>CDPR is now officially WOKE
is this the final nail in the coffin?
>CDPR is now officially WOKE
is this the final nail in the coffin?
Other urls found in this thread:
>just tell the faggot whatever and move on
They suck. One hit wonder
>You know, [with Cyberpunk 2077] we really want to make a video game that’s really inclusive. Of course, if you tackle certain subjects then you will expect people to have an opinion about it and we respect that. And it’s good that people give us feedback. And our character creation menu, for instance, compared to the last demo we now give you so many more options. For instance, you don’t choose your gender anymore. You don’t choose, ‘I want to be a female or male character’ you now choose a body type. Because we want you to feel free to create any character you want. So you choose your body type and we have two voices, one that’s male sounding, one is female sounding. You can mix and match. You can just connect them any way you want. And then we have a lot of extra skin tones and tattoos and hairstyles. So we really want to give people the freedom to make their own character and play the way they want to play.
Our team is very international and very diverse but we have asked for a lot of feedback. We always ask for feedback and even when we show these demos, we still ask people to tell us what they think. We just wanna know what we can improve on because we want to make a really good game [with Cyberpunk 2077] and we really wanna make a game that everybody is comfortable playing. But at the same time we’ll tackle difficult issues. It is a cyberpunk world after all.
they are totally catering to trannies
more like 4 hit wonder (once Cyberpunk 2077 comes out)
wtf Poland, you were supposed to not be gay
When was the setting not inclusive?, when was the genre not inclusive? Are they adding muslims? Because queers and browns have always been in cyberpunk stuff
>they are totally catering to trannies
nah, trannies hate the game and CDPR
tell that to the zoomers from /pol/
The devs are also being retarded, why are they bragging like its something new?
Based CDPR shill who does it for free u tell em girl
That's not true. It'st just that the voice you pick determines your gender, rather than the body.
>For instance, you don’t choose your gender anymore. You don’t choose, ‘I want to be a female or male character’
read this you dumb tranny faggot
That's transphobic, I'm guessing the bassy "man" voices are what decides you being a "man", why can't men have bright voices?
Fuckoff TERF bigot
So how the fuck do characters talk to you? Do you also choose pronouns or do they call you XE even when you are not intending to play a tranny?
literally everything people have warned us about has become true when it comes to cdpr
So there's more gameplay coming this Friday? Thanks for letting me know because I'm really looking forward to this game.
They aren't bragging, that excerpt comes from a larger interview published by another outlet. This guy just took it to make a controversial headline for clicks.
You're a fucking sheep letting social media influence you like this. Think for yourself.
NPCs will not refer to you as he or she anymore. tthat's the fucking truth
nah, they're still good
No, they refer to you as he or she based on which voice you pick
the sweet sound of victory
Okay, I read it. What part was supposed to reduce me to a spittle-flying rage?
Boo hoo, you can be a girlman or a boywoman. Or not. How dare they put this kind of body deviancy in a game where you can turn your left arm into a computer that shoots darts at people?
You cunts are more triggerable than the most purple-haired genderfluid dilating stereotype. You're pathetic. Seriously, think about your lives.
Go ahead and get ready to tank the user reviews without ever playing it. Everyone with a shred of credibility is going to love it, and your sad little downvoting will amount to nothing.
Yeah, 8pm cest
What if I want to be a man with feminine voice or vice versa? It's easier to modify your voice than whole body you fucking fuck.
Imagine being mad over everything CDPR does. You're like cattle always being told the hot new thing to be outraged about.
Shill harder kurwabot
Oh no, THE ENEMY has struck again.
tough luck
yay! resetera wins again baby! it doesnt make up for all the past transphobia but this is a step in the right direction! i wilk sure tell all my discord friends to buy this game now
>i wilk sure tell all my discord friends to buy this game now
a shame that no one will buy it anyways
lol this game is gonna sell like gangbusters
game is dying: youtube.com
Basedpunk 2077
holy shit it's the no-watch zone coming atcha
>acting like the word "inclusive" is a taboo no no word
Whats next OP, will you cry when you hear the word nigger posted?
