>Villan has a redemption arc


Jeremey's reporting it boys. It begins.

Attached: jerrp2.png (801x403, 205K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>this soi boy

Attached: A39DC0C1-A4F5-4471-9E26-8F77DB6C931E.png (3840x2760, 850K)

Doesn't this man massage Boogie's balls to get some clout?

Attached: 4a09471d94661215c7274862c8a5413b.png (216x206, 115K)

he's the voice of a generation you mongrels. He voices what everyone in the community is thinking but is too afraid to speak out about.

maybe post a readable image next time fagnoid

This all would've been so easy if they just ignored the three people screeching about muh bigotree

stop advertising your channel you fat shit


Imagine actually thinking this and posting this. Why are you degenerate fucks devolving to the point where you're identical to SJWs? Between this shit and Billy D you'll cause the pendulum swingback yourselves.


Attached: nu tg.jpg (1000x866, 162K)

Devs should've stuck to their guns than in the first place.

You know, this chubby bearded guy is an idiot, but the negative reaction he causes on SJWs like you makes me think he's not that bad.

No good will come from this

Attached: DimwittedShallowAmericanblackvulture-small.gif (237x200, 1.08M)

Imagine shilling for Boogie's fuckbuddy.

>top comment
>"While What They Did In The First Place Was Unforgivable"
He's pandering right? He can't actually believe this right?

is "ogay" lotion really homophobia? isn't it just an 8 year old-level joke?

>if you changed the L to a G, it's OGAY! ROFLMAO!!

Attached: australian+beauty+review+ausbeautyreview+blog+blogger+aussie+olay+moisturising+facial+lotion+sensiti (1600x1200, 247K)

You're seething right? You can't actually cope with this right?

It's a fucking joke, how could a joke possibly be homophobic? Fucking smoothbrain


>the quarterpounder
sage and report


>centrist Fatt Garble

I'd tell you to go fuck yourself Quarterpounder I remembered that you have Boogie's dick lodged between your buttflaps

Jokes aren't okay anymore you fucking bigot

Groom your beard you disgusting fat faggot

>open link
>fat, balding soiboi with massive meme beard says he's happy about WoW classic
never closed a video that fats. jesus christ, how un-self-aware can someone be?

He literally admitted to just saying whatever his fans prefer to make money when he talked to Destiny on stream. sorry your idol is just a fake user!

>your idol
he's the fat fuck himself

I will never understand your deluded logic. Probably because you commies don't use logic and base everything on your hurt feelings instead.

Go out. Get a job. Live in the real world. Nobody gives a shit about your moronic trannies.

Also, offence is taken, not given. If something offends you, the problem lies with you.

Just something to think about, kid.


gaming news and journalism is such cancer


Fuck off Sargonite fencesitter.

>i got nuthin

>unironically whiteknighting a known sellout and attention whore
>r*ddit spacing
checks out

>collection of retro videogames in the background
imagine listening to anyone who looks like this

Attached: 1533316446823.jpg (493x637, 88K)

Im not even the person you replied to, I just think littering your point with insults makes you look dumber and implies that you yourself are arguing from emotion more than from logical thought.


>instead of simply ignoring the mentally ill dipshits from the start they managed to piss off everyone


Imagine being you, getting fucked in the ass by BBC every single day

Attached: 1563902344312.jpg (250x244, 9K)

All I care about is the fact that the devs were made to apologise for saying trannies are mentally ill for trying to transition children.

There's literally no way for them to rescind that, so regardless of whose fault that is, I won't buy the game now.

why do you think your mom posts on Yea Forums ?

Don't get me wrong, i don't care about this controversy, i don't know who this eceleb is and what his opinions are but you can't just say shit like this without me having audible keks across the room.

Attached: kek.gif (480x228, 469K)

this, and they can't undonate to a child tranny organization

imagine taking the bait

He has such a punchable face. Now wonder that tranny beat him up.
What an absolute faggot

Attached: tenor (2).gif (400x400, 2.58M)

The dude is cringey, but it will never be on the level of tranny cringe. Keep crying

Attached: IMG_20190827_090637.jpg (1200x800, 253K)

Why are fatties so aggressive?

It's unfortunate but entirely possible he won't get a reply back. Filling insults into the mix is probably done in the hopes of further engagement but he probably doesn't have his expectations that high for this level of argument.

This particular fatty is the infamous Dragonlord.

He has a lot of reasons to be angry, but they are mostly all due to his own autism and stupidity.


Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)

he still looks like fucking soi boy
some gym and shaving would help atleast little

Isn't this the guy who got bullied to death by Metokur live on stream?

the buzz around this keeps leaving out that it started over the devs going "parents shouldn't declare their kids trans at birth" and the 1 person in existence that was offended by it vowing to dig up dirt and cancel them

not censoring the game is, in effect not going back on this statement, and i'm happy that they're trying to not be retarded in the end

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The only reason he's so angry is because those whore sons smashing his windows and spraying his house. Stop lying.

They didn't do shit. They are still donating $10,000 to the abuse house. Which is my entire fucking problem. The reason I won't buy the game is far removed from all this drama. I don't want any of my money even in close proximity to that shit. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

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>The zoomer ewok generation
Nice leader you got there


>Between this shit and Billy D you'll cause the pendulum swingback yourselves.
Wait, what's wrong with Billy D? I like his site, he's funny in an autistic sort of way.

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>tfw you make the trannies on Yea Forums seethe

Attached: woke.jpg (708x585, 56K)

This is nowala intentional provocation. Fucking Haiders.

alt-lite charlie kirk style faggot

The definition of life includes capability for reproduction.

He literally tells you what yiu want to hear because it's what pays the bill

I unironically didn't buy this game because of the 10'000$ donation they gave to tranny kids

>pic related trying to conduct big brain false flag ops

Attached: doesn't look quite enough like a pederast to be accurate for reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesetera.jp (566x500, 135K)

so infertile people and postmenopause women aren't alive?


imagine using your imagination

Friendly reminder that TheQuartering used to do MTG pack openings for easy money but was a cunt to everyone in the community so they blacklisted him. Realizing he could no longer pay the bills with his antics he turned to making fun of SJW's to appeal to vulnerable angry people online who will unironically buy Anti SJW shirts and shit for free money.

>friendly reminder that

Attached: 1565162522264.png (753x960, 29K)

>hated by the wizards
is not really a good reason to hate him too. they are asshats

look at those charts boys

Attached: CQQ7s6U.png (359x419, 11K)

>"we're the same you and I" analogy
Fuck of faggot. Sjws do far more damage to the industry than a group of angry incels.

>i just wanna play bideogames
>dont want politics
>spends more time bitching about politics than the actual game
I literally know nothing about this game other than the ogay controversy. I hate channels like the Quartering because I have pretty much never seen him actually discuss games in a positive way, its always bitching about stuff.



>someone puts politics in videogames
>i don't want politics
>what do i do
>oh right i just let them do it
>if i fight my enemies i am just as bad as them

>The ones who actually paid for the game are fed up with sjw bullshit

Color me surprised

Why are you posting this faggot loser here?
I can't think of a bigger stain on the gaming youtube community than this depressed sack of shit.

yeah what yall doing posting that shitlord

What are you gonna do about?

Love the primal, soul-deep seething this is causing on Cuckera
Good on them for realizing SJW's would never have bought their game regardless, all thise faggots want are artsy "just soak in the atmosphere" walking simulators

>making jokes
I can't even.

I get that this might have been over a shampoo bottle, but at the same time I feel like if you can get a dev to change a bottle of shampoo that's about 32x32 pixels, then you could probably get them to do anything.
Meanwhile, other Devs have fucking break downs on forums if a long-time player lists out damage ratio of weapons and suggests balance fixes for them.

