You are playing Link Evolution, right?
Yu Gi Oh thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Post your favorite archetype
Fuck off back to /vg/ modern pleb
I'm still I'm the process of grinding for staples whilst going through all of the reverse duels. I never want to open a Leo/Luna pack again after getting cards I don't give a fuck about over and over but I still need more copies of Ash/ghost ogre.
>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "holds up summoned skull let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate extra links" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaughtering my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>its another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>its another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>its another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" "w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>its another "flips Despell you activated my trap card!" thread
I was on board with synchro and xyz but pendulum and chain links really fucked it for me
Playing this halfassed game really makes me wanting a proper Yugioh game again. I mean, the game does what it should and its fun, but it would be so much better to have a game like the DS or PSP games. Link Evolution is so fucking barebones that it couldnt be more obvious that its literally a quick cashgrab they coded on lunchbreak.
The mspaint cards always make me smile
I don't understand how this card is "good"
It's only useful if your deck is shit
>Trish is at 3
How long until this gets abused?
It sets up your graveyard and refreshes your hand
Unlike other cards it also thins your deck a bit
For me its the Gradius/B.E.S. cards.
I haven't really cared for yugioh for years now, but from the few casual matches I play with someone else's deck sometimes, Links seem like a good idea to fix the extra deck summon bloat that was the early xyz era that made most people dislike the game.
i wouldnt mind if they removed links in the next series
i dont feel like this with any other ed summoning methods
I will most likely always have the Lightsworns as my favorites
Now you have to deal with link summon bloat which can enable xyz bloat. Fucking ocrust/dangers/phantom knights was a pain until bardiche got hit.
Any hand destruction +draw card is good now because of pic related. Also it works on danger decks
Are noble knights still a thing?
That was the most baller archetype
My fav archetype is also the best one ever made
ok user
Define a thing. If you mean viable for the pro scene, then no. If you mean playable in general, then yeah they aren't bad.
yeah playable in general is good enough for me
maybe some occasional support by releasing a new card would be good as well
Can you play the older duels without master rule 4? I don’t want to be locked to summoning 1 extra deck monster at a time when every series after the original is built around fusion, synchro, xyz, etc. and has no link monsters.
Just do the four tutorial missions and open playmaker packs. It has pretty much every link you need - the only one that isn't there is Bardiche but you can get that from Shun's (or Shay if you're a Dubfag) pack.
They've been getting support as of late, with their biggest support with their link.
Gladiator Beasts
If there's a link monster in the monster field and it points to zones the S/T field can you Extra-summon there as well??
The closest to what you said is judgment arrows but that is a link spell and is anime only
You can't summon monsters in zones you can't summon monsters in no matter what. So far doesn't seem even the anime is gonna do that. They hit the power ceiling at Link-5 last season and the final boss' power is just ALL YOUR SUMMONING METHODS COMBINED, so it's unlikely they'll do real stupid Link shit.
Red Eyes
>You are playing Link Evolution, right?
>Low budget port of an already low budget game
>shit UI
>MR4 applied to every world
>Playing Yu-gi-oh
I'm neither poor nor black.
>Magic:The trannening
>and the final boss' power is just ALL YOUR SUMMONING METHODS COMBINED
Again? That's pretty boring.
My girls of course
I'm glad I am not a smelly trannylike you
>not magic: the blackening
>2019 reprint doesn't uncensor her
no, im playing ygopro percy
>not SJW: The Pandering
Ok. Post your nickname.
I'm Trappy
You win this time Gadget.
3 hours of Rata Kino is out
Check it out
Also Scrap Dragon is leaked as an UR and I want to cry
Now that Vrains is confirmed to end next month, what do you think of it?
The only thind im gonna say is
Links >>>>>>>> pendulums
Anything was going to have a hard time recapturing attention after how badly Arc-V dropped the ball, but jesus christ this was a boring series.
Links ruined the game
Synchro = XYZ = Fusion > Ritual summoning > pendulum > tribute summoning > contact fusion > Pendulums
So why are people constantly complaining about the new link system? Before people kept whining about how all strong decks shit out extra deck monsters left and right, now Konami nerfed this shit and now somehow this is a bad thing too?
It’s because of MR4 mostly
Fucked over a lot of decks in favor of Links
>now Konami nerfed this shit
No they didn't. Now you just have to run Links too.
>synchros come out
>reeee they ruined the game fusions were so much better
>XYZs come out
>reeee they ruined the game synchros were so much better
>pendulums come out
>reeee they ruined the game xyz were so much better
>links come out
>reeee they ruined the game pendulums were so much better
All of you. Every time.
Wanna make a good deck bro? Gotta make a link, bro? Can’t do shit unless you got a link, bro! Wanna summon your cool-ass monster? Too bad, ya need a link!
Link unironicall fixed this shit game but Vrains killed anime
Fuck Links and fuck MR4
>Nerfing ED spam
Links increased the ED spam and only added blue to the color spectrum of white, black, and purple. Fucking two years of this shit and this garbage uninformed opinion is still being spewn.
I attack you directly with Remote Control Golem.
Once they make the seal of orichalcos 2.0 then sure.
>now Konami nerfed this shit
What makes you think a summoning method with even easier requirement than xyz would nerf ED spam?
>introduction of synchro
>could still play janky fusion decks
>introduction of xyz
>could still play janky synchro and fusion decks
>introduction of pendulum
>could still play janky xyz synchro and fusion decks
>introduction of links
>can no longer play janky xyz synchro and fusion decks without being mandated to run links
Do you see the difference?
>could still play janky fusion decks
Gladiator Beast and Hero?
>can no longer play janky xyz synchro and fusion decks without being mandated to run links
oh no, you have to run a link or two.
Based ancient gear chad
Where's my new support Kojimbo?
I dropped/paused this game when Pendulum happened. So far Im only playing Link Evolution casually to get a grasp of all the new decks and cards so Im not too deep into MR4 yet. I just thought that having to do an extra step (summoning a link monster) could slow down the extra deck spam. Seems like Im wrong then.
>can no longer play janky xyz synchro and fusion decks without being mandated to run links
Dude just play Skulldeat.
