Why aren't you stupid racists buying my game?
Why aren't you stupid racists buying my game?
It is kinda funny how some people who claim to be notnazis cry so much about killing nazis.
>inb4 "IT'S ABOUT HOW BADLY IT IS PORTRAYED" and other excuses
Now fuck off, you don't want to discuss videogames anyway.
Why are they worried about sales? I thought their games were about sending a message...
Loaded question.
No people don't want to play a pandering game full of lesbos, trannies, homos, Niggers, Jews etc killing nazis.
99% of those who actually fought the Nazis were white men. Trying to shoehorn in or cherry pick the one female resistance remember as proof women did fight nazis is embarrassing.
The characters weren't sexy enough
LMAO at the crying nazis on Yea Forums
you forgot commies.
It's almost like this game is set in an alternate reality. You don't give a shit about historical accuracy, you never did.
I'm incredibly disappointed that the game supports communists.
nobody would care if it wasnt a faggy game
Interestingly enough, if you've ever seen a Wolfenstein thread on /pol/, most anons there still love RtCW and have positive feelings towards TNO/TOB. Just food for thought.
This stupid /pol/ bait thread sucks.
My favorite e-celebs
>Pro Jared
>TotalBiscuit (RIP)
>Rich Piana (RIP)
E-celebs I don't like
>armored skeptic
> moral shaming your consumers
> just want to shoot nazis
> ugly black zombie belittles me for saving the world and not focusing on her people
I swear she's there just to make people want to switch sides.
There are already so many (better) games where nazifascists are the enemies. Making that design choice your main advertising point isn’t breaking new ground.
wolfenstein is based on the nazisploitation genre and that genre is filled with macho american patriots and based polacks. Nuwolfenstein barely resembles that
Cause they called everyone who isnt a liberal nazis dating back to like fucking Reagan and now go around saying we should kill nazis
It's not hard to figure out what they really meant
Its not problematic your game is just hot trash.
Because the gameplay is shit and you have a obviously tacked-on hub area.
>cutscenes consist of bug eyed old black woman talking about testicles and the "Sweet juice they produce" to her cuck husband while a fat white woman fucks a black man in the bathroom and next scene a nude pregnant woman powerslides randomly shooting the air
>hours and hours of this garbage
there's still nazis?