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I wish loli chad was here to kill this shill thread.

Being hated by WoTC is one thing, being hated by every MTG content creator because you are an ass to each one is another

Pretty much. It's funny how mad these people get about this guy and that one angry fag

Woman who are infertile should be officially classified as pic related

Attached: average american woman.jpg (880x1325, 125K)

The soap bottles literally just say the word Gay.
How the fuck is that homophobic
The devs literally just said parents shouldn't decide if a child is trans or not.
How the fuck is that transphobic
This stuff is embarrassing

Attached: unknown-10.png (45x56, 6K)

You've got to be retarded if you cant work out why its homophobic to use the word gay as a joke.

That being said I dont think it needs to be censored since it fits the tone.


Not to mention "phobia" implies fear. I don't fear faggots, I only dislike them

it isn't no matter how hard you try to spin it, unless you have some kind of mental issue

>e'erybody is getting butthurt
Not as funny as the first time EA won worst company in America, but still pretty funny.

What's the joke then? If that joke is that olay sounds like ogay then it implies theres something fummy about the word gay/being gay. Its crass humour but it inherently implies a problem with it. This is basic logic.

See above and dont be retarded. I think the discord trannies are as bad as you do but you dont need to act like a dumbass to make it work when they're already doing it.


Attached: 1565488188164.gif (300x252, 2.79M)

Homophobic is a meme word like racist. No, it's not homophobic to make jokes about faggots or, to discrespect faggots for being faggots.

Imagine posting TheQuartering on Yea Forums unironically

I'll never understand why people who hate gays are so upset at people pointing out they hate gays. Surely you've came to peace with that reality?

You're using wrong word. Hate implies passion. I don't hate gays, I disrespect gays. In any case phobia is neither hate nor disrespect.

>still donating to trans charity
>still censored the fagbag section
Wow what a victory that the word gay remains


Attached: trannyera.png (1366x768, 179K)

Careful now, because that's how you get more people hating gays. You retards can't put two and two together that by censoring speech, you just allow to internalize it for the individual until they come to a wallowing conclusion that faggots HAVE to be gassed. All because society can't take a joke.

>Go to TrannyEra

>Is not explained what the content is

>Some nigger on Yea Forums posts a video about the "incident"
>13 minutes long

I will not watch some fucking faggot for 13 minutes so somebody spoonfeed me what the hompophobic content is that they didnt remove

This is the weirdest type of nitpicking. It's like guys jerking off to teen girls and seething when they're called pedos


>/pol/fags mistakes his hugbox for the real world again

> muh boogeyman

a soap bottle sprite that says OGAY

If it does not matter, stop using the word hate in this context. It has a very clear meaning and you are implying I'm going things I'm not actually doing.

Based Jeremy making falseflaging discord trannies seethe.

Attached: its just a guitar.jpg (541x532, 49K)

Of course this incel faggot is playing World of Basedcraft

Most people don't like faggots, they only pretend they do

There's a jar of hand soap with the name "Ogay".
It's supposed to be a dumb pun on Olay like you would have Bepsi or something stupid like that.
There was "fag bag" written on a wall that wasn't possible to see in the game though, which was removed.

Arent they still giving your money to trannies to indoctrinated kids with? Is /pol/ this dense?

they are just empty shells, a zombies, just like trannies

people are already well sick of these peoples shit
none of this shit even flies IRL it's baffling they think they're so on top and powerful lol
see who has to hide their identity online while spreading their opinions, oh it's the dumb cunt alt right babies cause no one likes them and they get fired for being retards LOL

>he didn't say it and tiptoed around it

lmao this guy doesn't even believe in this shit he says and is just milking anti sjw cucks because its a big market right now. OF COURSE you can fuck my wife as long as it screws over the sjws heh.


>posting QuarterGoyQuarterSoy
>unironically posting QuarterGoyQuarterSoy

This guy is just the new MundaneMatt, can't wait for the inevitable stream breakdown that slaughters his career like Jarbo did.

The /pol/fags are still funding a tranny charity and they're celebrating. I dont know about them but I'd see that as an L

I honestly don't get you. You are upset about the word gay used in context that indirectly implies something that you think shouldn't be implied, and then the very next moment you outright tell a lie about someone else and that's completely fine in your eyes, and that someone pointing out you're telling a lie is somehow just a weird nitpicking.

>the world has to be gassed because I'm a big pussy about other people and are so deluded I cant see how much of a triggered baby I am about it
>/pol/ is the world

I bet you turn all this shit off when you talk to people IRL, don't you? :v)
I bet you feel nervous and maybe even anxious when you wish you could say some homophobic shit in public but dont because you'll possibly get smacked for it verbally or even physically.
How does it feel to be a quiet little baby in the corner? You know, the only white straight guys who are oppressed are the ones who think hating gays makes them free, you're just sad dude.
I'd feel pity if I wasn't too busy laughing at you for putting yourself in this position, trash.

Still not dropping money on a game whose devs/publisher donate money to trannies. Not a fucking cent of my earnings will ever willingly support that shit.

>you can't cave to outrage mobs ever it's a matter of principle!!
>we must create our own outrage mob to stop this!!
>yeeess! they caved to our outrage that is based and redpilled
So... how exactly are you gamers any different that these nefarious SJWs? Remember that when "they started it!" doesn't cut it in kindergarten it doesn't here either.

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Jeremy almost cried after Boogie yelled at him for calling 911 after Boogie threatened to commit suicide.
He says he has a lot of dirt on Boogie but cares too much to use it.

>playing the conservacuck obfuscation game instead of disavowing trannies and gays completely

this but unironically.
it boggles my mind that people are fellating their dicks now

I'm begging you to show me where I'm upset at its use. Is it anywhere near this post
where I explicitly say I dont care if its homophobic and think it should remain as it suits the game? I dont think a joke being racist/homophobic/whatever automatically makes it bad. I'm not going to engage your mad ramblings when you're just making shit up

Prepare for the ultimate in cringe


Attached: somethinga wful forums ion fury.jpg (1423x595, 160K)

The joke is literally haha we called something gay in the game, they ain't doing it to be dicks but you treat em that way all the same because your thought process is to assume that anything referencing a group without sucking said groups dick is offensive and thats fucked bruh.

what a worthless piece of shit

their argument has always BEEN "they started it" because they're a reactionary movement, don't expect any intelligent rebuttals


It's the post I responded to:
>You've got to be retarded if you cant work out why its homophobic to use the word gay as a joke.
You wanna tell me you're not upset, that's fine by me. You still consider using the word gay in this context an offense, and how you do not consider yourself lying about a person's relation to gays an offsense is a mystery to me.

>how to piss off absolutely everyone and leave 3DRealms holding the bag
I didn't even know they were still a thing, but at least they're going out with a bang

I can point out someone is retarded for not understanding something basic without having an emotional investment in the point. How can someone be so sensitive that they think retarded has any emotional meaning?

what does retarded have to do with this
please take a moment to read the chain you're responding to

You forgot to mention the part where he harassed a cosplayer over having a Patreon while shilling his own.

You quoted the use of the word as your attempt to try and prove I'm upset. Please take a moment to read the posts you made

>muh hypocrisy
being the honorable loser is what has led to "conservatives" conserving absolutely nothing for the past 60 years. stop pretending anyone is out to play fair

Attached: 1537472954319.gif (382x554, 2.57M)

I told I'm fine with it if you want to claim you're not upset. Can you read? Fuck.