Yeah that’s his entire point dickass
You didn’t have to run synchros in fusion decks
You didn’t have to run XYZ in synchro decks
Didn’t have to run pendulum monsters in XYZ decks
But now you gotta run Links in everything
Fuck you
>oh no, you have to change your deck and are mandated to put in these new cards when before they were optional, and then alter your strategy around getting these things out first.
Are you being dense on purpose? You could play pure fusion, pure synchro, pure xyz, or any combination previously. It might not have been viable, but you could still have done it. With links, that's thrown out the window and now you are REQUIRED to run them.
Me? You are the one fucked here. Go play your shitty pendulums if you can't adapt
you dont have to run them. no one is forcing you to do anything.
>you dont have to run them.
If you want to play a deck involving getting out more than 1 ED monster, yes you do.
>you don’t have to run Links
>just adapt
Fucking kekles
Keep seething
Fluffal can get out multiple fuions without links
Stop trolling you nigger
Fuck off, I never complained about any summoning mechanic until link and it's not even link summoning I dislike but the MR4 changes it brought that pissed me off but I do agree with pendulums going to the S/T zone
Man of class.
I love these gear boys.
>spell counter structure deck with modern spell counter support
>Shaddoll structure deck announced for next year
Thank you Konami
How would you make Links work without killing the other Extra Deck cards? I would prefer if the summon limitation of only where a link card points to only links
Phantom Knights
>can't use Rank Up Launch to summon Dark Requiem
Fuck you Konami, this ain't right.
Any archetype where I can play the daughter of a royal family and fly on insects?
The Extra Monster zone is now the Link Monster Zone
>Chaddolls won the who gets a structure deck next
Will they be meta again so the new players can experience the true power of FLIP?
Elemental heroes
>Shaddolls won the poll instead of sacred beasts
Fuck, why did you remind me of that.
I’m sorry Neos ruined your everything
Rate my new field center senpaitachi
Do they have to be insects? Otherwise Ritual Beasts.
You’re the kind of person to wear one of those ahegao shirts and you disgust me
not when links are literally the easiest summoning method of all of them.
Only if you show of your playmat and deck box
Dark World
Sacred beasts are straight trash and barely even have nostalgic value because of how much lamer they were than the Egyptian Gods in the show, so it's not really a shock that they lost to anything.
>implying you wouldn't
Don't forget to support your local card shop
A man of taste i see
No thanks she has a look in her eye like she’d kill me
Like maybe, you can only summon one monster from the extra deck per turn to any zone BUT if you have a Link in the now called Link Monster zone it lets you summon more than one? I could see that working.
What decks are you guys currently running in-game? I'm currently running a semi-janky altergeist build whilst trying to finish gathering staples and then I'm probably going to start trying to build some of my favourite decks that are easier to grind for such as DDD and RRs.
Synchro Warriors/Synchron Warriors is the archetype name I think
mine is better
Playing the links tutorial unlocks the playmaker booster pack, if you want to fusion summon like me, you need to make your own deck. Thankfully you unlock every pack in a series by the time you finish the last duel in the first arc (Yugi vs Pegasus, Jaden vs. that ripped dude, etc) and there are booster pack guides so you know which pack has which archetype.
Based and Pokémonpilled
Jesus Christ
Yusei should have used Scraps and Scrap Dragon should have been his ace
Stardust Dragon does not visually fit Yusei
are these real???
Ebay. They're customs
Stardust Dragon is a better monster
Do you got the original picture?
probably Spirals.
Masked heroes are incredibly based and need more variety in summons. 10 isn't enough.
grow the fuck up
I love ghostricks so much. Cartoon Halloween shit is great
But I'm almost 30
Yes but it doesn’t thematically fit Yusei
The guy from the trash heap that uses cards cobbled together from the trash has a PRISTINE WHITE SPACE DRAGON that’s all pointy and shit and has a jet for a face. It’s just not thematically appropriate
Click see all
>no fun allowed
Ancient Gear
I too love turboing into dark law every game and scooping every time my opponent gets it off the field.
The man
The myth
The legend
Imagine that there was a card that had an effect of "you win the game" when summoned for each type of monster.
The Link "I win" card would be better than every other type because it is the easiest to summon, and would make the existence of the other cards pointless.
A Link version of other ED monsters becomes the best one because the new rule system makes it much easier to summon than the others, and you have to have links for most decks to function.
When Synchro came out, it didn't require you to have them in your ED to play a fusion deck. But with the new rules, you need Link monsters to play a functional deck of any other ED type.
Mostly because OLD GOOD NEW BAD.
Konami fucked it up tho, they tried to nerf things and make the game slower so they stop with the otk and ftk stuff, but they failed horribly.
>tfw no fire masked Hero except for Gouka
Fire Elemental Heroes is still a very functional deck
Pretty sure that's the point.
His junk deck represents his life in satellite and Stardust represents his fate as a signer.
It also makes more sense when you realize that it used to belong to Yusei's father who was a richfag topsie.
I just wish it fit the look of the rest of his deck
At least make it mechanical. They could have taken the white and the jet aesthetic and designed it after like a space shuttle to tie the themes together at least
>At least make it mechanical. They could have taken the white and the jet aesthetic and designed it after like a space shuttle to tie the themes together at least
Signer dragons are ancient beings though.
Even powertool dragon's true form is a fleshy life giving dragon.
Who cares, it can be an ancient mechanical life form
Based and spookypilled
>whines about clashing aesthetics and offers a solution that clashes aesthetics.
>who cares?
I don’t care about lore, only aesthetics
>they changed the name from God-Eyes to All-Eyes
Do you not see how a machine dragon would clash with 4 other flesh dragons?
Oh yeah the machine dragon would clash with the plant dragon, the demon dragon, the fairy dragon, the power armor dragon, and the bird dragon
just unlimit it and birdman already
>"Links killed the game"
>the number of participants in tourneys has increased since their introduction
Why are you faggots always wrong?
Links killed the FUN of the game
So I wasn’t there for the shit fest, tell me. How many tears did the synchro and xyz players shed when link summon became a thing.