If so, they shouldn't have made it exclusive to trannies
They refer to you as he or she based on the voice you pick. For now at least, I wouldn't put it past CDPR to add in also they/them pronouns to the script. Tranny pandering seems important for them.
don't you think they are going a step too far? now you can't even choose to be male of female. i had no problem there being a third "undefined" option or whatever. but now you can't even pick male or female anymore which is kinda ridiculous
this guy seems deranged
but regardless of him stop getting assblasted over marketing, its a big game - it will have more coverage, earlier coverage and inevitably low quality coverage mixed in
every journo wants to add his 2 cents to the discussion because thats how they get paid and devs cant exactly ignore them so they give them something to work with without lying through their teeth
and they cant tell them too much because the games lauch is far off still and if they tell you everything right now hype will die
social media was a fucking mistake
ahh, amerimutts
even CDPR wasn't safe. They killed CDPR. They whelped, belched, cringed, croaked, broached, vented, ranted, clamored about those nonexistent genders of theirs, those undilated wounds, those mutilated dicks, those women that make stubblejawed trannies feel insecure because they look better. The noises were so loud even my favourite studio was devoured by these savage, culturally stripped transhumanists.
A haiku
Russian anons are dissatisfied
/pol/fucks constantly upset by left wing buzzwords with no actual power or meaning behind them.
You say in an interview you're for *buzzwords about diversity* and *buzzwords about social issue* and will *vague expression that it will be considered in the game development with not actual commitment to a specific action* and you get a lot of likes on twitter and free marketing and then people notice your game which already takes place in California has a diverse skin tone pallet and LGBTomato representation. Amazing. So brave. In California? Unheard of! Such a bold move.
It's all a farce, it's all for the look of the thing. But idiots here take it seriously, get irrationally upset by a fake sentiment done as a marketing ploy, and for the dumbest reason. Here it's a constant buzzing of "reeeeee I hate liberal buzzwords!" and no one cares. This board and this site are so devoid of any significant number of paying consumers. People play the same games over and over, prefer to pirate, buy only on sale or for one specific franchise, react to new games irrationally to the point of complaining about things you never intended to buy at all. Like you matter to the market and they would care to cater to you. This board is so hopeless it has believed wholeheartedly for years that people would actually pay to have shills here, and that shills aren't just fanboys doing it for free like they always have.
Besides all the hate of this game here has nothing to do with the game. It's just an anti-fandom obsessed with hating CDPR for reasons they no longer remember.
its never too far for them, they will continue to destroy your creation until it barely resembles the original product. after all if the new generation of gamers are all females and tranoids then you cater to them, since thats where the money is
They should stop making announcements about this game. It looks worse with each new one.
Kino post.
tl;dr boris
Dowen ty dazhe ssylku zdelat' ne mozhesh, blyad,
my judgement will be based on it having a cringe scene with GRRRRRRLLLL empowerment like in avengers, or like the one in man in black international.
dat shit will be over the net if and or when it is included so it is an easy decision.
so glad I preordered it on steam with its refund policy
Idiot, you inserted the wrong link
Idiots on this site think journalism is real and that anything they say has any power in itself and isn't all just for show, appearances, and attention. That's the whole reason gamergate could even happen. People here see some over the top thing in an article done to be intentionally extreme as a desperate ploy for attention, and they think it's real.
>Eh whatever
Game is not out yet, yet the SJW's and so called journalist crying out load was an annoyance but come on, is not like they are going to listen to does crazies.
Last time I was on ruskiechan I ended up unwittingly having cheese pizza on my history. I'm not clicking that.
>something that everybody is comfortable playing
everybody, meaning everybody who isnt a straight white male
None of that is real. They're all just doing it for attention. When someone says "this game is horrible because it doesn't have (insert bizarrely out of place forced diversity) in this specific place I want it to be in", and they say this in an article, it's not real. They'll defend it on twitter but they don't actually care. They're just trying to get attention to their article which was only made to piggeyback over the existing popularity of a popular thing by creating made up drama.
People here need to figure out that none of that matters and never has and never will. They're the only ones of any significance taking the shit seriously.
room temperature bants
I'm seeing a lot of red flags around this game.
I think The Witcher 3 was too successful for their own good, they've gone corporate.
Why wouldn't I be comfortable play a game just because all the characters aren't 100% like me in every way? I play games with monsters and elves and space aliens and shit.
>they're bad, but you're just as bad!
>I know they attacked you, but you're just as bad for fighting back
Absolute cuckoldry. You should leave, and never come back.
>male voice = male speaker
Isnt that precisely the kind of stuff trannies want to avoid?
yeah because the average gamer cares so much about trannies. talking about tranny issues has always led to more copies of a game being sold, definitely.
>reee dont use our tactics against us!
every time
You bet.
>As a gender non-conforming person myself with plenty of peers and friends who are trans and/or use they/them pronouns, you can imagine my cringe at the numerous utterances of “he or she” throughout the presentation. A step in the right direction for sure, but I question how they didn’t think of adding that feature in a world where identity, change, modification, and transition were prevalent themes in the first place.
