>Lovecraftian game
>It's fish people
When will this meme stop?
Lovecraftian game
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What else do you want? Ancient Multi-Dimentional gods and craaaab people?
Ok, that's fair, sounds interesting.
Play Dishonored. Lovecraftian and not a single tentacle
lovecraft was a racist incel
>muh racism
A REAL Lovecraft game would have niggers and brown people as the enemy and the protagonist would fuck his mom
Monkey people are a little too on the nose.
Good indicator of level of intelligence and also the fandom’s agenda.
The Lovecraftian influence in Dishonored is superficial at best.
He made only 1 or 2 of novels with racial slurs, never said anything about genociding blacks and other things, and even though he was racist irl it's hardly seen in his all his publications.
Yeah it is. His insecurity sleeps through his writing a lot of the times, and his cultural ignorance is even laughable in stories like Nyarlahotep. He’s basically a horror writer for people who’ve never seen the world.
>sees fish
>Ahhhh I'm going crazy
And by far a better writter than you
He was based and racist is what make him even better
Oh, you're retarded and are spewing nonsense about things you've never read, ok I get it now, take it easy nigger
I mean, the insecurity and the racism are the results of his mental problems, and it's kinda impossible to separate them from his writings, but i still think that all in all the guy was kinda tame on his real world views when you read his novels.
>haha what if whales were people
Star Trek already did this.
It’s still besides the main criticism which is that his work is amateurish and crappy and completely forgettable. His racism is just another byproduct of that failed intelligence of his.
>crappy and forgettable
That's straight up false.
It’s “straight up” true and you only think it isn’t because you’re a dumb racist looking for belonging or haven’t read enough books or both (this is most likely).
He had a big tiddie Jewish mommy wife even though he was anti-semitic himself
How about spending too much time describing unnecessary details and lingering on a relatively unimportant topic?
>t. read a lot of his stories.
Well ok fuck you then.
FROMsoft does pretty well with the influences.
reap what you sow
>one of the most influential writers of the horror genre
>adapted in movies, tv and video games
>>completely forgettable
ayyyy user, tone it down with the retardness. i get it resetera told you lovecraft was an ebil natzi, but try reading one of his really good works like "shadows over innsmouth" or "the whisperer in darkness" and judge it for yourself.
have a good one.
You're thinking of Balzac, friend.
When people actually read Lovecraft stories instead of consuming it through 2003 internet memes.
That’s one thing but it’s mostly in the diction and syntax he uses to dwell on those subjects. A good writer can write about any little thing and make it interesting because they can see the beauty in it. Lovecraft on the otherhand wanted to supplant his amateurish writing with these grandiose and epic ideas but he couldn’t imagine much beyond his own inner turmoils because he was obsessed with himself so it ended up being a confused and meandering detailing of some monstrous and unimaginable entity. It’s all a metaphor for his own emotional angst and being unable to pinpoint his own self worth. He was fighting with himself and died unhappy, and that’s the fate that awaits everyone who seeks shelter in racism to try to find the truth in their world. They will polarize everything into good and bad and see themselves as a good and the rest as bad and slowly they will be isolated into madness writing crappy stories like Lovecraft to vent.
He was based and made his cute Jewish wife coom
>one of the most influential writers
For you, my pleb friend.
Lovecraft is on par with cheap romance novels
I like it for the interspecies fucking
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
Astute observation my seething anglocuck friend
Dude the main reason people read him is because of the heavy occult overtones. His work is pretty interesting if you read it from that angle instead of some bullshit psychological profiling.
namefags need the rope
>most influential writers
The “heavy occult undertones” are also amateurish to anyone that actually delves into the royal art or hermeticism itself. It’s “gamer gurl” tier of occultism. Same with Crowley fyi.
Holy shit we've got a psychologyst here.
>His work is pretty interesting if you read it from that angle instead of some bullshit psychological profiling.
Seriously. This how you ruin any work for yourself, by trying to think about what the inside of the creator's head is like and even caring about that instead of thinking about the work itself.
All creative works are peeks into the creator’s head. It’s hard to enjoy amateurish writing full of insecurities but with high ambition. It’s like reading a story written in crayons by children. Sure you can read them but after a while you want to move on to better stuff.
Not him but give me some fucking Mi-go
Would be ten times more interesting than another fucking game where the plot is "Dude, like, Innsmouth lol. Ever heard of the Esoteric Order of Dagon?".
Where's my Mountains of Madness videogame or something? Or a Nameless City game?
Fuck it, give me an exploration/archaeology horror game in multiple acts traveling to various exotic and forbidden locations to piece together ancient lore and horrible secrets poisonous to the mind and sanity of common men.
>The “heavy occult undertones” are also amateurish to anyone that actually delves into the royal art or hermeticism itself.
I mean fair enough but he was just a pulp writer. I don't know what you expected.
worse, tripfag who thinks Lovecraft is good. It's peak reddit.
more like
>game has fish people
>retards like you instantly call it lovecraftian
lol user can’t read. Not surprising since he’s a Lovecraft fan
just like me...
The faggot couldn't write for shit. If you have to describe something as indescribable, you probably shouldn't be writing at all. He had some interesting ideas which were later put to use by actually competent writers.
didn't he smile like this because his teeth were fucked up
The man needed to pay his debts
Besides, the whole "Comédie humaine" is impressing
>lovecraftian game
>it's niggers
he was married to Sonia Greene you stupid fuck
yeah, and?
Well you're a tripnigger so everything you say should not be taken seriously
that's a maan
How about you read some of his works becore you spout shit. Most of it is literally descriptions.
There is a time and place for describing something, and not everything has to be described. Same way horror games are only scary as long as you cannot see the horror for too long, once you get to familiarize and check out the scary bits, they cease being scary.
>tells his big tiddie jew waifu to begone
>still chases him home
dude must have had game.
Ah man that sucks, it look like you're just too smart for Lovecraft.
I don't generally enjoy survival games but a Subnautica-like game with open-ended narrative, freely exploring the Antarctica searching for alien ruins to uncover its secrets would be fucking incredible.