>resetera trannies full on admitting they won't buy this game ever anyway
>some are kind enough to say that "maybe" they'll buy a later game if 3d realms has good behavior
>be surprised when they stop trying to pander to you

>poo poo devs
how fucking infantile do you need to be to type this out unironically

>see sjws complain but anit-sjws also complain that means there's literally no difference between them fellow 4channers

Lmao, nah.

in this video, was he the one who shot somebody or was he the one shot?

>stop trying to pander to them
So they're not donating to the charity anymore?

using swears is probably a bannable offense now

him and his dad shot some giant raging man over a trash dispute

even mr fucking metokur can tear this beta a new asshole and he did multiple times

they cant and probably wont back out of that because thats corporate suicide

It's more of a microaggression. Like, why would someone think merely writing the word "gay"constitutes a gag if they don't have some problematic preconceptions? It's pretty mild bigotry but bigotry nonetheless.

Attached: 1554325600444.jpg (236x250, 13K)

Did they keep the fagbag room in?

Leftists screech about it exactly because it's an 8 years old level joke. They think that letting kids joke about gays is the surefire way to make them grow up to be homophobic.

him and his dad murdered someone over trash

Changing your game because SJW complained is like turn your steakhouse into a greengrocer, enjoy all that money lost

I have an autistic friend that uses faggot as literal punctuation and know for a fact that word can be meaningless if people want it to and he has successfully used the power of autism to get a free pass on saying anything he wants in public, anyone complains he plays the retard card and people sometimes apologise to him.

didn't realize changing a letter on a soap bottle changed the entire game

trannies are getting bored of this and moving on to the next controversy which is dave chappelle

lol of course not, the ten thousand bux tranny donation still stands too (they will get a tax return on that) and they also still bullshit that somebody will get "sensitivity training"

you won't see it in these threads, but trannyera is celebrating victory as well, because the shitlords were placated on the least important thing

the devs played every outraged baboon on both sides like the pros they are is what really happened

Sounds more like he thinks he has the perfect excuse to be an asshole. Autistic people are perfectly capable of any level of wokeness. Whether they want to is a different question but not one that has anything to do with their condition.

>but trannyera is celebrating victory as well
do you have a link to the thread where they are celebrating the victory
i only see the thread with tears of impotent rage

this is p accurate

the problem with the "it's just a joke" crowd is their either don't understand that some people use them as a scapegoat to pass their bigotry or they are bigots themselves perpetuating the misconception to shield themselves from criticism

bigotry is a meme
>i have the right to look down upon you but you don't have the right to look down upon me

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about but I'm pretty good at bigotry, so let me assure you that whatever you're saying is not it.

sounds like he's aware of the situation and is just being a jackass though
does he understand that he isn't doing himself any favours? like yeah now hes got a free pass on saying shit but its at the cost of peoples perceptions of his agency, no one will take his opinions seriously

It's still there, but they are probably going to can it since it's dev leftovers.

This is true, but what's also true is it isn't worth having an aneurysm over it being in the game OR being removed. People need to relax, the GAME part of the game is perfectly intact and unharmed.

your whole post is bigotry


>still not giving them money, should have not done this cuck bullshit in the first place

Attached: Triger Gamer Girl.jpg (700x700, 177K)

This is a lie. Theyve already said they're censoring it.

>quarterpounder thread
>170 replies

>reading comprehension

>why would someone think merely writing the word "gay"constitutes a gag if they don't have some problematic preconceptions?
Plays on the word "gay" are funny. It's also a reference to prison where dropping the soap means anal rape.

Also don't use my wife to shitpost.

You sound like you don't actually believe what youre saying, and are merely pretending to be a twitter tourist in order to acquire (You)s. Am I close?

Let me assure you are a retard. Trust me.

Your bigotry/microaggression newspeak does not hold any meaning here on Yea Forums.

Attached: idzdeprncpl.jpg (353x457, 42K)

>Triger Gamer Girl.jpg
>improper use of greentext
>extremely low quality post overall
yep... this is a newfag.

Dont be mad we are seeing through your shilling

are you fucks seeding?

Attached: woke broke.png (1016x413, 21K)

Who are you trying to impress?

who gives a shit about principle if it doesn't actually affect anything meaningful? sounds like people have way too much time on their hands to care about shit like this.

this is pretty fucking retarded logic. How can you know he has problematic preconceptions if all he did was laugh at the word gay? Maybe you and the millions of other retards believe that stupid humor like this some how constitutes as "bigotry"
Also making "bad" words out of things has been a gag for a while (avgn for starters)

Maybe not today but we're changing that. Having worked on this a while, as one of many, I've already seen real progress.


never seeded a torrent in my life and never will
download all the time though lol

Why did you quote me and call me retarded if I stated something that supports your argument?

oops my bad gamer.

how could you be so unethical and immoral, those pirates worked hard to seed that for you

oh sorry i didn't filled the format your fag ass demand
i'm literally shaking right now

there is a special place in hell for you!

Pfffff lmao cringe
You talk exactly as one would expect

If that's the joke then I take it all back because that's highly problematic and rampant homophobia. Although I think it's you projecting your homophobia on this merely problematic joke. And that right there is a real problem bigger than this bottle in itself. These seemingly harmless jokes that reveal problematic ideas we're not conscious about open the door to real bigots like you, making you think you're in good company.

it's obvious the anal domination was added for laughs, but you added seikon no qwaser 8 weeks ago and I just googled it you degenerate

Like him or not, the Quarter Pounder may be our guy.

>for laughs

Attached: 5d0b93e43776ed1900ec41f60ce2cfcfd1380e1a2392d326dfa2f65c1203ae89.jpg (576x432, 38K)


He does though, he aint being woke he just likes the word and abuses the retard card as most of the people who get one of these cards and realise what they can do with it would.
He's only relevant because he has effectively hijacked that word for his own use now, most people who know him will use it as he does when talking to him because when he does stop playing MMOs he's pretty good at not spilling spaghetti around normies.
No one can stop him and no one wants to because he's the best asshole you could know.

>Posting this faggot

Stop shilling this niggerfaggot.

The extent of the butthurt over posting quarter pounder its hilarious, really puts those posts on resetera admitting using this place in perspective.

I want an actual OGAY soap bottle now.

Imagine being BTFO by Boogie1488 of all people and STILL having the courage to show your face on the internet, this man is a national treasure.

Attached: bg.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

>sjw’s going after “bigoted” autists now

The memes write themselves. holy shit.

Honestly it's much more problematic to assume that people on the spectrum aren't capable of achieving virtue.

I wouldn't have ever played the game way before any of the controversy. So whether they kept it in or not I don't give a shit. It looks like garbage no matter if it's woke or not.
these fucking teeth will never not creep me out. Every single fucking time they send a chill down my spin.

Attached: 1545739123223.jpg (1288x872, 186K)

>I literally know nothing about this game other than the ogay controversy.
The ogay sprite was a tiny part of the controversy. The main thing was the "transphobic" (that is, perfectly sane) comment that a dev made in a discord chat.

The world isn't like your mommy's basement, kid

you need to lurk for a while and learn words that are giving you away

You don't get it at all, kid. I'm acutely aware of all your triggers.

It's not doing anything.

As far as he's concerned the moment anyone finds out he's retarded they already stripped him of all agency mentally and he might as well have fun with life, he can't hide the autism but he can handle his spahetti and enjoy spinning the plate.

cant wait for you to die

Attached: 613084_full.png (270x270, 65K)

And, yet, am I correct in assuming you want them to adopt YOUR virtues?

anything's better than being a racist bigot lmao

Stop deflecting and answer the fucking question.

Obviously. Everyone should. But that that's not the point, dummy. I'm not going to belittle some autist by assuming he's incapable of deciding what he wants to be.


>Stop deflecting and answer the fucking question.

