>this game is getting 9/10s
vidya is dead
This game is getting 9/10s
What's wrong with it?
>steamie seething
Remedy make good shit. OP is a faggot.
> Female protagonist.
a walking simulator except you can shoot people and you have some generic powers
> Female protagonist.
Picked up.
> Female protagonist.
But you’ve never played it
So like 90% of AAA games these days
Stop believing in these dumb ratings and play the game yourself or dont who gives a shit? Does anybody really believe in paid shills?
The SCP inspired aspect looks kinda neat, but how many do you encounter?
Actually decent game for once.
Performance is a bit.. Odd, graphics are obviously geared toward RTX with things being really shiny in some places to reflect surfaces when you don't have RTX on.
Controls are smooth. The physics are amazing.
The female protag is a bit of a man-face though which sucks.
>a bit of a man-face
that fucking chad jaw looks horrendous
why do western devs keep making women with giant jaws what the fuck
I don't know but it needs to stop, I'm not asking for 10/10 Stacey's but damn son, bitch could cut a tin can open with her jaw
I’m just skipping all the dialogue as the cast are all brain dead and it’s trying too hard to be David Lynch and it’s failing spectacularly. Why did I buy this AA game that is trying to be random and indie? Can’t wait for astral chain on Friday.
Most of them are object kinds. There's a healthy amount sprinkled around if you have a passion for exploring, including some that don't have quests attached to them.
So it's quantum break but without the negative xbox score. Pass
What a shallow vapid argument
>skipping the best part of the game
Every triple AAA gets 9/10 you immense faggot, stop pushing your agenda on this board
A lot of them try to use real models and facial capture but its difficult. And it also isnt trying to tie into a shitty syfy tier tv show that would definitely get canceled after half its first season.
Who the fuck is paying for Control shilling? The game has zero marketing, Remedy had to go to Epic because they couldn't afford developing the fucking game
you answered your own question genius
you're right but the iq level needed to even comprehend this simple sentence isn't found among the posters here
Epic Games is paying for faggots to downplay the player character's chin on Yea Forums? Really?
A local streaming channel is playing it right now and the game looks aggressively generic. Epic did me a favor, otherwise I might have bought it on release day.
the xbox game is probably better
Give me a single proof of a AAA dev ever legitimately shill on Yea Forums (which is a site consisting of mostly NEETs who pirate everything and have time and time again proven to have >1% impact on sales.)
Go ahead, I'll wait. Underrail, a indie game which has daily threads here showed absolutely no increase in sales btw so it doesn't even work for indie shit.
Yea, standards for western games are EXTREMELY low right now.
Pirated it and I was bored less than 1 hour in.
Fuck that.
Make her look like Stacy’s mom
She’s got it going on
...so a game ?
It’s vacuous trash and I had just dropped it. Shit ass game.
How would you rate it based on the fact that you haven't played it?
>Paying money for western games
Oof, consoleniggers.
>Good Games BAD
>Bing Bing Wahoo GOOD
Not him but you don't need to play it to see that the art direction is shit. No game that looks this generic deserves anything above 8/10
Boring character design, no ass, no boobs, no personality. Pass.
it's so satisfying just walking up to any desk and pressing triangle and seeing a dozen different things explode and blow away. srsly
>shoot a coffee maker
>the coffee pot rolls away
>shoot the glass of the coffee pot
>shatters, leaving glass shards on the carpet
>shoot water cooler jug
>it sprays from the bullet hole until it's empty
>shoot it again and it explodes in your face, splashing the camera with water
Games are not supposed to be fun, challenging or innovative anymore sweetie, that's white supremacist think. Games are meant to be accessible and audio visual experiences that say something that resonates with modern audiences. Have sex.
it looks mindnumbingly fucking boring and generic
God forbid that you have to walk in a video game
looks like boring ass quantum break but with a man faced chick as the main character. PASS
not very good first impressions so far, the shooting feels like ass and the story is nonsense
it's getting 8s and 9s only because the protagonist is an el goblina woman
Yeah, I miss rail shooters.
>its boring
>its boring
>its boring
>ugly mc
nice critiques from Yea Forums, I think I'll have to check this game out
Steamie steamie,
Tight and creamy!
Angry, gamey,
Nice and tangy!
Steamie steamie,I love your weenie!
Vidya journalism is dead*
>dropping a game before you get your first power
I'd hate to see your reviews of half-life or ocarina of time
itt: incels triggered by female protags. i'll get it after i finish with remnant
That alone makes it better than 90% of today's AAA garbage already
The only bit of I saw on Facebook suggests it's an action game.
What because there's a woman on the cover? I saw the gameplay it actually looks fast and fun.
so an extremely basic physics engine that has present in most games since 2005?
Why else? It's got the incels seething.
>tfw Fireden is dead so the record of the Uncharted 4 and Battlefield V spam is lost to time
Cool user, you can be overly reductionist on purpose!
>it's alan wake but
>you can throw furniture around
>OMG 10/10
People have been shitting on Alan Wake for the past eight years, this shit is no different.
It's back up as an archive.
I use to hear great things about Alan wake though and it got good reviews. This game isn't slow as shit and is much more intense.
>it's a "Yea Forums is too retarded to appreciate cool narrative and visuals" episode
what was i expecting
>People have been shitting on Alan Wake
No, they haven't. Stop trying to fit in, tourist.
>I use to hear great things about Alan wake though and it got good reviews
By who, do you help mongoloids in your free time? It's arguably worse than the worst Uncharted, the first one. It's a walking simulator with forced "reload, point light and shoot at the ghost in enclosed area until they're all gone" parts to "spice" things up.
People wanted Alan Wake for the real time environmental destruction physics, but then Microsoft got involved and they turned it into a straight line.
OP is a retard more news at 11
I was talking to mentally sound people, you clearly are not of this category so I suggest you graciously back off before you embarrass yourself any further.
Alan Wake got relentlessy shit on, my dude. 90s fags and Remedy fanboys praised it for the Twin Peaks references, but as a game it was a complete abortion.
Time to leave some negative reviews..oh wait
Exact same place, it just won't archive new posts, but everything up until it went down is available.
and it appears you can be overly patronizing too
but thats irrelevant to the matter at hand
this shit looks so boring man
I got SCP vibes from this game, if this girl was some Class D in an orange jumpsuit, this would be Yea Forums's GOTY
Seriously. You don't belong in here. Try any other site.
Yea Forums - video games
Nigga this is the last game to blame for vidya being dead.
>very limited cutscenes
>animations don't restrict gameplay
>no """player choice""". Devs present a narrative and people for you to fuck up.
>not open world, but also not strictly linear
>some degree of effort put into art design and presentation
>collectibles that are actually interesting
>has a female MC that isn't just there to fight the patriarchy with her non-binary lesbo wife
Zoomers can eat a dick, the game is solid.
nobody cares about any of that, its on the epic store so its liberal chink shit
this is your brain on shitposting
So, quantum break?
Only combat is good though. Story and characters are shit (as expected).
>all these whiny fags who didn't play psi ops
get fucked zoomers it looks great
>wahh why isnt it a mature game with mature themes that holds my hand the entire time
Too bad, its a decent little shooter that you can mess around with all kinds of features in.
What you are thinking of is something more like THe Order 1886