>He’s basically a horror writer for people who’ve never seen the world.
I hate this meme. I'm racist as fuck BECAUSE I've traveled alot and been around other races. The whole 'hurf durf ur racist cus u live in ur mum's basement' argument is bullshit.
Lovecraft is like ancient the incarnation of Yea Forums and /pol/ posters who hate non-whites but want to fuck brown girls
Too bad they were never scary to begin with because it’s coming from an amateur’s angle of inexperience that anyone who’s read more than one book in their lives can sniff out and be bored with.
Did you read his letters???
everyone was a racist in those days. even those who weren't overt.
it's usually the opposite too
No one asked about your life story champ. We’re talking about his ability to describe the world, not just in reference to races.
Literally every person was a racist back then. In 100 years they'll think of us as fucking barbarians for eating animals.
That’s not true at all. That’s your own selective view of history talking.
Almost all games are Lovecraftian. Directly or indirectly.
This is what someone who doesn’t read books actually believes
Xenophobia defined his life and gave him the creative insight he needed to invent cosmic horror
>Literally every person was a racist back then
he was considered racist back then too, compared to most people.
>In 100 years they'll think of us as fucking barbarians for eating animals
vegancucks actually believe this
Or MAYBE he was just afraid of the fucking ocean, you know.
It's not selective it's the lens of history moving. If you called someone a Chinaman today you'd get called on it. If you called someone a Person of Color 100 yaers ago you'd likely also be called on it. You're just stirring shit for the sake of it.
>playing south park
>they make comment about him being a racist
>look it up
>it's true
fuckin' sweet. I knew there was a reason his writings were my favorite. game devs need to make an entire series based on his work. it will help cleanse our hobby of these shitlords that are attempting to take over.
what's a good game to start with? perhaps a myst type of title, that encourages exploration and puzzle solving. make sure the low IQs stay away from it and stick to their maddens and 2Ks. only problem is finding a studio willing to make these games and not cave to the pressure of whiny retards that try to censor anything that doesn't conform to their hugebox ideologies.
No, you’re literally retarded and you bought the meme of historicism and modernism (i.e today=evolved and good, past=unevolved and bad). The world is much much more complex than this and you have a lot more to learn.
Go jack off to Pynchon or Wallace, faggot. Not every story has to be deep or profound, least of all horror. Lovecraft is a fun introduction to classic horror writing.
Do you ever stop and marvel at how sick your head must be for you to waste your time pretending to be an anonymous poster that you made up?
>Lovecraftian game
>has zero racism
When will this meme stop?
Wallace is an exception because he’s able to infuse his writing with wit and interesting ideas, but Pynchon has similar problems. However Pynchon is able to cover up his meandering and pointless narrative qualities with his intelligent prose and syntax. Lovecraft has nothing to laud about. Not even ideas. They’re all crap and better done elsewhere.
He was also a dumbass who thought big words = scary, best example being "Non-euclidean"
>reddit 12 year old uses secure trip to mine gold on Yea Forums, Yea Forums hates him! learn his tricks here
Lovecraft is one of the most overrated things to ever exist.
>better done elsewhere.
Like where? Ligotti?
Very good example of what I mean when I say amateurish. His words call for reactions from the untrained, but leave a lot to be desired from the trained.
This fucking tripfag
>Muh lovecraft was shit at writing even though im not posting proofs of his grammatical deficiency
>Who cares if he was afflicted by depression and other mental illiness that shaped his persona since he was a kid, current year says racism=bad and he must be belittled
>Look at me i profiled his entire mentality because he writes about cratures of unimaginable appereances, he's surely coping for his racism n'shiiet
>He's not influential even though media constantly has elements of his operas intentionally or not
>He's an incel!
LMAO im filtering this retard so hard.
RetardEra tripfag's arguments boil down to "nuh-uh"
except it's not, i've never hated fags and niggers until i lived around them.
That term wasn't meant to be scary by itself, and is just a way to say something like "inhuman geometry."
have you actually read any Lovecraft?
John Fowles, Tomasso Landolfi, Franz Kafka, Mikhail Bugakov all did the grotesque and mind bending narratives better. There’s plenty of other great medieval writings if you want a more gothic horror theme.
The idea was, that getting so lost, so obsessed in something to the point where it replaces your identity and you lose your humanity was seen as a deep, existential terror back in his day.
It doesn't work so well in the modern age, where being seen with even a hint of humanity is viewed as weakness.
How many of them dared broach the topic of nigger eggs? CHECK MATE ZIONIST
i sleep
in the wise words of zachary levi from twitter, don't yuck in other people's yum
No, it's not I've been all around Europe and parts of Asia. It hasn't "cured" me of racism, if anything it encouraged it even more. Same goes for my home country, I didn't really mind blacks up until the refugee crisis. Now I'm around them everyday and I started to actually hate them.
All I'm saying is shitting on Lovecraft for being a racist is petty, and it's not really reflected in his work at all. Cosmic horror, as a genre, is interesting, and Lovecraft's mythos was well-liked enough to spawn an entire expanded universe. It's just fun, whis is what horror has always been about under the surface. I can tell you're well read, but you seem to be a jaded elitist also. Starting with Lovecraft is perfectly acceptable, it will lead you to stuff like Chambers, Dickens, Poe, etc. It's better than reading Stephen King.
I feel bad for zoomers. They have to continue to live with the memes Yea Forums pumped and dumped from 2004-2012 and moved on from. Oh well I guess learning is part of growing.
He wrote in an archaic style because he disliked popular culture. The guy fucking hated normies
Yes an Aryan going to save the world from a bunch of primitive darkies
so when will lovecraftposting become a thing?
no I meant the people who sit at home are unracist
I didn’t shit on Lovecraft for being racist. I shat on him for being a shitty writer. His racism is just another byproduct of his inherent lack of skill.
