Server merge when?

Server merge when?

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2 weeks when everything below high has sub 100 players

>he's not in the Bloodsail Buccaneers

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>not dead

Alexensual... can I get an ALEX WAS WRONG in chat?

>enter medium server
>6 hours queue
they even broke the pop indicator

>it's manKRIK not manKIRK


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You think you do, but you don't

Reminder that it only says medium relative to what’s high and high right now is like 30k people or so.
Blue made a post about it it’s insane

i used to think it was shattrah and not shattrath

wtf I always thought it was just Manrik

I regret rolling on Mograine yesterday. I had a 30 minute queue and now it's like 4 hours

>deviate delight
>rp server
Blizzard isn't even being subtle about it.

except there was no queue yesterday, that's why I chose that realm
now it's 12k+

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I started playing this morning when it was low, and now I log on after sleeping and it's a 15k wait.

It's all so horrible.

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>Deviate Delight

Hmmm... what happens here?

me too brothers, me too

I'm still in the fucking queue, almost 4 hours now and only at 5k


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I start work again at 11 tonight, do I just sack wow off this evening and play in the morning, or do I level an alliance for now on a dead server?

lmao. what a fucking crater. the meme died overnight

this is mograine btw

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cucks being too beta to just tag the mob

>d-don't worry guys shar-- I mean layering will s-solve everything

>imagine having a literal queue inside an mmo
lmao cucks


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I don't know, my brother and friend are on Mograine and now they fuckers have overtaken me in leveling because I had to go wageslave and have to wait 2 more fucking hours for the queue
god I'm so fucking mad I feel like quitting the game altogether

Layering doesn't matter when literally everyone in your layer is confined to the same cave

>Layering doesn't matter
just add MORE layers

If you really want to play, go on a low pop server for now and wait a week to play on anything above low pop. Only retards or people who want server firsts are waiting multiple hours to play a 2004 game.

It's literally what they've done, hence why everthing is showing as other than full, because the realms are no longer full.


The game will be in the same state forever (after all the phases roll out), what's the rush?

>log into apparently medium capacity realm
>8000 queue


I knew Blizz would fuck up

Who the fuck would want to roll on Bigglesworth?

>"Ashbringers huh, cool name for a new server, I bet i could level an alt here while waiting for things to cool down"
>it has a queue already

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image being this retarded

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mograine more like migraine


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Why does this bother people so much?
Who the fuck would want to sit in a 10k queue on Whitemane?

Haha imagine dc'ing right now.

Any Skeram bros? I'm hoping it doesn't die after the initial autism wears off.

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the estimate is a lie, I dropped from 5500 to 1800 and now it's taking 5 minutes to go down by 10 in the queue

jumped from 6k+ straight to 3800 in an instant
don't fucking jinx it for me

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That's why it is called an estimate

see you there, bro.

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Why is Blizz never prepared for this shit?

How bad us the queue on whitemane rn?

I can't check

So has there been many people asking about his wife or did blizzard pull some fuckery to make her easier to find?

Not too bad I would say

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Fucking RIP dude

Thanks anime, I'll resub in a week then
This queue time shit is total crap

They won't close them any time soon.
>Asmon already has 3 entire guilds of people on Faerlina
>All of Trade Chat is his guild(s)
Other players need SOMEWHERE to go

get classic premium

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Just out of curiosity, how bad is that streamer server?

How can I get streamer privilege?

You cant even trust blizzard, my timer and queue keeps changing all the time, someties I have +100 mins, other times +300 and so on, i been waiting for over 2 hours to get into a server and still have about 3 hours to go.

I should have waited a week or so, not worth the sub

very bad


>eu prime time

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Not sure when I'll start playing, maybe today, maybe on weekend but
Anyone rolling Noggenfogger? Feels like a safe pick out all the fresh

>how bad is that streamer server?

from what I read, the streamer servers have like 30-40k wait lines

Well done Blizzard

Blizzard won't detail how the layering tech actually functions, but it's pretty clear now given ubiquitous queuetimes.

The realm doesn't matter. The layer system functions across all of them, and they're taxed.

i-is ZT free?

>Anyone rolling Noggenfogger?

Dont waste your time, the pop status is broken. The server is also full but not as full as the other servers. If I wanted I could join a low pop server but all my friends are located in a server with +20k lines so fuck me I guess

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Literally all those servers have more people than original vanilla servers had.

You're just salty you're not having fun and others are.

Look at this naive goy.

>Have the Shazzrah 422 min queue
>Random player DCs push me to 5000
Feels good

dunno how you fuckers are constantly in queue. bigglesworth doesn't have one at all

can you get disconnected while in queue if youre inactive?

Wait so what the fuck are streamers doing if they get disconnected?

seems like EU realms are the problem

Avoid those easy to get in servers like the plague.

If 25k people would rather wait in line than play that it tells you that server is going to be mega fucked in a month. It will be dead.

I just took a 3 hour nap while in queue and i haven't been DCed so I think it's fine.

>play on Bloodsail
>no queue ever

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EU is always fucked for some reason, even the bnet store was broken before release

Never underestimate the power of autism.

It’s 12:23 EST on a Tuesday. Everyone’s working or in school. I hopped on at 7 before work to turn in some quests and there were quite a few people in UC

>Wait so what the fuck are streamers doing if they get disconnected?

They will wait +6 hours to get inside, thats why streamers are leaving wow on for now. Fucking asmond been streaking for almost 24 hours, just look at his stream he looks like a corpse in the webcame, you can even see black rings under his eyes

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>server is low pop
>blizzard adds a fake queue so people subscribe thinking the game is alive
>they sub but can't play because of the queue
>they decide to play BFA instead and pay $55 total instead of $15
how is blizzard so intelligent bros

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Extra servers cost money.
Extra servers become useless after the launch spike.
Players have goldfish memory and forget about launch issues within a week.
There is no financial worth in preparing for this shit.

