Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Attached: alisia.png (1920x1088, 1.87M)

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Because SRPGs are better

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I'm playing pic related though

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get fucked in the ass you reposting retard
dungeon travelers 2 is an awful game

Same here. I'm legit enjoying the story and gameplay and just skip the sex scenes because they're kinda crap


welcome to alicesoft games

More like the artist cant draw

I'll be playing one real soon

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does breath of the wild count?
also, sauce?

>FURYU Corporation

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I'm playing Kamidori, bru

dumb knight>ninjacat>everybody else

I was playing the DQ11 demo until it kept crashing. So I just stopped and am waiting for the full release.

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>Fluffy white dog
I'm now interested.

Game looks yikes


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I have class in an hour and Im not busting out a switch to play omega labyrinth in front of stacey.

games like these are the reason why I'm learning japanese. Gonna play Gears of Dragoon soon.

I want to try out darkest dungeon

Recommend me one on Switch

Because I'm horrible at actually getting back to them after taking a break.

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I'm literally playing 3 of them right now
First run through FFVII
Revisit of FFIII DS since I like it a lot
And also SRW OG Saga Endless Frontier because Haken is a chad and Kaguya is my waifu

Attached: Kaguya.png (550x800, 403K)

Playing Dragon Quest XI demo on the Switch. Maximum comfy.

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because 99% of them are shit. just like anime. I've played all the non-cringe inducing stuff worth playing

you're not very epic desu senpai