MGS4 was fucking brilliant...

MGS4 was fucking brilliant. If you hated it just because it has a bunch of long cutscenes which can easily be skipped anyway, then you're a fucking faggot.

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It truly is masterpiece. Great way to end the series

I like the part where the girl is slimy in the tight suit and then she screams. This happens four times in the game.

MGS4 was fucking terrible. If you loved it just because it has a bunch of long cutscenes which can easily be watched on youtube anyway, then you're a fucking faggot.

Best girl.

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Have sex.

Agreed 100%.
Funfact: MGS2 and MGS4 both have nearly EXACT same cutscenes-to-gameplay ratio; roughly 6:4.
Why is no zoom zoom crying about MGS2 again? It even has the worst gameplay of them all!

I like it best because it's the one that has the best balance of being fun to play and having a interesting story

Yup. I love every second of it.

Bro there isn't any content outside of the shitty bloated cutscenes

right the literally one second gameplay in the whole thing has potential

What a lazy post

amen op
mgs on ps1 still my favorite

i like the part where ocelet shoots his finger guns. truly a kino 1 hr long cutscene.

I read the first sentence as “MGS4 was fucking bullshit,” and I thought to myself, “Wow. What a retard.” As I read through the rest of your post, I realized I’m the one that’s retarded.

>2 good but short stealth sections
>3 shit boss fights (the first one was fine)
>2 fucking on rails shooters
>a shitty tailing mission
>retcons out the ass
>ruining mgs2 ambiguous ending
>ruining psycho mantis character by making him a spooky ghost that is evil
>a shitty and short again final stealth area
>shadow moses being good at first than garbage robot stealth
>vamp being way more important than he shouldve been
>naomi x vamp garbage
>snake eater squad being bad guys retcon
user i think youre blinded by the rex vs ray fight and the final ocelot fight and think that quality somehow applies to the whole package. it doesnt. its garbage, feels like garbage, looks like garbage, and plays like garbage. all the things ive said are just the tip of the iceberg

You're even more retarded for feeling the need to post this

Fucking this

Well duh. I’m a retard. What do you expect?

Best mechanics. V's cover system annoys the shit out of me.

The story was fucking retarded and not in a good way like the prior games but mechanically it was brilliant and deserved to be used more.

And you’re a fucking moron.

I liked the 2 hours of actual gameplay but theres no defending the awful fucking writing. No charm or interesting plot threads like 2 and 3, just a bunch of dumb gags and ridiculously stupid twists. The bosses were bland as fuck too, just an excuse for Kojima to have models on the set

not my favorite but i really liked it, it still has that mgs vibe that wasn't present in PW, or V

I feel like im taking crazy pills with people defending 4s writing. Big Boss and Eva's characters made no fucking sense, morphing Zero and Co into the Patriots made no fucking sense. Everything established from 2 was turned upside down simply to cash in on the popularity of 3 by shoehorning all these characters into the plot. Its just so fucking bad

>If you hated it just because it has a bunch of long cutscenes which can easily be skipped anyway, then you're a fucking faggot.
Yeah but without the curscenes there's barely any game. There's barely even any stealth gameplay, most of it is just an action game, and a shit one at that

This. Well said. The way PW and V adopted a mission based levels through a menu kinda put me off. I enjoyed the older style the games had, where you played through levels in the story. Not sure how to explain it properly.

This post perfectly summarises why people dont like mgs4

Fair enough

If you skip all the cutscenes, you have a 5 hours long game. If you skip the walking segments, on rail segments and empty maps segments, you have a 2 hours long game. People here don't use the amount of cutscenes as the first argument to prove the game is bad. Fuck off newfag.

MGS4chads rise up.

all MGS4 haters are xbox360 fanboys that are still mad their shit system couldnt handle it

Best final boss fight ever.

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MGS4 is a good game and a good end to the series, but it definitely isn't brilliant.

