Just passing by to remind you that this game was terrible and an insult to the original Doom games...

Just passing by to remind you that this game was terrible and an insult to the original Doom games. Even Doom 3 was better than this shit

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>Game of the year campaign
>Super underrated multiplayer despite its flaws
Nah I've been playing MP with my girl on switch, she loves it, even stopped playing splatoon. But enjoy your shit taste senpai

>Super underrated multiplayer despite its flaws
are you going to tell me how Halo 4 was also super underrated?

nice blog post

How the fuck is that a blogpost? Do you even know what that word even means you braindead fucking moron?

I dont play xbox senpai. I played one halo before, maybe reach? I lived with a friend in college who had an xbox that could play burned games. It was ok, but I never really played halo so I didnt play it much

It’s good cope

It's a good cope? The fuck is a good cope

What a waste of a get on a retard

Nice blog fag!

This might be a random question, but are you homophobic?

>want to play Doom on my Switch
>my options are:
>shit ports of Doom 1 and 2
>Doom 3, which is the one game in the series I couldn't give less of a fuck about
>or a Doom 4 port that doesn't have the level editor
>my mother fucking face when

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Snapmap is a joke, why would anyone ever care about it?

>Op not being a nostalgiafag

>want to play Doom on my Switch

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>want to play Doom on my Switch
You should have killed yourself at that point.

I'm 21, how could I have nostalgia for a game that came out in 1993?
The only game I'm actually nostalgic for is Team Fortress 2. Though I'm not really interested in video games beyond classic-style FPS, I vastly prefer reading or watching a movie.

It's about the principle of the matter. I love level editors and it pisses me off that every game that has one built in doesn't have it when it's ported to Switch. Plus, they have the audacity to charge the same price as the other versions. At least knock five euros off, come on.

Fuck off to Fortnite then, zoomer.

nuDoom isn't only on Switch, buy it on something else if you want everything and it to be actually playable stupid

how can one man be so wrong

1. 21 years old is not Gen Z
2. Fortnite is shit, I walk around a barren wasteland of a map for 10 minutes and I get shot by some 12 year old I didn't even see. The combat is fucking terrible RNG shit too, the only reason people find it exciting is because that's the only time something fucking happens

Because my PC's non-functional at the moment, I've the Doom itch bad, and being able to play Doom in bed would be nice.

Idk, why are you so wrong?

>21 years old is not Gen Z
fellow 21 year old here, yeah it is.

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was doom 3 REALLY that bad

They should just put the fucking level editors in the Switch version. It's got a fucking touch screen, it's made for shit like that.

Just pick a good game instead if you can;t play Doom 1 or 2

It really wasn't.

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Just so you know you can hack your Switch with a paperclip and use GzDoom instead.

Doom 3 was a fucking abortion

Kill yourself

nah it's good

It did some things really well. The ability to interact with screens without it being just "press X to open door" was landmark tech that should be used more often

In terms of a Doom game though it felt more like System Shock 2 with demons instead of aliens

nah it's bad

Being a contrarian doesn't make you cool user.

you play standing up or not at all.

nah it's good

>If you don't like bethesda's shit you are contrarian and trying to be cool
Todd, stop posting.

1996 is the cutoff for millennial, everyone born after is gen Z

It had some strengths and weaknesses. It had much more vertical level design, but that was kind of held back by the corridor-arena-corridor-arena structure. It had more strategic gameplay when fighting enemies, but there are less of them and they have to spawn in. The Glory Kill System is fun until you realize that there’s little benefit to it. The boss fight were way better than any FPS i’d played prior, but there are only three of them. The weapon upgrade system is fun, but you have to go through the tedium of backtracking to every level so you can grab all the secrets.
And, of course, the one reason why classic Doom will always be better: It has mod support and ZoomDoom doesn’t.

Doom 1+2 fucking suck anyway.

Quake, Duke, Unreal, and countless other 90s shooters are FAR better.

What does Bethesda have to do with Doom 3?
It was made before ID was purchased by Zenimax.

nah it's bad

lol, enjoy getting through any diff above uv without free health and armor from gk retard

You can't even look up in original DOOM, that garbage is outdated

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Munch on these nuts, bitch nigga. NuDoom is good and you're a straight bitch for making a thread just to whine about shit.

