Iceborne beta soon
Monster Hunter
When will dodogama fucking handler trailer come out??
Half a year for pc, need to get on coma i cant wait for IB or even reach at this point
Me on the middle right
Bing bong yahoo
Please go back to the old thread. We don't want your shitposting here.
??? what
your first mistake was thinking listfag is not autistic enough to shitpost in 2 threads at the same time. think again bucko, that waste of oxygen sad excuse of a human beign is fuck huge sperg and will ruin anything world related.
solution? dont reply, starve him of attention.
el gatito gaming meow meow meow
What happened to /mhg/?
salty Nintendo fan breeding ground.
sounds hot, im going there right now
>no beta for PC
wheres the love
Replaced by Sony bucks
So now that Zinny is confirmed do you bros think Steve actually got in?
I hope
How can the beta be real if the release date isn't real.
>kill monster
>forget the reason i hunted it for
People are too lazy to use 4chanX's ability to copy raw text from posts.
>spamming Diablos and Odogaron investigations to farm extracts for buffs
>have over 1000 of each
>still feel bad about wasting them