Yeah and what an interesting competitive scene it is where every game ends on turn 2
I don't mind links I just hate MR4
Just read the thread and you will figure it out. I can smell the wrecked asses from here
>Konami nerfed this shit
Will there ever be a Link-8 monster?
I'm tied between Kozmos, Spyral's, and Dragon Rulers. So I will base my favorite on the card art and the pure fun I have from playing Kozmos's.
once when the board looks like 2 circles instead of 2 rectangles where each em zone is located at the middle of each circle.
Two of the most notable "break my board bro" pseudo-FTK decks of 2018 were completely independent of the Link Mechanic, because they were both our oldest foe rank 4 XYZ
No, Konami making Structure decks not shit is what saved it.
I am. Its mediocre, but it satisfied my need of having a YGO simulator on console thats recent.
Konami made several decks soon after links came out that were "meta" and were evenly matched.
True Dracos, Altergeists Trickstars, and Gouki.
Before that point the meta was so narrow with Zoodiacs and Spyrals being the previous formats.
spyrals were tearing up link format.
Trickstars were actually one of the stronger options against them.
>and were Evenly Matched
>ends your turn
>tfw mainly play casuals with friends
>the absolute asspain when I shit out multiple dark destroyers in the middle of his autism combos
*frogs ur path*
What's the best yugioh game on the GBA?
The point is that Yugioh's meta became significantly diversified during the time links were becoming serious business.
No more tier 0 bullshit.
I think Maximum crisis started the trend of a diversified meta.
The decks may not be meta anymore, but they have had their spots replaced, without the balance of the meta being too broken.
Link is the most powerful summoning method ever created in the history of the game while MR4 fucked everything extra deck that isn't Link
>not t0
number of tounrament attendance doesn't equal the game is in a good state. that just mean that you have nothing but waste hundreds of dollars on an meta deck because everything outside competitive is not able to work
it is why they have been expanding the figure line and other merchandise to make up for the loss of non-meta players
Salamangreats are like 50 bucks
Wc 06
>it is why they have been expanding the figure line and other merchandise to make up for the loss of non-meta players
>When there is a print form of speed duels
or does that not count because you got your ass beat by BE being t0, which also is a cheap as fuck deck
Stairway to the Destined Duel
Six Samurais, of course
Firewall was good but it wasn't broken until Knightmares came out, even then later it was still cucked by sky strikers.
If they're trying to continue to sell speed duel sets, it means Konami has money to burn.
Sales must be good for Konami if they're doing dumb shit like this.
>You are playing Link Evolution
no because
>not freeroam
>no shop
>no replayvalue like tournaments
>is just (pick one duelest from whatever series and duel them)
i want to buy it so bad but tag force or duel link will have to do
For me it’s fire fist
Thanks I'll try them out
What deck should I pick so I can breeze through story mode?
I don't have the game, so tell me the options
Are there any wikis or guides for card acquisition? It'd be nice to know what story missions I should prioritize, and which gacha-banners to prioritize if I am trying to build a certain deck.
What will MR5 be? Limit 1 extra monster per turn and shill normal tributes? Let both players set backrow before the first turn so traps are relevant again? Remove links?
choo choo motherfuckers
WC > Tagforce
Dual screen and touch controls make the games more playable.
Worldwide edition for the soundtrack alone
Why do we hate this guy again?
>Link Evolution
hows the replay value and online. is it dead?
Because he churns out a dozen click bait videos a week.
I think you can make a Rhongomyniad deck
Which is a banned (in the TCG) otk deck.
>Oh yeah "Frog" is apparently an archetype: the card
you can try to find the cards you want here.
Because he dabs on arrogant casuals
Jealousy. He actually has a girlfriend She looks like his sister tho
The Agents. They just need an entire structure Deck to make them good. Mayakashi and Dream Mirror/Triamid are also fun.
>When Synchro came out, it didn't require you to have them in your ED to play a fusion deck. But with the new rules, you need Link monsters to play a functional deck of any other ED type.
This argument is horrifically flawed whenever its brought up. It doesnt matter if its a link monster or a new card that supports your deck, youre going to buy it anyways to continue playing. Links didnt really change anything unless you were playing junk doppel quasar or some shit obscure deck and then only a month later needlefiber came out and actually made them better than before.
>You have to use Links in order to fully use Synchro and Fusion
>Combos can take well over 2 minutes to finish
God fucking damnit. Back to Duel Links it is.
should've seen it coming when they introduced the MC but as another character
I basically stopped playing during links since the only deck I owned irl was madolche. I had some fun with pend magicians online, but I definitely don't like how the entire game basically forced you to buy links or just have outright unworkable decks and so I haven't bought any cards since before link format.
I much preferred how it was done previously, where new mechanics allowed for organic implementation into old decks without outright forcing you to use the new shit. Even though there was always the obvious discrepancy of power between new and old, it at least provided the illusion of choice and the freedom enough to play as you wished, with all your old combos working just fine (aside the usual banlist changes of course).
It was absolute shit even when it just came out but I just love Armed Dragons.
what are the three exclusive cards the physical copy comes with?
The classic
LV Decks are interesting. Just wish Links did not made Mystic Swordsman useless.
Is Trishula still good?
Too slow
>combos can take well over 2 minutes to finish
Maybe if you're a brainlet.
Micro Coder, Cynet Codec and Progleo. The first two were from a japanese structure deck we never got and are absolutely essential to playing Cyberse-Link Spam decks currently, and the other one is a Link-2 nobody cares about.
He's still based, but him requiring at least 3 monsters makes him not ideal in a bunch of situations. He recently got unlimited though so maybe someone will figure something out.
I'm not talking about my own combos but the ones other people do but please continue being retarded.
maybe if you could shit him out during your opponent's turn
You mean rokket.
Doesn't include savages and other ED stuff though
Then it is
Ice Barrier.
Even making Needlefiber, a level 4 and a level 3 is too much effort for ONE disruption
I'm so sorry
almost every synchro tuner has that as an effect nowadays, fuck theres a synchro hand trap that does that now,
Pendulums and Links are really new to me but I fucking hate that you can only have one extra deck monster on the field at a time without graveyard digging. Both are also really fucking confusing compared to Synchro and XYZ
Fusion monsters can be summoned to any monster zone a link monster points to.