It's either the game will be great and will be critically acclaimed
the devs burned out with the witcher 3 and it will be sub par to people's expectations
I personally think it's going to be more linear than what people expect especially since all the set pieces that have been shown off are majority of the time scripted events but that doesn't mean I'm not going to like it because the fucking industry standard is so fucking low the devs games will be amazing no matter what
Is this how average Cyberpunk 2077 shitposter looks like?
I've worked in CDPR main building for 4 months (not on the game, I was delivering and serving vegetarian shit food). It was year ago so until they changed all team members, most of dudes there from their talks are not into "inclusive tranny ride"
Finally someone said it.
because youre a soi-infused numale.
what games aren't """inclusive"""?
please do something better with your time
it's for your own good
Of course they aren't. Poland is a very conservative country that mostly repels degenerate western 'values'. I'm sure the game will have some tranny pandering but it's all PR talk.
this is so ridiculous, also isnt this game first person anyways? why waste time and resources adding to the character creator, and trying to please non biology believers.
>"d-don't question things, nothing wrong with being forced to play as tranny, cdpr is stil b-based! f-fuck off /pol/!!!
Who's being forced to play as a tranny? Is there any game that actually does that?
Isn't cyberpunk supposed to be like this? Degenerates being enabled by soulless corporate overlords with oversexualization and radical consumerism? It's supposed to be a dystopia, isn't it?
not gonna lie "le bigger audience" is always a huge red flag
just another game again.
If I want it like that, I could just go outside.
>Is there any game that actually does that?
Cyberpunk 2077
you can't choose male or female anymore, just manly or feminine voice
yes i mean every cyberpunk work has literally been filled with trannies
all trannies
>Blade Runner
more trannies than i can count
man all those trannies
Gut fucking instinct right here!
you can roleplay as whatever you want tard'o
that so happens to include men
kinda like in every trailer so far
>i have 3 exampls so im right
>no trannies in GITS
haha sure
I don't think every character in the game is going to be a tranny, just more than you'd normally see in another game. The point I'm trying to make is that, considering cyberpunk is degenerate central, it doesn't surprise me that there'd be things like that in the game. Trannies aren't going to be the only degenerate thing in the game, just one of the many things.
A cyberpunk setting without degenerates would be like Max Payne 3 without faleva hues, or a wolfenstein game without nazis
Ya, that's what cyberpunk generally is.
I don't think you could really call anyone a trap in ghost in the shell, as anyone that would transition would be a cyborg or would switch there consciousness into a different body. There is trannies in cowboy bebop though.
not sure if cuck or based
So what?
Oh wow, they’re being cognizant of the fact that some of their players are minorities. How horrible.
If they want to make the game inclusive so bad then how come there are no attractive women?
That is fucking George and Elaine from Seinfeld with different haircuts and contact lenses.
Because there aren't many attractive women in real life?
Inclusivity is a code for no pretty girls the same way diversity is code for no whites.
for all we know that could just mean that you could play the game without arms or something
Maybe not in San Francisco where you are from, but I see plenty of attractive women outside. Inclusive should mean everyone, which means attractive women and even redheads, despite what the current ginger holocaust would tell you.
Except they do have power, they're the words driving the culture.
The culture has continuously moved leftward, their fringe ideas have become moreprominent, not less. You're just a frog in boiling water if you think this isn't happening.
Holy shit this game is gonna own
It's not the left you cuntfuck, it's center right with a spin.
Just like grumpf is center right with a spin.
It's a fake fight over pointless things, to divert attention from the fact that power, wealth and medias are increasingly concentrated.
What kind of a shit reasoning is this? There are more cute girls IRL than there are spics, niggers and trannies. Yet all we're seeing are spics, nigger and trannies and not a single cute girl.
And this is the far future where you can modify your body anyway. Are you telling me women are more likely to install dick than to replace their face with a cute one? Or to install bigger tits and ass? When they're already doing that IRL, much more so than transitioning into guys.
attractive women don't exist in flyover states
Did you even play Witcher 3, my man? There's so much SJW pandering it's not even funny.
I swear we had the same thread like 6 hours ago with the same link, the same 2 sentences ?
Will I get to select my pronouns? he/her btw
Where's the SJW pandering in the Witcher 3? They all hate it for making Dragon Age look dumb and for not having black people.
Your pronouns will be determined by the voice you pick.
Yeah considering how good the female characters looked I'm gonna say there wasn't a ton. Worst you could say is the Ciri focus and Yen being a bitch, but those were things that were always present in the books.