Attached: jss.jpg (387x437, 22K)

If you think everyone should adopt your views, unironically, the bigot here, is YOU.

What’s funny and sad is you don’t even notice the projection.


don't capitulate to those who would neuter art

SJWs claim that video games are art, but then in the same breath say that art has to follow rules. This is antithetical to the process and no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on you should oppose this with all your might.

>ad hominem

lookin’ smart there lel

Yeah, its called doublethink if I remember right

I genuinely hate this guy and hate how he is shilled on Yea Forums. And it's solely because HE CAN'T FUCKING READ. I don't know how you faggots sit through his videos, he stumbles over every fifth word. All he does is read articles and he can't even do that right.

Is this a Brie Larson thread?

Isn't that what believing in something is? I respect your right to be wrong (within reason) but it would be better for the both of us if you got better. If I believe that being nice to homos and stuff is a moral imperative, it follows that I believe everyone should agree.

>lookin’ smart there lel

Attached: soj.png (644x800, 15K)

No, no, you misunderstand.

It's isn't "doublethink" or "talking out of both sides of your mouth".

They literally wanted to redefine what a discipline of art CAN CONTAIN. Video games ARE ART, but they want it to be the art that they want, and that's propaganda.

yeah but he's one of us so it's okay

Fatties are well-fed apex predators.

Fatties aren't aggressive.
Aggressive people get fat.

They've been that way for years, friend. It started with Milo and bottomed out with the Trump worship.
If you /pol/fag zombies didn't have the reading comprehension of a mule you'd realize he's shitting on sjws too. Fucking embarrassing.

nice redd*tspacing

the quartering is a fucking hanger-on

he should have read the writing on the wall and got a real job

Ah yes, doublethink is the name of the line of thinking that causes that retarded shit to happen

You cant put a plaster on a severed limb to fix it, they already fucked up by making this a thing. Maybe next time, live and learn and all that.

It wasn't murder.

I don't understand what you want, so I guess here's a (you).

Doublethink is holding two conflicting viewpoints about the same thing.

yes but it's okay when we do it

He has a real job. He's an internet marketer. He's constantly bragging about it and how much money he makes so he doesn't actually need Youtube money and it's a side thing for him.

Well then I guess I just want him to fuck off because he's terrible at his side gig.

>t. doesn’t know the difference between ethos and pathos
learn to rhetoric.

>Isn't that what believing in something is
No. Believing in something is believing in something. If you want to pontificate and preach your beliefs, perhaps you should become a pastor.

>it would be better for the both of us if you got better
Define better in an objective, feelings-free way without using the concept of victimization as a crutch.

>If I believe that being nice to homos and stuff is a moral imperative, it follows that I believe everyone should
Why do you believe being nice to homos and stuff is a moral imperative?

I want redd*t to leave

Yes, he needs to learn to fucking read. Sometimes he shows up on Youtube and I think it's going to be something interesting, and it's him reading an article, really slowly, mispronouncing every other word. It's faster to just search whatever he's talking about and read it yourself.
I don't know how he somehow became spokesman of Yea Forums. I think it's honestly shilling, because he's an internet marketer.

Being a greasy spic is great
I can make fun of niggers, faggots, and whiteys with no backlash
Plus, I can make fun off all the illegal wetbacks coming in too

>Libtards get OWNED when this BIG THING happens....You WON'T believe the reactions!
Anyone who words their shit like this gets filtered, fuck off with your clickbait identity politics

Attached: 30273689652.png (1600x1435, 1.43M)


>Sometimes he shows up on Youtube and I think it's going to be something interesting

Attached: 1558315733654.png (645x731, 216K)

It doesn't fit my belief of the world that you should be incapable of being right as I see it. I can imagine such a viewpoint where you assume that some people are incapable of virtue and you're somehow better, but that's the opposite of what I subscribe to. Therefore I have to believe that you can and should get better. Sorry.

seething resetranny

Every single person in this thread that has used the word bigot or """microaggression""" in a completely unironic manner should seriously, legitimately, objectively be rounded up in a stadium-sized enclosed incinerator until they're nothing but unidentifiable charcoal remains.

Attached: motherfucker.png (438x503, 122K)

>>Villan has a redemption arc

Attached: 1566930957882.jpg (720x477, 68K)

"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.

>another retarded strawman

>seething resetranny

Attached: 6dBt2Oj.jpg (251x242, 15K)

I don't care what you want, and I don't want to talk about Reddit.


I want him, and everyone who participates in this fucking VLOG culture war faggotry on either the blue or the red team to fuck off.

Launch them into the sun sort of fuck off.

trannies who actively push this stuff on kids should be killed.

Attached: germanynazi.jpg (480x400, 14K)

>"if you guys would pay attention you would realize he's being a fence sitting faggot!!"

You people are so cringe

>>another retarded strawman

Attached: D-KuEXaXYAEQcl2.jpg (353x400, 20K)

what is going to happen to this fatfuck when people no longer think he's "redpilled"?

>You people are so cringe

Attached: 6b5.png (1006x813, 73K)

He unapologetically seeks attention for his shit opinions and somehow succeeds in garnering an audience. These people always do better than they deserve so don't you worry.

>reverse decision
>still donate 10k to that tranny charity
They want to have their cake and it too and will end up satisfying neither party that's REEEE'ing over literally nothing.

Probably pissed off their publisher too with this move.

>imagine where your life is when a fat slob talking shit out his ass about children's entertainment is your voice

Attached: 1562196398592.jpg (386x386, 22K)

>If you're not 100 for us, you're 100 against us!

Way to drink the Kool Aid.

You can dilate too, janny.

Jannies are usually too busy cultivating their preferred brand of speech.

Somehow dilate and tranny made it into the acceptable lexicon but imply someone has fluid on the brain and you're banned.

>You can dilate too, janny.

Attached: ppfwOXL.gif (800x371, 182K)

Trannies should be killed, period.
Kill all fags, in fact.
They shit up video games, movies, tabletop, education, politics. They shit up everything.

Attached: Dilate.jpg (738x669, 278K)

the retarded shit is an expression of that, if you hold multiple conflicting viewpoints you're gonna wanna figure that shit out, if you cannot console the 2 internally for whatever reason you would most likely try to redefine them to be whatever you want them to be and watch the world burn while suppressing everything "negative" because "its not your fault the world doesn't want to be "right"".

>It doesn't fit my belief of the world that you should be incapable of being right as I see it.
Then you are literally a bigot; someone intolerant of others’ beliefs. Congratulations. You became what you hate.

>I can imagine such a viewpoint where you assume that some people are incapable of virtue and you're somehow better, but that's the opposite of what I subscribe to.
Then you’re reading between imaginary lines; that's both retarded and a strawman, at best, because you’re turning my position into something else inside your head in an attempt to make it easier to attack. This assumption and subsequent strawman is predicated on literal prejudice, and is thus retarded.

It’s ok. I forgive you for being an idiot. We were all there at some point. You can fix this with hard work, however.

How much do you want to bet that the quartering actually comes here and shills his outrage monger trash?

What a fucking loser.

kill all pepefags first

I'm tolerating you just fine. I just wish I could help you. However, you have to decide that you're ready.

So no principles to stand for their initial vision, and no integrity to uphold their later decision. They'll just fold to whomever gives them shit at the time.

>proving my point

Try doing that without guns you want to ban, tranny.