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MGS4 had the best CQC. Don't like how MGSV simplified it when there was so much you could do in 4.

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Don't forget her illuminating backstory as told by your good friend Drebin! Guaranteed to give even the flimsiest of characters the most tragic backstory you've heard since the last one.
What do you mean you want to play the game while he's talking?

yeah and nowhere to use it

whatever helps you cope

I hated it because the content of those cutscenes was fucking terrible. Skipping them doesn't help either since the gameplay's practically non-existent after the first two acts.


dilate xbox tranny

what a joke of a game fanboys were a mistake we wouldnt have this turd if it werent for retards like u

yeah why did they make MGS3?

>dilate xbox tranny

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The fuck are you taking about? There are plenty of opportunities to use CQC in 4. Even on bosses.

You don't understand Metal Gear and you don't understand post modernism

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>wojak poster is a seething xbort


the boss encounters suck and outside of that there's a handful of linear hallways with a couple of guards, big deal. At least MGSV has actual scale

It's an overindulgent mess. Insane amounts of tasteless fanservice and literal feature-length cutscenes. I fucking hated it then and I hate it now.

lol mad

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>snake eater squad being bad guys retcon
If you weren't a brainlet and ACTUALLY paid attention to the radio conversations and the epilogue in MGS3, you'd realize that Zero, Sigint, and Paramedic turning evil was foreshadowed. Paramedic talks about experiments that sound similar to what Dr. Clark did, and in the epilogue Sigint joins ARPA, which becomes DARPA. It's not that fucking hard to realize if you actually paid attention.

>todd tranny skyrim shill hates MGS4

middle east and south america had the best gameplay in the series
the rest was shit
sunny a cute

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You are dead wrong about the boss fights. Aside from Rex vs Ray and Old Snake vs Liquid Ocelot, the fights with the B&B Unit were great too. Crying Wolf being my personal favorite.

The only boss fight that felt anti-climactic was the one with Vamp, mainly due to the fact that the location where you fought him was in REX's hangar, which was too big of an arena. MGS2's fight with Vamp was better since it was a smaller arena where you were limited where you could move without falling in the quickwater and drowning so Vamp could quickly close in on you and shank you. In 4, there's so much open space that you can just unload on Vamp with all your artillery without worrying about him getting close.

I'll admit that the level design in 4 was lacking. The return to Shadow Moses was pure kino though.

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>You are dead wrong about the boss fights
no im not, ray v rex is a glorified cutscene

I dislike the below average levels compared to other mgs games and the poor bosses.

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>Big Boss and Eva's characters made no fucking sense, morphing Zero and Co into the Patriots made no fucking sense.
Life doesn't make sense user. And you want to find it in vidya games.

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this but unironically

Not my favorite, but it's fucking leagues ahead of the unfinished heap that was V.

I enjoyed the power point slides in this game.

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I hated some stuff and liked some, it came out at a weird time in the industry when Japanese devs were fucking up everywhere and western games were the shit.

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Because the story’s actually interesting and not gay

but butt...
muh cutscenes

Yeah, I loved those 2 acts of sorta stealth gameplay, shitty TPS shooting escort mission, then a rail shooting sequence, then that COOL sequence where you follow footprints with ngv on, then a shitty tailing mission with another rail shooting sequence, then that very EPIC enemy wave """"boss fight"""" while raiden actually does the cool stuff(Rex vs ray was cool), then that memorable mantis boss fight with the KINO reference to mr and Mrs Smith.

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it has the best gameplay with some of the worst level designs
I still like it

>Funfact: MGS2 and MGS4 both have nearly EXACT same cutscenes-to-gameplay ratio; roughly 6:4.
Doesn't 2 just frontload most of them at the ending?

meant for

cope MGS3 tranny

Most cutscenes were boring and gameplay missions were underdeveloped


I didn't say shit about 3 you fat fucking autistic nigger.

>MGS3 tranny

I hate this place


Blame Konami for firing Kojima before he could finish the game.