That’s not an archaic style. It’s what someone who doesn’t read thinks is archaic (i.e someone like Lovecraft or his fans)
>the greatest contribution Lovecraft gave to the world was the structure of the mythos
>the greatest contribution this asshat gave to the world was being wrong on Yea Forums
What legacies they convey.
Lovecraft stories are only good on a superficial level.
Yeah multiple acts/episodes sound way better than stretching out some thin ass plot that was only supposed to be a short story.
Lovecraft is all about cosmicism. Facing the unknown, immense forces absolutely beyond your control.
bitch might not wanna go into an asian restaurant, lest he go mad fro the seafood LMAO
How does one cope with being a nigger? Must suck to lead a life with room temperature IQ.
The best lovecraft game is Sunless Sea.
Yeah Lovecraft totally invented that you guys. Please like and subscribe to our channel.
>shitty writer
>develops an entire universe that inspired other writers to build upon it
Bad prose or not, it looks like you're in the minority. You are enlightened by your intelligence.
What's your take on Tolkien, smart guy?
I'm curious.
I’d imagine it would be easier to cope with than being an anglo.
Of course he has. He's making fun of game designers who haven't and throw fishmen into their game just to call shit lovecraftian, like Call of Cthulhu and The Shadow Of Innsmouth are the only Lovecraft works that matter.
The Dunwich Horror is REALLY what people really should be basing on.
For me, it's Whispers in Darkness
Tolkien’s obviously much better because he actually read books as well and knew how to write.
And just because people build up on your shitty universe doesn’t make you a good writer. Case and point: the MCU
prove it wrong nigger
Prove it right, anglotwink.
King in yellow.
He popularized it though.
>letting the trollmask slip
nice play nyarlathotep
>Yeah Lovecraft totally invented that
Yes, he invented that. But that doesn't even fucking matter. Ultimately he is perhaps the most influential popculture author of all time. His influence is everywhere - directly or indirectly.
Well, at least you're not just being contrarian. I like the mythos fine, but you're entitled to your opinion. I'm still filtering you for being a tripfag, though.
>nooo pls don’t call me an anglo pls stick to my safe space approved words instead
Shut up anglo
Chambers invented it.
See: Lovecraft even straight up borrowed concepts.
>started well now just down to "no u"
Funny how sensitive you become when you get called anglo
imagine going onto Yea Forums and feeding some tripfag the yous it so desperately needs to survive.
Imagine being left out of online conversations when you come here to escape from being left out of conversations in real life. Lol
When did incel become the new cuck?
Funny how you've got nothing but "fuck you anglo" when you've got no replies. Shit's like a poorly written AI that went off script.
just play Amnesia again bro
Cosmicism is Gnosticism reskinned for horror purposes, the concepts lovecraft handles were already explored one way or another, it's obvious that he gives his own spin to it that makes it appealing but no, many people did similar stuff way before him.
Funny how you’ve become Mr. Meta Critic once you got called an anglo but were perfectly fine with using nigger in your reply. An eye for an eye I always say.
>why are there no fish people of color
>An eye for an eye I always say.
I thought your kind always said "please do the needful"
thats literally just real life, why include some fantasy painting in your post?
What was his cat called again?
Why aren't the Mi-go more common in Lovecraft inspired stuff? They were so cool. The most I usually see is an Elder Thing.
>I'm racist as fuck
hang yourself, incel
lol does Alex do this? I haven't watched GB in years cos its shit
cuck was more fun to say tbch
Kill yourself nigger
>to be cuckly honest
How many times does a trip fag need to post In a thread
I love him even more now.
He's just like me...
As many times as an user cries about it
until people stop responding to him, I did ages ago when I realized he had no idea what he was talking about, sadly it seems I'm in the minority, parasites like him crave the attention
based weeb
Incel is an anti-cuck.
Cucks are men who love women, incels usually hate women or at least idea of women being free.
They don't scream tentacles, and every normalfag made the connection, tentacle = lovecraft, and most devs will probably end up making Fire in the Sky.
This, but unironically
Incels have women so high up on a pedestal they’ve gone mad and debilitated by it. They cover this up by saying they hate women but it’s similar to racists, it’s a hate stemming from impotency. Incels (like racists) are the highest order of cucks.
shut the fuck up tripfag haha
>I have never read a book, the movie, the post
One of Lovecraft's best stories had absolutely no tentacles and wasn't even about weird gods. A shame that people focus more on "whoa look how weird looking this is" instead. A story themed around the inevitable degradation of a society would be interesting. Darkest Dungeon and Souls do that well, in my opinion.
> Lovecraft game.
> Niggers and women everywhere.
When will this meme stop?
Which one? Rats in the Walls? Never read it, just guessing because of your pictures filename
I love The White Ship for some reason
Most of the people that claim to like lovecraft have read at best a handful of his short stories, and remain largely ignorant of the majority of his work, like people that say they like hemmingway but have never touched the green hills of africa
I'm glad my life will never be as miserable as yours.
>literally needs recognition on anonymous site because he's so irrelevant in real life
My organism produced so much dopamine while i was reading all your pointless arguments that you spew out probably using your last wotking brain cell.God, wish i could imagine how pathetic is your life, but i doubt even Lovecraft could describe such horror
That kept bugging me also in that Sinking city game
Literally every other person is black yet no one comments on it despite that being a big thing to stick to your own race in that time.
Innsmouth... home
Atleast it was till that outsider fucked everything up
Isn't that the game where fish fuckers don't even have to hide the fact? So the whole game is just "lol. all the freaks are now front and center"
Its definitely not subtle at all. The dev's who made it are hacks.
From what I understand about story, some bitch god keep bringing random people to the city, including fish people, normal people, and the troglodyte from one of the works.
>Lovecraftian Game
>Has a dream timer that keeps ticking down and your character keeps waking up before the Zoog boss
How the fuck do you get your dream extended bros? I blew all my money on opium already trying to get past this encounter.
I believe Nyarlathotep makes a brief appearance toward the end, otherwise I agree wholeheartedly, Rats in the Walls is one of his, if not, his best work
He wrote about fish people. It's like a third of his work and practically all of his work which isn't just aping off Poe.