Attached: Fuck niggers.jpg (600x600, 33K)

Attached: 1556357586608s.jpg (125x122, 2K)

desu VLOGGERS exploited and still exploit movements on the right and left and everyone, EVERYONE is now worse for it

don't trust talking heads in it for the money like Quartering or any of those fucking cuckolds shilling political speech for coin

you can read for yourself, you don't need these faggots to teach you how to think

>Somehow dilate and tranny made it into the acceptable lexicon but imply someone has fluid on the brain and you're banned.
If it wasn't posted a few hundred times within one night by a few discordfags who probably couldn't even be arsed to change their IP to make it look natural, it wouldn't be filtered.

im sure heart disease will hit you first ;)

>if it wasn't posted a few hundred times within one night

unlike dilate and tranny?

this is either the most ignorant or the most dishonest post in this entire thread

Why was the post with MUHHH MICROAGGRESSIONS deleted? Are the janitors a bunch of homophobic bigots?

>be you
>get btfo
>double down
>get btfo again
>t-tolerance! I w-want to help y-you! You need to decide you’re ready for help!
fucking lol what a retard.

>mfw trannies can't keep their eyes off this game

Attached: 1565910034699.jpg (543x532, 59K)

If you say so.

go away Yea Forums

Maybe its because the jannies can tell whats Yea Forums and what isn't?

There it is, the old "no true scotsman" for an ANONYMOUS board.

You sound like someone who watches the Quartering regularly, to be honest. A real fuckin' big brain.

>projecting this hard

I think they realize how retarded it’s making sjws look like and, so, deleted it either that or the person who posted it did so after coming to the same conclusion.

Thank you for your admission of defeat. Thanks for playing.

Have sex

Yes because they're the arbiters of what speech is allowed on this board, right?

I take it you weren't around on Yea Forums at that time, when the usage of that one particular word multiplied by a few hundred times within literally a few hours. And only on Yea Forums as well.

>>projecting this hard

Attached: 1537350580153.png (323x570, 214K)

Because society is polarizing rapidly you degenerate freak. Hopefully things go hot soon.

try taking a break from pol and going outside ones and a while

No, no, you don't understand.

Yea Forums jannies are just CURATING SPEECH to create a more acceptable BOARD CULTURE for those who BELONG HERE (TM)

I was here, and I still disagree with the actions the jannies took.

>current year
>niggas defending jannies who do it for free

Try taking a break from your crossdressing and pretending you're a girl.

Because plebs and retards on both sides have no concept of enantiodromia. Most call it the pendulum effect.

It's literally the same fucking thing you gigantic cocksucker. Calling it a retarded word doesn't make you smarter.

you've become the SJWs you've always hated, probably because deep down you always knew you were as emotional and ineffectual as them, just on the other side of the (political) spectrum

>What's the joke then? If that joke is that olay sounds like ogay then it implies theres something fummy about the word gay/being gay. Its crass humour but it inherently implies a problem with it.
It could be implying that it's worse and worth mocking, but it's hardly that insulting when it's just a petty implication with nothing else. On the other hand it could be childish humor if there's no malice or ill intent. Just because something is funny doesn't mean it's worse or less liked. Deadpool is funny, plenty of normies like him. It's not terrible to be gay, so being called gay shouldn't be insulting, that's basic logic. Could being gay be seen as funny? Could it be that thinking of olay soap as being marketed by some effeminate gay fashion magnate is funny but also fitting? This is harmless stuff and won't cause gay people to feel crushed nor make people hate them.

You'll be on a rope, faggot. "No u!" doesn't work in real life.

>man fuck /pol/
>/pol/ /pol/ /pol/
How about you shut the fuck up tranny. I know things are polarizing. It's obvious to anyone with above double digit IQ.

I called people the retards, you retard. Can you read? lol even the chankoros had a concept of this. They call it yin and yang.

You'll be on a rope, faggot. "No u!" doesn't work in real life.

Attached: 064.gif (326x281, 171K)

I won't buy any game which isn't redpilled on the jews

Nice filename you reddit faggot. Keep trying to fit in, you are obvious.

why don't you two just have sex already

maybe stop calling everybody who disagrees with you a tranny first ;)

says the electionfag lmao irony

Attached: 1445695675422.jpg (600x602, 32K)

imagine being a mentally ill tranny for a second. every waking second you want to end it all but you don't because you require constant affirmation of your giant frankengash being normal(which it isn't and never will be). Imagine having laws preventing people from hating you for how disgusting you are.

I think the moniker should be /pol/arizers. It fits, doesn’t it?

How about no, you won't do shit about it either you disgusting mongrel.

imagine being a mentally ill poltard for a second. every waking second you want to end it all but you don't because you require constant affirmation of your giant autism being normal(which it isn't and never will be). Imagine having laws preventing people from hating you for how disgusting you are.

Leftists can't meme

Attached: Dios mio.png (800x448, 636K)

I always liked /pol/emics but it's a bit too high brow to catch on I guess.

absolutely seething 40 percenter

I dunno, most people I meet in flyover states seem pretty happy and contented with their lives, despite being poorfags. Most burgers I talk to on /pol/ seem to be from these states.

Can you put 2+2 together, or do I need to spell it out how you appear to be projecting your own despair?

lmao can anyone be more of a stereotypical election /pol/ster holy shit

not that fellow but i feel like i'm in a fucking time machine listening to you talk

do you have arrested development why are you still like this go outside

>How about no, you won't do shit about it either you disgusting mongrel.

Attached: 1437675848732.png (633x758, 29K)

kek adopting that. thanks fren.

>He thinks it's not possible to tell what is an isn't Yea Forums
>He probably thinks he's anonymous because theres no need for a name and thats what it says on the tin
I have no idea who he is btw, 1st time I heard about it was here, a few weeks ago, I dont watch youtube links from here and ignore every eceleb anyone mentions but theres shitposting to be doing in parralel with stuff and it might as well be in these shit threads.
No it's just really obvious what is and isn't Yea Forums because if it isn't Yea Forums its annoying Yea Forums.
There's a reason people used to be railroaded into lurking moar

What makes you think you'll be safe when inevitably social order collapses and no one will want to put up with your tranny shit anymore, and 911 will simply not work?

Attached: Cope.jpg (450x324, 20K)

>STILL using torrents

Attached: heather_30_meth.jpg (330x412, 82K)

Yeah, flyover states ;)

Stereotypical leftist response. How mad are you right now? Have children.

Attached: 1566223588512.jpg (1024x782, 156K)

This whole thread is literally just eceleb tertiary garbage except with trannies pushing their mentally ill agenda as sprinkles on top.

But based jeremy is actually a centrist, he just gets labeled right wing by insane SJWs


what makes you think it's inevitable?

Attached: 2c0.jpg (601x500, 29K)

>the point
>your head
I was implying conservatives I speak with from the USA seem to be happier than the liberals.

>the point
>your head
I was implying fly-over state rednecks aren't real people ;)

Attached: 28ad1y.jpg (750x1165, 59K)

>c-commies rise up!

Attached: I have no penis and I must scream.jpg (563x1024, 159K)

My high IQ and pattern recognition.

Attached: Interest curves.gif (700x500, 1.65M)

>w-we can review bomb the game just like they did!
>w-we are the majority
>trannies unite!!

you have an IQ of 3?

It's really almost like talking to an art project.

Is this a performance piece? I genuinely can't tell if this is Poe's Law in effect. Are you trying to be the satire or are you actually the subject?

On one hand I think you're some hulking neckbeard crunched over his keyboard rattling off these nearly identical responses, but the other part of me is convinced that you're actually a very clever caricature of the most knuckle-dragging /pol/types.

Like this, it's absolutely fantastic. Are you real, or do you really think you have some random e-Tranny against the ropes right now?


The outrage mob is getting outed as people who dont actually buy the games. Its a glorious time to be alive.