You're supposed to disrupt those combos user.
>letting your opponent play
You're showing your age user.
Which just equates to being forced to play Link monsters.
>I'm so sorry
I used to have this really great Ice Barrier deck in Tag Force but I don't remember what supports cards I used to set it up. I know it's not the best archetype but I still really like it a lot and I hope one day it get some support.
>this really great Ice Barrier deck
>really great
>Ice Barrier deck
I don't have the heart to tell him,
Magnet Warriors
maybe with a HOPT eratta.
Thunder Dragons have become my jam now that they are a viable option
Noble Chads
Dark World
did this become anything?
i only was around for gradius and option cards
i wanted a whole gradius deck
and an MGS deck
>Disrupt him during his first turn bro
>J-Just disrupt every move bro even though you could play into his hands by doing so
Imagine pretending to be retarded even though you already are.
I hated the fact you had to have Links to run multiple Extra deck summons but then they turned my waifu into a Link and now I'm pro-Links.
You have no idea how many decks just lose to one (1) Ash Blossom.
I guess you didn't see the new promo tin reveals huh?
Konami fucking DABBING on combofags.
>the game has changed and I can't add a handtrap into my deck!
Lmao. Rememberin' the good ol' days of axe of despair summoned skull eh gramps?
Quick effects, especially from monsters were the worst thing to ever happen to Yugioh. It absolutely murdered trap cards.
>Can't adress argument and resorts to using strawmen
I accept your loss. It only took you + 30 minutes for one turn
traps were murdered by needing to wait to be activated
Because they fucked over any deck revolving around extra deck monsters so bad that now you have to have a link monster to use anything else.
Otherwise links are fine and the fact that they are not fucking pendalums is a nice fact to.
Pendalums were horseshit and still are
>Konami killing GOAT and adding archetypes to stop people from using staples
>Konami adding hand traps to stop archetypes
>Handtraps are the new staples
Enjoy your 40 card handtrap deck in the future, where nobody is even gonna use the field.
>I'll just call it my win and run away from the problem!
Just like real life eh champ?
You have 5 seconds to delete this before you get deleted
Yes that's the point. Stronger overpowered cards should let you wait a turn or have some heavier consequences for using them. Balance was always kinda iffy in this game but quick effects only made this issue even worse. I don't want to live in a world where Raigiki is considered kinda meh because it only destroys the opponents cards and nothing else.
Pendalums are the worst YGO new gimmick.
Links only fucked the game because of Konami's rules.
I just built one. Any pointers? I don’t think I have the ones I should need (only one of the searcher Wyvern right now).
Raigeki's only purpose is to remove Salamangreat Baleynx from the opponent's graveyard.
Shit taste negated
Crystal Beast Baby
How do I beat Red Eyes decks
Banish opponents cards from the graveyard and pack in some heavies.
Trap cards that are worth using have to have some seethe inducing effects (Trickstar reincarnation or Evenly matched), be able to be played from your hand (Red reboot, infinite Impermanence), be counter traps (Solemn brigade), or be floodgates (Imperial order, Skill drain)
Most trap cards are useless, since they struggle to keep up with the speed of the meta without being to op
I want to cuddle with her and be bros with Ocean and Sparkman
by interrupting their one fusion summon
Reactor Dragon is your general playmaker. You use it to blow up cards to summon other AGs, though most of the time you’d want to blow up Geartown with catapult instead
Use Hunting Hound instead of poly
Dinos rip this game apart and you can get most of the ones from Bastion’s pack from the GX storyline
>Ultimate Conductor Tyranno
>Souleating Oviraptor
>Lost World
>Giant Rex
>Tyranno Infinity
Aside from handtraps elsewhere, winning a Jurrac Aeolo from Hasselberry’s challenge deck gives you a one card Hi-speedroid Chanbara from just summoning Oviraptor.
BasedOjama poster
I just wish there was a way to go back to basics more. Monsters are the power houses. The ones with good effects have either low attacks or are difficult to summon, without all this quick effect nonsense. Leave the good shit to the trap cards where you wait a turn to balance it out. Most of the battles are now played on the hands of the player instead of on the fields thanks to the current meta.
Are any of the yu-gi-oh games actually challenging?
once I build a good deck the games becoem way too easy
Thanks, Gear bro.
ygopro percy. just play against other people
I'm no pro player but I've struggled a bit playing this one since I haven't built a deck yet. The in-game decks are good but they often rely heavily on the luck of the draw, and the AI opponents are generally pretty decent. Plus it has online, and a mode where you have to buy packs to generate a deck.
duelingbook then
>Wanna have some challenging AI battles that aren't just Tag Force gimmicks
>There aren't
Did Link forever ruin the chance we might get another good single player Yugioh game?
>no one has said Karakuri yet
Feels bad, man.
The new Yu-Gi-Oh! series next year will just retcon Links as a requirement for further Extra Deck spam, right?
ironically yugioh in the old days was more spell and trap heavy than monster heavy. It was slow and horrible, thank god the modern game made this shit actually fun.
Can't have any fun when the duel is finished at round two. Doing some heavy setup and having it pay off was fun. Now the monster's quick effects do all the setup for you.
I really liked slow methodical trap and magic heavy YGO. Quick paced YGO is fun, but I really wish there were alternate rulesets that made both formats viable.
*Mills 3 for cost
Duel Links makes a lot A LOT of money
Nope. Say hello to Extra Deck Spells.
How is this fuck STILL relevant?
>extra deck traps
*extreme paleoing in the distance*
Summoning mechanics ranked from best to worst
"Lol rabbit into ophion set 4 pass." was awful.
Also Trish is sexier there.
I liked XYZ.
What if Ancient Gear Golem was a cute robot girl and by that I mean what if she had metal tits and a cute metal butt and a metal tummy and that’s the only changes
Too bad it's broken as shit.
It would not surprise me if there is a shitty orica of that somewhere out there.
