't even wrap my head around how huge this map must be.
Si did mail get cut in half there?
I enjoy it but it's far from best. Gameplay is king, and a good story in an unfinished game with shit gameplay doesn't make best game.
Jedi Outcast/Academy gameplay is way better.
Imagine if the modders released BF3L versions of Kasshyk and Endor.
I bet It'll be a fantastic clusterfuck
Poor bait.
Kreia was the only good thing about the game
I just want to see it populated with 300 players.
If Disney made Rey turn, and has her cut down by Katarn, I will forgive literally everything about the previous two movies. It'll never happen, but I can dream.
Unironically, yes
Absolutely based. Yun is the best character in all of Star Wars.
>Not Darth Jar Jar
>When this plays on Mustafar
If you think it's hard with a normal character, try playing as that one racer with the cockpit in front of his engines. His name is Neva Key or something like that. His rig is so maneuverable and responsive that the slightest twitch to the controls makes it swerve 90 degrees and smash into a wall.
>what eesa dead is neva really goneza!
I think this is where I got my corruption fetish from tbqh
>trusting disney to do anything the original fans actually wants to see
It's the plot. It involves resurrection, possession, and evil c3p0.
Do you have a source for that user? I've been hurt too many times before
>evil c3p0.
I hope 3p0 gets to rule over bunch of satanic Ewoks at least/
Lego Star wars 3
Jedi Academy
Star Wars Galaxy (Pre-NGE/CU)
Dark Forces
Star Wars: Empire at War
If were only given a chance to have 5 Star Wars games for the rest of time, these would be it.
The force unleashed for psp
Jedi Knight Jedi Academy
Jedi Outcast has a better story though
Reminder that Grievous literally did nothing wrong
Darth Maul didn't have to fold his in half.
Not even slightly? There were just a ton of "leaks" about it mixed in with plausible and accurate information.
>that lightsaber
>What the fuck is due process?????
The real solution is to play both games - add the multiplayer maps from Outcast to Academy.
I'm glad he went on to voice The Son and Darth Maul. The actor is pretty cool, to the point where he told the director for SOLO that he needed an inquisitor lightsaber because that's how it is in canon.
He s obviously talking about unhealthy escapism and that's exactly what he saw and is exactly what's happening.
I thought he only existed as a reminder that cyborg technology for rebuilding people was a thing, as a precursor to Vader.
Yeah, but he also did nothing wrong
star wars is dead and leftists killed it
Umbara is in TOR
Tie Fighter. Also a better story than 7 of the 8 movies.
You can tell Mark doesn't want to be there
What the, what is this ?
In the last movie? I dont follow starwars but did they kill him off in a recent movie without being told or what?
This was more sad than cringe.
Deep cut across the chest hidden by camera angles. Airing on Disney XD meant no dismemberments of any kind
That's form 7, no?
this but with Plinkett
Gee Rey, why'd your mom let you have two lightsabers?
If Anakin was soooo strong that Palpatine was nutting over him then why did he lose and then never got stronger than Yoda/Palpatine like Palpatine said he was??
I wonder if he knows people unironically think he ruined Star Wars on purpose with TLJ
In the original Trilogy, he was stronger than Palpatine and Yoda. But because Lucas wanted to make Anakin Space Jesus in the prequels, he started retroactively changing him to be simultaneously the strongest force user ever, but also so flawed he can be controlled by simple suggestion and intimidation. So...just like Rey.
>Is it the chosen one?
>He is
>He will avenge us
Wait is Rey the new actually strongest force user ever now?
Nah, Disney is just run by incompetent idiots who gave the series to other incompetent idiots. Rian is just the result you get when your hubris is at monolithic levels.
I'll be so happy when Episode IX fails because JarJar Abrams can't ever write an ending to anything. For once he's being forced to clean up a mess he started, unlike Star Trek, Revolution, Lost, Person of Interest and literally every other project he's ever done. For once, he actually had to open the "magic box" and show what's inside. And turns out there's jack shit in there.
And when that doesn't work, they'll just reboot Star Wars. Like they reboot everything else. Guarantee you that within 10 years, they'll announce a new Star Wars timeline with a female Luke, neutered Han and Princess Leia is a badass assassin. Then be shocked when no one likes it.
Episode IX will probably make her as such. Or she's just a clone of Palpatine. Either way, there's nothing else that can explain how she can do everything perfectly with no training. Even Mara Jade and Anakin had to train for decades.
>with no training
She was a junk dealer who had to fight with her staff, we've been through this before she knows how to fight, let it go
hers is longer
>he's having a stroke
I honestly would love them to make that joke theory a reality. Because it would make the prequels and sequels actually work better than they currently do. Disney has screwed Star Wars up that much.
she'll be so stronk she'll be able to say the n-word.
>Someone actually likes that autoscroller level
The scenery was cool at least
>someone who twirls a staff around can fly a spaceship she's never been in, swim despite living on a desert planet, push/pull/crush objects with the force despite only learning about it an hour before, win a laser sword battle despite using a staff, overpower the two most powerful force users in the galaxy and so on....
Yup. You're so right.
Maybe there will be a clue on that in the new movie, be sure to watch sir.....
god he looks exactly like my dad.
>this is good story telling because its explained outside of the films why its not retarded
>Yep, end scene in latest official trailer !
that is so fucking retarded.
That's like putting in luke kissing leia in the trailer.
>outside of the films
But I said in the new movie
Very based and very redpilled
He's better than Rey by default because he isn't a Disney creation.
yes the last movie has to explain the stupidity for the first 2. that's basically a retcon.