>Remember that when "they started it!" doesn't cut it in kindergarten it doesn't here either.
I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but things work differently than in kindergarten

>you can't cave to outrage mobs ever it's a matter of principle!!
>we must create our own outrage mob to stop this!!
Some people don't have a principle against outraged mobs. Some people think outraged mobs are fine when the cause is right and the outcome is good. Some people think using outraged mobs to counter outraged mobs is not only fair, turnabout is fair play, but it's also a means so that once angry mobs get into a stalemate cooler heads should be able to prevail.

Nice leddit spacing you chronic dilator. You'll never be a woman.


I’m curious as to how you expect anyone to infer your implication from ?

Are you even capable of explaining this (you can’t)?


I can say user, when you used to vex and confuse me, now I've fallen in love with you.

In some twisted Stockholm syndrome sort of way I've become attached to you and your ilk, that is if there's really more than one of you.

I love you, you stupid bastard, never stop being you.

Reminder to everyone in this thread that it's not only acceptable to kill communists, it's unacceptable to not kill them.

Kill a gommie, save your hobby.

Attached: Adios.png (1755x949, 1.74M)

It's a regional thing, Vlad.

Better yet:

Reminder to everyone in this thread that it's not only acceptable to kill fascists, it's unacceptable not to kill them.

>Are you real
Behold, the Yea Forums intellectual. Brace yourselves as he unleashes his double-digit IQ. I'm so, so sorry for offending your delicate sensibilities.

Attached: 1376940550385.png (426x571, 371K)

That’s not an explanation. It’s a retarded strawman.

Retardera tried review bombing the game thinking they were a majority after seeing how we did it, they failed spectacularly and continued to scream and cry. It’s pretty funny.

You'd think S'rg'n crashing and burning would make people stop caring about the Septics.
I'm aware the OP is a false flag but there are literally millions of people that continue to watch Carl of Swindon's videos and those of his flunkies in the current year.

Im glad they are keeping that, but I'm not buying their game again.

You're the only one in this entire thread to try and make the argument that I'm smart.

is it?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-20 at 10.12.31 AM.png (588x674, 384K)

Hell yeah good on them. Might look into this game now.

>Still paying for games

Attached: degenerate.png (697x768, 180K)

Reminder that both of these people are retarded as fuck.

Yes, it is. It’s both deflecting from and turning my question into something it isn’t. Nice try, retard.

The question was essentially asking you to explain your shitty English. If you weren’t stupid or deliberately being obtuse, you’d understand this. Perhaps I’m asking too much from you?

>said a skinnypants wearing onions-fed cuck
Meanwhile, in real life.

Attached: Antifa soyboy getting brain damage.webm (700x467, 2.97M)

Is this shit still fucking going on? My God you Anti-SJWs are just as bad as the SJWs you constantly whine about. You know that? You are literally not different at all compared to them. Different side of the same coin. 50/50 equality.

>it explores

is it though?

Attached: fff.jpg (225x225, 12K)

Exactly its basically shitpost containment with free targets sprinked on top, I only shitpost in shit threads and usually dont even need to bother looking at the OP.
Chuckles are sometimes had and housework is always done









It's funny observing the word choice of these kool-aid journi types. A bottle of shampoo spoofing the Olay brand with "OGAY" isn't just a somewhat juvenile gag, it's rhe politically convenient ammunition-word "homophobia." Good little footsoldiers all.

>thinks Torrenting is the only way to get games other than paying
>still doesn't know about DDL

Attached: 1347243052660.jpg (500x675, 58K)


Your asshole must be gaping from sitting on the fence this much, big brain conviction-free NPC.

Attached: Centrist smuggie.jpg (1242x517, 115K)


Attached: tim_sweeney.png (1086x880, 462K)

Ah good ol' Portland, OR

Best weather in the world but with the worst most stuck up obnoxious leftists in the world too

The joke isn't even very funny 2bh.

>the game features "homohobia"
>it's gonna be some innocuous line were one character calls another "faggot" or "pansy" or something of that effect

Mark my words, it's going to be something utterly disappointing.

Yes. Reminder.
inb4 is it?

Why. Why should I fucking care what some fucking guy I dont know said on some fucking forum I dont go to about some shitty joke. Why does this have to be on Yea Forums. Why does 50% of this board at any given time have to be dedicated to social media screen caps

Seriously. Explain this to me. I dont get it. Why does anyone fucking care?

It's about an easter egg calling the player a fag.

That’s the absolute funniest thing; the “problematic” shit sjws are reeeing about isn’t even accessible without hacking the game.

It’s a fucking bottle of Olay lotion that reads Ogay instead.

Because Yea Forums, /pol/ and Yea Forums, being one the most popular boards on a quite popular imageboard, are subject to severe social engineering by extremely well paid jewish-linked companies that specifically do exactly the thing you complained about.

I fucking knew it. I knew this was going to be retarded as hell.

nice try vlad

Why are you in this thread if you don't care?

>Is not explained what the content is
You need glasses. They keep mention it in the thread.

>you now remember mod purge of 2013, gamergate, and geopolitical social engineering over the last decade
you now remember mod purge of 2013, gamergate, and geopolitical social engineering over the last decade
>you now remember mod purge of 2013, gamergate, and geopolitical social engineering over the last decade


Attached: 1b4.png (810x800, 66K)

Anti-SJWs are just as bad as SJWs. Maybe even worse

Did you seriously, HONESTLY expect some genuine, morally justified outrage out of the leftists?

The left has no morals. Pedophilia, illegal immigration, political murders, silencing opposition? A-okay.
Crude jokes about fags? Get the fucking pitchforks out.

Attached: Soyless Denton.png (341x1616, 645K)

Yes. Reminder.
inb4 is it?
inb4 muh russian
inb4 really?
inb4 something equally retarded

unironically defending fascism, +1 yikes from me

hopefully they'll be kind when considering your contribution of sitting in your moms basement and jacking off to cunny to the nation

First I heard he's a marketer, first time someone brought this up they said he was in accounting. Though there's never been proof of this, and as a side thing, he seems to love to engross in daily uploads and talk to people online all day. Almost like it is his full time job.

I care about this shit being on Yea Forums, not the subject itself. The problem is this is most of the board now. Its fucking awful. It wasnt always like this. There used to be the occasional gamefaqs and SA lol thread but that was mostly it

Is he trying to look like he's having a stroke.

>same guy who got buttmad they removed the soap and hidden area from the game

ok lad

When were you when trannyera got btfo by devs making a game that people actually buy?

Attached: TypicalLeftistIncel.jpg (1193x791, 270K)

>le us vs them mentality
Oh wow user, I thought you were a cool guy, but you're as much of a faggot as the idiots stirring a shitstorm over some innofensive gay joke.

Back the fuck off.

Attached: 1539230013829.jpg (687x1000, 381K)

I saw him talking about it in a video a while ago, when he was first starting The Quartering and he was still on his Magic the Gathering channel. He works as an online marketer. He researches online algorithms and responses to ads, so he's responsible for all those annoying pop-ups you get. He's talked about it in multiple videos.
I don't trust online marketers.

You're either a fascist or you're a communist pile of shit stealing the nation's air these days. No inbetween, the inbetween is an enemy to both.

Speaking of which, you'll hang, you abysmally malnourished, degenerate, diseased, weak subhumans. Communists have literally never won a single war against fascists.
>Germany (until the international jewry decided to use US as its golem)
Every instance of fascism all over the world was succesful in crushing pinko faggots like you. And every time it happened, people were angry at commie faggots destroying the society rampaging around. Just like now.

Attached: That merchant.jpg (182x277, 15K)

>If it wasn't posted a few hundred times within one night by a few discordfags
this. I actually like the meme, but it was spammed in threads where it didnt even make sense

Haha what a homo.