Mark Twain and L. Frank Baum said things about Amerindians in 1890 far worse than anything Lovecraft said about blacks in 1920, but it's Lovecraft that has this reputation. Every President until John F. Kennedy was a white nationalist and wanted non-whites out of America, but struggled to think of a humane way of accomplishing it. The US government had to use physical force to end segregation and there was no vote to end ethnic quotas, as it would've been shot down. During WW2, Americans were polled on whether they'd rather lose the war or end segregation: they voted to lose the war. Nothing has changed since then. People have just been guilted and manipulated into thinking otherwise.
And he married a Jewess.
...it's right from the book...
Rats in the Wall, yeah. One of my favorites and a perfect example of Lovecraft's frequent theme of social and familial degeneration.
Still annoys me a bit when people call it the Cthulhu Mythos. That was Derleth's fault, wasn't it?
Don't recall anything like that happening, but I haven't read it in a while.
someone has to make a game about the fucking Dreamlands; that place is full of interesting shit but no one talks about it. I'd do it myself if I could code and had friends to work with but I guess I'm fucked, so I'll just stick to my comics that no one reads, kek.
Once my foot slipped near a horribly yawning brink, and I had a moment of ecstatic fear. I must have been musing a long time, for I could not see any of the party but the plump Capt. Norrys. Then there came a sound from that inky, boundless, farther distance that I thought I knew; and I saw my old black cat dart past me like a winged Egyptian god, straight into the illimitable gulf of the unknown. But I was not far behind, for there was no doubt after another second. It was the eldritch scurrying of those fiend-born rats, always questing for new horrors, and determined to lead me on even unto those grinning caverns of earth’s centre where Nyarlathotep, the mad faceless god, howls blindly to the piping of two amorphous idiot flute-players.
yeah I'm due for a reread too, I have one of his short story collections lying around here somewhere
Found the butthurt incelcuck
I doubt you’ve actually read anything Lovecraft.
Why? Because it doesnt involve fish people? "Lovecraftian" isnt some super deep thing, "horror beyond your understanding" ends pretty quickly since you cant, you know, actually understand it.
You're a brainlet. People are shaped by the times and that's it. if you were alive then chances are you would hold many of the same viewpoints. You aren't special, humans aren't special, we think and stay with the group. If you were alive in nazi germany you would probably be pro hitler, and if you were born in Salem during witch trials you and everyone else though witches were real.
>"horror beyond your understanding" ends pretty quickly since you cant, you know, actually understand it
It's more because the author can't understand it and so can't make it deep.
I think you were looking for this image.
>tripfag telling anyone to kys
lmao, nigger
is it any good, or is it "not even at steams sale prices" level of thing
>If you were alive in nazi germany you would probably be pro hitler
>Year of the Lord 2015+4
>not being pro Hitler
lurk moar, faggit
That idea doesnt translate that well as the central focus of a video game tho.
This is what zoomers actually believe.
Penumbra is closer and I didn't really like Amnesia
>Implying an Elder Thing isn't just another form of the Mi-go
That's what I think and I'm sticking with it.
Dickriding a dead man who lost doesn't benefit me though.
Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath/Dreamlands game when
he doesn't know that any kind of conditioning can be broken by intelligence, he's an actual brainlet.
I've read most of his works, but it's been a while.
Ah, I'm mistaken then. Really should reread them when I have the time. Regardless, the main plot had little to do with the interference of super human entities.
>That was Derleth's fault, wasn't it?
Extremely, most of the collections of lovecraft's short works you find now have that big green fuckface plastered front and center on the cover, he popularized it into the public lexicon and it stuck ever since
>In 100 years they'll think of us as fucking barbarians for eating animals
topest of kek
can't wait for the time your kind extinguishes itself
No counter argument because you're a moron.
"intelligence" is just set by the knowledge that is known and accepted by the community at any given time unless you're Einstein making groundbreaking discoveries.
Counter arguments are for actual arguments. All you did was posit your stance. And it was shit. Haha.
hurr harry potter lovecraft racist
Why do you have that headcanon, user? They are completely different physically, they operate differently, and the Elder Things left Earth a long time ago, iirc
It's unfortunate that Cthulhu is probably one of the most boring of the well known Lovecraftian entities, appearance wise.
Is your need to feel outraged and superior really worthy looking like a dumbass online?
And waaaay more famous and loved than you will ever be
I didn't know he was based.
>"intelligence" is just set by the knowledge
>and accepted by the community
as i said
>Cthulhu Mythos
I actually think it's a useful distinction if used correctly. Personally I see Lovecraftian fiction as a specific type of Cosmic Horror, while the Cthulhu Mythos simply refers to the setting and/or creatures and can be adapted to any type of story.
A lot of games have elements of Cthulhu Mythos (even most of those so-called Lovecraftian games) necause they never really develop the themes and atmosphere of Lovecraftian of Cosmic Horror. For example countless games put Cthulhu in there like Terraria or Persona 2 and Dusk have Nyarlathotep but don't go any further with it, it's just an artistic choice. At the same time, Saya no Uta for example is Cosmic Horror, but I don't think it can be considered Lovecraftian because the mindset and tone are very different.
Where the hell did I say anything like that? I wasn't shitting on Dishonored, it's just not lovecraftian. Minor and largely aesthetic details from the setting that never become the focus of the plot, tone or themes in any of the 3 games can't determine the subgenre of fantasy fiction the series belongs to.
It's the truth, and you're delusional to believe you would have been some special case. You're not special my little tripfaggot.
Oh so you're an actual fucking moron. Nice.
Lovecraft is one of the MOST influencial horror authors who literally created his own subgenre of horror. The topics he dealt with weren't EVER written in the way he wrote them. Calling them forgettable when he is still remembered and celebrated is the biggest cope I've ever read.
Kill yourself, tripnigger.