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nah it's good

Are there any other good FPS games on Switch? I need something to scratch this Doom itch.

I'd rather not do anything like that right now, I just got my Switch a couple of months ago, I have a bad track record with this kind of thing and if I break it, I won't be able to replace it for a year.

How about lying down on the couch with the TV on?

b-b-but not having to aim properly in an fps makes it good! all that matters is walking sideways while tapping shoot!

damn new doom is so fucking slow

BoomDoom > ZoomDoom

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And I am just passing by to say thay you are a worthless niggot and that euthanasia was invented just for brainlets like you


>fell for the meme and bought doom (2016)
>can't be assed to finish the campaign because it's boring as fuck rinse and repeat action
I need to stop buying video games

Think of a good opinion and type the opposite of it, the thread

>playing FPS on a console for any reason ever
both of the Nightdive ports of Turok are on Switch now if you havent played those already

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JRPGs are good

>boss fights
This, I know a lot of people didn't like 2016's Cyberdemon but I always look forward to fighting the big fucker, such a fun boss fight. Same with the Hell Guards and the Spider Mastermind.
Overall Doom 2016's a great fucking game and easily one of the best FPSes of this decade. You ungrateful fucks are getting GOTYs when your series should've died with Doom 3, meanwhile I have to scrounge for scraps as an F-Zero fan. Be thankful.

zoomdoom > boomdoom

>Just passing by to remind you that this game was terrible and an insult to the original Doom games. Even Doom 3 was better than this shit

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lol brainlet scrub retard

>Even Doom 3 was better than this shit
stopped reading here

Faster then original garbage

seething retard

>stopped reading at the end of the post

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Mate, my PC isn't working right now, if it was, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I gotta work with what I got. Also, Timesplitters was console exclusive and the second and third games were phenomenal, shut yer gob.

lol dumbass

Yeah? You got a problem with that?

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Seething Zoomer

nope they were shit

seething boomer

Them's fightin' words.

It's good at what it tried to do, which is being a spooky action shooter a la FEAR. The foundations are solid: enemies are mainly melee or slow projectile based which means there's a skill element involved with not getting hit, the sound design was standout, the atmosphere was good and the lighting system is still remarkable to this day. Doom purists hated it because you're not running at 200mph while having a billion enemies onscreen, and you also had to reload.

i'm gonna smack that mouth

that's the joke you dumb butt fuck

i'll smak ur knob u cheeky twat

I'll hold him down, you kick him in the goolies.

>change weapons every two shots and move the camera erratically to make it look more frantic even though the enemies are hardly moving much less attacking

lol seething


change weapons according to situation and move camera to aim at enemies*

>even though the enemies are hardly moving much less attacking
honestly this was my biggest issue with NuDoom, the only enemies that actively attack you are the Imps, Cacodemons and Hell Knights. Everyone else just sorta stands in place and watches you unless their FoV stays unbroken for more than 5 seconds which wont happen thanks to the map design

Just passing by to remind you that you have shit taste in games.

Don't hog all the fun to yourself. We can split him. In half. Together.

>You ungrateful fucks are getting GOTYs when your series should've died with Doom 3,
I'd have preferred that. Doom 4 was fucking terrible and brought countless zoomers to the fandom

>one plasma rifle shot, a bunch of machinegun shots, a rocket and a shotgun shot on a single enemy that's just standing there
What situation warrants that besides "DUDE JUST PRESS ALL THE BUTTONS OMG SO FAST PACED"?

Doom 4 is the most zoomer game ever made, second only to fortnite

Seething more boomer that you cant handle another axis

>Doom 4 is the most zoomer game ever made, second only to fortnite

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Yes, I'm the one with shit taste for not liking "press F to win"


Old Doom was actually good, therefore it cannot be worse than 4. Sorry, zoomer

doom 1 > doom 2 > doom 64 > doom (2016) > doom 3 > final doom

prove me wrong, you can't

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>Yes, I'm the one with shit taste for not liking "press F to win"

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Are you capable of criticizing a game or even formulating a single sentence without whining about zoomers? Jesus Christ.

>>Yes, I'm the one with shit taste for not liking "press F to win"

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It's actually Doom 1 > Doom 2016 = Doom 64 > Doom 2 > Final Doom. Doom 2's level design is some of the smelliest dogshit in any FPS.