Yeah I can't argue that.
i mean fusions are better than ever before with al of the new support, even with the links
I’m torn between AGG being a human in armor as a girl or just a robot with sexual bits because in the lore I’m pretty sure most machine type monsters are just machines built by humans to protect them from all the other scary shit and AGG would definitely be a protector of humans because they’re made in factories so making it human is essentially giving it honorary human status for being a protector of mankind but it goes against the aesthetic but if we were accurate to the design FemAGG would have noodle arms and thighs and waist and huge fists and legs
>Blocks your path
Well the orica is a girl in armor
Just make her an extremely human-like robot wearing armor where AGG has its armor the heaviest.
Yeah that would make sense but at some point it just becomes a girl in a Roman soldier cosplay
Maybe give her gear joints or something to make it clear she’s a robot
>ctrl f "infernity"
>0 results
You dissapoint me
Look mom, no hand!
I like Cyberdragons and Junk Warriors. I don't really play anymore but I like to collect the cards cause they look cool and just build neat little 1-of-each card only decks.
>time when Duel Links was new, small yugioh wave hit LGS where I play magic at
>asked if I played at all
>told to bring some decks I had next week
>take out 3 barrier 3 launcher infernities
>never get asked to play again
Worth it.
PC when?
I'm on board with synchro, xyz, and links on paper but the power creep has made the newest format near unplayable.
Pendulum always was and always will be trash.
Are you happy about Carly?
Fuck off Rata and make more videos
I'm angry that her VA was in a sex cult, meaning they had to rewrite 2nd season 5DS to remove cultish imagry and shill for crow at the expense of several other characters while they were at it.
Cyber Dragons since day 1
Ritual deserves shit tier for relying on the same boring engine in pretty much every deck
in the capcom's card game Dante a effect similar to burn abyss squad. he sends himself to the graveyard and then you can summon DT dante from your deck. I can already see the retardation DMC.dek will bring to Teppen
That’s konami’s fault for basically abandoning it the second they came up with it
>did this become anything?
It did, but is still trash.
Props to Konami though, they at least made a completely unplayable archetype go to "at least it can try"-tier.
>half life civ: ZOMBIES!
How the fuck has no one said blue-eyes yet?
besides the time BEWD was broken to the point of winning worlds. nobody really cares about it. there are dozens of archtypes more popular than then
I'll never fall for the Blue-Eyes menace until they take the few steps to finally make Ultimate viable
post is over, the best is here, pack it up boys
How are they killing GOAT now? What happened? I thought it was a fanmade format?
BEWD only stood a chance because every other deck was neutered in the worlds format.
How come trish is such a slut?
How did you get this pic of me?
They killed it back when Goat format was just THE format by introducing viable archetypes in GX
What archetype/mechanic did you always find interesting but underdeveloped or never used to its full potential?
For me? It's Neo Spacian cards.
It's bad that I recognize this as Z-arc
Harpies are so fun now, like goddamn they turned that shit around from the early days.
>posts Dancer
How's about that Conductor, eh?
CA. they are turning into what I aspected when they launched back in 2016/2017. Nekroz 2.0. but properly balanced
Ok, I thought you meant Konami made some kind of statement that it was forbidden to play or that they were never reprinting their key cards lie Restrict or BLS.
the deck was dominanting locals and tournaments even in the non-worlds format at the same time in the OCG and TCG, shitposting-kun. they only had a hard time against madolches of all decks. of all the decks the madoka looking candies were the ones that countered BEWD
Destruction Sword
B.E.S since it took literally one card to make them playable
Aliens for having a rad play-style
Ghostrick because they were left to go stagnant despite the hilarious win condition
>>it's another "why do you keep slaughtering my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
i really love this one, so accurate
I love that Yugioh is a Yea Forums topic.
Poor fella. Never used for anything and gets gatekeeped out of frog decks. What can we do to save him?
Absolute madman
/tg/ are magicfags so they hate it so we get it
His name is slime toad now.
that's Toadally a shame
>OCG format mattering
i really wonder who the fuck would ever use this kind of monster, like i mean, they're literally useless. So sad.
Good decks for this card?
Got a kek out of me, not gonna lie. Imagine actually thinking you have any dignity while translating for konami.
Must have frogot his name.
did some retard really imply that bewd isn't the most popular archetype?
If you summoned this card, would both monsters come out? I looks kinda gay
one day this dude will do a mass shooting and people will ask "why he did that?"
>implying it isn't
Play sacred cards, you'll understand why. it's how takahashi imagined the game would be
>misprint a card
>technically can't use it since one of those monsters doesn't exist
Is there a way to unlock duel academy aki without importing saves?
also tag force 6 non meme translation incoming bros, we're gonna make it
Just here to post 2nd most beautiful dragon.
If BEWD is so popular, why is Alternative and Bingo not reprinted?
Thought so.
It's only good to be a sacrificial pawn to summon a greater monster or useful for other such strategies.
XYZ > Fusion (modern) > Link >>> Synchro > Tribute > Fusion (classic) > Ritual > Pendulum
Ritual is only bad because you can't summon the monster from the deck with it. It'd be high tier otherwise and I think it could use a revamp in that vein to be more viable, much like how Fusion is great now with contact fusion and generic recipes. My problem with pends lies with how unfun it has to be when they're cockblocked. Never played them but they just seem so high commitment, not to mention a card like Anti-Magic Fragrance just shuts the whole mechanic down. Ultimately though, I prefer the simpler summoning methods.
because konami is bought out by the second hand market
They resold the movie pack every other year.
buy more MVPG and LED3 goyim
and buy blackwings
>I don't want to live in a world where Raigiki is considered kinda meh because it only destroys the opponents cards and nothing else.
Raigeki by itself is still one of the best cards in the game, the thing that made it disappear from the meta is that is still limited and is virtually unsearchable by non-meme ways so why bother. Also most top decks that put a lot of monsters on the board usually have protection from it.
Nurse burn...
>implying getting kozmeme one year later is bad
kozmeme was only good here because tewart killed every damn deck that was actually good to force that trash deck that got fucked by Ultimate falcon or Imperial Iron Wall. good thing that speedroids arrived and BA got back into the meta again. in the small time between the speedroid cards and Kozmeme fuckery. they were getting fucked by RUM Raid Raptors
Easily the Blue Eyes. They might as well be the face of Yugioh. I love pulling this girl out into the field and wreak shit up.
