Your emprah just rips off a giant worm

your emprah just rips off a giant worm

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Learn to write cohesively.


not even one million, only 3,500 years. Also has no penis. cant reproduce. Still Chad though.

Yet his machinations are at still at work despite him being "dead" for 5k years. The chaddest.

You might want to look up what a 'millennium is.

What do you expect? Dune was written by one person who actually put work and thought into its characters. 40k was written by manchildren.

oh shit Im dumb. Cast me out into the desert to meet Shai hulud, pham.

Where the video games?

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>god emperor dies by falling in love
Nah frank hurbert was a fucking autistic cuck and unironically a virgin

Is there any franchise as over the top bullshit but yet awesome as 40k?

I always think gurren lagann is a bit like 40k. not in the grimdark sense but the humanity fuck yeah sense. call me a redditor if you must

Leto is a literal cuck.

He still retained some humanity, and he was weak for it. The science niggers knew this so they exploited it by making a nice thot for him to drool over and it worked. Also he new he was gonna die, ha could see the future. also theres some shit about passing on a bit of himself to the sandworms that came out of him when he died or some shit like that. dont remember.

>unironically a virgin

didnt he have a wife and son?

Okay he's not LITERALLY a virgin but technically, he's a mental virgin. It's a bit like being a 30 year old boomer.

That is a big fuck up user

How so. Explain your memery or be labeled the village idot.

>also theres some shit about passing on a bit of himself to the sandworms
Yeah I stopped at god emperor. Can't be asked to learn a new cast and basically a new world four books in.

who's the worm?

Women enjoy being slapped around and physically abused. The manipulative robot bitch was a virgin's ideal woman. Leto should have tied that bitch down on his throne and used her as a sex slave like Jaba the Hut

>Okay he's not LITERALLY a virgin but technically, he's a mental virgin. It's a bit like being a 30 year old boomer.

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The perfect human predator does exist. It's called the dragon.

Can't wait for the new dune movie.

Leto II

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But dragons don't exist user...

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I think you are the virgin man-child in this case, user.


>Dune messiah game
>Cast blind on boss
>He gets massive stats boost
Who the fuck is balancing this game?

He’s a literal retard who’s spouting buzzwords because his asshole is sore that his favorite lore is literal trash lmao

The dragon of the desert

He knew he was going to be killed and his conscience would survive and eventually bring back the sandworms, but he couldn't see how he was going to die because the one that would kill him would be the übermensch he was trying to create.
His plan was to create a line of these super oracles that couldn't be detected with prescience because some nerds would evntually invent thinking prescient machines and put humanity at risk of going extinct. Again.
Also he was a virgin and never had any biological children. The Atreides in the book are descendants of his sister, Ghanima.

What dosage of spice did you take to come to this truth?

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You are fucking retarded and missed the entire fucking point of the book.

Understandable, It always felt like God Emperor, while good, was superfluous and could have ended the series. But hey scif writers gotta milk their cash cows. I bet the rest wasnt actually planned and Herbert just came up with shit as he went. The thing is, was really good at it.


I'm a fucking Met4t u twat. I fucking calculate you beign a fag. dont need no drugs to tell ur a retard lol.

there's no wrong way to read or interpret a book

Why is Space-Arabs such a common trope anyway?

Oh really? Thank you mr shekelstein your 100,000 dollars education really paid off!

same reason elves and orcs were. They were an interesting way to portray a culture and race and whatnot.

Who is the Brian Herbert of videogames?
>Take franchise with a rich lore and massive community
>Turn it into an abomination and a shadow of what it originally was

Originality is hard. There is unironically a hard limit to what humans are capable of thinking up. One day we will even run out of new music because there is a mathematical limit to our hearing capabilities.

>robot bitch
Inverted clone
Human flesh.

Hwi Noree is essentially everything a man lusts after. Its a bait the primal spiral of ever ending humanity could not avoid.
But it was never the trap was deadly. It was the fact that he has set the path, but did not want to know where it truly started.
God Emperor is a really wild ride user. And its enjoyable for how wild it is

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Isn't Dune an abstract retelling of Lawrence of Arabia

Any franchise remade in the last decade, really

Ur fat wurm can't even bathe

>possesses the cumulative knowledge of humanity, protohumans, even remembers our fucking cellular state
>basically kills himself (sets himself up to die)
Was frank depressed or something

Isn't Code Geass just a japanese retelling of Dune?

