Not bad

Not bad.

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Legitimately pretty neat

Switch Lite is cute. CUTE.

>vita actually is thicker than the switch lite

I still wish it was sightly smaller and didn't have those massive bezels

if they added tv out support, or at least a kickstand with pro controller support (dont think it has any of that) I would instantly buy 2 of them desu

best you can hope for will probably be TV Out through a hack/possibly a hard mod.

Bezels aren't the end of the world.

no they're the end of the screen, that black part between the plastic and actual display

>muh bezels
>falling for marketing memes

Attached: IMG_20190824_190455_608.jpg (163x135, 6K)

oh those poor nondetachable joycons. At least the vita can remote play
console-tan's when

Nintendo shills working hard today

Pretty neat, although they probably will be unhackable for quite a while

Cool, now put an OLED screen on it like the vita has and we can talk.

I like both my Switch and Vita a lot, can't see myself choosing my Switch over the Vita if I was going somewhere though. Not sure why.
I still mainly stick to my PSP and DS Lite when going somewhere, actually, so maybe I'm retarded.

I have no proof but I'd be really surprised if it doesn't support additional joycon and pro controllers. Lack of TV out is really fucking dumb though.

You can use a pro controller, there will be a million cases with a kickstand built in. I literally never use tabletop mode though, shit's tiny when they screen is that far from your face

Thin bezels on phones are pointless. On laptops and handhelds they're great you retard.

>newer tech is designed more efficiently

I was looking into getting either 3DS or Switch, but the only exclusives that caught my eye were Bravely Default, Fire Emblem Awakening and Three Houses.

I mean, maybe the thing has no fans so the tv out is out of the option?

>muh shills
I'm telling you the opposite retard, all of that is marketing, like claiming the Switch is a home console, only retards fall for that shit.

>New tech

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I love the constant that is smug anime girl posters being wrong.

What purpose do they serve? They "solved" a problem they created, stop falling for marketing memes retard.

>buying a switch you can't hack
What the hell are you doing?

the psp2000 had tv out in fucking 2008

>buy new Switch game
>always end up licking cartridge because I found out Nintendo puts a bitterant on all of them
>"ew, that's fucking gross"
I must be autistic.

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Why does that little boy need such big milkers?

Expanding this a bit
>Smash Bros
Could be casual fun with friends but I don't like the new characters and I played Brawl through enough.
>Mario Odyssey
Tried it. It's a Mario game, I've played enough of those.
>Breath of the Wild
It's mostly the same old races, characters and enemies. I hate goblins, they're so uncreative. I also don't like the magic tech aesthetic. Besides if I cared enough I could play it on PC.
>Link between Worlds.
Looks uninspired. The last handheld Zelda I liked was Minish Cap.
I tried Prime already, wasn't my thing.

it's not a simple "tv out"

>buy used cartridge
>licks it
>now remember that someone has most likely licked it before me

Attached: c77.jpg (300x260, 29K)

>user's second-hand kissed several people through Switch cartridges

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actually it is, the dock is just a usb-c to hdmi/usb hub isnt it?

I think he means the increase in power when docked.

>it took Nintendo this long to catch up to where Sony was 10 years ago
My sides

it does have fan though

it also regulates power, the switch has two "modes" - the "underclock" and regular. Handheld is underclocked mode where it doesn't uses fans and allows longer battery life. It's why games look shittier there. Regular mode makes it consume its normal power through voltage and also has fans.

It's why I'm wondering if Lite is like that - it has no fans and is permanently "underclocked" to prevent battery drain.

more like "defaults its power"

>plug in hdmi cable
>disclaimer "hey faggot this console lacks 1080p output to save hardware costs, since it was intended to be portable only, proceed at your own risk [OK]"
gee that was hard

>doesn't fail horribly
>critically acclaimed instead of just being forgotten

now imagine that garbled low res blown up to your tv, hdmi out simply just translates what's running to your screen, it doesn't magically increase pixel count unless you change the power

>I want to be right no matter what
if it goes from 1 to 2 is an increase retard

Video game companies really don't like having their games seen at anything less than the best possible way they can present them.


no it doesn't, there's a teardown of lite

speak in english user-kun

that's basically what I said yes. it's like watching dvd on 4k tv
This is probably the real reason, they don't even want the lower option viable at all so they remove it completely.

oh the irony


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I'd get a switch mini in a heartbeat but they need to prove the joystick defects were fixed and I doubt they were.