Cthulhu is on the less interesting side from a lot of angles admittedly I'm not much better as I'm a Yog Sothoth-fag but even thats a notable step up, the entire hierarchy is great and green boi is basic
In the end just gotta let it go and enjoy things
What's your favorite Lovecraftian game? For me it's NaissancE.
But hes right?
Or are you one of the retards that think HP is synonymous with cthulhu mythos?
>expecting these self-proclaimed intelectuals to understand anything
Just let go user. Let them play in their intelectual paddling pool. They are too stupid to discuss let alone be saved
He's not right, because he didn't get the post and by the looks of it, neither did you.
Was his cat true or is that just a rumor? You guys know what I mean
I see your point there. Distinguishing between characters Lovecraft and friends wrote and the themes that they popularized. Would you consider Ane Naru Mono more Cthulhu Mythos than Lovecraftian? Though it features Shub-Niggurath or an avatar of her, at least as the leading female, the tone is more of a split between melancholic and heartwarming. It also goes against the typical Lovecraft relationship of outer beings and humans, since the outer goddess Chiyo starts to see the intricacies and details of human life as fascinating and exciting, especially when she's with the MC.
Also, why do you not think Saya no Uta is Lovecraftian?
thanks for proving him to be much more based than you incel
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
InJove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, that was really quite uncanny,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Janny
>fish person fucks the protagonist
any games that do this?
Yeah it's legit. I don't blame you for thinking it's just Yea Forums fucking with you.
It's not true.
Lovecraft believed in the superiority of cats, why would he name his own cat something so low?
>t. pisshead who will never be noticed by anyone in his pathetic existence
>filter the retard
>half the thread gone
good job faggots
>They are completely different physically
I was just reading A Whisper in the Darkness the other day, they say that the Mi-go have many different forms, noting mostly that some do not have the wings that let them travel the Aether which is why the Mi-go have such prodigious surgical skill, some of their own race require devices like the brain jars to travel to other worlds. The term 'Mi-go' is said to be a local name for the yeti/abominable snowman too, which fits suspiciously nicely with the fact that the plateu of Leng is usually referred to as being in the asian steppe/Himalayas despite being in probably in the Antarctic based on At The Mountains Of Madness.
Once I looked up the drawings Lovecraft did of the Elder Things in his manuscript for MoM and I saw the wings it just clicked for me.
Everyone is racist, though few will admit it.
Based and redpilled
made me spit my beer on the screen, 10/10
>Lovecraftian game
>it's SJW
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
InJove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, that made the frogs REEE
Called it a Janny, and they worked for free
>racist means nothing!
Everyone kills, not everyone is a psycho murderer
HP was being ironic when he named his cat. He probably laughed everytime he called to it.
everyone are racist nowadays too, they just hide it or think they aren't ("racism against whites isn't racism")
I really couldn't say about Ane Naru Mono because I haven't read it but by the way you describe it sound more like Cthulhu Mythos.
Thinking about it a bit more I guess Saya no Uta being or not Lovecraftian depends slightly on the route you play, but overall I don't see some of the classical Lovecraftian themes like the search for forbidden knowledge being the demise of the protagonist or the powerlessness of mankind towards the cosmos. They're definitely there, but aren't really the focus. The focus is Saya herself and that alone makes it different from all other fiction that Lovecraft wrote (that I can remember at least) and not only that but you can even choose to welcome her "gift" in my favourite ending. Which could be similar to Whisperer in Darkness in a way, but the tone and presentation are very different. In WiD you don't really know what's going to happen to the protagonist if he agrees, you don't even know if the guy is telling the truth. In that ending SnU you know exactly what's going to happen and you welcome it, not because of morbid curiosity, the search of forbidden knowledge or the promise of transcendence, the protagonist does it out of love and trust towards Saya. That is definitely not something I would expect Lovecraft to ever write about.
I read it years ago so maybe I'm understating it. The Lovecraftian influence is undeniable, but I think it was an attempt at going beyond HPL's fiction. To have a different approach.
Is he based?
>"we gave vent to a simultaneous ejaculation of wonderment"
top writing
I see. I'd say that Dunwhich Horror places more of a focus on the eldritch thing as a character, at least for the first half, but he's treated more as a strange man than an otherworldly being.
Also, I really love Ane Naru Mono, but it is primarily a cute SoL with a young boy and his new outer goddess "sister". Like I said, it's main themes center around the relationship between the human (Yuu) and the inhuman (Chiyo)
>Good indicator of level of intelligence and also the fandom’s agenda.
We all have a good indicator of your stupidity now. And thank you for removing yourself from all future threads on Yea Forums
It's not Lovecraft if your father isn't a nigger.
>3.5 hours later they’re still mad
I’m glad I made that post to make sure you all had to read it before continuing to spam.
>tfw no Outsider-themed exploration game
Name fag nigger
Correct, showing everyone that you are an ignorant imbecile means you won
Did something go wrong with your filter buddy? What a shame.
On Lovecraft as a young hermit
>"Lovecraft was a bit more than a bit troubled. In 1908, at the age of 18, he was the victim of what we might describe as a "nervous breakdown", and sank into a lethargy that was to last for a dozen years. At the age when his old classmates, impatiently crossing the bridge of childhood, threw themselves into life like a marvelous adventure into the unknown, he cloistered himself in his home, did not speak to his mother, refused to get up all day, shuffling about in his dressing gown all night."
On Lovecraft's appearance as a young man
>"by the age of eighteen or twenty he had perhaps reached his full height of five feet eleven inches, and had probably developed that long, prognathous jaw which he himself in later years considered a physical defect [...] As late as February 1921 [...] Lovecraft writes to his mother of a new suit that "made me appear as nearly respectable as my face permits."
On Lovecraft's demeanor in the years of unemployment after leaving highschool
>"Clara Hess [...] wrote: "Sometimes I would see Howard when walking up Angell Street, but he would not speak and would stare ahead with his coat collar turned up and chin down." [...] [Harold W.] Munro states: "Very much an introvert, he darted about like a sleuth, hunched over, always with books or papers clutched under his arm, peering straight ahead recognizing nobody."