You can't skip Act 3

AHAHHAHA IVE SEEN THIS SAME POST LIKE 10 DIFFERENT TIMES. you fucking loser do something else with your life beyond sitting in mgs threads begging for (you)s. Now that I know who I'm talking to I'm embarrassedHAHAHAHA

show me it on the archives then

It came out around the time the PS3 and 360 launched, and game devs weren't accustomed to the massive leap in technology from the previous gen, so programming for them was much more difficult. Plus they had their games rushed in development so they could launch ASAP. PS3 in particular had a very rough start and was desperate for sales and good exclusives, so it's highly likely that Sony coaxed Konami and Kojima to rush MGS4.


post that fireden link anytime now

Oh yeah the monochrome digital frames are actually the sickest thing in the game

Okay, that I'll admit. The first half of Act 3 sucked. Having to tail that guy to reach EVA's headquarters was a boring, sluggish, pain in the ass

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It's more than half.
You tail someone in a horrible worse than assassin's-creed tier tailing mission for an enormous amount of time considering how mind numbing the activity is. Then you proceed to watch a long cutscene, which goes into a horrible on rails section which then ends the act in a mediocre boss fight.

>P-P-post that fuhfuh-f-firrden link!! P-p-plz talk about mgs with me


I guess peace walker was the best

>3 hours
fucking zoomers

I'm excited about it being almost playable in RPCS3, it's the only one in the series I never played (and the cellphone one, but you can't even emulate that shit). I never really had the money to buy a PS3 back then, and now it seems like it would be a waste.

Fuck MGS4.

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I don't get this meme. What do people have against the final scene with Big Boss? It was kino as fuck. And literally everything in this image is complete bait.

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I think it would have the best gameplay in the series if it had more time to shine. Lots of varied areas but not enough traditional sneaking in each one. The gimmicks are fine but there needs to be a lot inbetween.

People are still angry about Meryl marrying Johnny? Look, I get that you want Snake and her to be together, but Snake was old and dying anyway. There was no way it'd work when he had only less than a year left to live. Snake wanted Meryl to move on and find happiness with someone else, and that's exactly what she did.

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You know nü-metal gear is a disgrace when the best titles are either PW or GZ.

What you're talking about isn't gameplay, but level design. Granted gameplay and level design are co-dependant, but even so that's a different thing. MGS4 had great gameplay that was bogged down by bad level design.

Meryl never felt right for Snake as a love interest imo. I always preferred the Otacon ending in MGS1.

The final scene when his heart starts failing is kino but you're forgetting the extremely long winded exposition that goes on for like 20 minutes that he gives before that.

The entire Big Boss/Zero conflict was fucking retarded until it took them till MGSV to make it actually believable, and even then it's still somewhat silly, but at the time it was incomprehensibly dumb.

Not everyone has brain damage like you

MGS4 had some of the most atrocious bits of writing in the entire series

I didn't think the levels were bad though. I actually really like the ideas of sneaking during a fight or sneaking in the city level. But there wasn't enough vanilla sneaking to get the full use out of the mechanics.

He didn't say a thing about Meryl and Johnny, he said Johnny as a character is awful, and he is. Turning some Easter egg meme character into one of the most consistent characters in the game and just forcing bad humor in every couple of cutscenes, then giving him and Meryl that insanely cringe mr and Mrs Smith tribute scene is even worse. Johnny is a walking fart joke, and it gets old very quickly.

Look who's talking, faggot.

Okay I'll agree that the scene was pretty long and drawn out, but what was so bad about the Big Boss/Zero rivalry? They clarified it in a way that made sense. Sounds to me like you're basing your opinion too much on your kneejerk reaction when you first played the game.

The cutscene thing wasn't a problem for me, it was moreso the complete and near total reliance on using things we already know/are familiar with and EVERYTHING having to be connected to eachother.

