Why even live bros? I will never make my own startup with daddy's money :(
I'll never be chad Gray Newell...
Why even live bros? I will never make my own startup with daddy's money :(
I'll never be chad Gray Newell...
the Bogandoffs bow to Grey Newell
Gray will make the call that will jump start Half Life 3.
Can't wait for him to run for public office and describe himself as a "self-made businessman".
More like GAY Newell.
how cavernous is your asshole?
>Yea Forums complains about women
>they act just like them
epic thread
lol. I'd vote for him.
Given the fact that the jannies allow bbc webms on Yea Forums, we have a larger problem than this guy's asshole depth.
jealous much
You tell me, you're the one who seems to love corporate dick up your ass.
That shitty kid is beyond rich. He does not have the drive or motivation of his father. His instagram is full of pics of him partying hard and racing really expensive supercars.
Cope white dicklet. You fags shit on asians all the time get a taste of it
You act like we care. Lmao stay seething and resort to violence black boi
Blacks just do what whites are too pussy to do. Unless it involves shooting unarmed kids. Whites are good at that
Lol you're retarded black boi
>tfw will never get transhumanist brain reprogramming
>two wrongs makes right
Isn't he against this? Based
>its only wrong when it happens to me
White cucks are such professional victims
>I will never make my own startup with daddy's money :(
do you have a single fact to back that up?
>the projecting bug-man shows himself
like clockwork
Pretty sure hes for it, in terms of reprogramming with some weird magnet helmet to make him smarter. Watch the vnn interview, the rich have access to some crazy shit.
>nu-/pol/ complains about SJWs
>they act just like them
epic chan
who the fuck are you quoting? direct me to the post where I said that right now
/r/asianmasculinity is this way, bro.
Its what you wanna say. Dont lie faggot. You want the freedom to be as racist as you want to anyone but the second someone calls you small dick or nazi youll cry
>crazy shit
oh user, no they don't. They are just on ego trips. Everything they do has a placebo effect on their ape brain.
What the fuck has he done apart from being born from that fat piece of lard?
proof? any evidence for this hilarious claim? I love the fact that you're calling me racist because I don't want porn spammed on blue boards
This board has been getting a surge of black boi keyboard warriors as of late. Ya'll fucking delusional black bois obsessed with hating white males. OH NO NO NO XD
Lmao not even Asian women want you, they love my BWC and superior genes
>He does not have the drive or motivation of his father.
Can't tell if you mean that in a good or bad way
>corporate dick
>not small, soulful indie dick
If the dev team is more than five people I won’t let it anywhere near my asshole
>superior genes
You have none of those things. Quit living through actual white chads faggot lmao
dont bother
this guy is strawmanning desperate for attention
>he's a shitty kid for having fun with money
you're beyond bitter
As opposed to white keyboard warriors? All of you race fucks need to fuck off
Feels good being tall and attractive, your women love me chang
Wait a god damn minute. Is THAT why there is Grey Mann in TF2? Because it's an homage to Gabes son?
Nice cropped google pic fatso. How insecure are you?
>How insecure are you
Meanwhile seething over the fact that a tall white chad is fucking your women. I hope when I marry one we only have girls, gotta breed the changs out. Cope all you want as I sit here with my 6'5 stature
>he thinks blu is a color
hahhaha what a retard
Not him but goddamn this is just as bad as tripping. Csn you 8gag race niggers fuck off back to your shitty dead site?
This is an anonymous image board. Nobody gives a fuck about you attention whoring fucking instagram losers or your mutt dicks
Fuck all of you. Cumskins, niggers spics and gooks. Fucking trip so i can filter you
None of you fucking retard have or will ever have sex without paying for it
Have sex
ill pay you to have sex with me
>he has to lie on the internet and angrily defend his lie to feel good
Lmao what a fucking cope. Nice fanfiction bro
Based and truthpilled. I wish mods would filter/ban pol shit outside of pol and b
>as I sit here on Yea Forums
Yeah skeletal. You're a real ladies man.
Are Asian men the most pathetic excuse for humans on Earth? Look at them seethe hardcore, there's a reason Asian women love White men and no one wants anything to do with Asian men
He looks like an incel who got Chad jaw surgery
lmao nice skull nerd
Same reasons whites seethe about blacks
Big black dick / long latino cock / massive muslim shlong > medium white dick > tiny asian dick
Luckily despite what trannies on Yea Forums say white women generally don't race mix, asian girls actually go out of their way to date white men. There's so many hilarious shows in Japan of white men wooing their girls just by existing
and you're any better? Lmao
look at the size of that fuckin' brain
>"he m-m-must be lying about it"
Nice job giving his statements weight you retarded faggot. This is an anonymous image board, he has no reason to lie. You both make me sick at what insecure faggots you are. I'm actually 6'6", not that it actually matters for shit.
>Luckily despite what trannies on Yea Forums say asian women generally don't race mix
Ftfy. People dont race mix in general outside of America retard.
Youre a retard if you take Gaijin hunters seriously. Forgein hunters exist in every country and theyre all sluts looking for something new and leaving you with thr gift of the clap
That is one ugly motherfucker
Yikes, when I go to uni all of the hot asian chicks are dating white dudes. I love mogging asian guys in their groups of weak manlets, the girls all look at me with THAT look. You know what I mean? Must suck being born inferior...
He has every reason to lie retard because theres no way for anyone to prove him wrong. Lmao lying is a fucking sport here. Nice cope and samefag btw
they literally made Nihilanth based on him
This is even more cringe than same shit discussed on /int/
Have sex
oh fuck
> lardass runs for office
> wins
> Puts toll booths everywhere because micro transactions
> puts them on sidewalks even
> have free to walk and drive roads.
> windy, indirect and several miles out of the way and route through homeless camps
> Public services go into disrepair because "ANYONE CAN WORK ON WHAT THEY WANT" so nobody does trash collection or road maintenance
> mfw
Good, I wouldn't want my dad to be some fat autistic piece of shit brony
Based True Neutral
You're beyond seeing a simple point of the statement.