Could ike dual weild alondite and ragnell,and if so why didnt he do such a thing?
T.Fire emblem lorelet
Could ike dual weild alondite and ragnell,and if so why didnt he do such a thing?
might have more luck over ,buddy
you can't dual wield in this game
>caring about pre-awakening fire emblem
Even if you could dual wield, Alondite and Ragnel have pretty high weight, your AS would be shit
2 swords would be 2 hits still
He probably could but he trained his whole life with a single sword style. Hed be gimping himself trying to use both. Plus he only had ragnell for a brief stint in the tower and the fucked off. It’s not his so he wouldn’t have taken it.
/feg/ is the single worst place to discuss FE, especially the games before Awakening
>not just fusing them together at the hilt to balance it and make a sick blessed twinblade
How is not dual wielding a plot hole? Dual wielding isn't a real thing outside of using a parrying dagger in duels
I mean alondite, whoops
Dual wielding is highly impractical, and it's not a thing in fire emblem
He has no weapon proficiency in dual swords.
>muh realism
>in a game eith dragons,and beast men and magick
>Could he?
Yeah absolutely. They might be heavy but that's no problem for Ike.
>Why didn't he?
Because that's not how he fights and at the time of getting Alondite it makes more sense to have as many people on your side with superstrong blessed weapons rather than have one guy use two.
That's originally how they were used, but Ike just doesn't fight with a dual wielding style and he's not about to start.
Because in-game mechanics don't allow for dual-wielding
Because dual wielding is fucking retarded
>aether with a twinblade
damn, imagine how strong she was
Sounds like Ike needs to get even buffer.