I wouldn't know, I only watch CGDCT

Tell me that you are memeing, because now I have to watch code geass

No, it was deeper. Leto II knew if the time would come, he could split of a segment, start of the Sandtrout cycle, and change into a new suit.
It was not about Leto II dying, it was about Leto II not caring that he would die. Just like his ancestors possessed chemical unaging, but choose to live their lives in content.

The Oracle Leto II knew if he peered into the future, he would suffer the Schoderingers cat, and create the future he saw.
Yet he also saw that if he spread enough of Siona's genes, the uncertainty would again alter, and become unstable.
Leto II saw into the future that at some point he had no longer a centralized empire, the fulcrum which turns itself. He knew he could die at some point, if he didn't cheat with his prescience to avoid the pitfalls.

And Leto II ends up dying somewhere against his own wishes: Hwi Noree did not have to die
He regrets that Hwi Noree would die alongside, charmed as he is.

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Ain't nothing wrong wit dat
Ain't nothing wrong wit dat. The show is good if you can get into anime shitz

40k fluff was only made to peddle a game and it still manages to be more entertaining than Dune novels, Dune is a dead end but 40k will continue to be worked on and expanded for decades, getting hung up on the fact that both IPs have a god emperor just makes Dunefags look like they're desperately trying to find any excuse to make people talk about Dune. In fact that's standard dunefag practice now I think of it. Someone mentions star wars, dune fags reee for attention, someone mentions 40k, dune fags ree for attention

Dune: Human nature all comes down to sex

enjoy it with a delicious Pizza Hut pizza

It was a different time. We should be thankful that Frank wasn't a complete hippy fagget.

Geass peddles some of the ideas behind Prana Bindu, The Voice, and Mentat Superspeed.
And it peddles around some of the ideas surrounding royalty and social structure.

But it peddles, it doesn't adapt or embrace.
The most obvious the parallel in how The Voice and Lelouch Geass work. The Geass makes men lesser if the command is total. Enslavement via the Geass renders them talentless and flat.
And so the Voice. As well as Sexual Bondage and Imprinting. Its a nice carryover.

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Reminder that Bene Gesserit and good goys aka Fremen n Atreides ruined the empire and genocided billions in their jihad

>kills billions of humans
>"herp derp dah individual is the most important thing"

>Leto II uses his precognition and planning to basically make himself a tyrant so he can inevitably lead Humanity to an new future.
>Lelouch Vi Britannia uses his predictions and planning to basically make himself a tyrant so he can inevitably lead humanity to a new future.
Shit. Never really thought of it like that.

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i am the yeast of thoughts and mind shit clyde, I cant believe you've done this

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this is your brains on 2019 Yea Forums

yeah, except the later books gave us shota rape, and sex addiction training

A Dune thread? On my Yea Forums?

Dont forget the emperor only got an army of slutty soldiers by accident. While Leto instated the fish speakers himself

I don't think I understood some of the things Leto did. Did he actually have children? Like did he inseminate women with his monster cum or did he consider all of humanity to be his children? Considering the amount of genetic planning going on in Dune I assume everyone on Arrakis was literally his child besides Duncan.

>Leto wanted a fanatic army that would be completely subservient to him and never rebel no matter how many atrocities he committed.
>Make an army of women.
Prescient and spicepilled.

chad and virgin meme has really gone to shit

Leto had no children. His sister did.
Also no, there were no more Atreides because Leto wanted complete control over his eugenics program. There were a lot of Duncan descendants though.

>engages in conversation

based, remained pure

right here, open your mouth, boi!

he didn't have direct children, and yet his genetic influence is felt on all of humanity

Well yeah.

when I first read about the Honored Matres I got a big hard on that lasted for days.

At work during the late hours, there's nothing to do and I found God Emperor of Dune (1981) and Heretics of Dune (1984) stashed away in some drawers. Should I read the earlier books before I move onto those?

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yes, absolutely, otherwise you will not get what happens and the first book is the best anyways

You should use your downtime at work to listen to audiobooks like a fucking patrician. If anyone asks what you're doing you can say you're listening to a podcast or something that won't look like you're completely slacking off.

With as many times as he got brought back, there must've been a planet Australia out there were everyone could trace their heritage to one cunt

>he never played dune

Seriously. Some new Dune games would be awesome but it'll never happen.

You're jumping several steps. CG was one of Sunrise's many attempts to make a new Gundam and carries a lot of the same themes and plotlines. The original UC Gundam series has most of the same principles and even has the damn Newtypes sensing each other across space and predicting everything, although all of that could just as easily have been SW inspiration. And we could also agonise over SW being inspired by Dune but that whole bit has been done to death at this point.