Post 10/10 character designs

Post 10/10 character designs

Attached: Camilla_art.png (2536x4465, 1.86M)

You start.

I will post a few

Attached: Aqua_KH0.2.png (504x703, 219K)

Attached: sissel.png (1686x4251, 1.26M)

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Army of zin and ghost to glory are underated playstation classics.

Attached: 0297366638.jpg (647x607, 62K)

Fuckin' based

>10/10 character designs
>Just ecchi shit
Try again

Based as fuck

>boob mean good

>just ecchi shit
No, that would be a simple bikini

Attached: Bee.png (697x611, 92K)

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Attached: 114.jpg (2379x3472, 2.59M)

Attached: 0AE1CB08-4271-4E21-BCFF-62E606AB005B.png (894x894, 347K)

Why does he wear the mask?


Attached: 74546EF4-7657-4795-881F-BDD80D81F490.jpg (600x933, 129K)


Step aside.

Attached: Raidou_Kuzunoha_render.png (2608x3774, 2.15M)

you are fucking boiling alive already and the thread isn't even 20 post long hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA

I miss him.

What's this from?

the very best

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Attached: Rex.jpg (331x600, 53K)

A good character design is memorable and distinctive whether it be by sex appeal or just by having the coolest hat

2b isnt as hot as you think is all i am saying.

fuck you.

Attached: turn a versus.jpg (744x708, 124K)


This pisses me off for some reason

Syd Mead stylin on Japanese mecha designers is the best

I can top both of you

Attached: thomas.png (275x160, 20K)

It's nice but doesn't quite give the feeling of DESTROYER OF CIVILIZATION like turn x does

Syd's art always looked like pretentious crap to me, and Turn A's no different

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Ironically turn x was originally the good guy's mech

Attached: Mod_3.png (1024x1024, 322K)

Its kinda funny how the turn x was probably somebody's prototype they forgot to dock correctly and just drifted towards earth



I unironically think 2B's design is cool on top of making my pee pee tingle. No reason she can't be both

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I'd argue that Star's regular design is better, that one's incredibly busy.

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Attached: Titania_(FE9_Artwork).png (959x1256, 1.15M)

Cumhead thread

Urbgbgbrbrbrbbb me like boobyyy boob make willy hard booboob milk *drools*

C*mbrain incels LOL



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See: It’s okay to be homosexual, user, but even you have to agree that YoRHa units in general have unmistakably striking designs.

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>cool coat
>stylish glasses
>slicked back hair
>that armor

Attached: 1560217498967.png (423x563, 218K)

At least post a better gun

Attached: HK416.png (1024x1024, 268K)



oh yeah yeah


>braided red hair
>green eyes
>cool armor
Muh dick. Is her game any good?

very hip, Bateman

>when you belong so little in a video game community you can't even contribute to anything and instead just bark like a dog.

Best character of all time

Attached: artworks-000248721092-va1tuw-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 55K)

Easily my favorite Fire Emblem

Well I like Rex too but let us admit that his outfit was awful
How I wish we get customization for him
At least Pyra got cat hoodie

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>zero protection aside from arms and legs
user, why are you such a c*mbrain?

She rides a fucking wyvern, she only needs to protect her arms and legs since that's what's exposed the most during battle, her inner thighs are always in contact with the wyvern so she doesn't need armor there.

Attached: 314-3143235_camilla-fire-emblem-wyvern-hd-png-download.jpg (840x734, 291K)

Attached: 4aa488dbfd7f89956cab33f3a3edb23a.jpg (1488x1548, 292K)

Head and chest are still exposed, what about archers?

Flying units are extremely weak against archers, have you ever played FE?

Tharja and Aqua are 11/10

Attached: 756436585.png (1152x1152, 636K)

Is it a suit? How would a person fit in?
Is it a living thing? Is it a robot?
Still the best Warframe DE made, aesthetically.

Attached: Excalibur.png (742x1274, 347K)

Yes, but we're talking about design, not game mechanics. Also, doesn't that weakness stem from the mount being easily injured? Admittedly, I haven't played many Fire Emblem titles.

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Are you actually asking? Because they already answered those questions.

More like 13/10.

No, it's just what I asked myself when I started. Which is why I think it's such a good design.

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everything else in this thread will never get in this level

Too bad her game sux

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shes an old hag though

Attached: no way fag.png (1095x903, 453K)

Don't care, her design is cool

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Attached: 780439b36e611b3a07a77895326cd5f0 wet hooded Pyra.jpg (705x1086, 261K)

Gormotti hood Pyra a fucking CUTE

Please say there is art of Mythra in this.

Everything about Vivi just makes me happy.

Attached: vivisprout.jpg (720x672, 63K)

I love Reisen!

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All this bait in my thread

Morrigan and her new boy toy

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I wish they would both rape me

You implying she wouldn't fuck femPoison? Morrigan is canonically bi.

Never was your thread to begin with bitch

If your only defense against critiscism of a characters design is "ur gay bro lol" ur character is utter garbage