OP here, yeah that's almost correct. I'd switch 1 with 2, though.

more like COOM 2016

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>outdated garbage you can't aim up is good


Doom 2 is trash, the city levels were fucking awful, there's no way it goes below Doom 64. And I concur with OP, Doom 3 is a better game than Doom (2016).

I'm having fun, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

>talking shit about level design while posting a list that puts Painkiller 2016 near the top

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Shit taste, Doom 2 actually tried being creative and exciting with it's level design and you plebs hate him for it. Sandy Peterson was the Zack Snyder of the 90s

Where the hell do you think you are?

Well, I think you have shit taste and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

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I'm not stopping you from having fun, I'm just saying that you are having fun with a turd

You probably have a shallow definition of level design

>Make a square room with some platforms, boxes and slopes
>Make some monsters spawn
Wow, epic level design.

>>>Yes, I'm the one with shit taste for not liking "press F to win"

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>>>>Yes, I'm the one with shit taste for not liking "press F to win"

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my shallow definition of level design is one that actually puts some thought into how enemies function in the level and not just the player

Bethesda didn't make the game, retard.

Doom 2016 is fun, Doom 2 isn't, so, get fucked.

Doesn't stop Todd from shilling it.

>>>>>Yes, I'm the one with shit taste for not liking "press F to win"

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Well then I hope you have a nice day, user

>>>>>>Yes, I'm the one with shit taste for not liking "press F to win"

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Can't help your shit taste

Try playing on a higher difficulty.

See, you're saying I have shit taste, but I can't really trust the judgment of someone who genuinely thinks Doom 2 is a fun game.

>>>>>>>Yes, I'm the one with shit taste for not liking "press F to win"

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>See, you're saying I have shit taste, but I can't really trust the judgment of someone who genuinely thinks Doom 2 is a fun game.

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Didn't that Youtuber fuck a dog and defended it on reddit?

I played on Ultra Violence, all that changed is that the one time I got touched by a pinkie I took over 100 fucking damage, not like that fucking mattered because my next kill gave me 60HP because the balance is fucked

Yes, he's a brainlet. That's why I used that image

he's not wrong

>he's not wrong

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>>he's not wrong

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>this game was terrible and an insult to the original Doom games.
I don't really agree, but I understand why would you think that
>even Doom 3 was better
fuck no, it wasn't!

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>>>>>>>>Yes, I'm the one with shit taste for not liking "press F to win"

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thanks for reminding me to play it again, it's a great game. can't wait for eternal


the fuck is a mucbrain. I'm a uacbrain

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>d44m isn't about going around a labyrinth of a map looking for keys so its shit!

no, you're just a spastic retard for having such a massive problem with different opinions

This but unironically

>Are there any other good FPS games on Switch?
no. closest there is is Splatoon and that's a TPS

>feel like playing nu-doom again
>can't remember file size, 10-20 GB?
>dude 70 GB lmao
how the shit

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Heres the original
>make bunch of square rooms
>put key in one
>call it a day

There is no thought in original

I got no reverance for the original games, and I still know Doom 2016 was shit. Not even the boss fights were anything special, the same old circle and shoot ballet that was every other room.

It's one thing that they tried to shake up the old shoot-cover-reload formula, but they made it irresponsibly boring.

>OG doom maps
actual mouthbreather detected, holy shit

Play OG doom instead, it's way superior

ignore the other retarded user and just play both

>Not even the boss flights
that was the very worst part of the game and I hope they drop it in eternal
>shoot-cover-shoot formula
I really, really hope this post is bait. seriously, you cannot be this retarded

>tfw like both new and old doom
>tfw doom3 is the best singleplayer VR FPS experience
it's great being an idort, feels good to not be chained down in what i can and can't like because of some identity or whatever.

Based user, I don't know you but you're already my friend.

I thought the second boss that multiplied was pretty cool. First one was only ok and the last one was pathetic though

>>make bunch of square rooms
Confirmed for not having played classic doom



I did so not an argument

20 of those gigs are just updates to the multiplayer

>his opinion differs from mine
pleb detected

don't you just love uncompressed audio?

I do unironically agree 100%.
This game's marketing campaign is the biggest living example of oppressive shilling I've ever seen. You STILL can't post some screencaps and webms on this site without getting auto-banned, with the message claiming the reason being Zenimax's DMCA C&D letter.