I’m surprised it’s so much smaller. It really is almost the same size as the Vita

I suppose they don't want to give the impression about the shitty output being the actual look of the game when played on a docked regular switch, and a notifier would be worthless

don't mumble user, speak up

that looks like a smaller cooling fan


>it doesn't have a fan
>it does
>bbut it's different
You don't get tired of being wrong?

So it's not the same as the original, ergo it is not applicable. Especially if it's already being used while in handheld mode.

>mental gymnastics
No one said it was the same, retard.

the lite has fans and the regular switch uses its fans in portable mode

its not that much smaller if at all, the SoC got a die-shrink as well, no? so less heat, literally no reason they couldnt have made this work with the dock, or have its own additional cost dock

It's still a fan you jizz smoking retard.

>I suppose [..]
Yeah come to think of it the whole thing seems kind of rationalized now, if only to make you buy the original Switch. It should be $149 or less though.

You mean uncensored third party games, right? Yeah.
And now Sony started to act like Nintendo 10 years ago, too, huh? My sides.

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>licking cartridges

nigger you need to know about energy consumption because it's vital to a handheld

what about battery life though - did they claim it has longer lifespan in handheld vs original? I know about the switch revision but what about this one? especially due to more focus as a handheld

see now this post is more to the point, looking at, the parts are actually less cramped for better airflow, maybe they dont have an accommodation for the usb c function? I remember nintendo having some weird issues with it

They’re spicy

i would give you death penalty for licking/bitting cartridges desu, no joke

Hackable Switches have been off the shelves for over a year now.
Anyone that’s not an early adopter got fucked

>nigger you need to know about energy consumption because it's vital to a handheld
So is it or isn't a fan? The fuck are you going on about? People said it had a fan. You said it didn't. Someone proved you wrong. Now you're ranting about power consumption. Fucking take your meds and go to sleep dude.

it's about whether the fan is the same or not

It's really as small as a Vita?

This is the fan you fucking retard.

Attached: 56F9B13A-EE83-4C97-B7EE-64BBE50530D7.jpg (809x396, 105K)

it cute

Very nearly

why are the colors so gay? even blacked is more like greyed.

yes and? i didnt make the red square, its in the document. Heres the original switch fan, looks like the exact same part

Attached: switchy.png (579x430, 309K)

>he keeps going
You are a perseverant retard

it's that small? that is awesome. i really can't wait to get mine, but it's going to be the pokemon one so i have to wait longer.

*Sticks start drifting*

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>just send it to nintendo for repairs bro

just buy new console bro

It looks nice but I hope it gets good battery life. or not have drifting anal sticks

Launch Vita had a far better screen than any Switch.

I'm convinced I won a lottery or something with my joycons, had them for about 9 months and still zero drift issues.

>9 months
>zero drift issues
>winning the lottery
the absolute state of nintendo

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In all fairness my DS4 has a pretty bad stick drift on the right analog stick, only got it around the time Spider-Man came out.

For soimilk

I've had mine for 2 years without issue but I expect them to eventually die off at some point.

Well you dumb frogposter, despite feeling I won a lottery from the drift it's not awful. As far as controllers go I think they're all fine but DS4 is the worst with Xbox One on top.
>DS4 - feels good, feels light, somewhat fragile and prone to drift
>Joycons - feels decent, decent weight, drift is way too common, just get a Pro controller
>Xbox - good weight, feels good in hands, shitty d-pad, bumpers feel kind of cheap but have a nice click, takes batteries instead of just charging, also seems to get dirtier easier

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forgot to reply, meant for I need to get some sleep.

