What else can I say?
Platinumchads always win, baby
What else can I say?
Will be forgotten in a week or so
>happy with a B+
What is the key to making a game that has a lasting impression and can maintain an engaged community for months on end?
Memorable characters, presentation, addictive gameplay.
This is all style no substance
>Platinumchads always win, baby
Well, apart from the liscenced games
What went wrong?
>Memorable characters, presentation, addictive gameplay
Between Bayonetta, Vanquish and TW101 Platinum have done a good job of that so far.
make a game that is actually good
A good game that is also unique. People still talk about BB even though it's been 5 fucking years for example.
But not astral chain
>6 copies sold
Maybe they should include Mario costumes to get Nincels to buy it.
Oh wait that didn’t work for Bayonetta 2.
>under 90
Sony still wins.
Hot girls and side content
How did you get an early copy?
only platinum game that disappointed me was nier
According to Soulsfags it's dress up and multiplayer
Now post the God of War score.
Why can't I base my opinion on shit I saw?
Listening to /v give advice on what’s a good game is delusional
You can make assumptions based on what you've seen, but making definitive statements is dumb when it comes to a new IP. It's not like this is a stripped back or dumbed down sequel, it's a new franchise that's doing its own thing, which makes it harder to accurately judge without actually playing it.
>put piece of dogshit on street - 0/100
>put same piece of dogshit on Nintendo system - 99/100 revolutionary dogshit that changed everything and innovated shits for all other shits to learn from!
>I have the compare a third party game to GoW to valid my statement.
Cope, basednigger.
let's forget about breath of the wild's score
Its funny when people talk about Nintendo bonus, when there is a clear "cinematic experience"-bonus
What do you guys think of Genshi Impact? It's a BotW clone with improvements across the board. Surely, this must be a 100/100 game, right? Nintendo didn't make it though.
Does it have improvements across the board?
Across the board improvements, yes.
Like every AAA game.
>Chinese game
lmao dropped
Reminder to give it a 10/10 even if you haven't played it. We gotta make it happens boys.
ching chong chink shit
That game nobody talked about after a week? lmaoo
hm. Guess the BotW formula isn't great after all. Wonder why it got such a high score... huh.
>post the same dogshit censored by SNOY
Not exclusive. Who cares.
>they actually cloned the grass
>what started as an actual thread turned into more console wars shit
Never change Yea Forums
It is, but why should I play a worse, chinese copy and blow Xi Jingping's dick while I can blow Shinzo Abe's?
Why is it worse?
You mean like Red Dead Redemption 2?
>Their pervious game is mobile grindfest with dykes
No thanks.
Why is it better. the only difference I've seen until now is the artstyle and the artstyle is definitely worse.
And you can't appreciate Botw-Zeldas ass.
The more desperately so(tran)ny fags try to shit on an upcoming Nintendo exclusive the better you know it is, they're intimidated and going full cope
All of them do, people are super bitty bang booty burt over this game being a Switch exclusive, and it doesn't help the fact that some Nintendo fanboys are instigating some of the shitposting as well
The licensed games still had fun gameplay.