On Lovecraft's shame at being unemployed
>"Of my non-university education, I never cease to be ashamed; but I know, at least, that I could not have done differently. I busied myself at home with chemistry, literature, & the like [...] I shunned all human society, deeming myself too much of a failure in life to be seen socially by those who had known me in youth, & had foolishly expected such great things of me."
On Lovecraft's twenty-first birthday
>"He celebrated his twenty-first birthday - August 20, 1911 - by riding the electric trolley cars all day"
Video games would actually do the story justice since it's easier to make a First Person perspective
nah, kid, he's got fuck all on me
if he saw my work he'd shit himself
>five feet eleven inches
so thats the reason we have one of the best horor authors of all time
that is something that always bothered me you don´t heard peasants, low class people talking like that
>Game tried to be deep and insightful but fails utterly
>Slaps on Kafkaesque and Lovecraftian as themes
>Gets instant praise
On one local girl's memory of young Lovecraft
>"Howard used to go out into the fields in back of my home to study the stars. One early fall evening several of the children in the vicinity assembled to watch him from a distance. Feeling sorry for his loneliness I went up to him and asked him about his telescope and was permitted to look through it. But his language was so technical that I could not understand it and I returned to my group and left him to his lonely study of the heavens."
On Lovecraft's solitary youth
>"You will notice that I have made no reference to childish friends & playmates - I had none! The children I knew disliked me, & I disliked them. I was used to adult company & conversation, & despite the fact that I felt shamefully dull beside my elders, I had nothing in common with the infant train. Their romping & shouting puzzled me. I hated mere play & dancing about - in my relaxations I always desired *plot*"
On young Lovecraft's existential burden
>"Many times in my youth I was so exhausted by the sheer burden of consciousness & mental & physical activity that I had to drop out of school for a greater or lesser period & take a complete rest free from all responsibilities; [...] In those days I could hardly bear to see or speak to anyone, & liked to shut out the world by pulling down dark shades & using artificial light."
Lovecraft was 400 IQ CHAD
Give me a game where I can name my cat niggerman
but was it any good guys ?
Unironically WoW
>"He celebrated his twenty-first birthday - August 20, 1911 - by riding the electric trolley cars all day"
I don't know how to feel about this
> Feeling sorry for his loneliness I went up to him and asked him about his telescope and was permitted to look through it. But his language was so technical that I could not understand it and I returned to my group and left him to his lonely study of the heavens.
On Sonia's reaction to Lovecraft helping to edit and refine her short story
>"His continued enthusiasm the next day was so genuine and sincere that in appreciation I surprised and shocked him right then and there by kissing him. He was so flustered that he blushed, then he turned pale. When I chaffed him about it he said he had not been kissed since he was a very small child and that he was never kissed by any woman [...] and that he would probably never be kissed again. (But I fooled him)."
On Sonia and Lovecraft's relationship
>"Sonia seems to have understood Lovecraft very well, his frigidity, his inhibition, his denial and his disgust for life. As for him, who considered himself an old man at thirty, one is still surprised that he could envisage union with this dynamic, vivacious creature. A divorced jewess, what’s more; which, for a conservative antisemite like him would seem to constitute an insurmountable obstacle. [...] But it is perhaps the most unlikely explanation that seems the best: Lovecraft really seems to have, in a certain manner, loved Sonia, as Sonia loved him."
On Lovecraft's sexual relations with his wife
>"We learn [...] that: first, he was a virgin at the time he married; second, prior to his marriage he had read several books on sex; and third, he never initiated sexual relations, but would respond when Sonia did so. [...] Sonia herself has only two comments on the matter. 'As a married man he was an adequately excellent lover, but refused to show his feelings in the presence of others. [...] One way of expression of H.P.'s sentiment was to wrap his "pinkey" finger around mine and say "Umph!""
I had a cat as child called sambo
cant tell if bot that replies to every lovecraft thread or just gay man
I think there were at least 3 jews in the magazine circles that lusted for his cock. It is real weird because his claim to fame was mechanical grasp of writing allowing him to fix texts of others and will to push himself in the upper echelons of the amateur pulp circles. I guess it doesn't matter if you the king of the trash heap as long as you are the king.
>On Lovecraft's sexual relations with his wife
>>"We learn [...] that: first, he was a virgin at the time he married; second, prior to his marriage he had read several books on sex; and third, he never initiated sexual relations, but would respond when Sonia did so. [...] Sonia herself has only two comments on the matter. 'As a married man he was an adequately excellent lover, but refused to show his feelings in the presence of others. [...] One way of expression of H.P.'s sentiment was to wrap his "pinkey" finger around mine and say "Umph!""
It was t.time for witchcraft and satanic dark shit
This sounds like an anime villains backstory.
Rats in the Walls Survival Horror featuring Niggerman when?
>listen to the audio book of the Moonbog when I can't fall asleep
>sleep like a baby every time
as a few people here have mentioned already while his monstrous pantheon is what is draws people in his Dream cycles are really excellent and have many great themes that would lift up a setting for a game.
It's unironically, a beautiful poem despite being so hilarously racist.
>In Jove's fair image Man
>Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
Beautiful wording
Lovecraft was creative but his actual writing is pretty shit.
Poo-brains continue with their poo-brain ways.
Actually, are there any point and click Lovecraftian games?
I don't know.
not that I know of, but there's VNs
I know that. Pretty much a classic at this point.
Should I get it on Steam?
>and that’s the fate that awaits everyone who seeks shelter in racism to try to find the truth in their world
Dude most people back in the day were somewhat racist, most people today are racist on an istinctual level but they hide it either for convienence or virtue signaling
And that's a good thing!