Which ones are the streamer servers? I don't wanna choose one and find out it's full of orbiting faggots

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My favorite part is that no matter what server he goes to, that shit queue will follow him, thanks to all the ass-licking Twitch followers that take up server space just to stalk him.

Is that a MAGA hat in the background?
Fucking based

He always looks like a corpse.

Guess why that happened. An entire layer died bro. Have fun playing for 20 minutes and your layer dying sending you to the back of the queue.

Gehennas and Faerlina. Mograine is the official Yea Forums EU server.

Make warcraft great again

I tried to play on Bigglesworth since it was a new server before launch and that shit ended up having a 12k queue a few hours later even though it said medium pop.

Now on Smolderweb and it said low but it's very much populated still. I think these do not correlate well to original vanilla servers.

It just tells me that wow players are hot shit autismos

Firemaw EU reporting in
How's it going for everyone else ?

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Based, thanks. What's the official burger Yea Forums server?

holy shit

wow this is old and outdated. both golemagg players are one gehennas.

Dude it's a tuesday morning, they just reset the servers for stability, adults are at work and school just started back up.
And even then on my """low""" pop server there were competing groups for quest kills and stuff.

No they don't, Blizzard said that even low servers could be as populated as vanilla full servers, the classifications are different.

>less people than shadowbringers launch

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Also everyone's been super nice so far on BB

Why are all the streamers on Faerlina?


my queue started at 24.000 and that was 1 hour ago

Oh that's pretty cool then. Used to play on high pop servers during Vanilla because everything else would feel almost empty but they must've had 100 servers or so.

golemag or however its called, been staring at this shitty screen for +2 hours now, about to give up since before i even get in, i have to go to bed

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Aren't there more servers for WoW than there is for FF?

What's the official burgerland Yea Forums server?

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biggest queue ive seen someone post was 100k

Seems to be Whitemane from what I've seen. Or Bloodsail Buccaneers.

>Estimated time: 12 min
>been waiting over an hour
ffs, cant u even get the estimation right blizZ?!?!

What are the best EU PvP servers and can I get a quick rundown on them ? I'm planning on raiding on horde side

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6 months

I think Mograine is 50/50 Ally/Horde so probably it.

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Faerlina is max cancer

Ion has spoken

there was like 100k+ queues yesterday
fuck off back to your containment general ffxiv tranny

>get disconected
>try to relog
>20k que

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RIP user

wait, there isnt a short leeway that lets you log back in if you get disconnected while in-game?

Ion's a faggot

fuck off we're full

knowing my luck, it's going to happen to me too

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Yes, but it won't generate (You)

Yes. One of my friends got angry because he got into the que and then went off to go fap/shit, and he won't accept that this may have been his bad

Protip: You can play retrial while in the 5h queue for classic

You can literally pay to use how much processing power you need dynamicly nowadays. I'm sure blizzard outsources their server management like everyone else.

They have chosen for one reason or another to cap it.

So the display of high/med/low isn't even accurate as they're all relative to each other rather than how many people are actually in a server.
I kind of figured something was up with Blaumeux being listed as low when I logged in and there's still like a hundred plus people in the starting zone alone.

Where are my firemaw niggas at?

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>expectig server merge when it didn't happen to retail despite all servers being dead

No thanks, I'm playing Ascension.

I think what’s happened is that the retail population metric was transferred over and not properly adjusted for Classic servers. I logged in to rattlegore this morning before work at “Low”, and Orgimmar was very much alive.

Why do retards in queues of like over 4000 not just roll on a lower pop server? I don't get it. They'll just merge servers if they start to die.


1200, 28min

I'd rather stare at my screen for 5h


where the boobies

Post the Umaru one

Lol just hop worlds. Oh wait, your game doesn't let you do that. Oh well, back to Old School Runescape I guess.

I'll draw you some,
You want night elf or human?


down to 3 digits

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can 2404 people on Mograine leave? thanks.

>tfw they are cucks out there paying to be in a queue

1 sec

>queueing to queue

2 months maybe not dies but wayyy lower

>highest level is 32
vanilla takes months to level bro

during these 5 hours of waiting I actually completely lost the will to play, thanks blizzard
I guess I thought I did but I didn't

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Imagine having taken time off from work to play this.



the mindfuck.

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Thought anime wasn't real.

MC will be cleared by the end of the week.

Not sure, do you need BiS for MC?

if they can get all the stuff settled outside the instance, no doubt it will. The thing that takes time is not the actual raid, its getting quintessences and getting 40 people up to speed to enter the raid.

Not at all.

>have a proper sleeping schedule
>woke up at 6:30 AM
>log in with zero queue
>been online ever since

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I literally played on a low pop server during vanilla. Whats the obsession with high pop?

that was a photoshopped queue. the highest the queue ever went according real data was 28k

ok retard

She's always been piss easy to find.
>Walk south by the road
>Find the little shitty hut she's in next to the road

so when you see high realm on retail, it could be literally anything from 100 people to 20k people

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oh my fucking god move it

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Fucking BASED

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>go home for lunch break
>check to see the que times
>see 8000 people in front
>about 4 more hours of work
>leave computer on and leave

I think Im gonna be just fine.




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Oh, what a shame.

don't even joke about that


I knew it was gonna be bad, but never thought it'd be THIS bad. Fucking waiting 5 hours to play a game!

and you're even paying for it!

I mean, i'll just play BFA, still need to unlock flying. But if i'd have paid for a sub just to play classic and nothing else, i'd be absolutely livid.

It'll happen to you