I need some games that gives you good choices

I need some games that gives you good choices

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>C- is objectively superior

>A fucking dies for no reason
>C- is a slut
>F steals the kill
C- i guess, if i'm not getting any gold at least i get a minor monarch and start a regicide questline


F is clearly the best.

>yield better results as skill goes lower
I'm confused.

I'll take F.

Is it funny that you can consider Edelgard is Skill: F, she killed a dragon and got your dick?

its a character with less points in diplomacy and more to combat.

Can I fuck F?

yeah I'm taking the middle every time

marry, fuck, kill?

Marry F
Fuck A
Kill C

Never stick your dick in crazy, especially in the mouth of someone with that kind of crazy.

F is my type

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Why not?

>A dies for no reason
she is submitting to her fate. you have to save her anyways so she learns to value her life

I wanna love and protect A

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Look at her teeth, it's too big for blowjobs. Teeth hitting the head of your dick is the worst thing ever.

Too bad it's a shitty card.

>It's my fate
fate is bullshit and you should fight to the last

>fucking royal pussy
you what

>fucking a slut

that's royal slut to you, mister!

still bad
possibly even worse actually


Based and free willed

sluts and whores are bad
even males

here ya go, bud

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Meat princess is best girl.

isnt there something like F+?
a princess that lets me fuck her as long as i dont eat her dragon meat?

>have higher than normal levels of T
>all of these choices appear shallow and uninteresting to me
No... it can't be... I can't be liking 3D more than 2D...

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God i want a wife like C

A+ because I can just fuck her still warm and pure corpse afterwards.


C- since I can still get laid.

It's a leader not a card

If you pick any other than A, then I'm sorry, but you might be a cuck

At least C keeps up her end of the bargain, A is trying to slip by without offering her royal pussy

Sure, C always commit to her deals offering her "product", with everyone. Every single one.

Well, assuming you have to kill a dragon, i'd rather pick a. What kind of a reward is fucking some slut when you have to risk your life to kill a dragon.

I think B will be the sweet spot.

why not
they cant even be loyal to their lover

>Picking f, a woman capable of killing a dragon with her bare hands, makes me a cuck.

>picking someone stronger than you
Yep, certified cuck

Nah, hes right, nothing wrong with that.

Whatever you say, madam

>implying i can't kill a dragon with my bare hands

Only thing you can kill is a woman's desire for sex

i do that by showing them a picture of your face

And like everything in your life, you fail miserably at your goal

>there are anons that would take C- over F-
fags, all of you.

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>get paid once every year
>have to send my daughter to work to get money
what the shit

I chivalry dead in games as well now?

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Will baalbuddy ever learn how to color?

>He can't handle a woman he doesn't physically overwhelm.
Cuckposters, everyone.