I wonder what Lovecraft would think of all the Japs who love him
We still discuss him from time to time to this day. So it seems like he was at least somewhat good.
a mix of feeling flattered, fascinated and horrified probably
>past=oogabooga, present=smart
This is what zoomers actually believe
inb4 vice versa
PS: it’s as much as a fallacy
Lovecraftian game
>recreates Innsmouth like it's Hoth
>fish people everywhere
>giant cthulhu that you shoot to death
>everyone is a hardened soldier with years of military experience
>protagonist goes insane and kills himself
Lovecraftian book
>protagonist is a loser that follows around a much smarter, braver, cooler guy who eventually dies off screen
>maybe he reads a book too hard and faints
>never actually sees the horrors himself but decides he doesn't like going outside anymore
>writes a rambling paragraph about how the world is confusing and fuck minorities
*as much of
Probably doesn't care that much, his hatred of minorities and delusions were somewhat lessened at his later years in life
Not sure what he thought of Asians compared to black people. I recall him hating New York because of all of the immigrants.
Japs don’t care about lovecraft either. They consider most western writers shit.
There is a ton of locations, races and gods in his books and they always use the shittiest ones. Ancient Earth, Antarctic, Egypt, several other "normal" cities with other shit going on, etc, that's only self-contained locations and not just some trip to the bumfuck to meet monster of the story, there is tons of those too.
>“Wherever superior races have absorbed large doses of inferior blood, the results have been tragic. Egypt is one case – and India presents a still more loathsome extreme. The Aryans in India were too late in establishing their color-based caste system, so that today the culture of the Hindu is probably the most thoroughly repulsive on our planet. The more one learns about India, the more one wants to vomit. Aside from a few professional minds, the Indian people represent such an abyss of degeneracy that extirpation & fumigation would seem to be about the only way to make Hindoostan [India] fit for decent people to inhabit.”
Best and longest of his stories are nothing like that though. Yeah protags go nuts at the end usually but before that it's a fairly smooth ride with tons of weird things, not just "too scary to describe".
Shut up triptard.
Stay mad pleb
My favorite Jap artist/writer likes him, and that's fine for me.
>having no sources
Like clockwork and please neck yourself
They only like western people when they’re trying to sell something to them. In speaking to other japs they would never cite a westerner as inspiration (and not out of cultural taboo, but because it’s the truth).
He was based But Tolkien stole his thunder
>Yeah protags go nuts at the end usually
They usually don't. Maybe they're a little unhinged, but you can count the stories where the protagonist permanently loses their mind or commits suicide on one hand. The protagonist faints in 2/3rds of his stories though, to the point where Harry Houdini chewed Lovecraft out for writing a story in which Houdini faints. And very few of his stories have a confrontation with a big monster the video games love. It's very fitting for game mechanics of course, but Lovecraft lends himself better to a slower detective type game.
The director od that movie 'Annihilation' had a good take on him.
>I know of the term “weird fiction.” I’ve actually never read any Lovecraft so I can’t talk with any authority about it. The thing with Lovecraft, it’s interesting… he’s like Conrad, you know? Heart of Darkness. Where, even if you don’t know the source material, you’ve probably encountered it somewhere else. I think Lovecraft is like that. He obviously casts a very long shadow. So you encounter his influence whether you read his stuff or not.
Fish people are so fucking boring, how am I supposed to be scared of something I catch on a daily basis.
>giving attention to an attention whoring tripfag
what is wrong with you guys?
I feel like Lovecraft truly shined when he wrote short, self contained stories.
Shorts like "The Thing in the Moonlight" and "The Shunned House" would make for great episodic content for a horror anthology vidya. And the man wrote a lot of short stories, so there would be no shortage of material to draw from.
Yeah by nuts I didn't mean immediate mental collapse but visibly disturbed by the experience with no signs of ever getting better and all signs of only getting worse.
They won't fit an actiony vidya but most of horrors these days do just fine without fighting a lot, sometimes at all.
Anyway there is not enough material to even worry about "doing the books justice", everything based on lovecraft is heavy fanfiction, depiction of innsmouth has only some very basic stuff being what lovecraft wrote and the rest is OC do not steal. They could add a tentacle demon at the end if they think it would be better, I don't care, just stop raping dagons corpse, not a single lovecraft story has this much content to justify so many media being made upon it. Just do something else already.
>never read Lovecraft but here’s my take on his influence
Typical Lovecraft fan. Lovecraft is a meme and it’s just the anglo version of Kafkaesque which is also misinterpreted and overblown.
>"Lovecraft" game
>no mentions of dreams
They asked him about Lovecraft because Annihilation has a similar concept to Color out of Space
>Mountains of Madness videogame
Would be amazing.
Why are there no games set in Antarctica or any sub-Antarctic Isles?
Really funny how The sinking city just puts insmouthers and EOD in front of you like its no big deal, when in the book they are a horror worthy of nukes.
Main problem is that games usp is choice and Lovecrafts thing is pretty much that nothing you do will matter. With that taken out its just fish people, cultists and spoopy artifacts left - a default theme that can be applied to any game.
A Lovecraftian game would need to be disguised as a game where you first have agency, but the more you play the less you can do and eventually you cant even start it in fear of it corrupting your PC
Look for "darkness within vin pursuit of loath nolder" on steam. I haven't finished yet, but it has some real good and spooky lovecraft themes
Hey guys I’m a shitskin but I’ll get into the imaginary ethno state if I play along, right?
>Hurr anglo buzz buzz buzzword
Shut the fuck up nigger you have no past or the future you are a genetic dead end only spared by your masters as a virtuous pet
>mfw the lovecraft quest in Fallout 4
This. Lovecraft had an extraordinary talent for painting vivid scenes with very few words.
The giant statue in the water filled hole did creep me out a bit, but massive underwater structures creep me out regardless
What deity is this?
Wrong thread?
The one that sucks america's welfare away.
>Sunless Sea.
Trams are cool
I’ll take your word for it anglo. Your people are experts on being genetic dead ends after all.
