Remember to preorder the definitive edition

Remember to preorder the definitive edition

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veronica is cute but every other characters are atrocious with huge forehead

I played through the demo and didn't think much of it: The best thing I could say is that it felt complete, in terms of content. Wasn't very engaging.

I have it pre-ordered on amazon

What exactly wasn't engaging you user? Just curious. The characters, the world, the story, and/or the combat?

>put the best most complete version of a game on the weakest and worst platform

Call me when someone makes a save converter

>preorder the definitive edition
You mean the final FINAL edition coming to PS4 and PC later this year? They already have pre-orders for that?

Why is Dragon Quest not popular in the West?

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what game



because 90's amerilard gamers were fucking retarded faggots.
Also Enix stopped the localization of DQ games in the worst moment possible. The snes was the golden age of jrpgs. They fucked up badly.

>implying the gimped Switch version is the best and that SE wont milk the game like they have every one of their big releases as of late.


The PS4 version is weakest overall.

My main issues kind of stems from the Story & Sound Design, although i didn't think much of characters thus far either but they're alright enough. Story did subvert my expectations with its take on " The Chosen One " and how the high authorities dealt with Hero's arrival, but beyond that, what we've seen of the demo is pretty much not too far from if the premise had actually been The King telling the Hero to go on an Adventure & get Macguffins to save the world from the great Evil.
And Sound Design in general was just meh for me: It's a shame the game has good tracks like when you visit your village in a flashback of sorts but the two main theme for Adventuring & Battling aren't very good to me to begin with, but they're featured everywhere. Aside from crits, I also didn't find Visual feedback to be that great along with the " Classic " Sound Design for attacks, but i'll assume it's because i'm at 1/10th of the game if not less so I don't really have big, flashy moves yet.
I don't play a whole lot of JRPGs at all so it doesn't surprise me that much. I still think the game is perfectly fine and great for those who are more fond of JRPGs, i'm not. For reference, the last JRPG I completed & remember fondly is Skies of Arcadia

If you didnt pick the hard monsters mode the game is pretty much a brainless button masher

I guess there's that too, and I have the habit of overgrinding: I noticed I had done it again once Veronica & Serena joined the party and their levels didn't scale to the lowest I had, which was Eleven at Lv.14

You are like a little baby struggling in the dark when it comes to expressing yourself. You can barely even articulate your thoughts about that game, but you've latched onto the concepts of "sound design and story" as a vehicle for your vacuous opinion. You've done this because you've seen or heard those words a lot when other people talk about video games. Also your literal verbal mayonnaise of an opinion seems to suggest you only think a story is good if it subverts not just something, but your expectations, whatever that means. This is, in my opinion, the most powerful modern indicator of an idiot-connoisseur. This is my term for a complete fool who fancies himself an expert on a particular subject. That's you.

I think those are all issues that you'll change your mind on as you progress further in the game, but if you're not feeling the game now from the demo and you don't play JRPGs often then it's hard to say whether you really will change your mind if you play further.

Good read and based.

So is there actually yuri in this or do you just keep baiting me?

>pirated that shit on PC
>never played it
>switch is hacked
Why would I give them any money?

Its not every day I get to see someone get shat on so thoroughly holy shit.

>Not once has a DQ game had a worldwide release
>Series only gets advertisements when someone else pays for it
It really is a big think.

Damn. Based.

Because, unlike Japan, it doesn't get the nostalgia bonus and instead sells on its own (mediocre) merits. Still better than the sports games we lap up instead.

>muh advertising
Anyone who'd give a shit about Dragon Quest knows about it.

They're sisters

Answer the question.


Just did.
I spent the last 2 days and a half playing the demo with around 6 hours clocked in and I got engaged. Plus the length of the demo is an admirable move coming from this industry, so I might as well voice my support with my wallet.

Despite the fact that the combat is very simplistic so far, the draconian combat settings pose an entertaining challenge.
The world and characters are very charming, it all blooms with this sort of nostalgic fondness, despite the fact that this is my first DQ.

The overworld and battle themes are bland IMO, but I like the "grand feel" you get from tracks like the castle or when you escape from the cave.
I like the quirky monster designs, and the customization system has potential.

This game gave me the feeling of when I first played P4 (the game which got me into megaten).
So yeah, I look forward to it.

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But I want a discount.

It was $50 when I pre-ordered it on Amazon

Good GOD man this is too based

Seething pseudo-elitist with poor reading comprehension.

Dragon Quest 11s

Do any girls cuter than MC's childhood friend show up? Can't believe she's fucking dead so he can't breed her anymore.


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Yeah man it'd be a shame if there weren't more cuties in this 100 hour JRPG.



I put 140 hours into the ps4 version
Give me one good reason to start over from scratch on a new console
And no, orchestrated OST is not enough

Extra content, better gameplay. You get to watch snoys seethe and cry as you play the definitive edition of "their game".

Played the PS4 version and it was very average

Are there any secrets i could of missed anywhere in the demo? First time playing

>enjoy others I’ll never meet get mad
Holy, mental issues much?

Nah. I'll get at launch though.


But the 3DS version is out already, user.

>veronica is cute
and funny!

Seethe harder, snoyggers.

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Be sure to check bookshelf's for crafting recipes

I already played the game though

Already preordered.

I just did. Astral Chain disappointed me with it's short length, repetitive sidequests and boring setting (only two, maybe three distinctive areas? Really?).
Can't wait to marry Veronica!

Fucking based

Yeah it’s dragon quest, it’s a traditional RPG, what were you expect

The overworld theme is awful, I'm glad they're giving us DQ8's main theme on the full version

7 mini medals

>got to the big city.
>find two sidequests
>find out about the quest log
>check it
>I already missed a quest back at the village.

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Just go back. Sidequests have a purple icon in the map

>just go back


>tfw collector edition Japan only

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>Go back to the burning pile of rubble

He said he just got to the city, no need to spoil

first is not a spoiler
second has spoilertext for the spoiler
get over yourself

I was just pointing out why I told him to go back, I played the game after all

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So I get to marry a party member of my choice this time instead of being locked into crikey, right?

Anyone except Grandpa, I believe.

How would you react if marrying Veronica returns her to her real body?

Good. Who wouldn't want this?

I'll allow it if she keeps the cutesy act

I'd prefer it, her normal body is bangin.

Is liar npcs worth it?

It sucks, they just say something dumb, then immediately say it was a lie, basically wasting your time because you have to talk to them again. Everyone can do this, even important characters, and the text repeats after a while

It's fun for a while, but like Shypox it overstays it's welcome when you start seeing repeats.

Too poor