>Bought a dozen or more studios
>Ninja Theory among them
>Only has Bleeding Edge to show for it(buttercup is thicc af tho)
>meanwhile Sony just acquired Insomniac
>Bought a dozen or more studios
>Ninja Theory among them
>Only has Bleeding Edge to show for it(buttercup is thicc af tho)
>meanwhile Sony just acquired Insomniac
Other urls found in this thread:
>Microsoft bought a bunch of failed indie devs while Sony bought one of the biggest vidya developers in the industry.
Why does Microsoft even try? Pathetic
imagine getting excited for shitty games
Didnt Ninja Theory want Sony to buy them a they refused?
What did they develope aside from Spider Man?
Imsomniac didnt develop Quantum Break retard
Not even worth a (you), sad.
>buying Double Fine
They bought rancid meat. Nothing Tim Schaffer creates is worth the $5 MS spent for their company.
none of those trash studios are going to sell a single console for ms
I think the other bleeding edge characters also looked interesting but everybody only wants to talk about the fat one.
Sony knows they're failed devs.
All of Microsoft studios both old and new have multiple projects in development, seethe, Europoor.
Google you fucking retard. The fact you don't know makes you makes you either a zoomy or a casual.
He probably meant to say what have they made “recently” besides spider man. Only thing I can think of is the ratchet and clank remake that wasn’t all that good
>that wasn’t all that good
Stop parroting e-celebs.
But it was great.
>Insomniac is a good studio meme
They haven't been good since PS2. Now they are a fad chasing B-tier dev.
He isn't wrong you fucking sony fanboy. It killed the series
R&C remake was fantastic aside from the one thing outside their control; having to match the shitty film's rewrite of the plot while also using the Quark framing device to avoid "spoiling" its big scenes.
Ratchet and Clank was never good.
Its Uncharted tier, really really charming writing and characters but mind numbingly boring and simple gameplay that even as a literal child I found to be insultingly simple.
After a few hours you just stop giving a fuck about getting to the next charming cutscene and don't care anymore because its always followed by 15-20 minutes of a boring slog through the gameplay for tards.
Whats the fucking point of a bunch of creative weapons when the enemies don't fucking do anything and your wrench is basically the only thing you'll ever need?
>Microsoft buys bunch of devs developing multiplatform titles
>Sony buys studio that has made Playstation exclusives for most of their existance, save for one XBone game
This reminds me of the time when Microsoft bought Lionhead.
Imagine being given a shit ton of money to buy talent and you spend it on double fine. Spence should have been fired right after that acquisition.
>Buy up a bunch of studios
>They end up sitting on them and ultimately do nothing with them
As if Rareware needs repeating.
Ok, e-celeb worshipper.
I always had a PS since the first one and now because of that censoring bullshit I'm gonna get an Xbox.
Have you played it? Its actually 1 of a handful of good examples of how to handle a remake/overhaul. You either have to be confusing it with that terrible movie they made or a complete retard.
Well yeah, now you get to relive the disappointment of Rare making something for Nintendo only for them to be dragged right back into Microsoft
No, I'm mostly just annoyed that such good writing and characters are wasted on such a boring fucking game. They're genuinely well written and the cutscenes got actual laughs out of me, but holy fuck the games are just so boring I couldn't do it.
Damn, you haven't been around for long, have you?
Sony gave 'em the dmc treatment
>You either like what I like or you’re a retard
Every time
>censored pngs you can count on your hand
>to answer that buy and xbox which those games aren't even available
>when MS is gearing up to go 3rd party
I hope you make a thread about pulling your hair out when it happens.
Shilling isn't going to get you very far here, Europoors.
You should probably just invest in a pc at this point since all their stuff is getting ported over anyways. Xbone is a barren wasteland for games, no reason to think project scarlet will be any different unless you actually want to play the next installment of the abortion that is halo
Sunset Overdrive, that's how you know they're quality motherfuckers!
>when MS is gearing up to go 3rd party
But none of those games are coming to other consoles.
Ori and Cuphead just did.
>Reddit Overrated
Not him but they stopped making good shit after the PS2.
Exclusives are nice, but when Xbone has the superior online model, multiplat performance and account security(!!), the imbalance is just too obvious.
But cuphead was made by indie devs and “published” by MS.
Never said u had to like it to see its quality but im sorry ive offended you so much bud. I do hope u recover and try not let it impact your life too much. Ok? Im sure ur a very nice yet misunderstood person pls dont shoot up a school
I was being sarcastic, Insomiac is shit and might have maybe 3 people left on te team who actually worked on the original R&Cs
>superior online model, multiplat performance and account security(!!), the imbalance is just too obvious.
Shill, both of them are equal in every aspect except hardware.. Also PS5 is more powerful than Nextbox.
Cuphead isn't a Microsoft ip and Ori was the only one plus it's the first one released years ago and only for the Switch most likely to test mobile platforms and nothing else, Microsoft confirmed after that that their games from, now on, can only be played on Xbox, PC, and XClound and nothing else.
Only a matter of time.
>microsoft buys a bunch of shit studios
>meanwhile sony gets insomniac, kojipro and konamis game division with all the ips
Plus the fun devs went to Microsoft's new Initiative team anyway.
>believing MS lies AGAIN
How many times have their words and actions contradicted.
R&C remake was trash, shitty weapons & downgraded level design & shitty combat & shittier platforming & shitty music
the original is better in nearly every way, outside of the clank sections only one planet was improved
Which ones did you play?
>Also PS5 is more powerful than Nextbox
From what I heard, they're close in power.
>Game streaming
>thinking Sony will say yes when they have PSNow
>Game streaming
When these games hit the Switch, it will be through this, these games will never come to PlayStation though since they have PSNow.
Microsoft never published it, tho.
Maybe you should show off the story trailer and multiplayer trailer over the shitty E3 trailer.
Pass can be downloaded.
You are a nobody. Real insiders say PS5 > Next
Sony allowed EA access.
>no source
google doesn't give me anything either. fuck off op
Which console will have more From Software's exclusives ?
Microsoft isn't giving away Game Pass natively like on Xbox and PC, you're getting streamed games and Sony will most likely say no, what part of Xbox games are coming to Switch or PlayStation do you not understand.
>Which ones did you play?
A Crack in Time and one of the PS2 games, can't remember which one. I didn't like the PS2 game when I tried it but I kept hearing things about the franchise being great and decided to grab one of the new PS3 ones when it came out, but my impressions of that were covered in my previous posts.
I might have just played a shitty one, but god damn did it ever just reek of wasted potential. A+ writing and humour with the most dull gameplay I've ever slogged through, the gun that makes enemies dance is only funny once or twice, then you just go back to wacking guys with the wrench just to get to the next cutscene.
>maybe I assume most likely
Fuck off. MS have expressed clear interest and their actions point to where they are headed and you hoping against it won't change a thing.
Microsoft said their games isn't coming to other consoles, if Game Pass dos come to other consoles it's from Game Streaming if Microsoft chooses too but that depends on if Xcloud actually does well.
Name a good game then asshole
Spyro 1-3
Ratchet and Clank series
Resistance series
Sunset Overdrive
Spider Man
>Original Spyro Trilogy
>Ratchet and Clank series
>Resistance trilogy
Are you fucking new?
pretty much all of those are dead series though
and most were already playstation exclusives
>Spyro 1-3
>Ratchet and Clank series
>Resistance series
>Sunset Overdrive
>Spider Man
so, all playstation exclusive besides a failed meme game?
woah, what a nice deal for sony
How could you forget Fuse?