>the horror
>the madness
>the unspeakable ancient being
yeah no, lovecraft magic was in letting the readed imagine what the monsters were, which means no one has a good idea of how other monsters would look aside from fish people
This indeed Its like he says Im a cancerous self righteous cunt Plebbit
Yeah we know a lot about genetic dead ends as we were the pioneers of genetics and evolution and the very computers and internet and language you are using ape
Just wait when you find out who’s language you’re actually using. You’re the black twitter lingo of languages.
give me 2 better horror writers that are not poe
I think a Lovecraft-inspired ARPG would be fun. Bloodborne kind of did that with Arcane tools, but only the Auger of Ebrietas and A Call Beyond felt "outwordly" enough.
the nigga liked fish
Dostoevsky and Evola
Lovecraft inspired action game is trashing the best parts of Lovecraft and retaining only the worst ones.
Play bloodborne.
Who cares languages are always changing and influencing each other its the people who speak it that matters but nice cope I know what you are trying to do nice deflection
You're pretty cool for a tripfag, user.
I’m not deflecting anything. This is the topic you brought up (languages). Just because you fail to observe these things doesn’t mean they’re not part of the subject. Some would call that a deflection.
What a based guy naming his cat nigger-man.
No I brought up several topics that you chose to ignore and you completely missed the point anyway and tried to go down a linguistic path lol
Mountains of madness game
You are a 19th century scientist tasked with exploring the innermost regions of the antarctica, opening sequence is you and your partners making you way past the last few hundred meters of this huge mountain range until you reach a valley summit and see the gigantic city in front of you
Enormous maze like city with a shit ton of content to explore
Internal clock, 1 hour into exploring, the elder things trapped under the ice wake up
1:30 and they raid your base camp
2 hours in they start looking for you inside the city
3 hours in the shoggoths start appearing
Oh... oh gibbering insanity wrought in flesh as though an artist had sculpted it! Created from nothing by their mistress Xel'lotath, a canvas as grotesque as any! Their bodies made no sense - no heads, no organs - an empty husk devoid of the trappings of nature... But it walked... it sang... it shrieked!!! A mockery of reason, both natural and mental! A blasphemy from beyond the Veil!!! The veil has opened!! And we should NOT see beyond! We... we weren't meant to... never, ever meant to... Oh, give us the blessing of ignorance, the happiness of oblivion... Innocence can only be tainted, never returned!
Thomas Ligotti
Apply that idea from that one point to the rest now, my child. You’re standing on the shoulders of giants. You’re just an eety bitty thing.
I know about the themes and stuff, but I would just like a game where you control some abomination. Something like Prototype.
Maybe for a non Russian.
Settle down newton this is a video games board. I never said I was special nor am I the one with the trip. I think I racially abused and then you and went down some coping path of nonsense. Nigger read his first book and thinks hes harold fucking bloom you are trying too hard mate its looking a little contrived
Sure thing m8y. But we all know why you’re really upset.
And, I can assume that 99% of everyone here has never read Lovecraft (myself included).
I don't understand why this commie author has gotten so much attention on the internet.
You’ve given up ey no more combacks?
It has been 6 hours of you monitoring this thread replying instantly to every reply.
Let that sink in.
If I wanted my cum back I would’ve wiped it off ur mum’s face
And what do you do that’s better? Check Instagram and Facebook? Gayyyyy.
>a game where you control some abomination
Oh yeah, I have a huge craving for game where you control anything non-humanoid. Right now that I'm aware of there's Carrion, where you control a massive meat monster and looks really fucking cool and a stealth game called Paradise Lost: First Contact where you control a shapeshifting alien but seems to be on dev hell since 2013 or something. There's also Darkborn, where you control a monster against humans, but that's more humanoid and less weird fucking thing. I wish they made another Prototype game and went fucking nuts with the transformations.
Mum jokes ebin browny
Go try some and find out, his stuff is public property.
Stay rekt central asian gypsy
Getting mad about white people all the time isn't doing you any favors. Pretending other races aren't just as racist makes you look disingenuous.
>various exotic and forbidden locations to piece together ancient lore
>it's just bunch of caves and ruins, like it's Skyrim or something.
If I remember right Leng is in the dreamworld along with all the other fantastically named places, isn't it?
You are still brown you know
damn that was some good bait
Everyone has base instincts they must learn to overcome. That’s what the buddhas, greek academics, the mesopotamian messiahs, the egyptian hierophants, and chinese philosophers all said.
I really wish Spore did better and had more options.
Or there was a game where you designed some eldritch monster to go around galaxies and eat dreams or planets or whatever
Also forgot my favourites: medieval alchemists
anyone wants some ve̶̬͔r̬͍̜̟͔̼y̤̺̘͕̟̗͟ ̥͢y̡͖͇̱u͟ṃ̷m̧̙̘̥̟y͇̮͜!̮̜̮͍ gamer food?
Uh something that isn't calling people no-life, incel, bigoted anglos left and right for 6 hours straight.
There's a not so subtle layer of irony in this whole matter too if you think about it.
Hopefully never.
Lovecraft was THIS based?
>Eldritch gf tries to make you gamer food
>Produces this
Would you eat it?
Welcome to Yea Forums buddy.
and then Jack saw this thing and he went totally crazy you guys
do not open you guys or you will go totally insane
Ok, this is kino.
based. fuck niggers
>it's not really reflected in his work at all
"how spooky would it be if we had sex with the race of the underwater fish people" is pretty overt as far as racist themes go. The punchline of Shadow over Innsmouth is basically the main character realizing that he's half-nigger. The racism a central theme in Lovecraft's work.
As my gaze met the baleful shadow, my mind was seized by utter horror. Not even in my most vivid nightmares have I perceived such a... THING. Last thing I remember was running and screaming, for how long I don't recall. I'll spend the rest of my days in this padded cell. Also niggers.
>ctrl-f " SupaHotFireIsNotAllowed"
>56 results
holy shit absolutely seething niggerman
Wallace placed the ancient tome on his desk and loosened the heavy binding that had sealed it shut. It was an remarkable object, an accursed grimoire lost to the ages. Its velum pages like decaying flesh, full of the foulest abominations "wch 2hu wud u fuk" scrawled in an illiterate hand. Entire volumes of shitposts. Slowly, madness began to consume him.
>Giving attention to some nigger tripfag lmao