I'm almost interested, if it wasn't for the fact that the thumbsticks on the switch have a fatal design flaw, and I'm hesitant on a system that's harder to crack open.

they should call it the

Nintendo Switched Portable
Nintendo Switched Station

or if they want to retain the Switch brand:

Nintendo Switch ED Portable
Nintendo Switch ED Station

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that's 100% on you then DS4's are like bricks, stop spazing out during game-play

Just wait 3 more months

i really wish vita was more succesfull
it was my favourite portable console in terms of just holding it in hands, like all the sticks and buttons felt really good and screen was nice and high quality.
but there were like 3 games i was interested in,
P4G, Gravity Rush and Soul Sacrifice and after beating them i sold it.
thinking of buying a new one just to pirate some shit and replay stuff like mgs and ffx

Not the vita slim probably
OH MY GOD I’M SO RELIEVED I thought it was going to be only one joycon shorter then the switch
Now just hope they fix the drift

Honestly aside from sony fucking it to death in the west and the nonsense with the proprietary memory for no goddamn reason. Vita is probably the absolute best handheld.

BOTW doesn’t have goblins you fucking retard

Still worse than ps4 and xbone lol

That looks cute, bonus points if it has a charger in the style of the DS & 3DS.

>DS4's are like bricks
The DS4 is light as fuck, if you want a brick try the Xbone controller.
>stop spazing out during game-play
I don't, I don't play any games that would make me 'spazz out'

I was expecting it to be bigger.

>comparing a handheld to consoles
Your retarded game playing machines are objectively worse then pc

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>wyverns aren't dragons
hurr durr

you alright?
I mean technically it's like a square rectangle thing.


What the fuck are you even comparing to goblins? Bokoblins? Fuckin Gorons?

Dumb phoneposter.

there's no way its that small

its also angled to look smaller

bo-goblin. try to not get so upset about a word.

One year here. Not a single problem with it. My nephew and 2 of my friends also didn't had any problem.

I do believe Nintendo said that you could use a Pro controller, it just doesnt have a kick stand.

Ps4 controller stick drift is a fairly common issue, look into it

I have 6 joycons (2 launch ones) and 2 ps4 controllers and none of them have suffered from drift issues so I dont know

The Nintendo Switcharoo

My left joycon started drifting at 15 months. At 16 months, it's completely unusable.

The Switchless Switch-Lite is that f'n Small?

>Not the vita slim probably
It's not. It's pretty easy to tell.
The slim is way thinner then the Switch Lite.

All these fucking handhelds have the same issue where trying to rest your thumb over B and Y simultaneously leaves the side resting against the analog stick because they're so close together,even for small hands like mine. Make it awkward as fuck since that's the default position for my thumb

I wish they'd take the Wii u layout and put both sticks up top so it wouldn't be an issue at all

Makes me wish I didn't buy the base switch. Oh well

Tbh u kinda feel that the vita slim is TOO thin? The buttons are really freaky because of it

way too small

how am I supposed to play Xenoblade Chronicles on a fucking vita screen?

>screen barely big enough to play Zelda
>actually make it SMALLER

Do we know anything about the screen quality? I tend to shy away from using my switch portably strictly because the screen looks kind of shitty. Washed out colors and overall what seems like poor pixel response times

I bought a new hackable switch off the shelf little more than a month ago

I hate big screens and always pick the handheld version of games
I've been able to play games just fine thus far
I have heard that Xenoblade Chronicles 2 looks like shit in handheld mode though

You fix the "too thin" thing by buying a grip of some kind. It is definitely really thin though.

>IGZO screen
>better battery life
is this /our switch/

While the size is good what in the blue fuck is up with the build quality? the Vita looks like a $1000 piece of kit compared to the fisher price styling of the Switch Lite. That's just embarrassing.

My family already has a Switch that I use sometimes, but I actually might buy a Switch Lite just so we can play Pacman Vs. when we get together. Are there more multi-system games like that?

It's the cost of them trying to make a cheaper version of an already cheap looking console. Look at the original Vita compared to it's slim model. The slim model has a generally cheaper build quality compared to how nice the original feels.

Fair point.

They lost money on each OLED Vita sold which is half of the reason why they charged so much for the memory cards.

user, look at the vita screen and it's bezels and now look at the switch one
tell me how the ones on the switch are OK when the vita ones are fucking perfect

The Vita looks so much nicer