Be me

>be me
>waiting in classic WoW queue to join Blaumeux (I only join PvP servers_
>Decide to make an undead warlock
>Based, but not as stereotypical as an undead rogue
>Name him Ghoulighan, epic creative name
>Finally arise in Deathknell, nice
>/1 and begin talking in general
>Read the chat
>"Who is andross" "I hear andross got ligma" "is anybody's Elvui working?" "where's marlas grave I cant find it"
>Call them zoomers, and tell that one guy to read the quest text
>He says he can't see it on the map
>call him a retail faggot
>"Whoa there, that's pretty uncultured" "Cmon no need for bigoted slurs" "Yikes!"
>What the absolute fuck is this shit, absolute zoomers and r/worldofwarcraft ledditors
>call them niggers and for them to enjoy their onions while they watch their gf's bf rail her

I thought I was going home. I'm even on a low pop server. It's full of absolute faggots, ledditors and zoomers who have been ruined by retail WoW's/Skyrims UI/map markers.

I-it'll get better after the starting zone, r-right guys? They'll all quit once they get bored and frustrated since they couldn't hit level 10 in 45 minutes, right?

Attached: wowwojak.png (234x216, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:


nice blogging

Anyone who is playing this game on launchday is a subhuman mongrel. Just wait a while until this dies down. What even is the longterm plan for this game?

What a fucking faggot OP is.

/leave 1

There, fixed the game for you.

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>Try to join stalaag with my friends
>6 hour queue time
>Fuck it, join server they just decided to open
>No queue
>Get the name "Donaldtrump"
>Level 10
>Friends still haven't even made it to stalaag

It's not fair bros, we we're supposed to go HOME, not to zoomer hell

This is true, most of them are shitter streamers playing since its hype

But how will I tell them to cope, dilate, have sex?
Actually though, I forgot you could do that. I will right now.

>click on a random streamer on twitch while waiting for server login
>first thing he does is installing a quest helper addon
why tho

Because they're all fucking retarded. Cant bear to read text.

hes really going all in (from his phone)

>the queue is jumping between 8 minutes and 60 minutes
What the fuck?

Nope. You'll also realize it isn't like Classic WoW because they slipped some retail wow "Quality of life" improvements into the game.

Die screaming

Dont trust the time estimation. I was around 7223 and it said 15 minutes, and around 1453, it said 121 minutes.

Attached: Imonmycomputerfuckyou.png (811x783, 56K)

they were baiting you fucking moron. I can't believe your faggot ass fell for it

You're the same as these people you complain about, newfag.

Attached: 1209430002185.jpg (2400x2880, 1.64M)

>Call them zoomers

Attached: téléchargement (6).jpg (1055x574, 86K)

>played for a day
>level 14
>the fuck am I doing with my life
>I don't even care about anything going on

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Attached: 1186071203345.jpg (524x400, 59K)

is the eu shop still down?
holy fuck dude

What do you want to shop?

High progress/time is more valuable in a flash-in-the-pan hype scenario than an actual play experience.