It was written like fanfiction in that it didn't introduce much new (what it did, with stuff like the War Economy was actually great) and it did stupid shit like the return to Shadow Moses, Campbell being involved with anything and being involved with Rose/Raiden despite the fact that they never actually met in MGS2, Mei Ling coming in at the end with a gigantic battleship, Johnny Sasaki, Psycho Mantis, the B&B unit being themed after FOXHOUND.

The amount of fanservices and references is so immense that it's almost impossible to recount them all just from memory. It needed to do new shit instead of trying to be a soppy, cheesy finale with all of your favourite characters turning up from the series history that all get their perfect tied up end like some shittily written musical.

Zero and the MGS3 codec team being the Patriots was the absolute worst fucking thing out of the entire lot though. It was beyond fucking retarded.

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>They clarified it in a way that made sense.

7 years and like 3 games later, yes. But at the time MGS4 was intended to be the final chapter and tie up of the storyline. The twist is silly because the MGS3 codec team were silly, Paramedic was not a genius doctor, she was a monster movie fan who had to flick through her own textbooks on the mission and Zero was a British James Bond fanboy. Eva was an agent for the fucking CCP and a femme fatale. None of these are adequate replacements to what is established for the conception of the Patriots in MGS2. Zero being a mastermind machiavelli type who roots into the US government and feuds with Big Boss comes out of LITERALLY nowhere, it's absurd. It's not a "knee jerk reaction", what the fuck were people supposed to do? Go, "Ah nah its' okay in nearly a decade this will probably make sense. I'll just reserve my judgement until then."

>The twist is silly because the MGS3 codec team were silly
Fuck you, stop with this retarded shit. Snake in MGS3 is a gun and food obsessed autist. He's goofy as fuck. And he becomes the world's greatest warmonger, utilizing nukes and child soldiers. The whole fucking point of MGS3 is that people change. There is no such thing as an absolute timeless enemy. You can't stop the times.

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Ya, it's kinda ridiculous that you can't even fucking explore the city.

You should have been able to fuck off during the tailing mission and go wherever you like and explore. And if you lost the guy, you lost him and would have to either restart the mission, time out, or get lucky and find the place. Or, if you knew where the place was you could beat him there -- or just fuck around and go there afterwords.

Act 3 had absolutely nothing in it.

And as much as I enjoyed watching a Let's Play of it, it was glaringly obvious that there was no actual sneaking around in most of the game. Act 5 has less gameplay than act 3.

It's not the same at all. Big boss is always played up as a savant, he's basically a good ol boy who knows nothing else but war and fighting. His seemingly incompetent and juvenile dispatch team that gets assigned to him for THAT mission specifically, go on to be the leaders of the the world and start running some shadow organization, for some womans ideals that they didn't even know about previously? C'mon man, give me a fuckin break.

It's very clearly the same. Also it's been a while since I played but I know at least Zero knew the Boss well. Everybody has a goofy side. But even if you don't accept that, you can't say that Big Boss's characterization is fine but the other's are too out there. They're all goofy as shit. Either it all makes sense or it's all retarded. You can't have it both ways.

Only people who didn't grow up playing MGS1 - 3 hated it.

There were a number of parts I took issue with, and I won't call it a perfect game by any means. But there were a few nice setpieces and a couple fun sections that made for a lovely send-off to the series.

Then they made 3 more fucking games so fuck this shit

Today I will remind them:

>Chapter 3 had a whole gameplay section removed where you had to escort a dying Big Mama through the sewers
>More, if not all, of Shadow Moses was to be explorable, including new wilderness areas

Can't find the voice files for Chapter 4, but it included visiting the entry point in MGS1, and some of the unused lab floors.

The map for the escort mission was reused as an MGO2 map.

This doesn't surprise me considering that MGS4's development was rushed. It's inevitable that things needed to be cut.

i agree

>there are people who unironically believe this
How fucking mentally ill do you have to be?

I like the part where the game looks like shit and runs at 15fps