If you want to make it comfortable for everybody, you have to include the following as options:
1. Allow Heterosexual Content?
2. Allow LGBT Content?
3. Exclude Certain Races?
4. Allow Sexual Content?
5. Allow Drug Content?
6. Exclude Certain Music Content?
7. Do You Want Perpetual Nighttime?
8. Allow Blood and Gore?
9. Enable Game Journalist Mode?
10. Enable Police Officers?
11. Reduce Breast Sizes?
12. Allow Suggestive Clothing?
13. Allow Natural Hair Color?
14. Exclude Certain Genders?
15. Enable Movie Mode? (This option disables gameplay, allowing you to sit back and watch the story)
i hate this shit and am not him but this post is just embarrasing and very obviously made by a severely handicapped and autistic child who probably requires a special caretaker 24/7
Frienldy reminder that Anti Cyberpunk thread are made by mad trannies
Pic related
cyberpunk? morel ike Trannypunk!
>When you are a man with a squeaky voice, but the game tells you you are a woman
>Trannies now literally shitposting on Yea Forums because they hate CdProject
>squeaky voice
pick one
>shieldmaidens in the military
>horse riding champion is a woman
>undefeated warrior of the isles is a woman
>woman ship captain
>of course women are highly educated equal members of academia in the current year!
>unruly viking society is okay with a woman as their ruler (btw that woman is totally super stronk and no men can beat her in contests until gerald, a supermutant, decides to join)
>playable ciri, and characters like eskel jobbing to her
See Michael Jackson
>dystopian future
>as much fags, trannies, muds and nogs as possible
I don't see a problem
you're not Michael Jackson, user
>All of this is part of the books
>Makes up the tranny
>Somehow doesnt get irony just parrot bullshit he saw on Yea Forums
Like clockwork
Playing a female character is now SJW pandering lmao. The absolute state of retarded shitposters
Reminder that all posts that defend this with the "cyberpunk is supposed to be about trannies" rhetoric are literally retarded trannies from other sites and twitter come to what they think is some kind of exclusively alt right/neo nazi/rightist haven
>but muh books had fags, trannies and stronk warrior wymyn so it's okay
>didn't even play the game
Like clockwork
The absolute state of these trannies
>The absolute state of these trannies
The absolute state of these trannies
>undefeated warrior of the isles is a woman
There are a lot of "undefeated warriors" in the witcher who exist for Geralt to defeat. Also when you do defeat her she drops her pants for the man that did so.
>unruly viking society is okay with a woman as their ruler (btw that woman is totally super stronk and no men can beat her in contests until gerald, a supermutant, decides to join)
She's not really that strong. Pretty sure her brother was a blatantly better fighter. She got by due to using her wits rather than just her fighting ability.
>playable ciri, and characters like eskel jobbing to her
Everyone jobs to Ciri though. That's a Ciri thing more than a woman thing.
there's one gay guy, an elf crossdresser, and warrior women? wtf is wrong with any of that?
And this undefeated warrior is a woman. In a place with muscular men.
Yeah, they literally made her brother a retard so 90% of the players would choose the strong woman to rule. How convenient.
There really wasn't any reason to focus on her so much and give her so many moments where she just saves the day. The game's called The Witcher, not The Witcher & The Magical Princess.
ofc it's inclusive, it's a dystopian hellhole
>people who call out cdp catering to trannies are called trannies
>same is happening on russian board
Is that their marketing dept strategy? Call opposition tranny first so they can't call you that?
Otherwise, it makes no sense.
>The majority of kings or men
>You can actually choose the person you want to become ruler
>Still think this is SJW pandering
Its like talking with an idiot. Are you retarded on purpose or do you have autism?
actual evidence in this thread dilator that trannies are pretty mad about Cyberpunk 2077.
>caring about "AAA" titles
This is the future lads. Vidya is so expensive to make and makes so much money, every AAA is going to push this bullshit now. Vidya has been infiltrated by social agenda pushing talentless hacks.
Day 90 pirate.
Yet they still seem desperate to pander to them. It's weird shit
> we really wanna make a game that everybody is comfortable playing
I thought the entire point of a fucked up, barely human, dystopian corporate hells cape is to deliberately make everyone uncomfortable playing it?
Those faggots are mad about everything, not really surprising.
Its just that same as Dragon's Dogma.
In a dream world they could just say: "if you don't like it, don't play it". However, in the hell that is CURRENT YEAR everyone most be as inoffensive to as many groups as possible. All groups preferably but straight white conservatives are at the bottom of the priority list.
How will they/them pick then. I love when games recognize your gender. Shit's gonna be so neutral now.
>How will they/them pick then.
uh, what?
what the fuck kind of retarded, 0 brain cell arguments are these supoosed to be? is this bait?
these aren't arguments these are weak excuses a delusional and obsessed super fan would make
Isn't them/they pronouns in the game or no