Are weeb games mainstream now?

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Because a small handful of them sold a couple of a million copies in a world where the big mainstream titles sell more than three times that? Fuck no.

i sure hope not. fuckin weebs

Where is the black hand?

Get out of your basement faggot, weebshit has been growing more and more mainstream each day

Just because the general populace isn't wearing Faguto headbands and ninja running all over the place doesnt mean it aint popular

I hope not, fucking normies stay away from my weeb games

Have you been living under a rock for the last three decades?

>no day one with japanese reversible art
>no persona 5 steelbook


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Half of those aren't weeb

I'm sorry, I don't speak reddit, could you rephrase that?

the classic weeb game fallout 4

Dude, I come from a time when weebshit like FFVIII would have been the highest selling game of the year. Stuff like Nier and Persona 5 is not even coming close to that level. It's sales numbers are on par with successful niche titles, not mainstream.


Monkey paw



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Being a weeaboo has been full mainstream for a few years now so yes.

>Nearly 3 decades is a few years

>calling current gen console games anything close to "niche"

Played one of those and it was shit. Only weeb games I like was Senran Kagura. Not just tits but they are genuinely fun as hell even the cooking one. Is hard to know what other weeb games are like it because they all look the same but will always end up mostly being turn based combat

You know I was thinking about not saying anything because some niggerbrain monkey was going to say ACTUALLY IT'S BEEN MUCH LONGER I AM SMART and here you are.

>say something incorrect
>someone calls you out

>say wrong shit
>someone points it out

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Gaming has always been mainstream going all the way back the fucking 70s and you're a retard if you think otherwise. They never advertised consoles as exclusively geek and nerd toys, it was always advertised as FAMILY entertainment because it was family entertainment. You retards just suddenly decided to claim it as your own based on the delusion that your passion automatically confers ownership. Well, it doesn't. Arguably PC gaming was niche because it had a high barrier to entry but console gaming was NEVER niche.

>conventions get more popular and profitable
>more people go to them
Comic Con is bigger now, you want to talk about comic books getting more popular?