Do you guys like to play Battle Pack? Have you ever tried to make a cube? I'm working on one right now and need less than 60 cards to complete it.
It's actually pretty easy when you make it a singleton draft cube and just pul stuff out of your old collection.
no but seriously, when you play ygo exclusively it feels like its shitty, broken and expensive. But if you take a break and return back you realize how brilliant it is compared to other games, not just card games even.
konami pls support
it is not even save recognition. it is UMD recognition. there is cheat codes to unlock the UMD extra features. or you can just download the ISOs from previous games and use PPSSPP option to swap disks.
>non-meme TF6 translation
fucking finally. hopefully we get a Special no meme translation. playing it right made me remember why I hate the poison the abriged forced in the fanbase
Nice comprehension you oaf
My point was BEWD was trash compared to kozmo and only did well against BA and pre-metalfoes pendulum. After monarchs got gutted by the banlist and without kozmo to threaten it, BEWD only did as well as it did during worlds because it was the only decent deck that was around in that timeframe.
>all Rata had to do was make a video shilling Sacred Beasts to make up that 1% difference
How bad were the meme translations, just having everyone spew stale yugioh abridged references?
whatever makes you sleep at night, user.
all right, buddy
How does the order of activation for this card work? You can only activate it after an opponent adds a card from the deck to their hand, so let's say they play card destruction, they reach for their deck and pick up 5 cards at once, you can't stop them from picking up those 5 cards since they're already in the hand and they just can't add anymore for the rest of the turn. But what if they pick up 1 card, then another and another, etc until they have 5. If you activate when he picks up the first card, you can stop his draw of the other 4 cards?
Well, the abridged shit practically kill the hype and a good number of viewers for 5Ds a decade ago, which end up being one of the best Yugioh Anime.
>TF special translation
Jesus I'll hate konami until I'm on my deathbed for making the fanbase go through shit like that.
Also for shit like
>UMD recognition and you can only import your decks from 6 to special
>le funny skyrim jokes xd
>in the small time between the speedroid cards and Kozmeme fuckery. they were getting fucked by RUM Raid Raptors
Speedroids came out in Oct' 2015 and Dark Destroyer (which was the card that actually put Kozmos on the competitive map) came out in Nov' 2015, not to mention, they got most of their good support starting 2016, no wonder they sucked during that time.
Do you, by any chance, also mock SPYRALs for, sometimes, getting dabbed on by meme archetypes before Oct' 2017? I mean don't get me wrong, I don't give a fuck about either archetype, but downplaying Kozmo's impact like that is just being disingenuous.
If it says draw X, then you draw X all at once. You can’t get in-between the draws regardless of what your opponent does.
>Otogi saying shit like "let's have intercourse"
>some random mob saying shit like "off I guess I got raped, but I liked it though"
You get the feel, shit only gets worse from there, I'd take a screenshot but I'm on uni right now.
Oh jesus
A man of taste.
more like "eh, she cute"
With CD, if you picked it up from your deck due to the effect, then you can't activate it until after that effect resolves. I don't think you can viably use that card against CD as it would get discarded before you picked up cards from the deck anyways. It can't chain on the triggering effect - either it gets discarded before it can or it gets picked up and misses the timing anyways, if it even can be called that. Effect timing really is a bitch.
About to jump to vrain train.
I get most of the new gist but still have a question.
What does "2 effect monsters or more" on Decode taker means? Does that mean you can summon Decoder with either 2 effect monsters or combinations of 3 normal and/or effect monsters?
Also do you need to pay online to utilize the online feature on switch? Are pirates safe to play?
>see no wind-ups
the link rating at the bottom is how many monsters you need. If you have a link 2 and a link 2 you can make a link 2. The 2 effect monsters is there so you can't swap between link 2s.
>UMD recognition and you can only import your decks from 6 to special
to be fair it was the last PSP game released in 2015. there is no UMD recognition on TFSP. you can only import the tag 6 save and get your recipes along with 1 copy of every card you have in that save file. there is free dlc by accessing the game's website ingame like Ultimaya tzolkin and OP recipes like full power nekroz and infernity
I'm more mad for Vrains being so shit that we didn't get a single new game besides LOD
Why did the ahegao face become a meme, anyway? Every fucking normalfag and instathot is obsessed with it.
take a look at the reactions to the banlist in the time period tewart was forcing kozmos and not shuting the fuck up about how good that shit deck was. Kozmo was only good in the TCG because tewart went full jew to force his shitty star war+oz meme deck. every good deck that was able to perfectly win against kozmos was hit to the point of retardation. you just have to look at the how the TCG balist was handled once tewart notice how trash his archtype was
>synchro niggers pretending their cards weren't broken and easy to summon
Goat format's really your only often played option in that regard.
It's a cool option of course, but the circumstances being as limited as they are is a bit of a shame. I'd kill to regularly get to play something like Plant Synchro format or HAT format again.
Waterchads win again
OG Synchro toolbox > the rest
>The card that was needed to put Kozmo on the competitive map didn't come out until the EXACT month they killed Nekroz, Shaddolls, Qlis, and Ritual Beasts
Well no shit they were put on the map. The only competition they'd have during that month would be power-crept HAT format shit like Madolches.
>Plant Synchro format
play TF4 for early plant synchro. if you want plant madness go for TF5 or 6.
konami really should keep making archetypes out of old cards
More often than not Konami kills the top decks after they had their time to shill newer product. Besides, DUEA archetypes were on their way out already after more than a year getting the top spots. I don't doubt there was a shilling agenda from KoA's perspective, but even if Kozmo never existed those archetypes were getting axed anyway.
konami sound team produced a lot of bangers on the GBA. it hurts not getting low budget jp games from the big companies
what got people mad was that OCG land had a way better format thanks to D/D/D SD. even with the PePe and Pendulum magician cancer going around. in the TCG there was no alternative besides kozmo and when we got PePe Jewart fucked the deck 1 week in the "emergency banlist"
I agree that Tewart fucking up with DDD's structure and the PEVO shenanigans was bad, but PePe getting axed as soon as possible is one of the best moves they ever did, fuck that deck.