>the inbetween is an enemy to both
yeah no shit retard i'm calling out your fake internet culture war

I'm not even a communist lmao look at this pure fucking seethe

wait a minute you wouldn't happen to be the BOGEYMAN would you?


>le us vs them mentality
If you don't like what's happening right now, just mark my words - you'll be in exact same position as I am right now, give or take 5 years.
No one stays neutral in this circus. You're already too extreme right for the left, given you don't support the outrage over a fag joke. Honk honk.

Attached: Honk honk.gif (1100x600, 865K)

Things are gonna go hot soon, your timer is short.

gtfo you quarterpounder shill faggot OP

TrannyEra is that way ----->

True and sad desu ne

trust me, i follow q user on twitter

>I'm not even a communist lmao
Then simply enough you're a spineless fence sitter with no convictions. A doormat for the radicals to step over.

Attached: Tired Pepe.jpg (904x864, 84K)

This is why nobody takes faggots seriously. Always so ass hurt about everything even though they should be used to it from the copious amounts of penis they take up them.

Just playing devil’s advocate... what if the fence sitters have the best weapons?

Or you can have sex and a social life and not cry over trivial things on the internet like most people

yeah yeah we get it, anyone not in the ~100,000 people creating a fake moral panic on twitter is going to eventually get crushed on your boots

i hear it from every single one of you, just because I won't take one of your labels you give me one instead

Define weapons, because centrists are neither devoid of morality and ruthless like the left nor armed with zeal and virtue of the right. Centrists simply get stomped over. You'll see this everywhere if you look up anything vaguely political, endless streams of "I'm a centrist but" comments.

Only thing you're stepping over is the trash bags piling up in your room from your fear of going outside

>The ones who actually paid for the game are fed up with sjw bullshit
Funny how the vast majority of reviews, both for and against the censorship, had

>My God you Anti-SJWs are just as bad as the SJWs you constantly whine about. You know that?
If you call them out as SJWs and criticize them as being as bad as Billy 4channer and Patty poltard, then you're an anti-SJW too.

Yes, people of all political beliefs can be asshats. But criticizing and talking about anti-SJW stuff doesn't automatically lower people to the level of what they're criticizing. If you complain about your crazy roommate falsely accusing you of hate crimes and vandalizing all your stuff, that doesn't mean you're necessarily just as bad.

>Is this shit still fucking going on?
So pic related, that's you, right?

Attached: 1561460025527.jpg (1024x898, 68K)

people are going to blame the devs when they should be blaming 3d realms.

>~100,000 people creating a fake moral panic on twitter
I don't know if I should pity you for having this shallow view of the world or envy you for your blissful ignorance.
Here's a hint: we're either close or past equivalent point of 1933. Soon we'll hit 1939. You won't live in your ignorance, playing vidya gaems wondering why the world around you is going to shit your entire life.

Agreed, so just assume for this example arms superiority to the point they couldn’t be trampled on. How do you think the fringes would cope? Would aggression turn into pandering? Fear? Avoidance? Peace?

I think about things like this autistically

you'd get it if you were western ;)

>le have sex incel
Embarassing, do you really think this works here?

>He has a real job. He's an internet marketer.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

you know what a demagogue is?

Nobody cared about the soap bottle, the 1984 mandatory sensitivity training and forced donation to an extremely questionable "charity" was always the issue.

No I think you're beyond help and no woman would ever fuck you
Telling you to have sex is no more than banter

>calling something bad makes you that something.

lol can you do anything other than non-sequitur? You could just ask where I’m from if you want to use that against me.

Pretty much this

go to redd*t if you want a hugbox

You're welcome to show me.

I don't like being accused of ignorance, so I'm more than open to you showing me.

For someone who's in online marketing, all of his thumbnails look like shit.

>TFW tribalism is the order of the day
>TFW you're high int enough to recognize this but it doesnt' matter because you can't beat tribalists unless you become a tribalist.

Who the fuck types like this

Attached: aaaasd.png (1221x180, 25K)

If by arms you mean weaponry, then simplest way would be corruption and division of the centrists.
Communists would do this by propaganda and lies, fascists would in turn do this by seeking out (very common, anyhow) people who feel that society is crumbling and they have to do something about it.

Peace? Don't make me laugh. It's a fight to the death between the 2 ideologies, with centrists, nicely caught in all the centre of that. If you're a centrist and you SOMEHOW avoid being eradicated by either side, pray that fascists win.
Why? Imagine such manufactured outrage mobs have power to mass-murder people or simply kill/gulag your whole family.

It's weird to think that one day I may have to align myself with white supremacists simply to preserve my own life.

I didn't want on this ride.

Most people don't try very hard with their video thumbnails from what I've seen, so that's not such a big deal. It's all the same shit, image and big clickbait words in bold yellow text for maximum visibility.
My real problem is HE CAN'T FUCKING READ OR TALK

How Can Mirrors Be Real?


>Jeremey's reporting
>reads an article verbatim in a grating, monotone voice while barely interjecting
sure ok

Why so quiet. Why don't you reply to ?

This is the future they chose user, if you aren't an insane communist, you are a nazi.

Attached: 849.jpg (1216x937, 292K)

Banter is witty and the fact you think thats banter explains everything

So buttmad he couldn't give a (you)

dumb nazi

i'm happy ion fury reversed this stuff but that youtuber is a fucking hack and everyone who listens to him are just brainlets who love hearing someone echo their opinions and tell them what they want to hear

>You're welcome to show me.
I will not spoonfeed you, I will only drop you a few hints.
Open this article, open each communist leader's page one by one, ctrl+F "jew". Go to the next one. Repeat.

Once you do that, go open wikipedia pages of all big media CEOs, random leftist politicians, et cetera.
Whenever you get a thought "who benefits from this?" go ahead and google it, and then ctrl+F.

It's as eye opening as it's demoralizing. Do it yourself.

Attached: Tired Pepe eyes.jpg (641x491, 43K)

>So buttmad he couldn't give a (you)

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Assume mental superiority in well, insofar as the centrists couldn’t be corrupted by either side. At what point do you think the center would be justified in a brutal show of force towards both sides?

About the commies, I agree with you.

You keep proving it, shit huffer

>oh my god someone said something I disagree with on the internet this is literally a white genocide


I will only add this:
>How many ethnic Jews are in the world?
>Since then the population has slowly risen again, and as of 2018 was estimated at 14.6–17.8 million by the Berman Jewish DataBank, less than 0.2% of the total world population
Do some thinking. When you do all the forbidden wrongthinking, you know where to find more facts.

Attached: Anti-semitic critical thinking.jpg (725x1007, 148K)

>You keep proving it, shit huffer

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I don't even disagree with the dangers of Jews and specifically Zionism.

Maybe I don't see the writing on the wall, I just can't side with blind racism.

For some reason I don't feel particularly insulted by you anymore, user.


fake news

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This is what a leftard look like. Don't be like that

Mental superiority? Doesn't exist. Unless you're talking about robots, then the whole point is moot.
Everyone has doubts at one point, communists lie and fascists expose their lies, fascists will always have an advantage over them in this - sooner or later, one by one, even most unmovable fence sitting centrist will start saying "this isn't right" if given enough proof. More and more libertarians are turning to fascism, why? Because it's their ideals except with a realistic paintjob.

>fake news
That’s what the image is implying, user.

so then why do you give a shit? Even my mom knows CNN is Israeli propaganda

>More and more libertarians are turning to fascism, why?

Because people who wanted to leave others alone weren’t left alone. Gamergate illustrated this for the world to see.
Think we’re on the same page, user. Godspeed you glorious faggot.

I’m not the person you replied to, user. But, sadly, there are people who take mainstream media at their word. I’m happy for you that your mother isn’t one of them.

