The absolute state of nu-vanila
The absolute state of nu-vanila
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>he rolled a character on a streamer realm
You deserve every minute lost.
It truly is the WoW classic experience.
My server was medium pop on thursday. Went to full Monday morning. 2nd longest ques
>wait in ques so you can wait in ques
>posts screenshot from last night
>Yea Forums gets sucked into hype culture and regrets it
Refund your goddamn game time and wait until it's playable. That's what I did
This was a screenshot from a few minutes ago
It doesn't get any better though.
This is the queue to the LEAST popular pvp server in my native language
Not by a long shot. Once you get in you can actually play, that's a massive improvement.
#classiclife #yolo
Golemagg - 25k queue this very moment
is it me or is WoW more popular in EU now than in NA?
Well, yes, it’s the turn. Just like in the original classic, yes. This is also part of the experience. And this is cool because in other MMOs this does not exist.
Original vanilla was exactly the same.
Reminder that this SWF was made 15 years ago.
does nu-vanilla use the new high poly models? It is very important that I know this.
22k queue on Gehennas pvp right now
well fuck that poorfag shit.
There is no reason to not just walk to the front of the queue, why the fuck would you let some other player decide how you have fun in a game.
Bros.... this is not how i remembered it.
>3h queue to enter the game and do another 3h queue to kill a mob
Never played mmo's, why are these morons waiting in a queue?
>Servers open last night
>Herod's login queue fucking crashes because Blizz still can't launch anything competently
>Try logging back in, skips the queue entirely
>Me and my friend manage to pull ahead of the clusterfuck in Durotaur and cruise to Lv12 before we call it a night
Shame the Barrens are gonna be absolutely fucking slammed by the time I get back online tonight
oh god please help us
when you kill monsters, they don't respawn immediately
now, there's a limited amount of monsters per area
if there's a quest to kill certain amount of said monsters, what happens when you have tens of thousands of people trying to kill those same monsters all at the same time?
there's not enough monsters for people to kill
they've "come together as a community" and are having lines to kill the monsters and complete the quests few people at a time
the virgins stay in line and try to regulate other people in the line, chads go in there and aggro the monsters first and get the kills, the items and complete quests whenever they want and move on
I actually went through a 12k queue - waited for about 4-5 hours. Went in, started question, 1 hour into it the game crashed
Relogged - the queue was now 18k
Fuck this shit, I am gonna wait a few days
and your subscription's burning away
why are you people so ungodly stupid? Are you trying to get world's firsts or are you just a casual player? Wait a few days you fucking moron, no shit the servers are going apeshit the first few days
A chad cuts in line when such line doesn't exist, this is all just stupid people attempting to regulate other people's behaviour
just go kill the mobs you need, complete the quest and move on, let these inbreds play house all they want, you keep moving forward, you keep leveling, they'll be stuck in lines for the rest of the week
Why wouldn't you just walk past and aggro the fucking mob lmao. Reddit virgins and zoomers are retarded.
I don't really care that much about money. I can waste a few dollars and try to see what's all the fuss about the retail in the meantime
> Civil NA vs barbaric EU
You mean... popular?
The gigachad skips the starting zone and auto-attacks mobs 5 levels higher to death
gigachad completes the essential tutorial missions and starts leveling outside of these gridlocks of morons
based and uncucked
>blizz not doing anything about it because they believe people will quit on their own
Yeah just like how they thought nobody would actually play classic
Should I just give up ever getting to play this shit?
boomers are a strange kind
>finally get in after 5 hour queue
>dc after 10 minutes
>position in queue: 20854
fucking kill me
>blizz not doing anything about it because they believe people will quit on their own
that's true.
8000 queue for a medium pop realm
wtf blizz
Lines are one of the most efficient ways to get things done. Better this way where you actually have an ensured chance of getting the quest mob than having to compete with the thousands of apes. There's a reason why animals from ants to raccoons form lines.
Why are realms still a thing in >current year?
OP's almost home lads.
>There's a reason why animals from ants to raccoons form lines
brazilians don't though and they're more advanced then ants or raccoons so much for your theory
>more advanced
Because a server is still a physical object ir series of objects in a closet somewhere
back to retail for you. There's new model waiting
An MMO server inherently has O(n^2) complexity. For every player in the given area, you have to update their location, health, performed actions etc. to every other player. If 1 player consumes 1 unit of bandwidth and processing resources, ten players consume a hundred, thousand players a million, and so on (at low player counts other processing might dominate, but with large enough number of players, these sort of updates will take over).
It's trivially true there is room for bigger servers/shards as demonstrated by private servers that have been more populous than classic layers, but at some point or another the whole ordeal will become intractable. In a popular game the players will NEED to be split, whether that means servers, shards, very limited visibility range, large world devoid of hotspots of interest that would concentrate players, or whatever. Indeed, there are benefits to sparser population, such as being able to get to know the people in your community since you're more likely to meet them again or just the general feel of the world (a remote outpost isn't supposed to be a warzone, say).