Also when Kozmo got really good after BOSH, there was still BA, Monarchs and whatever was left from PePe putting up a fight too, so I disagree that there weren't any alternatives.
Speaking of that I haven't kept up
Is the most recent iteration of YGO looking like it's nearing an end or the middle? I'm curious if they decided on a new monster type after links.
the next anime is premiering next year, so it's ending soonish
I haven't watched any since the middle of zexal and the beginning 3 eps of Arc V
anime takes too much free time
after BOSH Kozmos were getting beat left and right. kozmo players were trying to shove the main engine in a bunch of different decks and getting fucked by the rest of the meta the same way.
fuck that deck and fuck tewart even more for forcing his star wars OC
Alright my dude, I tried to give you an honest shot, but is clear you are still anal blasted by Kozmo 4 years later. They kept doing really good until Aug' 2016 when the banlist finally limited Dark Destroyer and E-Tele.
>b-but they weren't pure
First, there is a good mix of pure tops and mixed, and 2nd, you were the guy praising Dante turbo for coming back with the help of Speedroids and PKs, so I don't think you'll have an issue on this one anyway.
Timing is the most backwards part about yugioh. Why does it even exist? No other card game I’ve played has anything like “missing timing”.
I wonder how it'd feel for that dino to nibble on my neck HAHA
fuck mtg fags
Yea Forums is a ygo board
Still easily one of the best soundtrack from based Kaiba.
I took one look at it, Switched it off and moonwalked over it.
They remind me of bomberman.
no spell
Lack of keyword level simplicity leaves the game suspect of rule misinterpretation and, even when properly understood, the wackiest of card interactions. Most of the time it's fine, but shit can go straight to fuck when it's not.
Nobody played this card.
This, on the other hand...
Still, I have not seen it used in the last few months at all.
Post the ones that deserved better
Since the thread is dying I will post a super secret tech card
>"old school" players complain about amount extra summons
>add mechanic to slow the game down
>still complain
I will never understand why they appeal to these shitters
Are you implying links slowed the game at all? Extra deck spamming is just as bad as ever, the only difference is now you need Links to do it.
Links didn't slow the game down at all you drooling retard, links are literally the easiest summoning type and powercreep every other summoning type through ease alone. Even older ED oriented decks, such as pic related, need to be completely revamped or scrapped entirely because of MR4 but the average Yea Forums mongoloid like yourself can't tell the difference since it's clear you haven't touched the game at all. Why are you even in this thread?
It's still strange, we can extra deck summon unlimited times per turn, so why can't we tribute summon unlimited times too?
Isn't this what pendulum is?
You should look into True Draco.
>Rituals could have been the og equivalent to Fusions, Synchros and Xyz.
Hell, the final battle of Duelist King is between Dark Magician of Chaos and Thousand Eyes Restrict (which came from a Ritual). Just think, we could have had a Harpie, Blue Eyes and Red Eyes Ritual monster, could have been big plays. Imagine the duel between Yugi and Weevil with Great Moth being a Ritual monster with cool effects.
I love them... it's just that with how my collection is set up, I can't put them with my favorites since Infernity was used by an actual character in the show. They share a nice cozy spot between Morphtronics and T.G. Still can't get my hands on Doom Dragon for some reason.
based chad THUNDERcock
I thought the Crow shilling was debunked, I know about the whole sex cult thing and how Iliaster was changed from a 3000 year old cult to a bunch of dudes from a doomed future.
>he never got shutdown into FC back in the day
>Aliens for having a rad play-style
Fuck man, I love these guys. Had fun with them in casual play because it was always cool to make my friends monster weaker when attacking. The Synchro made things even better.
>play a deck that relies on filling your grave, or have effects that trigger on discards
>congratulations, you've just achieved a free potential +6 while also potentially punishing your opponent if they had disruption in their hand
I like to live life Danger!ously
*laughing fluffal*
*laughing D/D/D*
*laughing RDA*
you're not entirely wrong, but there's a shitton of pure decks that focus on a mechanic that rely on summoning their bosses back from the GY and using their bosses to summon bigger bosses. Clearly, they're BETTER with links, but you don't have to run them.
Morphotronics although deskbots are a close second.
>TFW your favourite archetype, even with new support, still makes it impossible to summon out its boss monster in its intended manner
I don't hate links, but FUCK MR4.
he did nothing wrong take him out of gay dragon jail right now.
Wonder how fucked up the game will be after they introduce the next summoning gimmick because lol animegottahaveagimmick
I haven't played YGO since the HAT format. I saw that both monarchs and frogs were top tier at one point, which is wild for me to think. Is frognarchs still a viable option? What are the staples for the modern frog archetype?
I like buster blader but I heard it never got any support after all those anime seasons.
Is it true?
>buster blader
now he turn into yiff master
not at all. There's a whole archetype of buster blader support now.
I hope you like furries
>modern frog archetype
frogs and monarchs were split into two different decks. frognarchs aren't really a thing anymore - you either lose consistency for the toadally awesome spam, or you lose consistency for the monarch lockdown.
work more like ED stun deck
For me, its Dragon Maids
How long will online be alive? Should i get this game now or can i wait a few months until i finished my other games?
Sucks to see the Power Rangers get dicked over like that,
Frog Paleos
No love for AYYLMAOS?
>awesome art
>boring to play with/against
>card with awesome art, but is fucking useless
whats her name Yea Forums?
Atomic Scrap Dragon
First 4 booster packs normal and fusion monsters that are below level 3.
isn't the lore that he kills that thing and gets a hate boner for dragons afterwards?
>oldass monsters get retrains
>ace monsters for characters in the first season gets retrains
>this doesn't
I don't...think so? I've not really paid attention to card lore in the last few years.
I hope when they do revisit that dragon and those other two dragons, they aren't Metaphys revamp bait.
>Rex has no voice lines for it in Duel Links even
asshole Dragon Slayer ends up saving a baby dragon and tries raising it. Baby dragon grows up to be a little shit and he ends up killing it and ends up absorbing it or something. This is just from memory
Retrain when
Also, "awesome art, garbage card" could be applied to like a quarter of the cardpool at this point.