Quality Yea Forums content

>I just can't side with blind racism.
No one on /pol/ is genuinely racist. Don't get me wrong, everyone loves to say nigger this, nigger that, post niggers being awfully retarded and so on.

No one hates niggers because they're black. No one hates chinks because they're slanty and yellow. They're hated because they without a fail, follow certain patterns (niggers are violent and impulsive, chinks have 0 empathy, et cetera).

Best proof that /pol/ genuinely doesn't see color but individual merits (obviously taking healthy racial prejudice into the mix too) is HWNDU in NYC.

The most diverse group of white nationalists in the world. /pol/ is over yonder - ask them questions if you feel like it. Media always silences the right because they're afraid of people having a normal discussion about their views with them.

Attached: HWNDU.jpg (710x423, 49K)

oh wow people are idiots how did you figure that one out?

>screen cap of a reaction, with the article to blurry to read
>no tldr
>video link
Oh boy, what a thread.

Don't pretend OP post is Yea Forums either. This whole thread is garbage and warrants a delete.


>pol gud bois dindu nuffin

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some goyims shouldn't grow beards or any facial hair, looking like pubes

Observation, really. Same thing leads me believe you’re a salty cunt.

What exactly are you afraid of, jew? That normies will discover the ebil nazi fascists are simply people who are tired of the decadent society and don't want to just go with its suicidal flow?

>No one hates niggers because they're black. No one hates chinks because they're slanty and yellow. They're hated because they without a fail, follow certain patterns

No bud that's literally retarded racist thought.

aw fuck I may have to align the commies due to being black, how does this ride even end up being worse for the niggers?

fat faggot parroting boring opinions, what a wonderful generation he must represent

I'm not a Jew and I've read GR.

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>stereotypes don't exist but boy are asians good at math!
Whatever you say retard. All races follow certain patterns. Not all individuals follow them. Judge the individual first and foremost but never relax around blacks.

>you..your just as bad.

stop shilling your jewtube channel on this fucking board

epic strawman, bigot.

>All races follow certain patterns. Not all individuals follow them. Judge the individual first and foremost but never relax around blacks.
nice doublethink too.

this whole controversy is the single dumbest thing i have ever seen

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Yea Forums is /pol/ and we laugh at people like you.

Nazi swastika is a symbol of genocide though

yup, you are :)

no, pol is a containment board

Seem to still exist and cause problems

It’s a symbol of progress, user. nsdap swastika included. it’s literally a fucking wheel turning.

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any online board without moderation will always become right wing

It's not a doublethink, you're just too retarded to differentiate the race as a collective and the individuals of a race.

If all violet-skinned people were extremely smart and well spoken, and you happened to be violet-skinned, would it suddenly make violet-skinned people mentally retarded if someone pointed at you and went "LOOK, HE'S RETARDED!" like I'm doing right now? No, but it certainly would make YOU retarded.

Whites like to follow laws and build socities. Not all whites do this.
Blacks are violent and impulsive, they love to destroy and attack. Not all blacks do this.
Asians are tradition keepers and talented at mathsci. Not all asians do this.

Looks like he struck a nerve.

just like all the pol spam being thrown around by election morons

uh okay

It was symbol of progress, user

He is

This is without a fault true. It's simply an effect of a cause of not being afraid to speak your mind.

>No one on /pol/ is genuinely racist.
>The most diverse group of white nationalists
Is this bait? have you ever been to /pol/?

Still is. Prove me wrong without referencing dum yids.

The pendulum is still swinging back into our favor.

Go uwu hang yourself, tranny.

no it is. You also said stereotypes are true because people follow them with out fail before falling back to muh statistics. So you admit that you make brash generalizations on entire ethnicities based off of the behaviour of some outliers and conviently turn a blind eye to the racial oppression foisted on blacks that landed many of them into the violent ghettos you pretend to give a shit about so you don't feel like a total monster. cope.

These are the inbreds calling you cucks and trannies online and they genuinely expect you to take them seriously looking like that lmao what a bunch of fucking nerds.

he said the nazi swastika, brainlet.

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Why do you come here and cry about pol? Yea Forums is pol and you probably are a tranny or at least an enabler.

Have you? Nowhere else in the world you have Pajeet from India heiling Hitler inbetween his street-shittings, a Japanese guy saying Japan should become an imperial fascist power again, and then a random brit agreeing with him.

You specifically filled the format of dumb newfag.

apparently you’re just a tourist there.

Yea Forums is /pol/

And that's an outright lie.
>In the Western world, it was a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck until the 1930s
Yes I'm sure in 1933s it was associated with genocide and holocausts, and not good fortune.
The holocaust industry put this idea into your head.

Are you just shitposting or is that really all it is.

It's called a conversation.

It's not the 1930s anymore, we know what that symbol stood for, hurr.

God, I can smell the /pol/filth from another thread! The fuck you SJW incel rejects bitching about now?

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No one cares about sub-90 IQ niggers, they can rot in the ghettos. Only the high IQ blacks that can function in a white society are worth saving.
Why do you think Africa is consistently below 80s in IQ? It cannot be education, otherwise a white man in Japan would be 105 IQ, and a white man in Africa would be within 80s as well - this simply is not factual.
We have too many worthless eaters and grand majority of them are brown tinted.

whatever helps you cope:)

>It's not doublethink
>Anons clarification is doublethink, clear as day
I don't know whats more insulting, the fact your better at doubelthink than some Uni educated faggot with what is functionally a degree in it or the fact that by being good at it you are incapable of seeing it in yourself

stop advertising your channel op

I’m a bigot and I don’t care.

I don't care what the holocaust industry says the symbol should stand for.

OP Here, I'm actually shocked at how many replies this thread got. I feel kind of bad now for handing Jeremy 15K views when I couldn't even get halfway through the video because he stumbled so much. I didn't even know this many people browsed this place.

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That's pretty ablest of you, user.

>Why do you think Africa is consistently below 80s in IQ? It cannot be education, otherwise a white man in Japan would be 105 IQ, and a white man in Africa would be within 80s as well - this simply is not factual.
well, lets see your whitepaper then

Sounds like the incel industry got to you already.

>That's pretty ablest of you, user.
Don't give a shit. The whole reason the world is going to shit is because we give genetic refuse a sandbox to play in and funnel resources to it. Enough is enough.

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Pretty much it at this point. Something else about the devs going through sensitivity training and being forced to donate to an extremely questionable charity, too.

>edit: OMG thanks for the gold

If you want to be taken seriously you don't really want to use visual symbols of genocide enablers from 70 years ago
The reality is you through swastika around to look cool and edgy because this is what uneducated or edgy teens do

Kill yourself faggot.
Hating faggots is both justified and normal. Being gay is abnormal and deserves to be condemned.

What makes you think this works here? This isn't leddit.

worked on you ;)

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I use a fasces. I agree swastika is bad optics, but that's quite literally only because of jewish media.

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God I wish Summer would end soon.

you could have prevented this.

>genocide enablers
you mean bolshevik, british, and american jews?

The world isn't going to shit you just need to lay off the pol infographics

well, the nazis didn't do it any favors

>imageboard response picture 1.jpg
Very organic shilling, do they even let you have bathroom breaks in your shill factory or do you piss in diapers/bottles?
Imagine the smell.

>being this retarded

>Very organic shilling, do they even let you have bathroom breaks in your shill factory or do you piss in diapers/bottles?
>Imagine the smell.

Attached: raaa.jpg (750x1000, 95K)

Jews weren't the only ones killed by nazies, hate the jews all you want but you're playing right in their hand by using the symbols the whole world has agreed on is a symbol of genocide