Retrain my mommy
that depends, do you like Frogs?
the agents
kino as fuck
Get Uranus and Hyperion
Proceed to absolutely wreck your opponent's asshole by deleting everything
>Thread's nearly at the bump limit
>No mention of Destiny HEROes
Have incels completely taken over Yu-Gi-Oh!? I don't see any other explanation for not liking these Chads.
Where does the meme that this guy is terrible come from? I remember the deck being fine for the time he came around
Destiny Heroes are a draw engine and not a playable archetype.
He's a tribute monster with a weak effect in a game where tributing is not viable unless you can cheat your way out of the cost somehow or the card has a REALLY good effect.
Daedalus has neither.
but with the way it is used it was always a single Tribute since the field spell was easy to search for. Isn't it serviceable for a single tribute monster?
Tribute summoning needs some rework to ever be viable. There is barely any point to it when special summoning exists. Now more than ever before.
Tribute Summoning is just really slow in general unless you base your entire archetype around it (Monarchs, True Draco). You're still talking about wasting your normal summon on a dude that needs a specific card in order to use his effect, which you're likely not gonna use more than once, and that you still have to consider if the effect is even worth it in terms of advantage, since he nukes your own field too.
just let us tribute summon multiple times, we already can synchro/xyz/link shit multiple times and break the game, so why not tribute?
The game is shit everything is links format. So the story mode with fusion, synchros and xy is fucked.
True Draco (sadly) exists user.
make it a new master rule so we can use all those other redundant tribute summon cards
or fucking give synchro/xyz/link/pendulum a one per turn limit too.
idk op...can anyone add to this?
The most you'll get from Seiyaryu is that stupid trap
Pendulum already has a once per turn limit, user. If you do what you're saying, then you're making a good 90% of modern decks unplayable while decks that are based around tribute summon remain the same, and are therefore stronger. Decks based around tributes already play past that once per turn limitation, so limiting everything else isn't gonna do anything.
>based around tribute summon
like what besides monarchs
Just make new cards like Double Summon for Extra Deck summons
>like what besides monarchs
Draco has been topping for over 2 years now
Probably equip cards sucking.
I blame the fucking anime for needing a new gimmick each time. I'm eager to see how the game crumbles on it's own legs a decade for now when it has like 5 new summoning gimmicks.
Checked to be sure it wasn't posted, but Volcanic
>as opposed to hand nuke degeneracy and pure nukes, or burns
>as opposed to 50 turns where the duel was decided turn 3
>traps are more relevant now than ever
>why is cards interacting with the banished zone bad?
>yugioh has never been about strategy...not really. Once upon a time it was 'summon gemini elf, set 4 pass, and just stop all your opponent's cards', now it's just 'nuke your opponent and swing for game, while being wary of hand traps'
>most of the longest effects in the game came out before card text was cleaned up in more recent years, cards with 4000 atk and no effects were ALWAYS bad
>meta decks have always been a thing, and old decks receive support to be relevant all the fucking time. Blue-eyes won worlds 2 years ago
>art was ALWAYS bland and terrible, looking like generic anime shit
>the original egyptian theme existed on only a handful of cards
>fusion decks are better now than they've ever been
>ritual decks have never been good outside of degenerate OTK decks like demise, or occasional outliers like nekroz
>Arc-V circa april 2016 was great, and legacy of the duelist was great
>pokemon wishes it was half as big as yugioh
You didn't check
Sure is egyptian here.
What do you mean this isn't egyptian?
Look at that detailed background. Man, what an amazing-looking card.
I don't know about you, but when I think 'ancient egypt' I think european-styled dragons.
>tfw new monsters nowadays are just anime girls instead of cool beasts and dragons
Fucking mobages
"oh you're cherrypicking, clearly yugi's deck is all about egyptian themed cards
yeah, like elves. Those were definitely egyptian.
"art is bland and terrible, looking like MTG"
>tfw new monsters nowadays are just anime girls instead of cool beasts and dragons
instead of cool beasts and dragons
in MTG every creature just looks like it's melting or fusing with the ground
What is your definition of anime girl?
is this an anime girl?
>old decks are completely irrelevant, just ignore this 2005 deck that's still seeing support and still topping, 14 years later
Well it is an anime based all-female archetype, so yes.
like when the game is turning into fucking Cardfight Vanguard.
Like this?
It's for blue eyes howaito dragon fans that also like robots.
Meanwhile in 2011.
>Anime Deck getting support.
Come back when Vylons get support that makes them not suck
that's an old card though, back in that era about 90% of other cards were cool looking beasts anyway.
It's now with the link shit everything is an anime girl.
so you want a degenerate FTK engine to get support again?
Does that even see play though? I'm talking about shit like Brandish Maiden and dragon maids
literally 2 modern archetypes are 'anime girls'
literally the first full archetype ever released was an anime girl deck.
No I wan't old non-Anime decks to get support. Konami can switch the focus of the Deck just how Vampires got changed from Mill opponent Deck to Steal Monsters and Gain LP
That card is fucking limited because of how powerful it is.
Am I being baited? The only recent anime girl archetypes are Sky Striker and Dragon Maid
like gladiator beasts?
or lightsworns?
super quant?
>Does that even see play though?
>does the card that says "summon one of the best types in the game from your deck for free" ever see play?
>does the card that is limited on the banlist ever see play?
>does the card that is a one card play starter in a million different situations ever see play?
user pls.
No, YGOPro is free and doesn't require a soitch.
>Bringing consolewars to a YGO thread
I hope you brick
normal monster lv4 with 2100 attack when?
fire fists?
six samurai?
I can keep going.
Do keep going. Its fun when you don't even know that some of the decks you mentioned are in fact Anime Decks. Like Simorgh. But do continue.
>d-doesn't count!
it was a structure deck released back in 2006, that had a brief cameo in ZEXAL 6 years later.
The only reason people don't play TGU as much is TGU being at one.
If you could run 3 (or even 2) TGU it would be a borderline auto-include because she's one of the best normal summons in the entire game.
every ritual deck ever
zombie world
noble knights
this is just the non-anime archetypes that received support since MR4 came out.
and that's not even all of them. I just decided to stop digging.